See Education On Parade In Brevard This Thursday Afternoon At 2:00 O’clock Sharp Ihe Land oi Wl Mecca for Suz Entrance to Pi tional Forest and Brevard Music Festival. The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricultural and Music Cenfter. Popula tion, 1990 Census, 10,321. Brevard Community 7,394. Vol. 68 — No. 14 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorised at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 4,1957 * 18 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY AN ARCHITECT’S CONCEPTION of the new addition at the Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation at Pisgah Forest to house the No. 10 paper machine of the Ecusta Paper division is shown in the top photo. Construction on this new and modern building will begin in the next day or two. Discussing this gigantic pro ject in the lower photo, left to right, are: Lee M. Bauer, production manager of the paper division; W. A. McKinley, resi dent engineer of the Daniel Construction company; C. C. Calmes, project manager of the Daniel company; Leo Golden, con struction supervisor for the Charles T. Main company; G. C. Englund, Daniel company’s vice president; and A. J. Loeb, assistant general manager of the paper division. Construction For 10th Paper Machine At Olin Mathieson To Begin April 5th — Daniel Company Has Sub structure Contract. Offi cials Now On Project Initial construction for Ecusta Paper division of Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation’s tenth pa per machine will begin on April 5, or shortly thereafter, it was an nounced by A. J. Loeb, assistant general manager of the division. Daniel Construction company, Inc., of Greenville, S. C., has been awarded a contract for the sub structure portion of the work, which will include the installation of piles. The substructure phase should be completed during June of this year and will be followed immediately thereafter by con struction of the building and the installation of the paper machine and related equipment. Bids for these latter phases have not as yet been solicited. The new machine is being con structed by Rice Barton corpora | tion, of Worcester, Massachusetts. Most of the stock preparation equipment will be furnished by E. D. Jones & Sons company, of Pitts field, Massachusetts. Chas. T. Main, Inc., of Boston, —Torn To Pago Five CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Apr. 4 — Methodist and Prehbyterian women’s circles meet. Big NEA parade in town, 2 p. m. NEA banquet at Olin Mathie son cafeteria, 7 p. m. Lions club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Friday, Apr. 5 — Kiwanis club meets in Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Saturday, Apr. 6 — Trout fishing season opens. P-TA Art and Hobby show, Masonic temple. Sunday, Apr. 7 — Attend the church of your choice. Art Show continues. Monday, Apr. 8 — Civil court convenes at 9:30 a. m. Methodist Laboratory training school in the Presbyterian church begins. Art show continues with P-TA to meet in Masonic temple at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Apr. 9 — Brevard Lit tle Theatre play at 8 p. m., Ameri can Legion building. Fidelis class of First Baptist church meets. Wednesday, Apr. 1 — Brevard Little Theatre play, American Leg ion building, 8 p. m. Call meeting of county board of education, court house, 8 p. m. Clarkson Presiding Many Submissions Recorded in April Term Of Superior Court The criminal slate of the April term of Superior court in Transyl vania is expected to be adjourned by Thursday by Judge Francis 0. Clarkson, of Charlotte, who is pre siding. Many persons submitted to var ious charges during the first three days of this week, and only one jury trial was heard up until noon Wednesday. In this case, Roger Owens was charged with assaulting James Hendricks with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. The jury was still out at noon Wednesday. Action on the civil docket will be started at 9:30 o’clock next Mon day morning. All jurors called the second week are reminded to be in court at that time. Judge Clarkson, making his first visit in Transylvania, said he was much impressed with the prog ress being made here. “I have found sentimental atta chment here. Tuesday I was shown Clarkson hill in lower Transylva nia, which was purchased by my grandfather in 1860,” the judge declared. As The Times went to press, there were several verdicts Judge Clarkson had to pass down on per sons who had pled guilty. These —Turn to Page Fgur Parade, Banquet To Highlight Local Observance Of 100 Years Of Education I MUCH PROGRESS NOTED HERE IN SCHOOL SYSTEM Modern Buildings Replacing Old Structures. Survey Is Made BUDGET OUTLINED As educational progress during the past 100 years is being saluted across the nation, a survey of the school system in Transylvania shows that much progress has been made in this county. All indications point to the brightest future of the school sys tem since the county was formed in 1861. Beginning next fall all smaller schools can be eliminated and there will remain no schools of less than six teachers. All pupils will be housed in buildings with mason ry walls, central heating and other niodern conveniences. As soon as the bond market im proves and the architect has com pleted the plans and specifications, the contract will be let on the mil |l;on dollar high school. A very optimistic part of the out —Turn to Page Four TOWN BOARD SETS ELECTION MAY 7TH, FILE BY APRIL 20 Term Of Aldermen And Mayor Extended To Four Years By Legislature A general election for the pur pose of naming a board of aider men and a mayor will be held here in Brevard on Tuesday, May 7th, the city fathers decided at the reg ular monthly meeting Monday night in the city hall. The deadline for filing was set for 12 noon on April 20th, and reg istration of new voters will begin at 9:00 o’clock on that same day. The books will be kept open for seven days, excluding Sunday, and Mrs. Margaret Bridges was named as registrar. Judges in the election will be Bennet Jones and L. P. Hamlin. Saturday, April 27th, will be —Turn to Page Five Little Theatre Will Give Play Twice Next Week The Brevard Little Theatre pre sents the third and final produc tion of this season, “Here We Come Gathering” on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April 9 and 10, in the American Legion build ing. Curtain time both evenings is 8 p. m. “Here We Come Gathering” is a Dean Berry Is Elected To Head New Organization, "Friends Of Library” In order that the citizens of Transylvania county may have greater opportunity to avail them selves of the facilities and servi ces of the fine, new modern library, a group of interested laymen have recently formed an organization known as “Friends of the Library.” This is an auxiliary organization, the main purposes of which are to | distribute information as to the re- j sources of the library, to spread i knowledge of the opportunities it presents, to enlarge its place in the civic and cultural life of the community and to promote it is an active, dynamic educational force. Officers elected at the organiza tional meeting were: Dean Iona Berry, president; Mrs. G. W. Gal loway, vice president; Mrs. Jack Trantham, secretary; Ligon B. —'Twin T« Page Tea comedy farce written by Philip King and Anthony Armstrong. It is being directed by Robroy Far quhar with Mrs. Freddie Norris as his assistant. Mr. Farquhar was high in his praise of his cast this week. “We have a wonderful cast,” he said, “with Don Stoneback and Elinor Lyda in the leads.” Supporting roles are taken by Don Wilson, Emmalu Truesdail, Margaret Pil low, Martha Belle Wheeler, Gene Ladd, David Jackson and Bill Bangs. Tickets for both performances of the play will be «old at the door. Melton Re-Elected To Head VFW Po*t Claude E. Melton has been re elected commander of the Lewis Earl Jackson post of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commander Melton will be in stalled with the other officers at the annual installation meeting on Monday night. April 22nd. Vella A. Parker is the senior vice commander, and the junior vice commander for the term, 1957-’58. is Columbus R. Reynolds. C. L. Corn is quartermaster. Gene Ramsey is post advocate, and Rev. Keith Beam will again serve as chaplain. Dr. Carol Grahl is post surgeon elect, and B. F. Hayes was named as a three-year trustee. DR. PHIL L. ELLIOTT, left, outstanding president of Gardner-Webb college, will be rhe principal speaker at the banquet honoring principals and teachers of Transylvania county Thursday night in the cafeteria of the Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation. Wayne Brad burn, right, chairman of the local centennial celebration of education in America, will preside over the banquet meeting. On Monday night of this week, Mr. Bradburn was elected superintendent of schools in Transylvania, succeeding J. B. Jones, who retires this summer. Bradburn Is Elected To Succeed Jones As School Superintendent, Board To Decide On School Site Will Meet Next Wednesday. Appraisal Committee Ap pointed By Board The Transylvania board of educa tion plans to meet next Wednes day night and to decide on a site for the proposed new million dol lar Brevard high school building. At their meeting Monday night of this week, members of the board unanimously agreed that the Tins ley site, located on the Country Club road, is the best one they (have found to date. However, they [contended that the price is too [high and appointed an appraisal committee consisting of 0. H. Orr, D. H. Winchester, E. W. Medford, Jerry Jerome, J. I. Ayers and W. M Melton. On March 12, the board took a 30 day option on the property con sisting of at least 30 acres. The op tion price was $2,000.00, Two other locations are being considered and they are known as the Fisher site near North Bre vard and the Lewis site, on Maple street extension. A traffic report from O. M. Al exander, of the state highway pa trol, shows that the Tinsley site is much better from a safety traffic outlook than either of the others. The state highway department report also favors the Tinsley site and soil tests show that the Tins ley site is favorable. SPRING HOLIDAYS Spring has arrived. All the signs are here. But the happiest of per sons are those who do not have to engage in anything but enjoying spring fever. This week the Bre vard college students are in that category. They are enjoying spring vacation all this week. Outstanding Record Said De. termining Factor. Back ground Is Given C. Wayne Bradburn was elected superintendent of Transylvania county public schools by the board of education Monday night and ef fective July 1 he will succeed J. B. Jones who has resigned after serving as superintendent for the past 24 years. There were three applicants for the position and the final race nar rowed down between Bradburn and Carroll R. Merrill, who was for merly principal of the Penrose el ementary school in Transylvania for five years. The vote was three to two in fa vor of Bradburn, with Board Chairman Eddie Varner casting the deciding ballot. After the election, however, those who favored Mer rill pledged to support and to co operate with the new superinten dent. F. S. Best, Ed Matheson and Eddie Varner voted for Bradburn, while Harry Morgan and Homer McCall voted for Merrill. All ooard members agreed that both applicants were well quali fied for the position and the ma jority group said they favored Bradburn because of the outstand ing record he has made in the lo cal public school system. Merrill, they said, left the county last fall and is principal of a school in Mecklenburg county this year. Nei ther one is a native of this county. Supt. Bradburn came to Transyl vania in the fall of 1955 as head football coach and teacher at Bre vard high school. From last fall until January 1 he served as ac ting principal of Brevard high —Turn to Page Five Program Highlights Dr. Elliott’s Address To Be Heard Friday At 4:00 p. m. Over WPNF The principal address of Dr. Phil L. Elliott, president of Gard ner-Webb college, will be record ed Thursday night at the Olin Ma thieson Chemical corporation and will be heard at 4:00 Friday after noon over WPNF, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, announces. The meeting, which climaxes the local observance of 100 years of the teaching profession in America, is of interest to many persons, and Mr. Hoyle says the station is in deed happy to broadcast the pro gram at a more convenient time on Friday afternoon. i Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Farm Home administration, John Collins; Fri day, Health department, W. F. Hart; Monday, county agent’s of fice; Tuesday, Soil Conservation service, H. E. Newland; Wednes day, Rosman Home Economics de partment, Mrs. S. C. Clapp. On the Civic hour the following will be heard: Friday, Mathatasian club; Monday, Brevard Little thea tre; Wednesday, Fortnightly club. —Turn to Page Four ALL PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS TO < RE HONORED HERE Will Ride In Cars Furnished By Clubs. Brevard Band Will Lead BANQUET AT NIGHT Thursday will be £ great day for the school personnel in Transyl vania, as educational forces here jom with others across the nation in the centennial celebration of education in America. Principals and teachers will be honored with a gigantic parade, be ginning ai 2:00, followed by a ban quet that evening at 7:00 o’clock in the cafeteria of the Olin Mathie jiron Chemical corporation. Dr. Phil Elliott, president of Gardner-Webb college, will be the principal speaker at the banquet meeting, which will be highlighted with the awarding of certifeates and plaques to persons who have made outstandng contributions to education in Transylvania. Schools will close at noon for the big parade, which will form at 1:30 o’clock on Caldwell street, from Oakdale to the Rosman high way. In case of rain, the parade will be postponed until Friday af ternoon. Teachers and principals will ride in cars furnished by the var ious clubs and organizations in the county, and there will be a num ber of floats depicting progress in education. Leading the parade will be the colors of the American legion and I the VFW, followed by the Brevard high school band, directed by John D. Eversman. C. Wayne Bradburn, county su pervisor, who was this week eleet —Turn to Page Five I ANOTHER FIRE BELIEVED SET Officers, State And Federal Bureau Of Investigation Seek Alleged Arsonists The Brevard fire department was called out about 5:30 o’clock Monday morning to quell a blaze, wnich Fire Chief Dan Merrill de scribes as being another "set fire” in Transylvania county. The vacant house is located near Wilson’s bridge on the Greenville highway, and the firemen were able to put out the blaze before much damage was done. Chief Merrill and Sheriff “Scott” Dillingham say they have evidence which tends to indicate that the fire was “set”, and investigations are being continued by county of ficers and the State Bureau of In vestigation. The house belongs to James Al lison, who lives in Ohio. Recently, two houses were “set afire” above Rosman, Sheriff Dil lingham reports, and investigations —Turn to FUgo Five District School Officials Elected Members of the two school dis trict committeemen in Transylva nia county were elected) lor ano ther two-year term M a meeting of the board of education Monday night. Members of the Brevard! district number one are George Shuford, Jack Trantham and W. Pat Allison, while the members of the Rosman district number two are Mickler Lusk, Lawrence Whitmire and Hos ea Lee. In response to a petition signed by 55 people, the board members unanimously voted to designate the Old Quebec school as a community center building. A portion of thn building, however, will be reserv ed for a caretaker to reside in. The board awarded the Bridge* Coal and Oil company ^ contract to haul coal to the school bins in the county next year at a price of $1.70 per ton.