TRANSYLVANIA-* Fhe Land oi Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Cpm, Entrance to' Pisgah Na tional Forest' and Home of Brevard Music Festival. TRANSXLVAIOA— An Industrial, Tourist, ed ucational, Agricultural ind Musk Cents*. Popula tion, 1990 Census. 15.S2L Brevard Comokompl^M. Voi. 67 — No. 21 * SECTION ONE ★ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1956 if 24 PAGES TODAY if PUBLISHED WEEKLY POPPY DAY SALES captains for the American Legion Auxiliary are shown above as they make preparations for the big event on Saturday. Chairman is Mrs. Fritz Waldrop, seated at left, and be side her is Mrs. Lauren Hurlbut, president of the Auxiliary. Standing left to right, captains are Mrs. Roy Head, Mrs. Luther King, Mrs Howard Hyatt and Mrs. Wade Scroggs. Another captain, Mrs. Inez Whitmire, was absent when the picture was made. See page 5, 1st section, for another picture and story. (Times Staff Photo) 44 To Graduate At Brevard College, Many Events Plannd, Alumni To Meet , _i _ Trustees To Meet Friday. Baccalaureate Sermon, Exercises On Sunday Plans are being completed for a full week end of activities at Bre vard college, with the 44 seniors to receive diplomas at final gradua ting exercises Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the Memorial gar dens. President Robert H. Stamey will award the diplomas, following an address by Rear Beginning the activities of 1£2 week end will be the annual meet ing of the board of trustees on Fri day, followed by the glee club com mencement concert Saturday and the baccalaureate sermon on Sun day morning at 11:00 o’clock at the Brevard Methodist church. Immediately after the exercises Sunday afternoon, President and Mrs. Stamey will entertain gradu ates. their parents and friends at a reception in their home on the campus. Candidates for the associate of arts degree include: Mary Janet Adams, Gastonia; CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 24 — B & PW club meets at Gaither's, 7 p. m. Graduation at Rosman and Bre vard high schools, 8 p. m. Masonic meeting in temple, 8 p. m. Friday. May 25 — Ecusta men’s bowling banquet, Camp Straus, 7 p. m. Square dance in the Amer ican Legion building, 8 p. m. Scout —Turn To Page Four —Turn To Page Five REV. ROBERT H. STAMEY, president of Brevard college, will preside over the many events of the ’56 graduation at the lo cal institution, and he will award diplomas to the graduating class Sunday afternoon. According to the president, a general spirit of excitement permeates the college with the extensive building pro gram moving rapidly forward and many prospective students flood ing the campus in preparation to attend this fall. Town Maps Are Now Available At The City Hall, Other Offices The town of Brevard now has attractive highway and street maps available, Mayor John A. Ford an nounces. Drawn to scale, these up-to-date maps are on sale for 15 cents at the city hall, the chamber of com -1'urn to Page Four Mt. Holly Man Is Candidate For President Of Asso ciation. Luncheon Sat. John Benfield, of Mt. Holly, has been nominated for president of the Brevard Alumni Association by the nominating committee ap pointed by President Clark Benson. Other nominees are Miss Lillian Zachary of Charlotte and Brevard, for vice-president; Mr. Riley Pal mer^ Asheville, for vice-president Weaver College; Rev. oTOtf,- pastor of Hickory Grove Methodist church, Charlotte, for vice-president, representing Rutherford College; and M. J. Ri chard Queen, of Waynesville, for secretary-treasurer. The nominating committee mem bers were Miss Sarah Puett. chair man, Miss Annie Puett, E. H. Traynham, Henry Margin and A. S. Agnew. Other nominations may be made from the floor, though, at the meeting. The election will be held at the business meeting which will fol low the Alumni Banquet, May 26th. —Turn Te Page Five Democratic Primary Slated Saturday, Vote Is Predicted To Be Over 4,000 QUIET OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY PLANNED WED’DAY Legion Auxiliary Sponsors Special Service. Many Offices To Close Although several Memorial Day services are being planned here, the holiday is expected to be-quietly ob served with the Town and county of fices and the post office to be closed. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a memorial service for de ceased war veterans at the memo rial plot at the Gillespie - Ever green cemetery Wednesday, May 30th at 11 a. m. A short program will be given by members of the local unit with other veterans organizations parti cipating. Mrs. Edna Taylor is chairman of this program. Flags will be placed on graves of veterans in the cemeteries throughout the county. Ecusta Paper corporation will have the traditional flag raising honoring Ecusta employees who lost their life in the service of their country. This will take place at Camp Harry H. Straus at 2 p. m., —Turn to Page Foui LITTLE THEATRE NAMES OFFICERS Stoneback Succeeds Gilstrap As President. Annual Party Is Held Don Stoneback was elected presi dent of the Brevard Little Theatre at the annual dinner and meeting of the group Saturday in Gaither’s. He succeeds Ernest Gilstrap. Other Little Theatre officers that will serve for the 1956-57 ; season are first vice president, ; Marcy Newell; second vice' presi dent, Mrs. William F. Orr; secre : tary. Mrs. Ira Armfield; treasurer, | James Curwen; and directors I elected for two year terms, Bob (Bolt, Mrs. Bill Norris, Bill Sagar —Turn to Page Four Garden Club Planning Flower Show Tuesday i A large number of beautiful spring and early summer flowers are being solicited by the commit tee in charge of the Brevard Gar den club showing of flowers in Gai ther’s Tuesday afternoon and even ing from 2 to 10 p. m. Working on the show is a com mittee composed of Mrs. Paul Tin dall, Mrs. Ashe Macfie and Mrs. L. P. Hamlin. They announce that the public is invited to participate and solicitation of flowers is being done this week by members. Any flower grower desiring further informa tion may contact a club member or any of the three on the commit tee. A tea will also be held in con junction with the showing of flow ers. It is pointed out that this will not be the usual type of flower show in that it will not be compet —Turn to Page 4 MEMBERS OF THE ’56 GRADUATING class at Brevard college are pictured. The group will receive diplomas at final exercises Sunday afternoon. Shown above, first row, left to right, are: Theda Gaynelle Branton, May Williams Camp, Wilma Harris Jolly, Bev erly Dale Jordan, Martha Caroline Fortune, Lela Joan Gailey, Geraldine Bradshaw, Virginia Kathryn Huff man, Kathryn Anne Smith, Nancy Selena Goforth, Al vin Thomas Hansen, Jane Carolyn Cathey, Tommy Lee Cassady and Carlene Sorrells Jerome. Second row — Mary Janet Adams, Shirley Jean Weaver, Annie Lou Blalock, Mary Kay Bradley, Julianne Harris, Mary Eli zabeth Flynn, Lillie Lila Hancock, Alpha Jane Hicks, Mary Ada Gebe, Frances Rebekah Hudson, Evelyn Jo’ Neil Smith, Sandra Lee Huber, Fredrice Louise Trull and Margaret Elizabeth Rice. Third row — Clarence Gerald Baker, Sara Jeanne Payne, Worth Davis Kiger, Thomas Franklin McIntosh, William Jefferson Stroud, James Emory Crawford, James Austin Dillard, Holland Ray Talley, James Belvin Rogers, James Daniel Taylor and James Allen Morton. (Times Staff Photo) SAMPLE BALLOT Democratic Primary Ballot For County Officers INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a eroaa (X) mark in the square at the left of his name. 2. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, re* turn it to the registrar and get another. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS (Vote for one) □ VIRGIL GILLESPIE □ PAUL M. WHITMIRE FOR TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for one) □ C. M. DOUGLAS □ JOEL M. HUBBARD FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (vote for three) □ R. M. BOYD . □ DEWEY BURTON □ LAMON T. CHAMBERS □ FREEMAN HAYES □ DWIGHT L. MOFFITT □ W. L. MULL □ GEO. T. PERKINS, SR. FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION (vote for two) □ EDWARD B. MATHESON □ JOHN D. SMITH n EDDIE VARNER k^ : Primary Election May 26, 1956 ’ > GEORGE D. SHUFdRD Chairman Transylvania County Board of Election! Industrial Group Completes Organization To Sell Stock GRADUATES AT HIGH SCHOOL GET DIPLOMAS Final Exercises Thursday Night. Honor Students Will Speak The 155 graduates in the two high schools of Transylvania will receive diplomas Thursday night in final exercises, with Principal Robert T. Kimzey awarding them to the 111 seniors here at Brevard and Principal E. F. Tilson making the presentations to the 44 grads at Rosman. Large crowds attended the bacc alaureate sermons at the two schools last Sunday night. Rev. George Julian, pastor of the Pis gah ^Forest Baptist church, de livered the sermon here, and Rev. Robert H. Stamey, president of Brevard college, addressed the graduates at Rosman. At both Brevard and Rosman —Turn to Page 4 Committees Being Named By President Jenkins, Cer tificates Being Issued Organization of a corporation to push small industry in Transylva nia county was completed at a meeting of paid stockholders here last Wednesday night. Officers were elected by the charter members of the Transyl vania Industrial Development cor poration and sale of stock will be started immediately by a commit tee, headed by J. C. Gaither and Ed M. Anderson. Don Jenkins was named presi dent of the group. Austin Hogsed, of Rosman, was elected vice presi dent; C. M. Douglas, secretary; and Robert W. Melton, treasurer. Di rectors, in addition to the above named four officers include; Ed M. Anderson, Dewey Burton, Mayor John A. Ford, J. C. Gaither, and Mrs. Joe Osborne. Stock certificates were issued by the corporation to those who had paid in as charter members of the corporation. Other stock certifi cates will be issued as soon as bond ing of the treasurer has-been com —Turn to Page Five— WPNF Program Highlights Local And State Election Returns To Be Heard All Evening This Saturday An election party will be featur ed all evening on Saturday over WPNF, and all persons are urged to keep their dials at 1240 for the latest local and state returns in the Democratic primary. Highlighting the evening’s broad cast will be remote reports from the Brevard court house at various in tervals. State returns will be broadcast from the station as they come in over the Associated Press wire and by remote broadcasts. “With the cooperation of Sheriff “Scott” Dillingham and Fire Chief Dan MerriH, who will be contacting the different polls by shortwave, we hope to have returns from the outlying boxes quicker than ever before,” Bobby Hoyle, station man ager, announces. The first remote broadcast will be shortly after the polls close at 6:30 o’clock Saturday everting, and the station plans to stay on the air until the boxes are all counted out. OTHER PROGRAMS The baseball schedule for the coming week is: Thursday, May 24 — Philadel phia — 7:00 P. M. — Ameican Le —Turn to Page 4 SHUFORD SAYS REGISTRATION AT HIGH PEAK Supplies Will Be Distributed To Polling Places This Friday CANDIDATES LISTED Transylvania Democrats will name county and state officers in a primary here on Saturday. The polls will be open; from 6:30 in the morning until 0:30 that evening, and voting is expected to> be light. According to George ShufanL chairman of the election boanL registration is at an all-time high. Hoover, registration for this pri mary was extremely light There were many transfers, but few new registrations, he stated. Actually, he continues, registra tion is about the same that it wan for the election in ’52, when there were 9,663 names on the books. Democrats registered totalled slightly over 6,500. There were na challenges on Saturday. Mr. Shuford says that supplies I will be distributed to the polling places on Friday. County Slate Transylvania Democrats wilT. nominate a register of deeds, a tax collector, three county commission. * ers. and two members of the board of education. For register of deeds»i\ Paul Whitmire, the incumbent, being opposed by Virgil Gillespie. % In the tax collector’s race incudn gf begot C. M. Douglas has Joel IT. 1 Hubbard as his opposition. The present board of county || commissioners, composed of Free- , H man Hayes, chairman; Dewey Bop- ^ ton and George T. Perkins, is ing opposed by R. M. Boyd, L. T. Chambers, Dwight Moffitt and W. L. Mull. Eddie Varner, chairman of the board of education, is seeking re election, and the other two men in the race are Edward B. Matheson —Turn to Page 4 GATHERING INFO FORCEKTENNAL Mrs. McCrary Desires To Know Whereabouts Of Old Stories, Photos, Etc. Collections of materials for the history of Transylvania county will begin this year, it has been a nounced by Mrs. Mary Jane Me* Crary, of Brevard, a member of the commission authorized by the state legislature to sponsor the' Transylvania county centennial celebration in 1961. Mrs. McCrary, who is a member of the Western North Carolina. Historical association, has been per sonally collecting material for many years. She wishes to be ad vised of the existence of interest ing old documents, newspaper clip pings, family histories and old —Turn to Page f Cash And Carry Offers Vacation At Famed Resort In connection with the celebra tion of the 13th anniversary, Cash and Carry this week is again of fering a free week’s vacation for up to four persons at Ellinor Vit lage, near Daytona Beach, Fla. The winner will also be provided with $25.00 in expense money. The winning family will be housed in a villa containing two bedrooms, bath, living room and kitchen. The owner, Curtis Kelly, is also offering a second prize of a watch and for third prize, an electric fry i^" pan. Other information may be obtained from a large ad else where in this issue. Many excep tional values are being offered dur ing this celebration. Mr. Kelly yesterday expressed: his sincere thanks to friends and customers of Cash and Carry for their goodwill and patronage over the past 13 years.

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