Vel: §? = N«: 48 SRiVARi, N: g:) THURSiAY, ilgiMiiR 6,I9§§ * * §§ PA§P8 T0BAY * PUSU8HIB WPP* I l The Transylvania Times A Slate And Net inn* I P r n e-Winninf A:£:& NewtpeptF For Our Children'* Sake, Vote "FOR" Transylvania School Bond Issue Saturday t ban.v kYANIA’s M©»nlaifl h* m *pf4!i#kt last Sat= urd..y j*r<' , Ktfi andad Iasi Balwnf^t and the bill 1§f ’bb was as fePntu daa^-dfb, baaF«—!§• In igg§ H was aeg deer and iff baaFs and tba BFavinws yaar it was m and liva fba bast d«Fing tb« past fiva was in 1059, wban 4W dm wera taken and |g haars- In 1952 the kiU was 393 deer and 14. baaFs; Red Crow Asked To Aid Hungarian* The Transylvania phapter of tim American Bed Cross is being aagg for a special eo«tF|birtiQt $WT for Hungarian relief, Chairman Gordon Spruit announces “We feel that there ere *»w persons who would file |p aid tile Hungarians as they struggle fm freedom, and donations can bf made to the local chapter or at The Transylvania Times,” Iff. Sprott states. The request is small, hut tin* need is great, he declares. Help Fight TB erwfiitA* > iuy CbristfllM Seal* 1 A MORE shopping I h D4¥S m A V CHRISTMAS