f TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. The Transylvania Times A State And National P rize- Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA-— An Industrial, Tourist, BA acational, Agricultural and Music Cfenter. Popula tion, 1090 Census, ISA Brevard Community 7,301 Vol. 66: No. 51 PUBLISHED WEEKLY ★ SECTION ONE * BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1955 At 24 PAGES TODAY if I HE ICY BREATH OF Ole’ Man Winter blew strong enough last week to freeze solidly many lakes and ponds in Transylvania county. The above ice skating scene is a bit of a oddity for this section but it was taken over the week end at the farm of Charlie Moore, just off Tinsley road in Brevard. The pond is located in a cove which gets little or no sunshine and Mr. Moore said the ice was thick enough for skating for sev eral days. Dr. Robert Levy, a proficient skater, is demonstrating some of the elementary steps to his son, Jackie. It was the first time Jackie had ever been on skates. < (Times Staff Photo.) Athletic Association Allocates $4,400 For Recreation And Entertainment Youth Center And Library Receive Largest Appro priations. List Given In an effort to stimulate recrea tion and entertainment in Bre vard and Transylvania, the direc tors of the Brevard Athletic and Recreation association appropriat eu $4,400 to various organizations in the town and county at a special call meeting Monday night. Heading the list of contributions were two allocations of $1,500 to the Transylvania Youth committee for the Teen-Age center, and $1, 500 to the new Transylvania county library. The directors felt that these two appropriations would guaran tee the success of the two drives —one to build a youth center and the other to raise sufficient funds for a much needed library in Bre vard. Raymond F. Bennett, president, presided over the meeting and he led a discussion concerning the fu ture of the organization. It was brought out that the Bre vard Athletic and Recreation as sociation was formed 10 years ago with the prime aims being to fur nish recreation and entertainment » to the people of the county. Dur ing recent years the association built the high school athletic field, which was taken over this past season by the board of education, and at the present time there is approximately $9,400.00 in the treasury. It was decided that the association would remain in exis tence. and a balance of $5,000.00 be retained in the bank. To promote the athletic program Rosman high school, the direc tors voted to give $300 for Prin cipal E. F. Tilson to expend as he deemed wise. To encourage a high school golf team, $200 was voted to the Brevard country club with an additional $100 set aside for —Turn To Page Four CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 22 — Transyl vania youth committee meets at Gaither’s, 7:30. Party at the Luth eran church of the Good Shep herd, 7:30 o’clock. Masons meet in the Masonic temple, 8 o’clock. Friday, Dec. 23 — Ace of Clubs will not meet. Saturday, Dec. 24 — Santa re turns to town. Many Christmas Eve services in the churches. Sunday, Dec. 25 — Christmas Day. Attend the church of your choice. See Christmas story for special services, Monday, Dec. 26 — Stores, town i and county offices, closed. Tuesday, Dec. 27 — Elks and i Moose lodges meet at their re spective homes, 8 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 28 — Jaycees i meet at Gaither’s at 7 p. m. Her First Visit Judge Susie Sharp To Preside At January Court Term Here A January term of Superior court has been scheduled in Tran sylvania with Judge Susie Sharp of Reidsville presiding. The two-weeks mixed term will open on Monday, January 9th, and at the present time, the civil dock et is slated to be held during the first week, with the criminal slate the second. Since the December term of court was adjourned just last Fri day, both the criminal and the civil dockets are expected to be light for the January term. According to Marvin McCall, clerk of court, jurors called to serve during the first week are as follows: A. E. Tinsley, William David Dr. Gasque Heads Medical Society Dr. Mac Roy Gasque, head of the Medical center at the Ecusta Paper corporation, .has been elec ted president of the Transylvania Medical society, succeeding Dr. Norman Boyer. Dr. Carl Plum, also of the Ecusta Medical center, was named secre tary of the society, and he succeeds Dr. Julius Sader. Dr. Gasque becomes chief of staff of the medical staff at the Transyl vania Community hospital, suc ceeding Dr. Robert L. Strieker. The society meets each third Monday at the hospital. Sams, Rastus Smith, Fred Land-1 reth, Harley D. Lvday, Mrs. Coman Hamilton, Mrs. Annie C. Bagwell, Clyde Buchanan, George Buchanan, Mrs. Willie Galloway, Mrs. R. G. Eason, Sr., Harold McNeely, Mrs. Frank Carr, U. G. Reeves, L. H. Scruggs, Don Jenkins, Coy Sur rette, Mary W. Kilpatrick, Walter Fisher, Carl Patterson, Clyde Hold en, Mrs. Guy Dean, Jerry Mann, Walter Cantrell, James Lee Hun-1 ter, Ruth McCall, Horace Hall, W. —Turn To Page Five | Transylvanians Busily Preparing For Christmas, Many Church Services Set BRISK RUSH IS FORESEEN, LAST SHOPPING DAYS Monday Will Be Holiday. All Stores, Town And Co. Offices To Close SANTA RETURNS Transylvanians are joining with other Americans in busily prepar ing for the 1955 Christmas and brisk business is noted in the com munity. Stores are well stocked with hol iday merchandise in spite of the heavy rush, and for the conveni ence of the shoppers they are re maining open evenings from now until Christmas. Stores, town and county offices will be closed both on Sunday and Monday for the Yule observance. Some industries are planning to close down on Saturday and resume work on Tuesday. All offices in the court house, except the sheriff’s office, will close at noon on Friday. Santa Claus will return to Bre —Turn To Page Five TWO LARGE GIFTS GIVEN TO LIBRARY Total Of $14,707 Subscribed For New Building- Chair man Expresses Thanks The Transylvania county Library Building Fund committee is happy to announce receipt of a donation of $2,000 from Ecusta Paper Cor poration and of $1,500 from The Brevard Athletic and Recreation Asociation, Ralph H. Ramsey, chairman, states today. In a statement to The Times, Mr. Ramsey said: “We are very grateful for these generous gifts, not only for the money, but for the evidence of in terest in and support of our ef forts to build a new library. Ecusta has always supported generously —Turn To Page Four Teen-Age Center Becomes More Of A Reality Here A Teen-age center in Brevard is nearer a reality today with $1,800 of the goal of $3,000 al ready in, either in cash or con firmed pledges, and $1,500 for new equipment, which was this week allocated by the Brevard Athletic and Recreation asso ciation. According to E. B. Garrett, chairman of the Transylvania Youth committee, several pro jects are now underway, and he believes the balance of $1,200 can be raised in the immediate future if all interested persons will make contributions as soon as possible. Checks may be mailed to the treasurer, Charles Norlander, Collisson Is Promoted To Olio Post, D Authority Of Executive VP Extended Norman Harvey Collisson has been appointed executive vice pres ident of Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation, according to an an nouncement by John M. Olin, chair man of the board, and Thomas S. Nichols, president. Mr. Collisson will have authority aver the paper, film and forest products divisions of Olin Mathie son, whose products include cigar ette and other fine papers, cello phane and polyethylene packaging :ilms, kraft papers, paperboard aoxes, paper bags, lumber and out loor furniture. Mr. Collisson was elected a dir ector and vice president of Ecusta 3aper Corporation on May 5, 1951, ind was appointed General mana ger of the Olin Cellophane divis —Turn To Page Five N. H. COLUSSON Box 322, Brevard. Brevard Jaycees are conduct ing a Teen-O-meter on the court house square, and they also op erating dime boards in the busi ness district in conjunction with the teenagers. The chairman reports that a committee is studying the best possible usage of the Sledge house on Jordan street, which has been acquired as a Teen-age center. Mr. Garrett says the committee is extremely pleased with the house, since it is so ideally located and highly adap table for such a purpose. There will be a meeting of the Youth committee at Gaither’s Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock. Chairman Garrett cordially in vites all members and other in terested persons to attend. Good Response Is Reported In Sale Of Christmas Seals Transylvania county residents’ response to this year’s Christ mas Seal Sale has pushed re ceipts to $1211.18. This amount includes returns through Decem ber 16. The Christmas Seal chairman, Miss Jeanette Austin, stated that she was very pleased with the success of the drive so far. Although Christmas is almost here, it is not too late to answer the Christmas. Seal letter which many people have overlooked in the holiday rush, she stated. The TB control program goes on throughout the year, and its success is dependent upon the citizens of Transylvania county, the chairman pointed out. JJERKI ★ From The Entire Times Staff ^ Ed M. Anderson Publisher John Anderson Editor Frances Walker F Associate Ned Comar Linotype Gordon Byrd Printer ra B. Armfield Business Mgr. enry Henderson Plant Supt. Eston Phillips Job Printing D. C. Wilson Pressman The Known Way Marjorie Craig’s Poetry Has Been Published In Collection TIMES TO CARRY 1956 FORECASTS Roger Babson’s “Business And Financial Outlook” Will Be In Next Issue • The Transylvania Times will publish Roger W. Babson’s “Busi ness and Financial Outlook for 1956” next week, Publisher Ed M. Anderson announces today. Mr. Babson’s 1956 outlook will contain outstanding forecasts cov _ering such impor t a n t topics as: general business, commodity prices, taxes, trade, la bor, i n f lation, f a|r m outlook, stock market real estate and poli tics. Mr. Babson — ..... pioneer in me Roger W. Babson 0f business and financial statistics — enjoys an unusual .record of accuracy in —Turn To Page Four Verse Is Fitting Tribute To Late Beloved Teacher At Brevard College By FRANCES WALKER By simply knowing Marjorie Craig one received an inspiration for living. What more fitting'trib ute could follow closely on the heels of her passing than “The Known Way”, a collection of her poems, that will long outlive this courageous woman and inspire in her same gentle manner? “The Known Way” is a collection of Miss Craig’s best poems and was released this month by the publisher, The Golden Quill Press, of Francestown, New Hampshire. The book is available at The Times. It contains such wonderfully fa miliar titles as “Carolina Creeks,” “Breakfast At Davidson River Camp,” “Connestee Falls” and “King Creek.” Many of these were written while Miss Craig taught at Brevard college. It was in teaching that Miss Craig excelled, though her love of poetry, both reading and writing of it, were never far away. One of her friends, when, writing of her collection of poems, in a Greens —Turn to Page Eight Program Highlights Many Beautiful, Inspiring Christmas Programs To Be Heard Over WPNF Beginning on Christmas Eve and throughout the holiday season, many beautiful and inspiring pro grams will be heard over WPNF, and Bobby Hoyle, station mana ger, urges all listeners to keep their dials at 1240. Many local firms are sponsoring special shows for the Christmas holidays and appropriate messages will be heard along with the out standing Yuletide music. The leading musicians and sing ers of the country will be featured on the outstanding Christmas pro grams, Mr. Hoyle states. Two special Christmas programs are slated on Thursday and Friday. At 8:05 Thursday evening, the combined Brevard college glee club and the Brevard Methodist church choir, will present an outstanding program, and on Friday evening from 8:00 until 9:00 o’clock the Messiah choir of Independence, Missouri, will present the “Mes siah” by Handel. OTHER PROGRAMS The schedule for the Civic hour for the coming week is as follows: Friday, Brevard chamber of com —Turn to Page Bight CIVIC CLUBS ARE AIDING IN CHEER WORK FOR NEEDY Round-up Various Programs* Announced. Ceremonies. Are Underway SCHEDULES GIVEN' Highlighting the Christmas ofc servances will be special Christr mas services at the churches throughout Transylvania county. Civic clubs and fraternal organi zations are joining with the churches in spreading Christmas cheer and numerous parties far children are being held throughout the town and county. The Brevard Methodist church held its annual Christmas party Wednesday evening and Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The Lu therans will hold their annual con gregational party at‘the church. Rev. Keith Beam, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shep herd, announces the annual candle light service at 11:30 Christinas Eve. The regular Christmas wor ship service will be held Sunday morning at 11 a.m., with Holy Com munion. A Christmas Eve service will he held at 11:30 p. m., at the First Baptist church with special music by the choir. The schedule of Christmas ser vices the Si cred Heart Catholic church -is as hollows: Confessions, 5 to 5:80 and 7 to 8 p. m., Saturday evening; mass at midnight; and, mass at 8:30 a. m. Sunday morning St. Philip’s Episcopal church will' have their festal celebration of the Holy Communion at 11:30 p. m Christmas Eve. Other Christinas services at this church will be as follows: A ’family service at 10:M a. m.. Christmas morning and a low celebration at 11 a. m.; on IffOfe —Turn To Page Four FEDERATION WILL PAY 45 DIVIDEND Total Of $37,000 Will Go To Stockholders On Record As Of December 15th. Approximately $37,000 will bo paid to Farmers Federation stock* holders of December 15th record? on January 1, 1956, it has been nounced by James G. MeClam* president of the 35-year oM fam, cooperative. Dividends have been paid by the> Farmers Federation regularly every six months for the past 23 years* this being the 45th consecutive dk vidend. In anouncing the 45th dividend —Turn To Page Fear Schedule Is Given For Inspection Of Out-Of-State Cars: The State Highway patrol in Transylvania county announces to day that all out-of-state vehicles to be inspected for new licenses should be brought to the court house here during the hours from 2:00 to 2:30 o’clock, Monday through Friday, beginning on De cember 23rd. Patrolmen Jack Cabe and Bil£ Sawyer will be at the court house during the week for one-half hour each day, primarily for the pur pose of inspecting out-of-state Ve hicles. They urge the cooperation of the public. The patrolmen urge all Tran sylvania motorists to drive exj tremely carefully during the holi days. Help Fight TB s1955 CHRISTMAS > iu^ } GREETINGS 1955 > Buy Christmas Seals MORE SHOPPING, DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS,