TRANSYLVANIA— Tilt Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 68 — No. 1 The Transylvania Times A Stale And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper ESrShSLS BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1957 * 16 PAGES TODAY * TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricultural »d Music Center. Popula tion, 1990 Census, 1B.SSL Brevard Community 7,194. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AN ENTIRE FAMILY, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Gillespie and their 13-year old daughter, Joan, were killed last Thurs day afternoon fn the automobile above, which crashed into a Southern Railway train at the Etowah crossing on the new stretch of Highway 64 in Henderson county. Sarah Varner, a fourth passen ger in the car, was seriously injured in the crash, however, her condition was reported to be much improved yesterday by authorities at the Asheville Mission hospital. In the three photos below the crash picture, Mr. Gillespie is at the left, Mrs. Gillespie in the center, and their daughter. Joan, is pictured at the right. All Three Members Of Doyle Gillespie Family Killed In Auto-Train Collision Tragedy Occurred Last Thursday Afternoon At Etowah Crossing Combined funeral services for the Gillespie family were held last Saturday afternoon in the First -Baptist church of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Gillespie and their lS-year old daughter, Joan Doris, were fatally injured late last Thursday afternoon in an auto train collision on the new Highway 64 at Etowah in Henderson coun ty. Officiating at the triple funeral were Rev. B. W. Thomason, First Baptist minister, and Rev. Douglas Corriher, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church. The bodies were taken to the church two hours prior to the services, and burial —Turn to Page Four Program Highlights Comar Baby Is Winner Of ’57 Derby Of Times And WPNF Cynthia Marie Comar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Comar, of rcute 2, Brevard, is the county’s first baby and winner of the 1957 baby derby, sponsored by The Transylvania Times and WPNF. Many Brevard merchants award ed prizes in the contest, and little Miss Comar was born at 1:59 on New Year’s morning. ' The infant weighed seven pounds, one ounce, the exact weight of the first baby born in 1956. She was Wanda Sue Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard Norris. Cynthia Marie is the fourth child of Mr. and Mrs. Comar. and mother and daughter are doing splendid ly. Dr. C. L. Newland was the at tending physician, and the first baby was honored on a special ra dio program Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Comar is the linotype operator on the Brevard prize-winning news —Tarn To Page Five NO FATALITIES in Transylvania county during 1956 won the county rec ognition from the N. C. Automobile as sociation. Freeman Hayes, chairman of the county board of commissioners, is shown above receiving the certificate from A. C©x, the motor club’s representa tive in Transylvania. Others participa ting in the ceremony are, left to right: Hugh Cranford, Charlotte division man ager of N. C. State A. A., Transylvania county sheriff, E. V. Dillingham, and state highway patrolman, Bill Sawyer. (Times Staff Photo) DuPont's Purchase Of Land For Plant Site In County Was Top Story Of '56 TAX LISTERS ARE BUSY, BOOKS IN TOWNSHIPS NOW Will Be Brought To Court House Next Week. Os borne Cites Law Tax listing will be continued in tne various townships of Transyl vania through Thursday of next week, and afterwards, the books will be here in the court house, Lewis Osborne, tax supervisor, re ports. Tax listing began on Wednesday, and the listers had a busy day, Mr. Osborne says. During the month of January, all county property and farm reports must be listed, and penalty for fail ure to do so is required by law. The tax listers for the various townships are as follows: Mrs. Betty Compton — Dunn’s Rock. Allen McCall — Gloucester. Herbert Fisher — Hogback. Mrs. Ruth Williams — Boyd. Mrs. Lawrence Whitmire--East atoe. George Shuford — Little River. E. Carl Allison — Cathey’s ey's Creek. Miss Avarie Glazener — Brevard. NEW YEAR’S IS QUIET IN COUNTY Transylvania Leads State In Record Of No Fatalities On The Highways — New Year's was quietly observed in Brevard and Transylvania coun ty with a “Sunday-like” hush be ing noted. There were no traffic accidents on the last day and night of ’56, and Transylvania, for the third straight year, had a perfect record of no fatalities on the highways. Actually, Transylvania leads the state, with only one other county, Graham, having no fatalities on the highways during the past three years. Transylvania’s last fatality was in June, 1953, while Graham’s was in December of that year. Stores, town and county offices were closed on Tuesday for the —Turn to Page Five Auto, Pick-Up Are Demolished In Wreck Sunday Two persons were injured, a pick-up truck and an automobile were practically demolished in a head-on collision Sunday evening near the Rocky Hill bridge on Highway 64 between Brevard and Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harl San ders, of Hendersonville, were rid ing in the pick-up truck and both were taken to the local hospital, suffering with cuts and bruises about the head. Mr. Sanders was transferred to a Greenville hospi tal, and Mrs. Sanders was released on Monday. Their conditions were said to be good. According to Highway Patrol man Jack Cabe, who investigated, Fred Garfield Barton was the driv er of of the vehicle that crashed into the pickup, and Barton is be ing charged with driving under the influence of liquor and reckless driving. Training School For Officers Of P-TA Groups Set A training school for all P-TA officers in Transylvaniia county will be held on Monday night, Jan uary 7th, at Gaither’s, beginning at 6:30 o’clock. It will be a supper meeting, and all P-TA officers of the county are urged to attend. Reservations can be made made through Fri day, January 4th, by calling Mrs. Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., and the cost will be $1.25 per plate. Mrs. Olin S. Dillard, of Candler, who is director of district one, of the state P-TA organization, will attend the meeting anad speak on —-Turn to Page Five SOME PRANKSTER, thinking possibly that it was Halloween instead of Christmas, went to a lot of trouble placing a school safety sign atop the huge monument at the entrance of the Pisgah National forest. It was taken frorrr.the Straus school in North Brevard or from Pisgah Forest and was placed in the spot from where the large bronze eagle was stolen several months ago. ^5 '; ^ (Times Staff Photo) Revised Management Program <. Underway At Camp Straus Lake MISS MYRTLE BARNETT, whose home is here in Brevard and former instructor of nurses for the past three and one-half years at the Greenville General hospital, Greenville, S, C., has been appointed director of nurses at the Pardee Memorial hospi tal, Hendersonville. Miss Barnett assumed her duties on January 1st. Prior to serving as director of nursing services here at the local hospital, Miss Barnett was in charge of the infirmary at Meredith college, Raleigh, for several years. Better Fishing Is Predicted. Braden Pillow Is Directing A revised management pro gram, aimed at improving the fish ing in future years at Camp Harry H. Straus, was started recently. Braden Pillow, management bio logist for the United States Fish and Wildlife service, is directing the program, and is being assisted by the camp personnel. Mr. Pillow, now a resident of Brevard, works primarily in National forests and game refuges in the Southern Ap palachian region, but finds enough time to be able to assist local pri vate pond owners in solving their management program. He is at present helping the pond owners in and around Transylvania coun ty. To begin the program in the lake, it was necessary to remove all fish. None of the old fish must re main in the lake. Under the re vised program stocking will be done with a well-balanced popula tion of blue-gill beam and large mouth bass. The removal of the fish from the lake area was accomplished by seining and poisoning. Many va rieties of bream, crappie and sun fish were removed. The blue-gill bream will be put —Turn to Page Five 10 Top Stories In Transylvania In '56 1— DuPont company purchases 10,500 acres of land near Cedar mountain in Transylvania and Henderson counties for silicon plant site. 2— Ecusta announces expansion program to cost several million dollars. 3— The Doyle Gillespie family of three wiped out in auto-train crash at Etowah. 4— Over $500,000 to be spent immediately on new buildings on the campus of Brevard college. 5— Presbyterians complete beautiful new church and celebrate its opening. 6— Methodists begin construction of new church opposite Bre vard college. Initial costs over $216,000. 7 — Cedar Mountain community, after winning first in Tran sylvania’s Rural Progress program, goes on to tie for first place in WNC competition. 8— Squabble between WNC football officials and Brevard high school and civic officers over alleged incidents at the Hendersonville Brevard game, when the local school was placed on a year’s proba tion. 9— Transylvania citizens approved school bond issue of $647, 000 by big vote. 10— Large number seized in liquor raids* in town and county. BEST STORIES OF YEAR REVIEWED, SURVEY S TAKEN Month-By-Month Headline* Given. Staff Lists Impor tant Ones TRAGEDY IN NEWS The announcement by the DO* Pont Company on July 4 that iO/M acres of land had been purchased near Cedar Mountain in Trawyl-' vania and Henderson counties as a possible site for the further pro duction expansion of its Silken production was the biggest star? in Transylvania county during 1956. Running a close second was the announcement of the Ecusta Paper corporation this faflf that facilities there would be expanded for in creased paper production.- - Other leading stories also dealt with construction. Dormitories at Brevard College were built construction was started on the Campus Center building. The nets First Baptist church was complet ed in January and the Presbyter ians held their first service in their new church in December. Just recently the congregation of the Brevard Methodist church an nounced plans for a new edifice opposite Brevard College and con struction was started on it hot month. Tragedy was also noted in the top stories. Last week the three members of the Doyle Gillespie family were wiped out in an sole, train collision in Henderson Coun ty ‘‘Each year the Transylvania i Times staff takes stock of uk lines during the past year and makes a review of them tram Which are picked the top ten stor ies. The month-by-month survey at these important headlines follows: JANUARY Brevard high school band has largest number and best scores is Western Band Clinic. Coleman Galloway retires as Postmaster at Brevard. Vernon Fullbright named acting Postmas ter. Teen-Age Center has successful grand opening. James C. Gaither named presS —Turn to Page Poor WORK BEGUN ON MEDICAL OFFICES Dr’s. Sader And Strieker Erecting New, Modern Building On East Main Construction has been started the new medical offices of Drs. So der and Strieker on the lot on Bid: Main street between the Wabngfc. Inn and the Masonic temple. Riley Merrilljs the contractor on this new and modern buikting; and McDonald and Daniels are the architects. Completely modern throeghonf, the building will be air conditioned and will contain reception rooms* examining and consulting rooms* labs, rooms for surgery and X-npi a lounge for the staff and a beating plant. Adding a touch to the modern design will be continuous window walls on two sides of the building; which will contain some 3£00 square feet. There will be parking areas in the front and in the rear. Barber Shops To Change Hour Of • Closing Saturdays The barber shops in Brevard have changed their hour of closing on Saturdays, it is announced to day. Effective immediately, the three shops will close at 6:90 p. m., instead of at 7:00 o’clock. The week day schedule of- 8:00 in the mornings until 6:00 o'clock in the evenings will remain the same. The three local shops are: Gray’s, Hart’s and Talley’s.