SPORT C PAGE 3 Edited By John I. Anderson ... ■■■ |S| Rambling With The | Sports Editor DOING WELL ... Gil Coan, while he isn’t playing sensational baseball, is doing okay this year with the Baltimore Orioles. So far this season, that is, up until the beginning of this week, Gil was hit ting .291, which is one of the highest averages on the Baltimore squad. In fact, there aren’t too many ball players in the American league with a better average, and Gil also has his share of RBIs. HONOR DAIL . . . The Monday Morning quarterbacks around town, and don’t pin us down on who the quarterbacks are, honored Coach D. G. Dail with a supper Tuesday night in Gaither’s Rhododendron room. Coach Marshall Teague was to have been one of the honored guests ■with Dail, but he was out of town. Appropriate tributes were paid to Coach Dail, who has done much for football in Brevard. While his teams were not always the best in the conference, they were well train ed, excellently conditioned clubs, which drew good crowds. The spirit of Dail’s teams was tops and good sportsmanship was a by-word with liim. Coach Dail gave Brevard its first and only Blue Ridge conference (championship, and he leaves Brevard with the good wishes of everyone. The Monday Morning quarterbacks were quick to tell him Tuesday flight that while they were highly critical of the action of the Blue Devils in several games over the years that they, the quarterbacks, couldn’t have done half as good a job as Dail did, and they thanked him profusely for the fine work he did in making men out of boys. TRANSYLVANIA BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE MEETS The Transylvania district Scout committee will meet Friday night at the office of Duke Power com pany here, Charles Dunlop, the chairman, announces. Meeting time is 7:30 o’clock, and Mr. Dunlop urges all committee members, Scoutmasters and others interested in the scouting move ment to attend. CAMPOREE HELD The annual camporee of the Transylvania district was held last week end at Johns Rock camp in Pisgah National Forest with some 75 Scouts participating in the event. Ranger Ted Seely, camping chair man in the country, reports that the event was cut short Saturday morning because of the heavy rains. The ranger also reports that Troop 1 held a successful pre-cam poree at Johns Rock, with four reg “A Man Called Peter” shows Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at the Co-Ed Theatre. ular patrols and one provisional pa trol attending. DISTRICT COURT OF HONOR The May Court of Honor for the Transylvania district, Daniel Boone Council Boy Scouts of America, was held Thursday evening, May 39, at Turkey Creek Baptist church with Troop 9 as host troop. Because of the smallness of the crowd, for malities were dispensed with. Investiture of Tenderfoot Scouts was conducted by Bob Garner, field executive of the Daniel Boone council. Those included were Ar thur Owen, Jr., and Morris A. Crowe, of Troop 9, Turkey Creek, and Mickey Davis, of Troop 14, Dunn’s Rock. There was some discussion as to the advisability of skipping one court of honor during the summer months and it is probable that there will be none during the month of July, although no final decision was reached. The next court of honor will be held at Dunn’s Rock Community Center at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, June THIS SIZE AD IN The TIMES CAN PUCE YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE MORE THAN 2,800 FAMILIES AT A COST OF $9.00' Postcards sent to 2,800 families would mean an expenditure of $56.00 for the postal cards alone. On top of this would be the cost of printing and addressing. Your newspaper reaches more peo ple at less cost than any other form of advertise ing. Get more for your advertising investment in THE TIMES •This price is based on the retail rate schedule. To Continue Blind Bogey Tournaments At The Club LOCAL BOXERS TO MEET BAKERSVILLE Card Is Being Arranged Foi June 11th. Carl Chastain Will Fight The Brevard Boxing club has slated a match with a group of fighters from in and around Bakers ville, it is announced today. The exhibition will be held on Saturday night, June 11, with the boxing club and the American Le gion sponsoring. Proceeds will go to benefit the Boy Scout drive in Transylvania county. Carl Chastain, Brevard’s profes sional lightweight contender, will fight the feature event of the eve ning, and his opponent will be a Charlotte pro, who is one of the few boxers who has previously scored a victory over Chastain. 16th. All troops are urged to be represented. LEADERS TRAINING COURSE The fourth session of the Scout leaders training course will be held as scheduled on Wednesday eve ning at 7:00 at the Ecusta Medical Center. Subject of this session will be meetings. Previous sessions which have been fairly well attended have cov ered Boy Scouting fundamentals, organization and leadership, and program planning. W. F. Orr, chair man of the Transylvania district training committee, is conducting this series of training sessions. All Scouters are urged to attend. CUB SCOUT LEADERS The first of a series of six train ing sessions for the parents and adult leaders of Cub Scouts was held last Thursday, May 19, in the Medical Center at Ecusta and was well attended. Smith Conklin, adult trainer, urges all those interested in cub bing to attend the meeting Thurs day, May 26. Literature will be available covering the last week’s meeting so those who were not able to attend can catch up. PACK NO. 1 MEETS Cubs of Pack No. 1 will meet Thursday evening at 7 o’clock at the Brevard Methodist church. ! Duncan Hunter, the cubmaster, urges all Cubs, their parents and other interested persons to attend the monthly pack meeting Thurs day evening. Coffee Prices Are Lowest In 5 Years A nation-wide reduction of four cents a pound on its own brands of coffee was announced yesterday by A & P Food Stores. These reductions, company offi cials said, bring premium coffee prices down to the lowest point in approximately five years. Just a year ago A & P coffee was selling for as high as $1.17 per pound. The new prices per pound effec tive in all A & P stores last Mon day were Eight O’clock 75 cents, Red Circle 79 cents and Bokar 81 Winners In Last Week’s Event Are Listed. Perkins Pleased With Response In spite of a rainy week end, the first blind bogey tournament at the Brevard country club was term ed highly successful by Chairman George Perkins, Jr. Another event will be staged this week end, and prizes will be award ed in three divisions. Mr. Perkins reminds all golfers to turn in their score cards following their rounds. The blind bogey prize was won by Glenn Summey and Jack Wil bur, who had score cards of 74 each. Bob Black won the long ball prize on No. 7, and A1 Winterhal ter had the close ball on No. 6. Chairman Perkins urges all golf ers to enter the blind bogey this week end. Ecusta Bowling Banquet Thursday The annual men’s bowling ban quet of the Ecusta Paper corpora tion will be held Thursday night at Camp Straus, beginning at 7:00 o’clock. Fritz Merrell, athletic director at Ecusta, will preside over the ban quet meeting. Individual and team awards will be made, and presentations will be made by L. F. Dixon, Raymond F. Bennett, L. F. Bauer and E. B. Garrett. *—-■ " .—- * ■ - ■♦l Ecusta’s *55 WNC Baseball j Schedule 1 I —1-■ " ■■ —— - ■■ ♦ ♦Saturday, May 28 — Martel at Ecusta, 3:00. Saturday, June 4 — Ecusta at Enka, 2:30. ♦Saturday, June 11 — Beacon at Ecusta, 3:00. Saturday, June 18 — Ecusta at Canton, 3:00. •Saturday, June 25 — Hazelwood , at Ecusta, 3:00. Wednesday, June 29 — Martel at | Ecusta, 4:00. j * Saturday, July 2 — Enka a* Ecusta, 3:00. Saturday, July 9 — Ecusta at Beacon, 3:30. ♦Saturday, July 16 — Canton at Ecusta, D. H., 2:00. Wednesday, July 20 — Ecusta at Hazelwood, 4:00. Saturday, July 23 — Ecusta at Martel, 3:00. Saturday, July 30 — Ecusta at Enka, 2:30. ♦Saturday, August 6 — Beacon at Ecusta, 3:00. Saturday, August 13 — Ecusta at Canton, 3:00. Saturday, August 20 — Ecusta at Hazelwood, 3:00. D. H.—Double header. *—Home games. cents. The company’s own brand of A & P vacuum pack coffee will be reduced from 89 to 85 cents a pound. If you can’t find it in the diction ary, atlas or encyclopedia, try Varner’s Drug Store.—adv. ' WINNING FFA TEAMS of Brevard high school are pictured here. The dairy judging team, which won the Pisgah Federa tion contest, is shown above. Left to right, are: Randal J. Ly day, the advisor, Johnny Lam bert, Ed Galloway and Arnold Ray. At the left is the crop judg ing team, which also won first place in the federation, and these boys will enter the state contest in Raleigh the last part of June. On the front row are Jimmy Al lison and A. L. Moore. Left to light, back row, are: Boots Davis, Ed Galloway and Mr. Lyday. (Times Staff Photos) Legion Baseball Team Sets Game Here Saturday The Brevard American Legion baseball team will play a regular Buncombe county league game Sat urday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock on the Brevard college diamond. On the following afternoon the locals will travel to Tryon. Last week end, the Brevard games were rained out, and on V/ednesday afternoon the locals i Brevard Ends '55 Baseball Season With A 9-4 Record Brevard’s Blue Devils won the final baseball game of the season from Asheville School by the score I of 5-4 on the beautiful diamond at Camp Harry H. Straus last Wednes day afternoon. Brevard was slated to play an i other game last Thursday after f noon, which was previously rained I out, but the contest was called off. Coach Marshall Teague says he is well pleased with the comeback his team made.. After losing the first few games, Brevard ended the season with a record of nine wins and four losses, to take second place in the Blue Ridge conference In the game last Wednesday with Asheville School, relief pitcher Eddie Grant came in with the score 5 and 4, and the tying run on third base and no one out. Grant forced the first batter to ground out; fanned the second; and the third man was out on a ground er to short. Weldon English and David Cudd led the hitting attack for Brevard. English had two for three, and Cudd garnered two for four. Completing Plans To Open Little League On June 6th ECUSTA TO PLAY HERE SATURDAY Game Last Week Was Rain ed Out. Locals Travelled To Beacon Wednes. Ecusta’s WNC baseball team will take on Martel Mills here on the Harry H. Straus diamond at 3:00 o’clock Saturday afternoon, weather permitting. The game with Hazelwood last Saturday was rained out, and it will be played at a later date. On Wednesday afternoon Ecusta travelled to Beacon to make up a previously rained out game. Playing-manager Grover Frisbee cordially invites all Ecustans and the public to attend Saturday’s game. played a practice game at Enka. Carl Chastain, the playing mana ger, cordially invites the public to witness the game Saturday. Eight Teams Are Entered.. To Play On College Field. Elks Are Sponsoring The Transylvania Little League will open here on June 6th, and all indications point to a most success ful season. Eight teams are entered in the league, and the schedule of games will be released next week by Rob ert Rhyne, the commissioner. Again this year the Elks club is; sponsoring the league, and one game will be played each afternoon at 6:00 o’clock on a special field at Brevard college. Three games will be scheduled each Saturday and the hours will be 10, 2 and 4. The teams and the managers are as follows: Brevard Braves, Dink Pressley. Brevard Cardinals, Jim Winget. North Brevard, Monroe Collins. Rosman, Charles Whitmire. Pisgah Forest, Hugh Bradburn. Mills River, U. R. Bell. Etowah, Ted Davis. Forest Hills, Richard Swann. Meet your friends at Long’s drugs for the coffee break_adv. Speedy b Goodwill Motor co.<k TODAYS TOPIC IS GASOLINE, |children CAN YOU NAME ITS USES? MV BROTHER SPEEDY SAYS, % 'arm HOLDING . , LIGHTED MATCH OVER AN OPEN TANK OP IT'S GOOD BUSINESS ■Mo. "T Foe the A^//v \uNDERTAkiER1 YES. WES AMD VeS^ i BOX CHILDREN; YOU'VE MISSED ITS MOST IMPORTANT USE. rl w. 33^ REGULAR SERVICING BY THE BEST QUALIFIED PLACE IN TOWN makes Automobiles RUN PROPERLY AND at less Expense. AND THAT PLACE IS ^ GOODWILL MOTORCO.fe THEIR SERVICE IS SUPERB', a ’54 Pontiac 4-door Starchief, load ed with accessories, Tu-tone paint, new W-S tires. This car is just like new. ’54 Ford 4-door Crestline, fully equipped, W-S tires, overdrive. Driven only 12,700 miles. ’53 Mercury 4-door, Tu-tone paint, W-S tires, Mercomatic, new seat covers, low mileage, fully equipped. $1695.00 ’47 Plymouth 2-door, radio and heater, good tires. A very clean car. $395.00 ’52 Pontiac 4-door Tu-tone paint, fully equipped, good tires, one own er. $1345.00 ’53 Ford 4-door S. T. Tu-tone paint, fully equipped, new seat covers. $1395.00 ’51 Plymouth 2-door, radio, heater, good rubber, low mileage. A first class car. $745.00 '50 Studebaker 4-door Land Cruis er, fully equipped, good tires, new point, very clean. $545.00 ’53 Pontiac 4-door, fully equipped, good rubber, hydramatic, one own er. $1595.00 ’40 Chevrolet, heater, radio, runs very good and clean. $245.00 ’41 Chevrolet 2*door. This car has lots of mileage left in it. $145.00 ’50 Ford 2-door, W-S tires, very clean and thrift priced. $595.00 ’49 Packard, fully equipped, inside just like new, good rubber and the price is only $495.00 ’47 Chevrolet 2-door, new paint job, new seat covers, very clean. The low price will surprise you. If you don t find listed here the car you want, tell us about it. We have a number of others, including serviceable “f i s h i n g cars” for as little as $50.00. DRIVING SCARED Get An Expert Check-Dp and Drive With Confidence Stop worrying and wondering about those mysterious noises your car may be making. Our expert mechanics can find out what’s wrong and correct the trouble quickly. We also rebuild smashed bodies like new. GOODWILL MOTOR COMPANY ^ INC. PoritLcuc* CZu±(ayU*(AJi SALES £ SERVICE 220 SOUTH BROAD STREET—TURNER 3-3611 -BREVARD, N.C.

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