t km TRANSYLVANIA— Hie Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. The Transylvania Times A Slate And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, M> rational, Agricultural and Music Center. Populn don, 1950 Census, 15*581. Brevard Community 7,194. Vol. 67—No. 38 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1956 ★ 18 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY “WHAT WILL YOU HAVE?”—Whis kies of all kinds were captured in the recent raids in Transylvania, and Tom Huffman, of the local police radio de partment, can be noted in the center in specting some of the better “moonshine” that was nabbed. At the left is Paul Fish er, chief of police, who worked for a week with an undercover agent of the Treasury department of the United States prior to the local raids, and Offi cer Lewis Gravely, who helped nab the 22 persons arrested in the raids, is at the right. (Times Staff Photo) Strong Protest Is Made Here Against Action Of WNC Football Officials - I-— Community Given Unfavor able Publicity. Meeting Slated On Friday 'fransylvania school officials made a strong protest Wednesday morning to the action of the WNC officials association Tuesday night when Brevard was placed on pro bation for one year for alleged in cidents that occurred in the Hen dersonville-Brevard football game last Friday night. Supt. J. B. Jones wired Dr. J. L. Pierce, chairman of the Athletic Advisory commission, State De partment of Public Instruction. Raleigh, Wednesday morning the following telegram: “I wish to protest trial, convic tion and unfavorable publicity for Brevard by Western North Caro lina Officials association without accused being given an opportunity to be heard”. The executive board of the asso ciation met Tuesday night in Ashe ville and heard the officials of the game testify that they were subjected to abusive language on the part of Brevard players, the Brevard head coach and fans both during and after the game. ■Coach Bradburn has denied the accusations, and together with assistant coach, Bill Milner, he will attend another special session of the board Friday in Ashe ville. The nature of the action taken by the Officials Assn. Tuesday night is as follows: Brevard is to be placed on a one year probation, diming which time the school will receive no football officials for its home games unless the association gets a guarantee from the county superintendent of schools and Brevard High School officials that game officials will re ceive adequate protection against any abuse. If this agreement is violated at any time, the association will dis continue sending officials to Bre vard’s home games altogether. The officials who worked the —Turn To Page Five CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Sept. 20 — Circles of WMS, First Baptist church meet. Lions club meets at 7 p. m., in Gai ther’s. Women of the Presbyter ian church meet at 8 p. m., home of Mrs. Willis Brittain. WOW in hall at 8. Friday, Sept. 21 — Schools to close all day. Kiwanis meet at 7 p. m., in Gaither’s. Brevard vs. Canton here on high school field, 8 p. m. Sunday, Sept 23 — Attend the church of your choice. —Tin To Pago Tea Doctors In News Wjlkerson Will Be Honored, Boyer Leaving For Two Years Dr. J. B. Wilkerson, of Brevard, who received his doctor of medi cine degree in 1906, is one of 34 physicians who will be honored by the University of Tennessee Medi cal Units at commencement exer cises in Memphis Monday night, Sept. 24. The university is recognizing the services which Dr. Wilkerson has rendered to his community during the ha If century since his gradu ation. The physician will be presented with a Golden “T” certificate at commencement exercises. A tour of Memphis and a luncheon honor —Turn To Page Five Youths Charged With Larceny Of Local Band Bus Two Hendersonville teen-agers have been bound over to Hender son county court on charge of larceny of pocketbooks and wal lets from a bus last Friday night, which carried the Brevard high school band to the football game. The two youths were given a hearing Tuesday before Mayor A. V. Edwards, and police Chief Pow ers said all articles taken from the bus had been recovered, Ininus an estimated $10 in cash which the wallets contained. Dr. Norman Boyer, who is en gaged in the general practice of medicine here, announces that he will close his office on September 29th for a period of two years. He was accepted a special as signment with the Foreign Service Division of the State Department and will first spend three months training in Washington. Dr. Boy er will then go to Europe for two years to assist in setting up a pro gram of occupational health for civilian employees of the State De partment and their families. Mrs. Boyer and the children will —Turn to Page Five College Is Beginning "Best Year", Over 400 Students Are Expected JURORS NAMED FOR OCTOBER TERM OF COURT Heavy Civil Calendar Slat ed. Judge Froneberger To Preside Over Session Jurors for the civil term of Su perior court in Transylvania coun ty in October are announced today by Marvin McCall, clerk of court. The list was drawn Tuesday by the Transylvania county jury com mission, composed of P. A. Rahn, O. H. Orr and the clerk of court. The civil term of court will be gin on October 22nd, and a large docket is slated to be heard. Judge P. C. Froneberger, of Gas tonia, will preside. Jurors called the first week are as follows: Harold Saltz, Glenn Whitmire, Alvoid J. Galloway, Jason P. Mc Call, L. T. McClellan, L. D. Mar tin, Raleigh T. Waldrop, Clarence A. Ellis, Sam B. Ellis, William Car roll Batson, Walter Garren, Mrs. Everett Huggins, Arthur J. Lind ley, Arthur Jenkins, Jr., Ray Ni cholson, Miss Helen FulbVight, A. L Poteet, Charles Zeigler. Second week: Walter Perkins, Elton Lewis, Frank McCall, Jr., Joe Patterson, 0. R. Willingham, Earl Holden, Ed C. Mitchem, Law rence Whitmire, Charles M. Whit mire, Mrs. Harry Buckner, Mrs. Ed rentelle, Walter H. Straus, Raymond Hoxit, Alda Hall, E. C. Wilson, A. M. Ream, Arthur Whit mire, Mrs. Marvin Edney. One-Day Membership Drive Set Thursday By Commerce Group Directors of the Brevard cham ber of commerce will conduct. a one-day membership drive on Thursday of this week. According to Frank Bridges, the membership chairman, the directors will meet at Gaither’s Rhododendron room at 8:00 o’ clock for a dutch breakfast and a canvass of the community will follow. Delinquent members will be contacted along with prospec tive new ones. Methodists, Officials Of College At Winston Meet Methodist ministers and lay leaders in Transylvania and representatives of Brevard col lege are this week attending the annual Western North Carolina conference of Methodists in WinstonnSalem. At noon Wednesday a Bre vard college alumni luncheon, .was held at the Augsiburg Lu theran church in Winston, with President Robert H. Stanley as one of the principal speakers. Trustees of Brevard college Federation Opening Remodeled Store This Saturday, Frank Byrd Is Manager A new remodeled store will be formally opened by the Farmers federation for Transylvania coun ty patrons on September 22nd, it is announced by Guy M. Sales, fed eration general manager. Modern fixtures and lighting with asphalt tile flooring will fea ture the opening of the new store which will give farmers and pat rons better service and marketing facilities. Mayor John A. Ford will cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony at 10 a. m. and prizes and refresh ments will be given out during the day. A special grand prize will be awarded at 6 p. m. The new store will be operated on the same site where the first Farmers federation store was op ened in 1938. The late R. C. Crow ell, Farmers federation vice-presi —Turn To Page Five FRANK BYRD met Wednesday afternoon and reports on activities at the local institution were made by the president and Edwin L. Jones, chairman of the board. One of the best years in the history of the school was pre dicted. Ed M. Anderson, a mem ber of the board, attended from Brevard. Others representing the col lege at the conference included Rev. C, E. Roy, Rev. George Ring, and Prof. Nelson Adams. Rev. Dobglas Corriher, pas tor of the Brevard Methodist church, attended, and the church’s official delegate is P. A. Rahn. Rev. W. A. Kerr and Rev. George King, of the Methodist churches out in the county, also —Turn To Page Ten Business Firms Change Locations Two Brevard firms, Cash Whole sale Grocery and Sledge Radio and TV, are moving into new locations. Curtis Kelley, owner of the /wholesale grocery concern* has sold his building on the corner of Gaston and Jordan to Mr. and Mrs. John Reece Sledge, and he will move his concern into the building adjacent to Brevard Lum ber company on King street. Mr. Kelley says the new quar ters will give his concern room for more storage. Sledge radio and TV will be moved from its location on Cald well street later this fall, after the —Tom To Page five GORDON SPROTT, who will head the ’56 United Appeal fund drive in Transylvania, is pictured above at the western regional conference of campaign officials, which was held last week at Statesville. At the left is the area chairman, Jim Gibson, of North Wilkesboro, and Robert M. Hanes, of Winston-Salem, the state chair man for United Community campaigns, is shown in the center. Mrs. Fisher Withdraws From House Race, Executive Group Names Mrs. Teague Successor THOMAS R. ELLER, town at torney, has been elected pres ident of the Transylvania Bar association. Other officers elec ted at the annual meeting Wed nesday morning were as follows: Jack Potts, vice president, and Gene Ramsey, secretary and treasurer. Other action by the group included making up of the calendar for the civil term of Superior court next month. Lee’s Rides Will Return Next Week Lee’s Riding devices return to Brevard on Monday for a one week’s stand. Sponsored by the Shrine club, the rides will be located on Cald well, opposite Pisgah Candy com pany. » - Health Said Reason. Chair man King Announces Schedule of Meetings Mrs. Thelma R. Fisher has re signed as a candidate to succeed herself in the house of representa tives from Transylvania in the No vember election, and Mrs. Millard C. Teague has been named to make the race. This action was taken at a spec ial meeting of the Republican ex ecutive committee last Thursday night, with Chairman Eugene King presiding. Mrs. Fisher said that she was withdrawing because of her health. She was named to the state house in the 1955 session when her husband resigned because of illness. He died last September. Mrs. Fisher also served during the July special session. Mrs. Teague, prominent for sev eral years in Republican activi ties, is the organizer and was first president of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women. She resigned from the post in 1953. A native of Asheville, she is the former Miss Kathleen Lominac of Asheville and has been living In Brevard for the past 17 years. Mrs. Homer Harris, of Brevard, will manage the Republican head quarters here, which will be lo cated in the building formerly oc cupied by Parson’s on West Main street, The headquarters will be op ened on October 1st. Mr. King announces that pre cinct workers will meet as follows: —Turn to Page Five Program Highlights WPNF Will Begin Broadcasting College Football Games Saturday On Saturday afternoon WPNF will join the Tobacco Sports net work for the college games of the ’56 season, Bobby Hoyle, the sta tion manager, announces. The Carolina-State game will be carried this week, with air time at 1:45 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Sponsors for the games this fall will be: Austin’s Studio, Batson’s Esso, Biltmore __ Dairy, Brevard Bowling Center, * Brevard Hard ware, Bridges Coal & Oil, Burgin Fur. Co., Coleman Tire Co., Gray’s Barber Shop, Micy’s Laundry, Os borne Plumbing, Siniard’s Trans fer and Sledge Radio & TV Ser vice. Friday night WFNF will broad cast a play-by-play description of the Brevard-Canton game, and air time is 7:55 o’clock. Gaither’s and Houston furniture company are the sponsors. According to Mr. Hoyle, a new religious program will be started Sunday over the local station. It will be conducted by Rev. and Mrs. J. B. McCarson, of Hender sonville, anu is entitled, “Hour of Deliverance”. It will be heard at —Tan a Page Tea FRESHMEN BEGAN ARRIVING SUNDAY, CLASSES STARTED New Dormitories Are Filled. Freshmen Number More Than 250 PRESIDENT QUOTED All indications point to one the most successful years in the history of Brevard college, vhirt* is this week beginning its lo&rf year of religious and educational service to the state and nation. Registration figures were ioctxn plete on Wednesday, with fresfc. men continuing their selection of curriculum. The first year chon is exipected to number 250, and total registration should exceed 400 students. Freshman students arrived oc Sunday, filling the new men's and women’s dormitories. Upper classmen will complete their registration on Thursday, having pre-registered last spring. Classes for freshman begin Thmrm. day and for sophomores on Fri day. .Local residents were invited to a reception at the college Saturday I evening to inspect the new dor mitory facilities. This was the first social event on the campus. The next public event will be a piano recital on Friday, September 28th, in the auditorium by Peter Ford and Mrs. Louise P. Miller. Both are members of the musie department, Mr. Ford being a new comer this year. He is a graduate of Yale University and received 1ms master’s degree in must* from Converse college. In welcoming the students to the campus on Sunday, President Rob ert Stamey predicted the best year ever because of the wide support of the college, a larger and en tirely competent faculty, and en larged physical plant. SCHOOLS CLOSE ALL DAY FRIDAY Principals And Teachers To Attend Western District Meeting Of NCEA Transylvania schools will close all day on Friday of this week in order that local principals and teachers may attend the 34th annu al convention of the Western dis trict of the North Carolina HMnr cational association in Ashew9e^ Supt. J. B. Jones says the was made up the first of this year* and approximately 3,000 teachers* principals, superintendents and others will attend the Asheville meet Friday. The one-day meeting vrfll hr highlighted by a general session. In •the auditorium of the Lee & Wt- • wards high school, and Dr. Wil liam H. Plemmons, president, Ap palachian State Teachers coOcft> will deliver the convention's prin cipal address. _ The five divisions of the NCKAi will hold meetings during the dtp, and professional problems mil be discussed during the day. Little Theatre Try-Out* Planned On Monday Night The Brevard Little Theatre try outs for casting of the first phj, “John Loves Mary”, will be h»M in the courthouse Monday evening, September 24th, it is annoaeeecL by Don Stoneback, BLT president. Mr. Stoneback issues an imi tation for all interested persons to attend, and adds that if cant ing is not completed after the ftrf try-out, they will be continued Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kathleen Onnand is serv ing as casting chairman, and she also issues a cordial invitation for anyone interested to attend. Al though try-outs will begin at 7JD p. m., persons may stop in the courthouse and read at any thee after that. Coffee will be served thrmijh out the evening, and officers «£ the organization will form a has —Torn to Page Han