TRANSYLVANIA— I*he Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper 4a Industrial, Tourist, 16 oeatlonal, Agricultural and Music Center. POpute tion, 1980 Census, 1AJS1. Brevard Community 7J01 Vol. 67 — No. 52 Authorized at Brevard, N. C. Second Clan Mail Privilege! BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1956 ★ 16 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY AWARDS WERE MADE during the past week to the winners in the Timber Stand improvement contest in Transyl vania, which is sponsored annually by the Silversteen Industries and Carr Lum ber company for FFA and 4-H club members. Jerry Whitmire, who is now attending the Martha Berry School in Georgia, won the first prize of $25. and the other winners can be noted, stand ing. left to right: Homer Crane, Brevard F^A. second prize of $20; Everette Pat terson, fifth prize of $5.00, Wendell I Brown, third prize of $15, and Tommie Owen, fourth prize of $10. The three lat ter boys are Rosnian FFA members, and standing- at the right is Bill Garmon, as sistant county ngent. Seated, left to riight, are: Joseph S. Silversteen, president of j Silversteen Industries; F. Brown Carr, executive vice president of Carr Lumber company; and, B. E. Keisler, agricultur- j al instructor at Rosman. (Times Staff Photo) Outlook For Transylvania During New Year Appears Good, Survey Is Made Bank Deposits Up. Stores And Town And County Of fices To Close New Year’s After .1 good Christmas business and a successful 1956. Brevard merchants are cautiously confident and hopeful of another good year in ’57. Although several families left the community during the past year to go to work in the new cello phane plant in Indiana, business in the town and county was reported to be normal during 1956. and the outlook is reported by many observ ers to be excellent for the New Year. Indications point to the begin ning of construction of DuPont’s plant in Buck forest to manufac ture silicon in ’57, and the new ly organized Transylvania Indus trial Development corporation is following up several leads to bring smaller and diversified industry into Transylvania. According to Ralph J. Duck worth, executive vice president of the Transylvania Trust company, deposits are up at the local bank. Transylvanians will join with the rest of the nation in ringing out the old and ringing in the New Year next Monday night. Tuesday will be a legal holiday, and Brevard stores, town and coun ty offices will be closed. The bank and the post office will also have a holiday, and there will be no rural or city delivery of mail. The general delivery window, however, will be open from 11:30 until 12:00 noon. A survey of businesses in Bre vard reveals that the Christmas business was on a par or a little better than a year ago. Other factors indicate that Tran sylvania will have one of its best —Turn to Page Eight CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. December 27 — Ma sonic meeting and installation of officers, temple, 8 p. m. Friday, December 28 — Ace of Clubs to meet at Gaither’s, 7:45 p. m. Saturday, December 29 — Ameri can Legion to hold dance in Legion Memorial building, 8:30 p. m. Sunday, December 30 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, December 31 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. New Year’s Eve dances at both the Elks Lodge and the Country club, beginning at 9 p. m. Tuesday. January 1 — Book and Plate club meets at 8 p. m., with Mrs. A. M. Ream. Wednesday, January 2 — Tax listing begins at all the townships. Brevard college students return from holidays. R osman Host Troop Many Boy Scouts Promoted At December Court Of Honor Highlighting the successful De cember Boy Scout court of honor in Transylvania county was the awarding of life rank to Douglas Israel and star rank to Donald Lee Moore. Jr., of Brevard. The honor court was held at Ros man. with troop 19 as the host troop. A. W. Tucker, chairman of ad vancements in the county, awarded the life rank to young Israel, of troop 7, Boylston, and Walter Straus made the star award to young Moore, of troop 1, Brevard. Dr. Robert Levy, chairman of the court, presided, and the colors were advanced by George Sisk and Ray Jones, while the pledge was by Wallace McCall. Bob Garner, field representative of the Daniel Boone council, Boy Scouts of America, made tender foot awards to the following: John ny Peterson, Avery Whitmire, Or en Matthews and Carl Powell. January Term Of Court Cancelled The January term of Superior court in Transylvania has been cancelled, Marvin McCall, clerk of court, announces today. The cancellation is due to a conflicting court in Rutherford county, Mr. McCall states. Both the criminal and civil slates for the January term were light since the December term was just recently completed. The next term of Superior court in Transylvania is slated in April. Second class awards were made by Dr. Levy to: Charles Cox, George Truesdail and Walter Straus. Charles Dunlop was in charge of the awarding of first class rank to (he following: Ralph Monahan and John Loftis. Merit badges were pre sented by Dr. E. O. Bryant to: Joel Stevenson. Norman Trotter, Rob ert Ayers. Tommy Gardner, Car roll Parker. James Curwen, James Garrett, John Loftis, Henry Tuck er, Tommy Gardner, Jerry Willing ham, James Tucker, Jimmy David son, John Matheson, Billy Gaddy, Robert Andrews, Jr., Tommy Eng lish, Donald Moore, Ralph Mona han, Charles Dunlop and Douglas Israel. Condition Oi Daughter Sc The condition of Billie Ander son, the 20-year old daughter of Ed M. Anderson, the publisher of The Transylvania Times and president of WPNF, was report ed by authorities at the Wilkes county hospital, North Wilkes boro, Thursday morning as being improved “following a good night”. Miss Anderson was gravely in jured Sunday night in a highway accident about six miles from North Wilkesboro. An outstand ing student at the University of North Carolina, she was home for the holidays, and the accident WPNF Program Highlights First Baby In Transylvania In ’57 To Be Honored On Program Tuesday The first baby of ’57 in Transyl vania county will be honored on a special radio program over WPNF on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, announces today. Several Brevard firms are offer ing fine prizes to the first baby and his or her parents, and all listen ers of WPNF are urged to hear the special program on Tuesday. The list of prizes is as follows: Austin’s Studio — a portrait of the baby at six months of age; South ern Dairies, two week’s supply of Sealtest milk; Pearlman’s—a crib mattress by Kingsdown; Varner’s & Long’s, a deluxe Johnson’s baby kit; Gaither’s restaurant, two chick en dinners to parents in January; Harold’s super market, 24 jars of Gerber’s strained baby food; Tran tham’s department store, Pair of “Step Master” or “Cozy Foot” ba by shoes; Micy’s laundry, $5.00 free laundry service; Co-Ed the atre, a month’s Free pass to the parents, which may be picked up any time during the year, and Bat —Turn to Page Five Tax Listing To Begin In Transylvania Next Wednesday, Listers Are Appointed WILL PAY $<0,000 TO MEMBERS OF SAVINGS & LOAN Resources Of Association Are Now Nearly Four Mil lion, Jerome Says Semi-annual dividend checks, to | tailing $60,000. will be mailed to members of the Brevard Federal Savings and Loan association, it is learned today from Jerry Jerome, the executive vice president. Resources of the association here now total nearly four million, and Hie association will pay interest at j the rate of three and one-half per cent. after Jan. 1st, Mr. Jerome re-: ports today. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the association will be hi Id Wednesday, January 17, in the oflice on Caldwell street, at 2:00 o'clock. In addition to the executive vice president. other officers are: Jos eph S. Silversteen. president; A. F. Mitchell, vice president, attorney; Mrs. R o w e n a Summcy, secre tary and assistant treasurer; and Robert Plummer, treasurer. Directors are: President. Silver- j stem, Vice President Mitchell, Ex- i ecutive Vice President Jerome,! Treasurer Plummer, J. I. Ayers, W. L. Mull, J. M. Allison, Sr., Don Jenkins, and H. B. Shiflet. FIRST BABY BORN I IN COUNTY TO GET VALUABLE PRIZES Local Merchants Offering Awards In Baby Derby To Parents And Infant A number of valuable gifts are awaiting the first white baby born in Transylvania county in 1956 and reported to The Times. These gifts are being offered by a number of Brevard merchants who are participating in the annual Baby Derby. All prizes must be called for within 30 days after the closing date of the derby, January 3. The list of the donors and their prizes are: Varner’s and Long’s drug stores: deluxe Johnson’s baby kit; Pearl man’s: baby high chair, Co-Ed Clemson theatres: two passes for a month; Southern Dairies: two —Turn to Page Eight Publisher's lid Improving occurred when she stopped her car because of a flat tire. Another car stopped to give her aid, and when she went to unlock the trunk, a third car rammed into the second one, crushing Miss Anderson between them. So gravely was her right leg injured that it was removed shortly ofter the accident. She also suffered a compound break of the left leg, fractures of the pelvis and skull. Mrs. P. G. Wright, a passen ger in Miss Anderson’s car, suf fered head cuts in the accident, and was released from the Wilkes hospital following treatment. No —Turn to Page Five Making Final Push In College Campaign $40,000 Is In Sight Canvassers in the Brevard col lege Development fund campaign are urged by Chairman Ed B. Garrett to complete contacts of prospective donors this week end in order that the drive can be finished before the end of the year on next Monday at midnight. Mr. Garrett says that approxi mately $40,000 of the goal of $50,000 is in sight, and many of the workers have not made their reports to him. Persons desiring to contribute but who have not been contacted are asked to get in touch with —Turn to Page Four A PRETTY REMINDER for Tar Heel motorists that it’s almost time for new license plates is Warner Bros, actress Virginia Mayo. The state’s new yellow-on-black 57 tags go on sale here at the Carolina Motor club and across North Carolina on January 2 and must be display ed after February 15. Transylvania Awarded Safety Plaque, Officers Are Praised ROGER W. BABSON’S “Busin ess and Financial Forecast for 1957” is carried in this week’s issue of The Times on the front page of the second section. Mr. Babson, a pioneer in the field of business and financial statistics, enjoys a remarkable record of ac curacy of 85 percent correct for the last 18 years. Subscribers of The Times are urged to read his ’57 forecast with extreme inter est. The Weather -B I * & A small amount of precipitation was recorded each day during the past week. There was a total rain fall of 2.51 inches. Temperatures were mostly mild. High Low Pre. Wednesday_60 41 .01 Thursday _59 41 .02 Friday . 71 51 .01 Saturday __._57 53 .40 Sunday._60 53 1.00 Monday _58 43 1.05 Tuesday _44 24 .02 9 — ” County Did Not Have Any Fatalities On Highway Last Year. Record Cited Transylvania county has been presented a certificate of merit for “outstanding accomplishments in traffic safety” by the North Carolina State Automobile associ ation. “The South’s Largest Motor club.” The handsome framed certifi cate was awarded in recognition of Transylvania’s record of having no highway fatalities during 1955, one of only three counties in the entire state with such a fatal ity-free record. The others are Clay and Graham counties. Transylvania also had no fatalities during 1954. The last fatal accident occurred on June 17, 1953. At a ceremony held at the Tran sylvania County courthouse in Bre vard Thursday morning, the cer tificate was presented to Freeman Hayes, chairman of the county board of commissioners, and Sher iff Everett V. Dillingham by A. Cox, the motor club’s representa tive in Transylvania county, on be half of the N. C. State A. A. and the National Automobile associa tion, with which the N. C. State A A. is affiliated. Also participating in the cere mony was Hugh Cranford, Char lotte division manager for the N. C. State A. A., and State Highway Patrolmen Jack Cabe and Bill Saw yar. “It is a happy privilege to have this opportunity to present Tran sylvania county with this certifi cate for the fine traffic safety re cord that has been achieved here,” Mr. Cox said. “It takes real team work on the part of county and city officials, law enforcement of ficers and public in general to go —Turn to Page Five North Carolina’s Highway Patrol Commander Has Praise For County Colonel James R. Smith, com mander of the State Highway pa trol in North Carolina, has written a letter to the editor of The Times in which he offers his compliments lo Transylvania county on the oc casion of the presentation of the safety plaque from North Carolina Automobile association. Col. Smith’s letter said in part: “The traffic safety record attained by Transylvania county is an en viable one, and I sincerely appre ciate the fact that a part of your achievement is attributed to the ac tivities of the patrolmen assigned in your district.” The patrol commander points out that his organization is constantly seeking to improve its protection of life and property. He makes some suggestions about further ob jectives which are “expansion of driver education and training pro grams in the high school, the es tablishment of a periodic mechani cal inspection plan, the addition of 100 more highway troopers, chemical tests for intoxication, the —Turn to Page Four BOOKS TO BE IN TOWNSHIPS THRU JANUARY THE 10 Tax Supervisor Says Penalty For Failure To List Is Re quired By Law RUN-DOWN GIVEN Tax listing in the county will begin Wednesday, January 3rd and all county property and farm reports must be listed during the month, Lewis Osborne, tax super visor, states. Penalty for failure to do so is required by law. The books will be in the town? ships through January 7th, aod they will be here in the court house after that time. The tax listers for the various townships are as follows: Mrs. Lloyd Compton—Dunn's Rock. Allen McCall—Gloucester. Herbert Fisher—Hogback^ Mrs. Ruth William—Eastatoe. George Shuford—Little River. Carl Allison — Cathey’s Creek. Miss Avarie Glazener — Bre vard. And for Rosman inside, Mick ler Lusk will list through the 7th. The listing places in the var ious townships and the dates for listing are as follows: Boyd Township — Orr’s Store, January 2; Worley’s Store, Jan uary 3; Euge Gillespie’s Resi dence, Neal Hawkins Farm, Jan uary 4; Talley’s Store, January 5; Owenby’s Store, January 7-8. Brevard Township — Commit sioner’s office, County Court house, January 2nd through Feb luary 2nd. Cathey’s Creek Inside Booflm at Gloucester Lumber Co. Store, January 2-7. Cathey’s Creek Township —— Gloucester Lumber Co. Store, January 2-3; Hardin’s Store, Jan uary 4-5; McKinney’s Store, Jan uary 7; Webster’s Grocery, Jan uary 8; Lem Brooks’ Store, Jan uary 9; Ray Dills Store, January 10. Dunn’s Rock Township — Pow ell’s Store, January 2; Coy Comp ton's Store, January 3; Maude —Turn to Page Five YULE OBSERVANCE REPORTED QUIET Only One Accident Report ed. County’s Schools Op en January 7th The ’56 Christmas holidays Jar Transylvania were Quietly obsor ed. Although a record number of accidents and fatalities were ro> ported on the nation’s highway* during the observance, there wa»> only one wreck in the county. flfo one was injured in it, however, the car was practically demolished. The accident occurred Christmas eve on the R os man highway nest to Brooks store. According to local officers, a car driven % John Bn* rv Heath overturned several times, the four occupants were thruwa out on to a freshly plowed field, which was probably the reason for injuries being at a minimum. Schools in Transylvania wiB re main closed until January 7th, while Brevard college win resume classes on Thursday, January 3rd Church services and family ga therings highlighted the Christ mas observance in Transylvania, ’and all stores, town and county of fices were closed. Masons To Install New Officers This Thursday At Meet The annual installation of newly* elected and appointed officers of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge will be held at a stated communication on Thursday evening of this week, be ginning at 8:00 o’clock. According to the worshipful mas ter, D. Frank Bridges, T. Ralph Parrish, past master, will act as in stalling officer, and V. P. Full bright, also a past master, win serve as marshall. As usual, the stated communien —Turn to Page Flue •

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