A Slate And National P rize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper r TRANSYLVANIA.— An Industrial, acational, Agricultural and Matie Center. Popula tion, mo Census, UJKL Bretinl Community 7; ★ Vol. 67—No. 40 Authorized at Brevard. N. C. Second Class Mail Privileges BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1956 ★ 26 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY A RIBBON CUTTING by Mayor John Ford, center, formally opened the new ly remodeled Brevard Farmers Federa tion store on East Main street. Holding the ribbon are' James McClure Clarke, left, the newly elected president of the WNC Federation cooperative, and Guy M. Sales, Federation general manager, right. The remodeling included the ex pansion of many departments and the addition-of many new ones. Also featur ed in the new store will be self service. (Times Staff Photo) $25,000 Budget Adopted For United Fund Drive, Will Open On October 15 17 Allocations Made On Fair-Share Basis To Wel fare, Health, Social Ag. The second annual United Ap peal fund campaign in Transylva nia county will begin on October 15th, and the directors of the or ganization adopted a budget of $25, 600 at a special meeting Tuesday night in Gaither’s Dogwood room. A total of 17 allocations to sup port welfare, health' and social agencies in this affca is included in the budget. » Don Jenkins, co-chairman of the admissions and budget committee, presided over the meeting, and said that his group had screened all the applications very carefully, and that recommendations were made on a fair-share basis after much study and investigation. Gordon Sprott will be the cam paign director, and he reported Tuesday night that workers are be ing named in all communities. Gil Coan will serve as industrial chair man; Charles L. Russell at Ecusta; Charles Himes, business solicita tion; Mrs. Henry Carrier, advanced gifts; Mrs. Ralph H. Ramsey, wom en’s solicitation; and, James Da vis, clubs. Others will be appoint ed later. The budget for 1957 is as fol lows: Agencies Amount Boy Scouts_2,800.00 Teen Age Center __.__i._5,000.00 Transylvania hospital __1,000.00 Colored Community centers (Brevard and Glade Greek) .r 1,245.27 •Blind Fund _ 440.00 Red Cross ___^___5,000.00 Carolinas United __,_1,334.35 (Included — USO—434.70; Chil dren’s Home Soc.—434.70; FI. Crittenton Home — $150.96; Na tional Travelers Aid — $8.61; Na tional Social Welfare — $7.55; and, Carolinas United—$248.58. Heart Fund-500.00 Cancer Fund _•- 900.00 Girl Scouts -1,893.34 Crippled Children-..-500.00 Salvation army_1,700.00 Operating and Reserve_2,687.04 $25,000.00 The directors approved the or ganization of Associated Charities <—Turn to Page Six CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Oct. 4 — Methodist and Presbyterian women’s circles meet. Lions club meets in Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Masons meet in the temple, 7:30 p. m. Young Democrats meet at the court house, 7:45 p. m. Wood men meet in WOW hall, 8 p. m. Friday, Oct. 5 — Kiwanis club meets in Gaither’s, 7 p. m Brevard rs. Christ School, 7:30 p. m., on high school field. Saturday, Oct. 6 — Transylvania Democratic headquarters open. —Turn to Page Six At Asheville Meet Brevard College Campaign To Raise $500,000 Is Launched The campaign to raise $500, 000.00 to erect two new buildings at Brevard college was formally launched at an enthusiastic lunch eon meeting of district chairmen, co-chairmen and associate chair men held at the Battery Park ho tel in Asheville last Friday. Jonathan Woody, of Waynesville, general chairman of the Brevard College Development fund, pre sided and announced that 28 of the 45 members of the college board of trustees had already pledged to give over $100,000.00 to the drive to be paid in over a period of thir ty-six months. Chairman and associate chair men for each one of the 11 districts in the Western North Carolina Methodist conference were ap pointed recently by Mr. Woody and a number of them discussed plans for conducting the drive in their districts. Young Democrats Meet Tonight To Name New Officers The Young Democrats of Tran sylvania county will meet Thursday night, October 4th, in the court house at 7:45 o’clock for the pur pose of electing officers and trans acting other important business. Robert T. Gash is the president of the Young Democrats and other officers are Eddie Varner and Mrs. j Inez Whitmire, vice presidents; William Lyday, treasurer; and Mrs. Nell Green, secretary. All Young Democrats and their friends have an invitation to attend I this important meeting. r Quota**, are* being assigned to each district and the campaign will get underway at once and end De cember 31. An intensive drive for Brevard and Transylvania county is plan ned for the month of December. Attending the luncheon meeting from Brevard were Ralph Ramsey, Jimmie Gaither, Bryan Shiflet and Ed M. Anderson. Clarence E. Morgan, of Ashe ville, is chairman of the Asheville district and Rev. Philip Shore, of Hendersonville, is associate chair man. Each district chairman will ap point a co-chairman for each county or portion of a county with in his district. Franklin Brown is chairman of the Charlotte district; Allen Sims, —Turn to Page Twelve Will Hold School Bond Election On December 8, Amount Set At $647,000 -*-:-*-I _ JUDGES NAMED FOR '56 COUNTY RURAL CONTEST Parade And Awards Day Set November 3rd. Dinner ‘On October 9th Judges for the Transylvania Ru ral Development contest are an nounced today by James Davis, county agent. They are St. Clair Knight, agri cultural engineer with Duke Pow er company, of Spartariburg; Mrs. Florence Sherrill, home agent from Macon county; and Ted Hyman, ra dio and television specialist with State college. Judging will take place on Octo ber 23rd and 24th and the sched ule will be announced by Mr. Da vis. A number of other events have been scheduled in connection with the rural development program in Transylvania. A dinner for all sponsors will be held at the Ecusta Paper corporation cafeteria next Tuesday night. October 9th, at 7 p. m. The quartet has been set for ; Saturday night, October 27th, at a place to be announced. Climaxing the 1956 rural devel opment contests will be the annual parade and Awards Day on Satur ! day, November 3rd. Winners will be announced and the prizes will be awarded in the third annual event. Previous winners have been Lit tle River, first, and last year Dunn’s Rock. “SALUTE TO IKE” BANQUETSLATED Republicans To Stage $5.00 Per Plate Funds Raising Dinner October 9th Heralded as a “salute to Ike” ban quet, a special funds-raising, $5.00 per piate dinner is being planned by Transylvania Republicans for Tuesday night, October 9th, at the Brevard Country club, beginning at 7:00 o’clock. According to Eugene King, chair man of the executive committee, tickets to the big banquet are now on sale at the Republican head —Turn to Page Twelve Du Pont Records Deeds To Buck Forest Property Two deeds, signifying the trans fer of the Buck Forest property to the E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, have been filed with the register of deeds office of Tran sylvania county. Paul M. Whitmire, registrar, said that the amount of money in volved in this huge transaction was $100,000. The deeds were handled by the law firm of Adams and Ad ams, of Asheville. Involved in this real estate transaction were properties belong ing to Frank Coxe and wife, of Asheville, and others, more com A SAFETY CONTEST at the film division of Ecusta j Paper corporation has just ended with the result being four employees getting expense paid trips to the Nation al Safety Congress in Chicago. The winners along with their bosses are shown above left to right as follows: 1 Production Manager R. F. Bennett; Herbert F. Finck; ! R. J. Ricker, a winner; Hr W. Hall, S.. A. Kent, J. E. Al lison, W. M. Roberts, a winner; and Plant Manager J. H. Truesdail. (See Story on Page Seven). monly known as Buck Forest. This property, plus around 5,000 acres lying in Henderson county and belonging to A. H. Guion and Donald Rhoads, was bought in Ju ly by the DuPont company as the possible site for a silicon plant. Lee’s Rides Here Another Week, All Shriners Will Meet Lee’s Riding devices will be here in Brevard for the remainder of this week, according to Vernon Fricks, president of the Transylva nia Shrine club, which is sponsor ing them. Because of the bad weather last week, the rides were held over for another week. President Fricks reminds all Shriners of the important meeting next Monday night at Gaither’s, when plans will be made for the annual parade and ceremony in Asheville on Oct. 20th. Special Singing Sunday Afternoon The National Clouds of Joy singers and the Bethel “A” choir will be featured on a singing pro gram Sunday afternoon, and all proceeds will go into the fund to buy a rural fire truck. Admission will be adults 50 cents, students, 25c and children 15c, to the sing at the court house. A special section will be reserv ed for white pefBtms. ★ ** National # A* NEWSPAPER WEEK \ \\\V\ I / .// // /s/j* OCT. 1-8 1956 National Newspaper Week Is Being Observed, Contest To Be Conducted in High Schools HEADQUARTERS OF DEMOS WILL OPEN Office Will Be Located Ad jacent to Austin’s Studio On East Main The Transylvania County Demo cratic Campaign Headquarters, lo cated on East Main street across from the court house, will open on Saturday, October 6th, according to Thomas R. Eller, county chairman. The headquarters will be open until the November election with Mrs. Ashe Macfie in charge. Mem bers of the Democratic Women’s club will staff the headquarters and it will remain open on week ends and part of the time during the week. Mr. Eller invites all of the coun ty Democrats to stop in at the head quarters. He is leaving Friday to attend the state convention of Young Democrats in Winston-Salem. Draft Board Is Looking For The Addresses Of Men The local Draft Board No. 89, with offices in the post office buil ding in Brevard, is looking for a number of registrants, which have not been located. Mrs. Tom Galloway, the board clerk, announced them as follows: Billy Carmen Orr, Frank Wyatt, Jr., James Conrad Woodard, Vol ney Andrew Lusk, Earl Owen, Ralph Johnny Campfield, Oliver Monroe Cantrell, William Edgar Griffin, William Dee Golden, Char les Edward Johnson, John Shel ton Simms, Jr., Joyce Earl Bowen, William Floyd Hoxit and Otis Char les Baynard. The clerk asks that anyone who knows the correct address of any of these men should contact the of fice as soon as possible. I The ’56 Theme Is “Your Newspaper—Freedom’s Key To Better Living”. All this week The Transylvania Times joins with the press of the nation in the observance of Na tional Newspaper week. This is a time for readers of newspapers, and more particular ly those vKb do not read newspa pers,'to consider the theme “Your Newspaper — Freedom’s Key to Better Living”. And again this year the newspa pers are stressing the fact that the press fights for “your right to know”. These words emphasize the role the newspapers play as bearers of ideas and communicators of infor mation in today’s complex society. Highlighting the local obser vance of National Newspaper week, the Transylvania Times is conducting an essay contest in Bre vard and Rosman high schools. The theme of the contest will be the same as that of the observance, “Your Newspaper — Freedom’s Key To Better Living” and Pub lisher Ed M. Anderson urges all interested students to submit an essay of not more than 500 words to their English teachers on or be fore Friday, October 12th. First prize in the contest will be $15.00, second, $10.00, and third, $5.00. Publisher Anderson also invites j readers of The Times to peruse ' with interest the articles and edi torials in The Times this week and next on “National Newspaper week.” Richards Named To District Post Jack Richards, coach at Rosman high school was elected vice presi dent of the social studies group at the district meeting of the NCEA in Asheville. He is also president of the Transylvania county unit of the Classroom Teachers Association. WPNF Program Highlights Many Public Service Programs Are Set, Football Broadcasts Are Slated WPNF will broadcast many spe cial public service programs during the coming week, Bobby Hoyle, the station manager, announces today. This is National Newspaper week and a special program entit led, “Hometown”, will be heard at 5:55 o’clock Thursday afternoon. Brief announcements concerning the observance are logged through out the week. Next week is National Fire Pre vention week, and another special program is set up at the same time on October 11th. Spot announce ments on fire prevention will be heard daily and during the even ings next week. On Friday night WPNF will car ry a play-by-play account of the Brevard - Christ school game and air time is 7:45 o’clock, with the kickoff at 7:30. The following afternoon the Carolina • South Carolina game will be broadcast, with air time being 2:15 o’clock. Other Programs The schedule for the Civic hour for the coming week is as follows: Friday, Fortnightly club; Monday, —Turn to Page Twelve VOTE POSTPONED FROM SEPTEMBER _ DUE TO CONFLICT With Passage Of Measure* Modern Building Profraitt Will Go Forward BOOKS TO OPEN The Transylvania board of coun ty commissioners is calling a spec ial school bond election in tb* amount of $647,000 on Saturday, December 8th. - .. The election had been pronoun ly called for September 8th, but was postponed because of the staio wide election on that date «b tie North Carolina constitutional am endments. * • ' -;v After the date had been, set Sac the local election, the GenesteK As sembly ruled that no election could conflict with the state-wide wue ml ment vote. j - -y ~ If the school bond election is ap proved by Transylvania voters, the $647,000, with other funds which the board of education might have on hand, will be used to erect a new and modern high school here and also to carry forward a com plete school building -program throughout Transylvania. At this time construction is pro gressing on a new school build ing at Quebec and a new gymnas ium at Rosmarjr The same books that are used in the general election wiH be used for the school bond vote, and reg istration will open on Saturday, No vember 10th, forth* school bard election. George Shuford, chairman board of elections, states today that registration lor the General election on November 6th wiB bo gin on October 13th. It will contin ue on the two following Saturdays, and November 3rd will be chal lenge day. BOARD APPROVES RURAL PROJECT Technicalities To llawe,. Maintain New Fire Track To Be Worked Out. The town board «£ aUems gave approval to the nummoit to purchase a fire truck, one that la especially designed to fight es in rural areas, at the October meeting Monday night the city hall. Fire Chief Dan Merrill a ‘‘Buck” McCall, who is the committee raising the for the truck, appeared before al dermen and said there ia: ponse to the drive. 'involved in housing and mefintato png the truck in the local depart ment are to be worked out to the. fire chief and the town A petition from Brevard requesting .the Board? to the area opposite the oallhB* bordered by Broads French and Caldwell streets from ] tial to business area to the zoning board. Preaulo Bryson was given mission to operate a taxi in Brevard, and the again awarded the tract of the town to ance agency. Tax Collections Reach 94.5% Mark 1965 Tax Collections for Transylvania county 94.5 percent mark during year, according to official which was presented to the ty commissioners on C. M. Douglas, tax collector The mark was slightly er than collections for tic vious year, percentage-wtav several thousand dollars tn actual cash. Tax statements Monday from the office, half of one percent be allowed for October.

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