St. Valentine’s Day Traced To Old Roman Custom Dating To 270 A. D During Revolutionary War First Flurry Appeared In U. S. By STAFF WRITER Saints and sinners alike have helped Dan Cupid to weave a web of romantic customs and historical controversy around the origin of St. Valentine’s Day. ^ The “romantic customs” are of particular interest, since 1952 is Leap Year — when the rules of courtship can be side-tracked with out notice. The “historical contro versy” rages over these three ques tions: 1. Who was the original St. Val entine? 2. Why was February 14 When you think of prescrip tions, think of VARNER’S—adv. CO-ED THEATRE TODAY & FRIDAY Starring Dane Clark and Ben Johnson Saturday ...with the steel* fisted skipper of a jinx ship! Sun. & Mon. * ★ ★ ★ ★ 8* STAR, MUST'SEE MUSICAL SPREE! o oo noOQQOOa ''o^TSSoTooo^^ •tarring TONY MARTIN • JANET LEIfiH IlMIA BtNAVEN • EBIIE IRACREN ANN MILLER wMilirfanUwrMCi'MI CMJIY'TInCMlUYUi Tuesday & Wed. horizon productions present “WHEN I GROW A-rnm-m Rolowod through Eoglo Uol —Also— TWO CARTOONS Now In Japan SGT. RAY S. OWEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burlin Owen, of Lake Toxaway, has been returned to Japan after eight months of duty in Korea. Sgt. Owen has been in the Marine corps for four years and now serves with the First Marine air wing. chosen as St. Valentine’s Day? 3. i Ilow did the Valentine custom j come to America? Apparently, St. Valentine’s Day | has always been considered the best I time for sweethearts to “pop the1 question.” Nevertheless, millions of Valentines are exchanged each year between friends and relatives, as well as those for sweethearts, wives, and husbands. Like a sensitive barometer, their colorful designs and sentimental verses record the nation’s roman tic temperature and its degree of friendliness. Yet, comparatively lit tle is known about how this quaint old custom began. Most scholars agree that St. Val entine’s Day was named for a young priest who refused to accept the traditional gods of Rome. But sev en different Valentines are listed in the Calendar of Saints. So some spoilsports will probably say. “It was really six other guys!” According to the experts, how ever, St. Valentine was jailed for his faith in Christianity. There he cured the keeper’s daughter of blindness, but was beheaded soon afterwards. Following the execu tion on February 14, 270 A. D., it was learned he had thoughtfully written a letter to console the lit tle girl, signed “From Your Val entine.” This act of kindness fired the imagination of people everywhere. Tokens of friendship, which neither implied nor encouraged a fluttery heart, were still exchanged on St. Valentines’ Day more than 1,000 years later, when diminutive Dan Cupid finally took over. Actually, the Romans had lavish ly celebrated this date several cen turies earlier, as the pagan Feast of Lupercalia. The ceremony itself blossomed from a pseudo-scientific belief that the birds of Italy began J mating on February 14. As the years passed, this willy nilly approach to romance was bit terly opposed by church authorities --who wanted to substitute the name of a guardian saint for these impetuous young people. Despite the wisdom of this alternative, it was never as popular as taking a j chance on love. So the pagan Love I Festival continued to flourish. It was during Revolutionary war I days that the first flurry of Valen tines broke out in America. Records show, however, that sweethearts had been exchanging Valentines for over 300 years by then. It took a Frenchman, naturally, to get the ball rolling. According to the British Museum, where it is now on display, the oldest Sweet heart Valentine existing was de signed by the Duke of Orleans in 1415. Imprisoned in the Tower of London after the battle of Agin Clemson THEATRE Friday & Sat. he theI phantom ,a ing until 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. ROSMAN Hogsed Motor company from 10 until 12 o’clock. PISGAH FOREST Pisgah Forest school house from 10 until 12 o’clock. PENROSE Penrose school house from 1:30 in the afternoon until 3:00 o’clock. In addition to making the bicycle* *afer for night riding with “Scotchmen the legionnaires will also register all bicycles in the town and county by name, serial number, make, etc., and these records will prove very valuable when bikes are stolen. Boys and girls bring ing their bikes on Saturday for the “Scotchlite” are urged to have them thoroughly clean . . . it’s silver tape for the front ... red for the rear ... and all FREE! THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY Ecusta Paper Corporation SUBSIDIARY OF OLIN INDUSTRIES, INC. _:_ /