The Transylvania Times [Hi A State And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper b^t^icommonity7^>t VOL. 68_ NO. 18 ★ SSSteSlS BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1957 * ★ 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1990 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7,394. TRANSYLVANIA— The Land ot Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. TWO ROSM AN SCHOOL bus drivers won the first annual Transylvania Road E-O, sponsored by the Brevard Jaycees, last Saturday. They are shown shaking hands with Baxter Morris, Jaycee chair man of the event, in the center, and on the right is William E. Galloway, first place winner, and on the left is Garfield Clark, second. Assisting with the Road E-O is the group pictured around the winners. Front row, left to right, are: O. M. Alexander, school bus safety direc tor in WNC; Earl Powell, Jaycee presi dent; Young Clark; Chairman Morris; Young Galloway; Patrolman Jack Cabe; Frank Harmon; and Bill Norris. Back row, left to right: Bobby Hoyle, Bill Grif fith, Sheriff “Scott” Dillingham; Ken Dolan, Bill Leonard. John Ford, Jr., and Howard Barnes. See story on page eight. (Times Staff Photo) Local Bank Consolidated With Three Others, Services And Assets Increased President Woody Report i Area Now Served By A $34 Million Institution Jonathan Woody, president of Transylvania Trust company here and also president of the First Na tional bank of Waynesville, and Charles D. Parker, president of First National Bank & Trust com pany in Asheville and Henderson ville, announced jointly today that formal approval of consolida tion of the four banks had been reached by their respective board of directors. He further stated that consum mation of the consolidation is sub ject to the final approval of the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington, the North Carolina State Banking department and, if approved, it will be submitted to the stockholders of the four insti tutions for ratification. The effective date will be as ear ly as practicable after approval by supervisory authorities and share holders. Mr. Woody stated that his board had discussed this on several occa sions and after due deliberation it was the combined opinion of the members of the Brevard and Waynesville boards that there was a definite need in the area for a larger bank and more complete fa cilities to serve more adequately the fast growing needs of the mountain area. This will provide a $34,000,000.00 bank located in four of the fastest growing counties in the Western —Turn to Page Six - CALENDAR QF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 2 — Lion’s club meets in Gaither’s, 7 p. m. VFW “Hypnotic Marvels”, Brevard high school auditorium, 8 p. m. Friday, May 3 — Kiwanis club meets, Gaither’s, 7 p. m. FFA Fa ther & Son banquet, Brevard Gram mar school lunch room, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, May 4 — May Day, Bre vard college, 4 p. m. Boxing at Am erican Legion building, 8 p. m. Baseball at Camp Straus, 3 p. m., Masonic banquet, 6:30 p. m. Meet ing 7:30 p. m. at Masonic temple. Sunday, May 5 — Attend the church of your choice. Girl Scout Court of Honor, Presbyterian church, 3 p. m. Union Service, Presbyterian church, 7:30 p. m. Monday, May 6 — Presbyterian Men’s clubs meets in Fellowship hall, 6:30 p. m. Rotary club meets Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Tuesday, May 7 — General elec tion, polls open 6:30 a. m. Book and Plate club meets Pisgah Inn. OES meets Masonic temple 8 p. m. Vacation Bible school clinic meets Calvary Baptist church 7 p. m. > Facing Charges Merrell Files Civil Action Against Brevard Policemen A civil action was instituted in Buncombe County Superior court last Thursday afternoon* which al leges that two Brevard police offi cers assaulted and maliciously im prisoned a blind Transylvania County World War II veteran. Defendants in the suit, which seeks recovery of a total of $19, 000 for alleged actual and punitive damages, are Boyce Gillespie and Bob Fisher, Brevard policemen. The plaintiff is Glenn Merrell, about 37, who alleges the officers assaulted him with “blunt instru ments'’ last March 14 in Brevard. In addition to the civil suit, Judge Hugh Campbell approved an affidavit requesting that bail of $500 cash be set for the defendants. Orders of arrest, setting bonds at that figure, were served on the two policemen last Thursday after noon, Brevard Police Chief Paul Fisher, brother of one of the de fendants, said. They posted bond. At the same time, the police chief said a warrant was served on Merrell Thursday charging him with drunkenness and resisting ar rest. The chief said Merrell was re leased in the custody of a brother for trial Monday morning in Bre vard City Court. Fisher said he turned over the warrant against —Turn To Page Six In mayor’s court Monday morn ing, probable cause was found against Merrell on an assault with a deadly weapon charge, and he was bound over to Superior court under a bond of $200. A six-man jury will hear the drunkenness charge against Mer rell next Monday morning, and the resisting arrest charge will be handled in a probable cause hear ing. The town board heard witnesses in special meetings last Saturday night and again on Monday night. They decided not to take any ac tion against the officers. Municipal Elections Are Slated Next Tuesday Here In Brevard, At Rosman -—-------1 DR. RUSSELL DICKS WILL BE HEARD IN A SPECIAL SERIES Authority On Religion And Health Makes First Ap pearance At Service Dr. Russell L. Dicks, nationally known minister, writer and coun selor, will preach on the subject, ‘‘Religion and Health”, at a union meeting of the Brevard churches [>n Sunday night, May 5, at 7:30 p, m„ at the Brevard - Davidson River Presbyterian church. Following the evening service, to which everyone in and around Bre vard is invited, there will be a closed session with the ministers and with the physicians of Transyl vania and Henderson counties, who are helping to sponsor this event. Dr. Dicks is director of Clinic Pastoral Education at Duke hos pital, as well as Professor of Pas toral Care in the Duke University divinity school. On Monday, May 6, a seminar for ministers will be held at Brevard College beginning at 10 a. m. The physicians are also invited to this seminar. The subject of the morn ing session will be, “Pastoral —Turn to Page Si* RITES ARE HELD FOR DR. J.B. WILKERSON Prominent Brevard Physic ian Passed Away Sunday Night At Home Graveside rites for Dr. J. B. Wil kerson, 75, prominent Brevard phy sician, were held Tuesday after noon in the Gillespie Evergreen cemetery. Dr. Wilkerson died at his home Sunday night, after a lingering ill ness. Rev. B. W. Thomason, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated at the service Tuesday afternoon, and members of the Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge, of which Dr. Wil kerson was a member, attended the rites in a body. Dr. Wilkerson is survived by the ividow; one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Vlonahan; and, three grandchil 3ren. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Jim Walker, of Memphis, Ten —Turn To Page Six VFW To Stage "Hypnotic" Show Thursday Evening A large crowd is expected to at tend the big “Hypnotic Marvels” show, featuring the internationally famous, Dr. Morton Green, here Thursday night in the Brevard high school auditorium. Sponsored by the local post of the VFW, the performance will get underway promptly at 8:00 o’clock. Members of the Lewis Earl Jack son post are busy selling tickets for the show, and tickets may also be I Tommy Jones Wins National Merit I Scholarship, Davis Is Runner-Up! - • Thomas L. Jones, outstanding senior at Brevard high school and son of Supt. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, won a national Merit scholarship in nationwide competition, and he will study electrical engineering at State College, Raleigh. Charles A. Davis, another out standing local senior and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis, of the Dunn’s Rock section of Transyl vania, won a certificate of merit for his high performance in the Merit Scholarship program. This is a distinction won by about one half of one per cent of the secondary school seniors in the United States. Young Jones is one of nearly 500 seniors across the country winning a National Merit scholarship and in addition to his outstanding aca demic record, other honors and —Turn to Page Six TOMMY JONES purchased at the door Thursday evening. On Dr. Green’s show are many special acts and hypnotic effects. Proceeds from the event will go for the VFW’s softball field. Claude Melton, commander of the VFW post here, urges everyone to attend this highly entertaining program. “This is two hours of good fam ily-type fun for the whole family”, commander Melton states. Dr. Green has appeared in near ly every state in the union, and re cently appeared on the Ed Sulli van show on television. Everyone is invited to attend —Torn To Pago Six Will Advertise Delinquent Tax Lists Next Week Delinquent tax list for towns of Brevard and Rosman and Transylvania county will be pub lished in The Times next week (issue of May 9), according to C. M. Douglas, tax collector. Taxes paid through Saturday noon of this week will not appear in the list. It is necessary that the list be closed on Saturday in order to take care of the large job of typesetting in The Times office, Mr. Douglas pointed out. There will be no advertising charge for any items paid through Wednesday, May 8. The list will be smaller than usual this year, the tax collector states. SAMPLE BALLOT TOWN OF BREVARD, N. C. MUNICIPAL ELECTION May 7, 1957 INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballet make a cross (X) mark in the square to the left of his name. 2. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it to the registrar and get another. 3. Mark only with pencil or pen and ink. For Mayor (Vote For One) , □ JOHN A. FORD ! □ B. H. FREEMAN □ JACK H. POTTS For Aldermen (Vote For Five) □ JACK E. BRYANT □ CARL E. BRYSON □ WALTER W. DUCKWORTH □ M.W. GALLOWAY □ CHARLIE M. GROGAN □ ROYL. HEAD □ GEORGE M. JUSTUS □ W. M. MELTON □ R. M. NEELY □ MARK T. OSBORNE □ ROBERT H. PLUMMER □ J. H. TINSLEY □ AUGUSTINE W. TUCKER, JR. □ HOWARD D. WYATT OPAL C. KING ="" (Mrs.) Opal C. King, Town Clerk And Secretary, Board of Elections May Day Will Be Held At The College On Saturday Afternoon NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK IS PUNNED Many Events Are Set Local ly. Mayor Issues Special Proclamation Many special events are being planned locally to highlight the ob servance of National Music week, May 5th - 12th. The Brevard Music Lover’s club, with Mrs. Julius Sader as chairman, is sponsoring the obser vance in Transylvania, and Mayor John A. Ford has issued a special proclamation, designating the week as “National Music Week” here. “Life Means More With Music”, is the theme of the observance, and in his proclamation, Mayor Ford points out: “Emphasis should be placed on participation as well as listening; the wonderful custom ‘of family —Turn to Pago Seven Students And Townspeople Cordially Invited To Event At 4:00 P. M. May Day is slated at Brevard college Saturday afternoon. President Rdbert H. Stamey cor dially invites all students and townspeople to attend this impres sive and gala event, which will get underway at 4:00 o’clock. Thfe popular Pickelsimer Gar dens will be the scene of the crown ing of the Queen of May, Miss Mar tha Carpenter. Assisting in the coronation will be approximately seventy-five Brevard College stu dents. The queen, Martha Carpenter, will be escorted by Emory Craw ford; her court and their escorts are: Kay Johnson, Maid of Honor, Joy Gene Ladd; Jackie Williams by Don Payne; Barbara Connolly by R. B. McLennan; Sylvia Gardner by Laney Funderburk; Libby Moore by John Whitener; Linda Stokes by Warner Foster; Janice —Turn to Page Six Program Highlights Special Programs Will Be Heard On WPNF During National Music Week In observance of National Mu sic week, WPNF will broadcast a series of programs next week, to be presented by the Brevard Mu sic Lover’s club. The programs, under the direc tion of Mrs. Julius Sader, will be heard each afternoon, Monday through Friday, at 5:30 o’clock, and they will feature local talent on each. John Dellinger, program direc tor, states that WPNF is happy to salute National Music week, and he invites everyone to hear these fine programs beginning next Monday. Next Tuesday night WPNF will carry local and Rosman election returns from time to time in addi tion to the baseball games. The election results are sponsored by Pearlman’s and Jones News stand, and Justice and Wright will bring the ball game. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Carolina —Torn To Page Six MANY IN RACES FOR MAYOR AND THE YWO BOARDS Voting Win Be From 6:30 Until 6:3#. Large Vote RUSSELL REGISTRAR Municipal elections, for the purpose of naming a mayor and a board of aldermen, will be betd neat Tuesday, May ttt, here In Brevard and at Rosanan. Voting will take place in the city Tall from 3:30 a. ul, until 6:90 n., and the many candidates are busy this week campaigning. Close contests • are predicted both here and at Rosman. Brevard’s mayor, John A. Ford, ls seeking re-election, and he is being opposed by Bert Freeman, former police chief and counte sheriff and Jack H. Potts, Brevatd Attorney. Three members of the Brevard board of aldermen are asking re election. They are: George M. Jus tus, W. M. Melton and R. ML Npely. Others running for the live-man board here are: Jack E. Bryant, Carl E. Bryson, Walter ty. Duck worth, M. W. Galloway, Charlie M. Grogan, Roy L. Head, Mark T. Os borne, Robert H. Plummer, J. H. Tinsley, Augustine W. Ttieker, Jr., and Howard D. Wyatt, Sr. * Election officials here urge vo ters to go to the polls as early as they can so as to avoid the lines ini the late afternoon. New Registrar Charles L. Russell has been ap pointed registrar in the election, succeeding Mrs, Margaret Bridges, resigned. Judges are Bennett Jones #nd Lewis P. Hamlin, and Mrs. $>al King is clerk of the tpwp election board. A. M. White, Rosman’s^ mayor, is seeking re-election, and. he is being opposed by Everett McCalL Aspiring for the three-man board of aldermen at R os man are the following: Jack Fisher, Ben Hark leroad, Mick ter Lusk, Gene Mc Crary, J. B. Moore, Dorcey Paxton and Charles Pangle. MASONS TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEET More Than 200 From Lodge* In WNC Will Be Here On Saturday Night Plans have been completed for the largest Masonic meeting ever held in Brevard, which is -slated for May 4. According to Henry R. Hender son, who has served as secretary of the Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge for the past 23 years, the meeting will be attended by more than,20$ Masons, representing many ledge* in Western North Carolina.... The purpose of the banquet meeting will be-to honor, the de gree team of Excelsior ' lodge,. No. 261, of Charlotte.. The banquet wiR .begin ht 6:30 p. m. and will be served by the women of the Eastern Star! ’ Mayor John A. Ford will give the address of welcome end prominent Masons of WNC will be recognized. Following the banquet, the Master Mason’s degjtee will he —Turn To Pago Seven raving Of risgah Motor Road Will Begin This Month Paving of the seven-mile stretch of Pisgah Motor Road from the Elk Pasture to Wagon Road Gap will begin this month, C. W. Lee of Syl va, 14th Highway Division engin eer, said today. The stretch begins in Hender son county at the Buncombe coun ty line, winds into Transylvania county, then into Haywood county, and back into Transylvania. Paving of the road had been planned a year ago but was post poned. The road, formerly under the jurisdiction of the United States Forest Service, will be absorbed hr the Blue Ridge Parkway some day.

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