TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camp*;; Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. r i e TRANSYLVAN1A— Am Industrial, Tourist, EA ncatkmal, A g r i c ultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1090 Census, 15.S2L Brevard Community 7,396. 20 PAGES TODAY ★ Vol. 67—No. 19 * SECTION ONE ★ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 PUBLISHED WEEKLY INCREASED INTEREST in commun ity 4-H clubs is noted in Transylvania, and newly elected officers of the Will ing Workers club in North Brevard are shown above cutting their second birth day cake. Thursday night agricultural leaders will hold a reorganizational meeting at Little River, and 4-H’ers in that section are urged to attend. Above, left to right, are: Virginia Harris, secre tary; York Osborne, vice president and the immediate past president; Gloria Shook, president; and, Gladys Siniard, historian. (Photo by Garmon) Board Approves Plans For $90,000 Rosman Gym, Seeks Raleigh Approval Modern Structure Will Seat 500 Persons. Has Dress ing Rooms, Etc. Plans for building a new $90, 000.00 gymnasium at Rosman high school have been approved by the Transylvania board of education and have been forwarded to head-1 quarters in Raleigh for final ap-1 proval. , , When state approval is received, the plans will be j»ubmitted to con tractors for bids and construction will get underway as soon as pos sible, Supt. J. B. Jones said. The proposed new gymnasium will have a heating system in the basement and the main floor size will be 80 by 100 feet. The gym will have bleachers on j two sides that will seat 500 people. It will be modern in every respect and will include dressing rooms for boys and girls, as well as ade quate toilet facilities. The outside construction will be of brick and concrete and main —Turn to Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 10 — Clean-Up Days begin in Brevard. Bank and county offices close for Confeder ate Memorial Day. Mathatasian club meets at 3.30 p. m., with Mrs. W. W Brittain: Fortnightly club meets at 3:30 p. m., with Mrs. Gil Coan. Masons meet in the Masonic tem ple at 8 p. m. A & B Batteries of 316th FA Battalion meet at Am erican Legion, 8 p. m. Scout com missioners meet at Gaither’s, 8 p. m. Friday, May 11 — Open House at Transylvania Community hospi tal, 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Brevard col —Turn to Page Twelve Action Taken Town-Wide Clean-Up Days Are Proclaimed, Cooperation Asked Town-wide clean-up and beauti fication days are set in Brevard from Thursday, May 10th, through May 31st The board of aldermen decided at Ihtir regular monthly meeting Monday night to call on all citizens and urge them to improve the ap pearances of their homes and prop erty prior to the approaching sum mer and tourist season. Mayor John A. Ford has issued a proclamation, declaring the per iod clean-up and beautification days, and he requests full coopera tion in this gigantic effort. The mayor and the board are calling on the Boy Scouts to dis tribute pamphlets to all homes, which urge the property owners to give of their time and effort in the movement. A list of suggestions is offered, and in a communication to all cit ’55 Delinquent Tax List Is Published A long list of de’inquent tax payers of the county, the towns of Brevard and Rosman for 1955 is published in the second section of this issue on pages four and five. In accordance with the law, the list will be published four times and on Monday, June 4, at 12 noon at the courthouse door Tax Collec tor C. M. Douglas will offer for sale liens on real estate for non payment of taxes owing at that time. iz»*ns. the. mayor and board say in part: “A more beautiful Brevard is surely a deshrable goal. A little ef fort by everyone will achieve it. Your cooperation will improve not only your own property, but also jour neighborhood and Brevard. “If everyone will beautify his own house and lot, our entire com munity will soon be beautiful”. Mrs. Opal King, the city clerk, re minds citizens that residential gar bage is now being collected as fol lows: Mondays and Thursdays— —Turn to Page Si* $68,000 Armory Building Is Approved For Brevard, Three Reserve Units Here w i BOARD RAKES PAY OF JURORS, LANDKLEASED Commissioner* Approve Pe titions On Roads. Now Working On Budget Effective July 1 the pay for Transylvania county jurors will be increased from $2.50 to $5.00 a da>, according to an order issued by the county commissioners in reg ular monthly session this week. Realizing that the compensation for jurors serving in the Transyl vania superior court had not been increased for a number of years and that the $2.50 daily rate is much too low for present-day values, the commissioners reques-1 ter Attorney Ralph Ramsey to look into the legal aspects of the matter last December. Following a report from Ram sey that the county had authority to increase the pay under a general stature, the commissioners issued an order and instructed the coun ty accountant, Lewis Osborne, to include the increase in the budget for the next fiscal year. Lease Land To Library In another action the commis -Turn to Page Twelve DEMOCRATS Will HOID CONVENTION County Convention To Be In . k ' ' The Transylvania county Demo cratic convention will be held at the courthouse Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock and a large crowd is expected to attend. The convention will certify dele gates, elect officers and choose del egates to the state convention to be held in Raleigh on Thursday, May 17. Thomas Eller, Jr., chairman of the Democratic executive commit tee. has announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election, but —Turn to Page Twelve Principals, Teachers Will Be Appointed This Week Transylvania county school prin cipals and teachers for the next year will be appointed at meetings of district committees sometime this week and their selections will be approved or dis-approved at a meeting of the county board of edu cation next Tuesday, it was learn ed today from Supt. J. B. Jones. Mr. Jones said even though the State law requiring continuing tea cher contracts has expired, the board of education feels a moral obligation to advise teachers and principals of their dismissal or re election before the end of the cur rent school term. The county is divided into two districts — Brevard and Rosman. Serving on the Brevard district committee are Jack Trantham, who was named to succeed Eddie Varner after his appointment on the county board, George Shuford and Pat Allison. The Rosman committee is com posed of Mickler Lusk, chairman, of Rosman, Lawrence Whitmire and H. D. Lee. Notices will be sent to teachers and principals after the meetings of the board of education next Tues day. The school term will end on Thursday, May 24. PLANS FOR THE NEW ROSMAN GYM have been completed by McDonald and Daniels, and their archi tect’s drawing is shown above. The board has approved the modern building and is now seeking the approval of the state board. Work is expected to be started on this new gymnasium in the near future, and costs will be ap proximately $90,000. HOSPITAL DAY PLANS have been made by Mrs. Herbert F. Finck, right, president of the Transylvania Community Hospital auxiliary, and John W. Bailey, left, administrator of the local institution. The auxiliary sponsors “Open House” Friday afternoon in observance of National Hospital week and both Mrs. Finck and Mr. Bailey issue an invitation to all Transylvanians to attend. The auxiliary will be accepting donations for a portable suction pump they are buying for the hospital. (Times Staff Photo) ‘Open House" To Highlight ■ Hospital Week Observance JACK BRIGGS, a native of Asheville and formerly of the advertising department of the Lexington, Kentucky, Herald Leader for the past six years, is the new advertising manager of The Transylvania Times, suc ceeding the late Ira B. Armfield. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of Kentucky and has already assumed his du ties here. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs and their two sons live at 613 Country club road. MRS. YEHLING INJURED Mrs. George Yehling, of Grove Circle, Brevard, is confined in a hospital at Nashville, Tenn., fol lowing an auto crash Mr. and Mrs. —Turn to Page Twelve Pubiic Cordially Invited To Attend Event Of Auxil iary This Friday P. M. In observance of National Hos pital Week May 6-12, the auxiliary of the Transylvania Community hospital is sponsoring “Open House” at the institution Friday af ternoon, May 11, from 2:30 until 4:30 p. m. . Mrs. Herbert Finck, president of the auxiliary, invites everyone to take an opportunity of the special event by visiting the hospital on this day. Mrs. Lester Martin is chairman of arrangements at the open house, which will feature tours of the hospital and refresh ments. A special donation will be re ceived at this time to be applied on the purchase of a portable suction pump, the current project of the auxiliary. Serving with Mrs. Finck as offi cers of this active group are Mrs. J. B. Jones, vice president; Mrs. Edith Beam, secretary; and Mrs. Robert Levy, treasurer. Committee chairmen are, de votional and publicity, Mrs. David Wnrd; membership, Mrs. Alex Pat terson; sewing, Mrs. J. F. Leete and Miss Jane Darnall; grounds, Mrs. Lester Martin; ward, Mrs. Hale Chamberlain, Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mrs. Lila Wenzlick; supplies, Mrs. C. L. Newland; calling, Mrs. Paul Schlunz; and Sunday morning col ored services, Mrs. Finck. Program Highlights "Your Hospital" Will Be Theme Of Special Program On WPNF Friday “Your Transylvania Community Hospital” will be the theme of a special program over WPNF on l'riday morning at 10:30 o’clock, and John W. Bailey, administra tor, and L. F. Dixon, chairman of the board of trustees, both will con duct the program. The interview show will be one of the first events of the local ob servance of National Hospital week, and Mr. Bailey extends an invitation to all citizens to visit the Transylvania Community hospital during the open house Friday af ternoon between 2:30 and 4:30 o’: clock. Baseball Schedule The schedule for the baseball games during the coming week is as follows: Thursday, May 10 — Chicago— 1:30 P. M. — Dixie Shell Service. Friday, May 11 — New York — 7:00 P. M. — Dr. Pepper. Saturday, May 12 — New York— 12:30 P. M. — Moose Lodge. Tuesday, May 15 — St. Louis — 12:30 P. M. — Coleman Tire Co. —Turn To Page Sb ARMY OFFICIALS ARE LOOKING AT SEVERAL SITES Total Authorized Strength Will Be 100-Men. Co operation Is Asked LEADERS ARE NAMED Brevard has an excellent chance of getting an Armory building in the near future, according to in formation received here this week. Last Thursday the House of Rep resentatives appropriations .com mittee approved $1,300,000 for Ar my Reserve training facilities and National Guard Armories in North Carolina as part of a nationwide 40-million-dollar construction pro gram for the two standby forces. The committee recommended the government pay the total cost of $68,000 for a 100-man Reserve {raining building in Brevard.' A similar recommendation was made tor Burnsville, Hickory, Morgan ton, Statesville, Shelby, and other towns in the state. The committee recommended that Congress give the Army all it requested for the program. Brevard already has three Re serve units and all of them meet weekly at the American Legion building. The total authorized strength of these three units is over 100 offi cers and enlisted men and already they have more than fifty percent of that strength. Colonel Lee James, of Asheville, and other officers have investiga ted live prospective sites in and around the town. *¥he Government is not asking the town and county to furnish a site, 'but it is understood that they want to keep the cost down as low as possible in order that as mud* of the $68,000.00 may be applied to the building. If an Armory is erected here, it would be used for Reserve training and for public purposes too. Two of the town’s units are Bat tery A and B of the 316th Field Artillery and uni' 326 Smoke Gen —Turn To Page Twelve. LEGION OFFICERS ELECTED AT MEET David Sams Succeeds Roy Head As Commander. In stallation In June David Sams is the new command er of the Monroe Wilson post, No. 88, of the American legion. He succeeds Roy Head, and oth* er officers who were elected at the regular monthly meeting this | week are as follows: Willie Nelson, Arthur Gillespie* Neil Burchfield and Lamar Ham ilton—first, second, third and. fourth vice commanders; Bill Baughn—adjutant Charles B. Disher — finance offi cer W. B. Head and Tom Langford, finance officers Ernest Gilstrap — athletic offi cer Walter Cantrell — child welfare officer > — Turn to Page Six Happy Acres Officers Flying: Here On Friday A distinguished group of Mi amians will leave the Florida city by plane early this Friday for an inspection visit to Happy Acres, Transylvania’s summer colony being developed near Ce dar Mountain. C. E. Shawver, president, says that the group will include all of the officers of the Happy Ac res Development Company, Inc. They are Howard Roberts, vice president; Everett W. Severy, CPA, secretary; and Willard H. Webb, treasurer. The officers of the corporation will confer with contractors and others concerning further cen —Turn to Page Twelve