TRANSYLVANIA Hie Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Canape, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Towiet, B§ ncatkmal, AgrieuManl and Muck Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15JKL Brevard Community 7 JB4 Vol. 67—No. 37 Second Class Mall Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1656 ★ 18 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY WITH THE STEEL beams of the steeple pointing skyward, the new Bre vard - Davidson River Presbyterian church is progressing rapidly to comple tion. The main sanctuary of the church can be noted at the left with the right one-story wing a portion of the Sunday school and social rooms. Members of the church were taken on tours of the new structure during the annual Davidson River Day observance last Sunday. The Liner construction company, of Lake Junaluska, is building the new church here on East Main street on the site of the old Franklin hotel. Occupancy of the edifice is expected to be in December. Voters In Transylvania Vote In | Favor Of "Pearsall" Plan, 6 To 1 Tremendous Majority Seen In Rural Areas. Other Amendments Pass Transylvania went along with the rest of the counties in North Carolina in passing the “Pearsall” plan and three other amendments to the state constitution by a land slide vote of 2,716 to 440 last Sat urday. The margin of victory in this county was better than six to one, while the state’s ratio was four and one-half to one. Transylvanians also voted over whelmingly in favor of the other throe amendments. T>he vote for legislative compen sation was 2,207 to 509, while for legislative date change it was 2, 245 to 410. $\>r amendment No. 3, wife’s power of attorney, the vote in this county was 2,241 to 432. C«edar Mountain was the only precinct of the county’s 18 which voted against the “Pearsall” plan. Tfhe board of elections canvassed the vote Tuesday afternoon, and Gec.rge Shuford, the chairman, re ported that it was one of the fin est} and most orderly conducted dictions in this county. Sidelights jin the Gloucester precinct, there we^e 105 votes in favor of the school amendment, with none agyinst it. Little River voters also gave a tremendous majority in fa oir of the plan. The vote was 125 * seven, while Hogback voters fa o*ed it 111 to four. The vote at ’«sman was 106 to 10, and in Boyd fwas 249-19. In Gloucester it was 0. In the four Brevard boxes the te was over three to one. A to il of 994 voters favored the “Pear plan, while 281 voted against JU’ * h< here CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. Sept. 13 — Maithata iian club meets at 3:30 p. m., with 'Mrs. Paul Tindall. Fortnightly club meets at 3:30 p. m., with Mrs. J. F. Zachary. Masons and Shriners /meet in Masonic temple at 8 p. m. Friday, Sept. 14 — Hospital aux iliary meets at 3 p. m., in dining ifroom of hospital. Ace of Clubs terpoint game, 7:45 p. m., Gai n’s. Saturday, Sept. 15 — College re ception in lounge of women’s lonm, 8 to 10 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 16 — Attend the jreh of your choice. Freshmen arrive at Brevard college. tMonicbay, Sept. 17 — Rotary club meets at ( Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Bre vard High School P-TA meets at 8 p. m., in School auditorium. Tuesday, Setot. 18 — Moose lodge meets at club Thouse 8 p. m. Wednesday, feept. 19 — Wednes day chib meeting, Gaither’s, 3:30 P- Boosters ttlub meets ait Bre vard high scbooft. 7:30 p. m. Herzog Reports Promotions Announced in Film Division, Olin Mathieson Corp. Several promotions in the film division of the Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation are announ ced today by M. L. Herzog, general manager. E. L. Lynn, former production j manager of the film division, and [ T. T. Safford, Jr., former sales manager, have been named assis tant general managers. Raymond F. Bennett, former plant manager at Pisgah Forest, has been appointed production manager of the film division. He will be responsible to Mr. Lynn and will be in charge of produc County Has Six Winners In Calf Show This Week Transylvania county had two blue ribbon winners and four red ribbon winners in the calf show on Tuesday at the Buncombe county fair. Bill Garmon, assistant county —Turn To Page Ten tion at both the Pisgoh Forest and the Indiana plants. J. H. Truesdail succeeds Mr. Bennett as plant manager, at Pis gah Forest and W. F. Orr, former methods and records superinten dent, is the new assistant to the production manager. E. B. Beeks, a former salesman, has been named converter sales manager. The appointments were effec —Turn To Page Ten 22 Seized In Liquor Raids In Townr County, Much "Moonshine/' 5 Autos TWO MARKERS TO BE DEDICATED IN COUNTY TODAY John Parris Will Speak At Events At Rosman, Da vidson River John Parris, author of “Roam ing the Mountains” and historian of note, will be the principal speaker at the unveiling of two markers in Transylvania county Thursday afternoon by the Wes tern North Carolina Historical as sociation. Mr. Parris will represent the Cherokee Historical association at the unveiling of the markers com memorating the old Indian trail known as the Estatoe Path. The first ceremony will take place at 1 p. m., at Rosman and the second will be at 3 p. m., at the junction of the two highways at Da vidson River near Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary, of Brevard, and chairman of the Cen tennial committee of the Transyl vania Historical association, will —Turn To Page Five COMMERCE CROUP PUNNING DRIVE Will Seek New Members On Next Thursday. Other Ac tion Planned At Meeting The annual membership drive for the chamber of commerce to secure new members will be held next week, with a one day effort by the special committee on Thurs day, Sept. 20, it was decided at a meeting of the directors here Tuesday night. A dutch breakfast at Gaither’s will start the day ait 8 o’clock, and teams are expected to complete their work during the day. Frank Bridges is chairman of the mem bership committee. At the meeting Tuesday night, Mrs. John Ford, executive secre tary, reported that 105 members had paid so far this year, and that —Turn To Page Ten Business Is Better In County, Report Reveals Collections of sales and use taxes I in Transylvania county during July were up as compared with the same month last year. According to the Retailer, the monthly publication of the North Carolina Merchants association, col lections during July this year were $16,434.43, as compared with $14, IIIMUMHHIMHHmiHMMimMMillinitailHMIlHHI ■E OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS FOR TRANSYLVANIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH PRECINCTS i Boyd Brevard 1 Brevard 2 5 Brevard 3 Brevard 4 Cathey’s Creek * Cedar Mtn. Dunn’s Rock Eastatoe East Fork Gloucester 1 Gloucester 2 Hogback 1 Hogback 2 Hogback 3 Little River Pro Con 249 19 266 93 217 37 320 59 189 92 319 28 8 32 124 21 182 Fisgah Forest_ Rosman TOTALS .. 2716 440 I 38 55 105 111 85 19 125 '■g | '5b © ^ Pro Con 165 67 294 197 54 "37 266 63 203 57 246 56 14 24 99 17 169 38 42 104 11 19 40 6 15 79 19 198 24 106 10 163 37 97 8 2207 509 o bo > c .2 re % § .3 Q Pro Con £ (2 | si Pro Con 188 41 305 37 201 29 263 58 214 44 218 51 17 21 99 15 165 38 39 109 19 37 16 8 78 20 178 18 93 11 2245 410 186 51 313 34 201 38 267 63 232 32 233 67 37 106 16 136 19 38 35 110 37 30 18 74 21 112 40 101 2241 432 i iMtMMMmfMMmMtftfMMmtiimiiimmiHimmmiMMHmiiMHMMHmiiMiMiiiMmiiiitHiilHHlfttiliiiiiiiHimiiHiiiitiiiifiHimMiiiitiiimtiimiiiiMi 701.04 for the same month in ’55. A gain of $1,733.39 was noted. Observers point out that this re veals better business conditions for this year over 1955. A similar gain was noted across the state. Collections for June, 1956, in Transylvania were $15,926.45. Pool Operation Said Successful Operation of the Municipal swim ming pool during the past season was declared successful by Ray mond F. Bennett, president of the Brevard Athletic and Recreation association. Attendance was 4,237, which was said to be good in spite of the fact that it rained on 64 of the 87 oper ating days. A deficit of $295.17 was made up by the athletic association, and Mr. Bennett said that a number of ta bles, chairs and other items were purchased for the pool. Also in cluded was a rotary lawn mower. Mr. Bennett said the town of Brevard was most cooperative and rendered much assistance in the operation of the pool and park. The president also thanked R. C. Bullock, of the association, for his supervisory work, and Marvin Overcash for managing daily acti vities at the pool. ADVISOR CHANGED Miss Nancy Campbell, who is the executive director of the Pisgah Area Girl Scout Council, will now advise troop leaders in Brevard. Miss Campbell is a specialist in camping and the Council camp is located in Transylvania at East Fork. THE OFFICIAL WEATHER STATION in Brevard is I now located at WPNF, with Bobby Hoyle as the official weatherman. He can be noted in the photo above at the right reading the instruments, and A1 Martin, who han dles the evening shift at the station, is shown at the left recording the high and low readings of the day. See story, page six, second section. (Times Staff Photo) Gordon Sprott Named Campaign Director Of United Appeal Fund GORDON SPROTT Shriners To Meet With Masons This Thursday Evening V. H. Fricks, president of the Transylvania Shrine club, requests all Shriners to attend the stated communication of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge this Thursday night, in the Masonic temple, beginning at 8:00 o’clock. Mr. Fricks states that the Shrine club is sponsoring the Lee’s Rides during the week of September 24th through the 29th, and plans will be made at the meeting to assign the Shriners and Masons to work on different nights. All proceeds will go toward helping pay for sound conditioning the Masonic lodge room. President Stamey Says Drive Will Be Latter Part Of Oc tober. Meeting On 25th Gordon Sprott, owner of Camp Deerwoode here, has been named campaign director for the 1956 United Appeal fund drive in Tran sylvania county, President Robert H. Stamey announces today. Mr. Sprott will serve in the Bre vard area, and a co-chairman for the rural communities will be ap pointed at a later date, the presi dent says. Last year Randall J. Lyday and Charles L. Russell were the co chairmen of Transylvania’s first | United Appeal, and “thanks to their fine efforts we were extreme ly successful”, Mr. Stamey de clared. A goal of $22,500 was raised, and practically all of the pledges have been paid in, Treasurer Mel vin Gillespie reports. The drive for funds for ’57 will be held the latter part of October, and a meeting of all participating organizations is slated here on Sept. 25th at Gaither’s. Mr. Sprott and Mr. Russell at tended a statewide planning meet ing of Carolinas United on Wednes day at Statesville. In addition to President Stamey and Treasurer Gillespie, other of ficers of the UF here are Mrs. Joe Osborne, treasurer, and C. M. Douglas, secretary. Program Highlights Much Sports Activity Being Heard On WPNF, Hendersonville Game Friday WPNF is featuring a full menu of sports, with additional activi ties being planned, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, announces. Daily the hot race in the Nation al league, featuring the games of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who are now tied for the lead in the loop, are heard over the local station, and on Friday night a play-by-play description of the football games of Brevard high school are broad cast. This Friday evening WPNF goes to Hendersonville to carry the Brevard-Bearcat game. Last year the local station fed the game to WHKP and this year the Hen dersonville station is reciprocat ing. Friday’s game will be sponsored toy Gaither’s, Cash and Carry and the Brevard Jewelers. The local station manager says that plans are now being made for WPNF to join the Tobacco Sports fretwork again this season and carry the exciting Carolina foot ball games beginning on Sept. 22nd. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coining week I —Turn To Page Five i HEARINGS HELD BEFORE MAYOR, JP ON TUESDAY Undercover Agent Of Ti r ■> ury Department Worked. Here Over Past Week. BONDS POSTED In lightning fast "liquor" raMfc on Monday, Monday night ing the day on Tuesday, locaE aflfcr cers, accompanied by ATU nabbed 22 persons, five automo biles and several gallons of “moon shine” and bonded whiskey is Bn vard and Transylvania county. The 12 persons arrested in Bn vard were given a hearing Tana day morning before Mayor John JL Ford and bound over to Superior court on bonds of $300 to $6Q£L Tuesday afternoon Fred Stan ford, justice of the peace, &eM hearings for persons nabbed «■£ in the county and they were re leased on bonds ranging from to $600. Members of the Brevard pofienr force, accompanied by the ATU’. agents, made the arrests here ha Brevard, and the ATU officers members of the sheriff’s depaxh ment made the raids in the 'Boun ty. During the past week an officer of the United States treasury de partment has been working here with Police Chief Paul Fisher pre paratory to the raids on. *Bra*^**y and Tuesday. The officer testified at the hear^ mgs that he had purchased liquor from the persons seized m the )aids. The federal agent, who lives hr Eastern North Carolina, came ts Brevard about a week ago be gin work exposing persons selling;., primarily, non-tax paid liquor. He 9tayed in a local hotel and made contacts with dealers m —Turn to Page Four FRESHMEN Will ARRIVE SUNDAY Brevard College- Making Plans For Best Year;. Workshop Underway:’ Brevard college registration and? orientation program for new stu dents will begin this Sunday, Sep tember 16th and all new hoarding students are scheduled to repent sometime between 10 a. m. ui \ 5:30 p. m. on that day. The first meal will be served WE a the student cafeteria on evening and. the first schedoiad : event for the new freshman wifi be an address by the president of the college, Robert H. Stamey Mr. Stamey will talk os* "TWta* | Challenge of a College BriaHwarr | at 7:30 Sunday evening in the col lege auditorium. Monday morning the testing pro- - gram for new students will got un derway, under the direction «£ Dean J. J. Stevenson, Jr., and Dfc. Burt W. Loomis, director of $guM^ a nee. These tests will enable arm ors to give more accurate iiiiftiiiaa - tion to freshmen regarding ifcair —Turn To Page Tmz> Coffey Is Named Area Chairman OF Automotive Group Jay I. Coffey of Coffey Hayes' ick, Inc., Brevard, has been pointed area chairman for sylvania county, according to’ , M. Tiller of Durham, president of. the North Carolina AutosnokOe Dealers association, who made ttr appointment. As area chairman for Transyl vania county, Mr. Coffey wiE fee the liaison between the state national dealers associations local dealers. He will also tfiiwf the two associations’ annual mem bership campaign to be held i> Ce tober. In announcing the appotatSaucuL President Tiller stated, “I am lugp py to have such a capable god out standing man as Mr. Coffey in fWs most important position. I fed aor ta m he will do a splendid jcb oil keeping dealers and the ptfbHe ab reast of matters of interest In itn retail automotive industry.*

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