, i» “ " . "n — From A Reporter’s Notebook By FRANCES WALKER With graduation over at the high school and pending next week end at Brevard college, there’s an air of excitement in the thought of receiving that sheepskin for hours of classwork and home work. This county will he well represented in college graduating classes as well. I haven’t heard who the graduating men are, but we have some girls finishing who have made com mendable records. Ruth Gaines and Carolyn Kizer are both mem bers of the graduating class at the University of North Carolina j and both are going into the teach ing field. They have made excel lent records, as has Sarah McMa han, of Raleigh, formerly of Bre vard, who is finishing Monday at Queens college in Charlotte. And at Columbia, Mo., Harriet Patter son is graduating from Stephens (junior college), and her parents are going out this week for all the festivities at this ultra-mod ern, progressive school. Taking precedence over gradua tion in many homes is polities! How hot the races get the week before election! In many families the mem bers are split on their candidate selection, because party can be the same and opinions differ during the primary. The result of some vig orous campaigning on the part of several will mean a large vote, which is preferable. The chairman ! of the board of elections even saw j fit to have extra ballots printed be-1 cause of the expected large vote.! It’s funny how politicians operate and the results they do or do not get. Going around talking to their friends is one of the best methods of politicking, and I can’t help but | make some comparisons of candi dates outside this county. Dale Thrash has done more active work here in this county for himself. He’s been in our office several times while working in Brevard but I don’t recall having met either George Shuford or Frank Parker, who are running against him. In the gubernatorial race Bill Umstead spent a day visiting in Brevard, and no doubt, Hubert Olive has been here but I haven’t met him. This doesn’t necessarily indicate I'm voting for the men just be cause of some handshaking, but that handshake is never underesti mated when it comes to politick ing. Let me urge you to vote Sat urday; you are merely exercising a privilege of democracy. Received a letter from Myrtle (Mrs. E. D.) Trull last week along with a check to renew their subscription. The Trulls left Brevard for Norwood, Pa., where they are now making their home. 1 was amused at her notation which said, “I look forward to getting that paper as much as I do my husband’s pay check. Ha!” Mrs. Trull indicated that she hoped that they would soon be moving back to Transylvania county. That’s the way it is; ev erybody who leaves gets home sick for these beautiful moun tains and fine people. The male species is continually baffled by the clothing and ap pearance of the female—evidently from a very early age. I had bought a white sports blouse made of ter ry cloth with jersey ribbing around the neck, sleeves and waist. Last week after paying a visit to the of CITY-WIDE BARGAIN DAYS FRIDAY pL SATURDAY MAY 30 tO MAY 31 HENDERSONVILLE CITY-WIDE Silver Dollars. Register at your fa vorite store. Nothing to purchase necessary. Friday Night Stores Open Until 9 Stores Loaded for the Event! Genuine bargains—stocks must move Friday and Saturday, 30th and 31st. Hendersonville Merchants Div. Chamber of Commerce STRETCH four DOLLARS Jonas Bridges Is Promoted To Cpl. At Fort Jackson WITH THE 8TH INFANTRY D1V., FORT JACKSON, S. C.-^Io nas R. Bridges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridges, of Boiling Springs, recently received orders promoting him to the grade of corporal at Fort Jackson, S. C. The promotion was in recognition of Corporal Bridges’ outstanding performance of his assigned duties as chief of the radio-TV section of the Eighth Infantry division’s pub lic information office. * A 1948 graduate of Boiling Springs high school, Corporal Bridges attended Gardner-Webb college for two years. Prior to en tering the military service in March of last year, at Charlotte, he was employed at radio station WPNF as announcer. fice on a day I was wearing it, \Vz year old Michael Driscoll said to his 6-year-old sister, “Sis, how would you like to have a wash rag shirt like Frances’?” But that’s not all . . . there’s the insult about my pony tail. For months I’ve been letting my hair grow from very short to sort of longish, at least long enough to tie back in a pony tail. I walk briskly in to work one morning and Ira Armfield wants to know what hap pened to my hair. I explain. About five minutes later, evidently after some cogitation, Ira says, “Frances, did you say that hair style is called a mule tail?” Certainly not. “Well, whatever it is, it’s freakish.” Now, how would men like it if we dressed and wore our hair in the same ole hum-drum way that they do. We just wouldn’t be wom en, that’s all. The Times Arcade has always been such a bottleneck for traf fic because it’s too narrow to be anything but a one-way street. It’s tough on truck drivers, too, believe you me. They have to come in to deliver to many stores which border in the vicinity. Now the town has put up a sign indi cating they must not go out on the Jordan street side. I guess they’re just experimenting to see if that will help the problem or add to it. Anyway, several of us were discussing it the other day when a big truck was struggling to turn around in front of here, and a young mother hastened to tell me what her three-year-old said about the Blue Ridge van. Watching it with interest one day, the child said in astonish ment, “Mommie, how in the world do they ever get around the corners?” FISH HOOK DOES ITS STUFF A firm believer in using some thing that's proved its worth is Murray Conaway, of Memphis, Tenn. He found a hook inside a fish he was cleaning and since has caught nine bass with the hook. HEAR DEWEY BURTON CANDIDATE FOR County Commissioner May 31 Democratic Primary OVER STATION WPNF Thursday, 7:15 P. M. Vote for Freeman Hayes, Dewey Burton and George T. Perkins for County Commission- | ers. (Paid Political Advertisement) V TRUE SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY IS OUR RULE FOR COURTESY “When you shop Dixie-Home—you have your best shopping habit as your best dol lar-stretcher! For GREATER SAVINGS-v for BETTER VALUES—shop Dixie-Homel’/ Economical Family Size—White House ^ Apple Jelly ... W Jim Dandy Enriched Grits.l»« 17° Self-Rising Flour Rose Royal... Z 80c Standard Pack Green Beans. 2 HL2. 25c For Economical Salad, Croquettes, Casseroles—Eatwell Grated Tuna Fish.£ 21* Buy Several Jars At This Low Price! Dixie-Home Quality^ Salad Dressing .. r 19* Four Beautifully Decorated Glasses FREE With\ Dixie-Home Tea.. z98c Buy A Suppy For Picnic Use At This Low Price! Playmates Mixed Sweet Pickles... r 19C Stock Your Shelves And Save! An Exceptional Value! Stokely’s Finest Honey Pod Peas 2 33* . Dressed and Drawn Tender Young 4 to 6 Lb. TURKEYS A Real Taste Treat! Surprise your family with this delightful change ■ ■ In menu — at this delightfully low LD. price! Dressed Meaty Tender Domestic Rabbits .. 59c PORK CUTLETS ,l 83< Economical Boston Butt Pork Roast..... b 49® Pinky Pig Pure (Mild or Hot) Pork Sausage.£ 49® Our Chef Suggests! CHICKEN SALAD 8““'59< Luscious Fruit Cocktail Salad.Z 25® Enjoy The Rich Grape Flavor of Welch’s' Grapelade."'T 25® j Dixie-Home Quality Yellow Cling Peaches.V 29c Start The Day With Crisp Kellogg’s Corn Flakes.\Z 16c . Dixie-Home Quality Creamy-Smooth Peanut Butter... 32c ! For Extra Eye-Appeal And Flavor—Georgia Red Pimientos.4°; 13c i Libby's Canned 3Meats! Makes Delicious Sandwiches—Libby’s Potted Meat.£ 10c Libby’s Tender All Meat Vienna Sausage.Si 21c Libby’s Flavorful Veal Loaf.’£ 43c { Good Hot Or Cold—Libby’s j Corned Beef.... HL' 48c Libby’s Tasty All-Ham Spread Deviled Ham.L 17® Red Label 8yrup KARO Marshmallows C'.MPFIRE Lb Pkg. 31 ® Libby’s Nutritious BABY FOOD 3 ja» 29c Cloverleaf Dry SKIM MILK / Oz Pkg 1 Tender Milk-Rich Kernels! Fancy Golden BANTAM CORN Serve a platterful drenched in but ter and watch it disappear! At this low price, better buy enough for sec ond helpings! Large Size Juicy Calif. Sunkist Lemons... d» Crunchy Golden Heart Celery . 2 *— Fr©6h Green Spring Onions. 2 .1 45® 25® 25c Fancy Florida Cucumbers 2 - 27° Fresh Green Small Lima Beans 2 - 35c I Golden Ripe Bananas 2 - 25c A Low Price For This Great Favorite! Fancy Tender Green Beans mmm2 - 25® Insecticide With 5% DDT FLIT 29' Pop Corn Confection CRACKER JACK Pkfl. 5® Facial Soap WOODBURY 23° Facial Size Toilet Soap WOODBURY 2 Bath Size 23^* Mild Pure SWAN SOAP 0 Med. Size 23^ Med. Size Toilet Soap SWAN SOAP 0 Lge. Size 38^ Lge. Size For Family Wash SURF Lg«. Pkg. 29^ Granulated Soap SILVER DUST Lg«. Pkg. 29® Homogenized Shortening SPRY 3-Lb. Can Q3^ Argo Gloss STARCH 12-01. Plcg. j Household Cleanser OLD DUTCH - 12* Staley's Liquid Starch STA-FLO « 21* MUM