From A Reporter’s Notebook By FRANCES WALKER The new cars are out, just in time for Santa to wrap up one of them in cellophane and put underneath the tree. First (here that is) was the Dodge, then the Plymouth, last Saturday the Pon tiac and this week end the Ford. This sounds a little unlikely that Santa could manage, even with his magical powers, to get one under the tree. But we saw some Pontiacs down at Goodwill last Saturday which would delight any small boy. They have a table to which are attached small mod el Pontiacs showing the various colors and color-combinations available for the cars. Knowing how they would delight the youngster, the management had keen enough vision to see that they are firmly fastened. La9t Wednesday night marked a “first” in North Carolina among the League of Women Voters. A meeting of 76 new members was held in Brevard to form a League locally. Although it must remain a provisional league under the by laws of the organization for at least a year, it is a first in that there is no League in the state in so small a town as Brevard. Chapel Hill is the next smallest town with a group there, and others are found only in the cities, such as Asheville, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Fayetteville, etc. There is much work to be done if the new League “baby” here is to function as one should, but we have faith in it provided the members work to* WHfiSS* gether for the good of the whole. John Nuveen, when he was chief of the ECA mission to Greece said, “A little group of League of Wom en Voters can do more to improve the world than a group of cabinet ministers to Europe.” During the past decade there have developed some new indus tries that have placed themselves as much at home on the Ameri can scene as hot dogs and cokes. One we have in mind is the pock etbooks. It doesn’t seem like very long ago that there were no such things. Today literally millions of them are published and sold at a great demand, some first edi tions and others reprints of the popular fiction and non-fietion. One of the largest of these pub lishers is Bantam Books, Inc., which has a list of thousands of different stories to choose from. We could not help but be im pressed when we received a free copy of a recent edition of “50 Great Short Stories” along with a list of available books and the invitation to order any others we would like. Of course their mo tive is publicity, because the more people read and talk about Bantam books the more they’ll buy. But this is smart publicity, and probably one of the reasons pocketbooks have risen in the ranks so fast in the past few years. They serve a wonderful purpose in that they make avail able to everyone the best books at a cheap priee. We’ve heard of groups forming into exchange clubs, especially the mystery fans. When they finish reading a pocketbook they are through with it, thus are anxious to ex change with a fellow club mem ber. It’s close enough to Christmas for the children’s excitement to be very much on the increase. In fact, Christmas is only two weeks from today. We were talking with a cou ple of school teachers this week and were amused at their observa tions. One teaches the primary age children, whom she said were so excited they were almost impossi ble to handle. The other a high school teacher said she was thank ful not to have to worry about her students’ excitement at Christmas; it-was not too disturbing. “All we have to worry about is spring,” she commented, “and there’s just nothing you can do with them then.” Next Tuesday night the Bre vard Little Theatre is having try outs for a play to be given next year sometime. Let’s hope there will be lots of new faces. That’s one reason this organization has shown such splendid growth. Each time a production is given there are new people interested in both acting and technical de partments. One doesn’t have to have a talent to be a great addi tion to Brevard Little Theatre. Some energy and a strong back are two of the greatest requisites. That’s especially true when it comes to the staging committees, the building of a set, securing properties, lighting, etc. The se lected play for the next produc tion is the famed “Laura.” Every one remembers either seeing or hearing about Gene Tierney in the movie “Laura” a few years back. It was nothing short of a sensation. Wouldn’t it be grand to have a good snow for Christmas? When inimi '/'Meat COOKERS SAVE MONEY on your Food Bills!\ COPPER BONDED STAINLESS STEEL *P/t£4& COOKER 4-qt. “Cook-Master” (Illustrated) CAST MODELS Designed to moke matching sets: 6-qt. “Meat-Master” 4-qt. “Co$k-Master” 3-qt. “Vege-Master”® (illustrated) / The ”Fry-Master” Treats, coo/cet/Ss? a... COOKER tnow