TRANSYLVANIA— rhe Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. The Transylvania Times A State And National P r i ze-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrie^ Tcvurift* JBS acatfonal, A g r i c ultura! and Musk Center. Popule tion, 1950 Census, Brevard Community 7J5M. Vol, 67 — No. 51 Authorized at Brevard. N. C. Second Class Mail Privileges BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1956 * 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY TWO LITTLE GIRLS gaze wonder ingly at the ruins of the East Fork Bap tist church, which burned to the ground last Thursday afternoon. Under the lea dership of the pastor, Rev. Kermit Reece, i the congregation is planning to rebuild the church shortly after the first of the year. See story on front page, third sec tion. (Times Staff Photo) Total Of $35,000 In Sight In Brevard College Development Fund Campaign Chairman Garrett Is Hope ful That Goal Of $50, 000 Oversubscribed Excellent response is reported in the current Brevard College Development Fund campaign by Director Ed B. Garrett. Early reports indicate that $35,000 of the goal of $50,000 is now in sight. Chairman Garrett says he hopes that the canvassers, numbering some 35 strong will turn in addit ional pledges and cdntribut\ons to him this week end. ** “This should swell our fund considerably,” Mr. Garrett stated. College officials and local mem bers of the board of trustees are j hopeful that the goal will be over subscribed, thereby setting an ex ample for the other 43 WNC counties which are also conducting simultaneous campaigns, to fol low. The trustees anticipate raising $500,000 in the overall campaign, and this amount will be used to build a campus center building, and a music and fine arts building. Both Of these structures are direly needed on the campus to meet the demands of a student body which is now over 400. Chairman Garrett reminds per sons desiring to contribute to the —Turn to Page Five Heavy rainfall was recorded in the county during the past week. Temperatures were mostly mild. A total of 3.59 inches of rain was re corded, says Bobby Hoyle, official weatherman here. High Low Precip. Wednesday _54 43 1.15 Thursday_57 53 .28 Friday _62 52 1.78 Saturday _62 51 .34 Sunday_65 49 .03 Monday _70 38 .01 Tuesday_61 40 0 CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 20 — Noon dead line to enter Christmas lighting contest. Judging takes place at 7 p. m. B & PW club party at Gai ther’s, 7 p. m. Lions club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Friday, Dec. 21 — Garden club tour of decorated homes leaves Masonic temple, 3:30 p. m. Kiwan is club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 22 — Santa Claus to be in stores. Sunday, Dec. 23 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, Dec. 24 — Last day to shop. No Rotary club meeting. Special Christmas Eve services in Brevard churches. Tuesday, Dec. 25 — Christmas Day. Wednesday, Dec. 26 — Stores continue closed for holidays. BPOE and Moose Lodge meet at respec tive club houses, 8 p. m. Light Session Jurors Are Drawn For January Term Of Superior Court Here Jurors for the January term of Superior court in Transylvania have been drawn. Clerk of Court Marvin McCall reports. The two-weeks term will begin on Monday, January 7th, with criminal cases scheduled for that week, and the civil docket the sec ond. Judge Francis 0. Clarkson, of Charlotte, will preside. The court is expected to be a light one, since many cases were disposed of during the December term, just completed. Jurors to serve during first week are as follows: Charles W. Pickelsimer Jr., Paul W. Sitton, Mrs. C. C. Garren, Mrs. Kimzey To Return From Leave After Christmas Holidays District Principal Robert T. Kim zey will re-assume his duties with the opening of school after the Christmas holidays on Monday, January 7th. Due to his health, Mr. Kimzey took a leave of absence ear lier this year. According to Supt. J. B. Jones, C. Wayne Bradburn, who has been serving as acting principal, will be come county supervisor in the Transylvania school system. Marshall Teague, former assis tant coach has been elected assis tant director of physical training, and he will assume these duties at the beginning of the spring term on January 7th. Coach Teague succeeds George E. Powell, who has been called in to military service. 1 Allison Orr Elected To Head Dunn’s Rock Masonic Lodge During New Year Allison Orr, manager of Pearl man’s here, was elected worship ful master of the Dunn’s Rock Ma sonic lodge at the last regular sta ted communication in the Masonic temple. He succeeds D. Frank Bridges, and other officers elected at the meeting were: Clyde Summey, sen ior warden; William C. Bangs, jun ior warden; A. N. Jenkins, past master, re-elected treasurer; and, Henry R. Henderson, past master, was renamed secretary. Appointive officers for the new year are as follows: Hershel Town ly, senior deacon; Clayton Gard ner, junior deacon; Howard Dan iel, senior steward; Arthur H. Jenkins, junior steward; Ansel Hart, past master, chaplain; and, Milford Hubbard, tyler. L. Paul Beck, past master, was reappoint —Turn to Page Four ALLISON ORR Tom Couch, T. H. Houck, Roland Owen, Miss Christine Fisher, Char lie Leopard, Grayson Hensley, Rob ert Fulton, Jack Alexander, Mrs. T H, Pickelsimer, Ray Hooper, Vel la Parker, Mrs. T. R. McCall, Roth ie Laws, Mrs. Elmo McCall, Ralph Holden, Almond Hall, Flora W. Barkley, Frank Smith, Gaston Whitmire, Herbert Henson, Bruce Cassell, Mrs. A. D. Brittain, Claude Ray, Clarence Brown, Mrs. Allen McKinney, James Herman Keener, Mrs. Ransler King, Mrs. E. O. Gor don, Fred Owenby, Harry Owen, J. V. Dills, Paul Keller, Mrs. Holland Talley. Second week jurors are: Howard Schmidt, John S. Carpenter Wayne Conn, Ralph Owen, Rhett Talley, Robert W. Head, Mrs. Eu gene King, Paul Lollis, E. M. Sta —Turn to Page Five Local Teen-Agers Play Santa To Canadian Girl Several weeks ago a little six year-old Canadian girl was alrea dy dreaming of a happy Christ mas, and a group of Brevard teen-agers have seen to it that her dream will come true. Little did Malinda Bangs and her friends think of the possi bilities of playing Santa Claus when they went to buy a Christ mas tree to decorate at the Teen age Center. But Laraine F. McGraw, of Tracadie, New Brunswick, should be getting a package from them soon — because it was mailed December 18th. The story is one of those un canny things that occasionally happen. Malinda and her friends bought the Christmas tree from an organization here selling only Canadian spruces. The child had tucked a note in to one of them that read: “Dear Mrs.-: I am asking with kind ness if you won’t send me some thing for Christmas. I am a lit tle girl of six years old. Please don’t forget to send me some thing. I’ll be very happy.” So all the way from Canada came the tall spruce with the child’s scrawling note inside it And the Teen-Agers will be having sort of a special time —Turn To Page Five Times To Publish Day Later After Yule Observance Due to the Christmas observ ance next week when Brevard’s stores will be closed on both Tuesday and Wednesday, The Transylvania Times will be pub lished a day later, Publisher Ed M. Anderson states. Usually, The Times goes on sale at the news stands on Wed nesday afternoon and in the mails that evening. However, next week, Brevard’s prize-win ning weekly will be published on Thursday afternoon. The publisher also announces that The Times office will be closed for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, in or that the staff might enjoy the Christmas observance with their families. I BRISK RUSH IS FORESEEN, LAST SHOPPING DAYS Tuesday, Wed’day Holidays. All Stores, Town And Co. Offices To Close SANTA RETURNS Transylvanians are joining with other Americans in busily prepar ing for the 1956 Christmas and brisk business is noted in the com munity. Stores are well stocked with hol iday merchandise in spite of the heavy rush, and for the conveni ence of the shoppers many are re maining open evenings. Stores, town and county offices will be closed both on Tuesday and Wednesday for the Yule observ ance. All offices in the court house, except the sheriff’s office, will close Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Santa Claus will return to Bre vard on Friday afternoon and Sat urday, Harry Sellers, chairman of the merchants committee of the Brevard chamber of commerce re ports, and he will have candy for all of his little friends. Santa will also be in Brevard on Monday, Christmas Eve. Transylvania schools will close on Friday for the Christmas holi days. As usual the schools will observe a two-weeks' holiday, with classes i beginning again on Monday, Jan | uary 7th, Supt. J. B. Jones reports, i Brevard gollege began t h e ’56 i Christmas holidays on Saturday, i Dec. 15th, and students will return i —Turn to Page Four :---. Help Fight TB Buy Christmas Seals MORE SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS Hem Cmisntis ★ From The Entire Times Staff ★ Ed M. Anderson Publisher John Anderson Editor Frances Walker Associate Ned Comar Linotype Gordon Byrd Printer Jack Briggs Advertising Mgr. Henry Henderson Plant Supt. Eston Phillips Job Printing D. C. Wilson Pressman Chamber Of Commerce Is Now Completing Successful Year TIMES TO CARRY 1957 FORECASTS Roger Babson’s “Business And Financial Outlook” Will Be In Next Issue The Transylvania Times will publish Roger W. Babson’s “Busi ness and Financial Outlook for 1957” next week, Publisher Ed M. Anderson announces today. Mr. Babson’s 1957 outlook will contain outstanding forecasts cov ermg sucn lmpor t a n t topics as: general business, commodity pric es, taxes, trade, labor, inflation, farm outlook, stock market, real estate and politics. Mr. Babson — ■■^^■^^^"pioneer in the Boger W. Btbcon 0f business and financial statistics — enjoys an unusual record of accuracy in his annual forecasts. A careful checking of the Bab son Predictions made in the BUS INESS AND FINANCIAL FORE —Turn to Page Eight I Ballots To Be Printed Satur day. Resume Of Activi ties Is Given As the year 1956 rapidly draws to a close, James C. Gaither, presi dent of the Brevard chamber of commerce makes a final plea for ali persons who have not paid their dues for the current year to do so immediately. Friday will be the last day to join, since the ballots will go to press on Saturday. Only names of paid up members will be listed on the ballot. The day after Christmas the ex ecutive secretary. Mrs. John Ford, will mail the ballots to all mem bers, and balloting will be on Jan uary 8th. The 25 persons receiving the highest number of votes will com prise the board of directors for 1957. At the present time, the Brevard chamber of commerce has the high est membership that it has had in several years. Paid up members now total 166, and last year there were 161 names on the ballot. Officers for the New Year will be elected by the new board at a special call meeting on January 15th. In addition to having a most suc —Turn to Page Four Program Highlights Many Beautiful; Inspiring Christmas Programs To Be Heard Over WPNF Beginning on Christmas Eve and throughout the holiday season, many beautiful and inspiring pro grams will be heard over WPNF, and Bobby Hoyle, station mana ger, urges all listeners to keep their dials at 1240. Many local firms are sponsoring special shows for the Christmas holidays and appropriate messages will be heard along with the out standing Yuletide music. The leading musicians and sing ers of the country will be featured on the outstanding Chrismas pro grams, Mr. Hoyle states. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Carolina Farm features; Friday, ASC office, Marvin Whitmire; Monday, Caro lina Farm features; Wednesday, Carolina farm features, j On the Civic hour he following I will be heard: Friday, Girl Scouts; Monday, Music Lovers [club; Wednesday, Rosman Cham ber of Commerce. The Rev. Clifford Hornbuckle, i pastor of Middle Fork Baptist —Turn to Page Eight CIVIC CLUBS ARE AIDING IN CHEER WORK FOR NEEDY Round-up Various Programs Announced. Ceremonies Are Underway SCHEDULES GIVEN Highlighting the Christmas ob servance will be special Christmas services -at the churches through out Brevard and Transylvania county. Civic clubs, fraternal organiza tions and the welfare department are all joining with the churches in spreading Christmas cheer. N» merous parties for the children are being held, and one of the largest of the season was held at the Bre vard Elks lodge this past Sunday afternoon. Civic and church leaders are . making an “all-out effort to see to it that Ole Santa does not over look anyone this Christmas. Church Services A Christmas pageant, “The Great Gift”, will be given on Sunday ev ening at the First Baptist church here at 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. Bill Nor ris will direct, and Mrs. Karl Bosse is directing the youth rhnira. A special service is set the follow ing evening, and on Bjteember 30th, the members of ti^ First Baptist church will hold student night. At St. Philip’s Episcopal church the holiday festivities begin with a Christmas pageant at 5 p. m. Son day afternoon. This will be follow ed by a family pot luck suppev is the parish house. / The Festal Celebration of Hob Communion will take place at 11:30 p. m., Christmas eve. This service —Turn to Page Eight. DRIVE CAREFULLY, PATROLMEN IRGE! County’s Record §aid One Of Best In State. Accideai Reported Wednesday With the Christmas and Njew Year holidays “just around the corner”, Transylvania’s highway patrolmen, Pfc. Jack Cabe and Pit. Bill Sawyer, urge all motorists to drive with extreme caution dar ing the observances. If there are no fatalities on toe county’s highways during the next 11 days, Transylvania wilL^ have one of the best records in "North. Carolina. According to the patrolmen, at the end of this 11-day period the county’s record will be three and one half years with no fatalities OB Transylvania highways. Daily the patrolmen are stopping motorists and giving them Christ mas cards, which request carefal driving on North Carolina's high ways. One wreck was reported in ton county on Wednesday. About £28 a. m., Jack Morrison, of Oakland^ ran off the road in his pkhw oa Rocky Hill and turned it oopr af ter hitting an embankment. The - driver and a passenger, Robert —Torn to Inge Eight. Dr. Sanders Heads. Medical Body, Also Hospital Staff Chief Dr. James Sanders has .been ele cted president of the T»ansiS|pB^» Medical society and chief of staff of the Transylvania romihwitj; hospital. He succeeds Dr. Mac Roy Gas que, and Dr. Carl Plum was re elected secretary of the society. Dr. Sanders recently return ed to Brevard, after seiyinefor two years in the Arm^ifracal corps. Dr. Julius Sader was appointed ' as delegate to the State Medical ; convention, and Dr. Gasque was named as alternate. The local medical society meets each third Monday evening at the hospital, and the election of new officers becomes effective on Jan uary 1st.

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