TRANSYLVANIA— The Land ol Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— Ad Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1800 Census, 10,321. Brevard Community 7,304. Vol. 68 — No. 25 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1957 * 24 PAGES TODAY A A Hearty Welcome To All Campers And Summer Visitors To Wonderful Transylvania County imj rujvr workers on me sil icon plant in Buck Forest joined with other Du Pont construction forces across the country on Monday in recognizing another fine safety record. For the sec ond time, a safety record without parallel in the construction in dustry — a full year without a lost-lime injury, wTas set by Du Pont construction forces on 45 in 22 states. Harold F. Red mile, field project manager here, is pictured above addressing the workers. He praised them on their record of no injuries since v.evk wr;s started on the plant in ! February of this year and he urg i ed their continued cooperation i in completing the plant without ; a single lost-time injury. At the j left he is pictured inspecting the \ new safety flag, inscribed with i the numeral “2”, standing for ! the second time that an accident J free year has been achieved. In the p;,y ure.with him at the right is Ed Hill, safety engineer for the construction of the silicon plant. (Du Pont and Times Staff Photos) Du Pont Construction Workers Set Safety Record. Local Group Praised Redmile Addresses Mass Meeting On Site Of Sili con Plant, Buck Forest For the second time, a safety rec ord without parallel in the con struction industry — a full year without a lost-time injury, has been set by Du Pont construction division at 45 sites in 22 states. The local announcement was made at noon Monday 'by H F. Rectmile, field project manager of the new silicon plant -now being constructed in Buck Forest. A mass meeting of all employees was held on the plant site, with Mr. Hedmile making an inspiring talk | on the importance of safety on con struction work. At the close of work last Fri day, over 10,000 employees on Du Pont construction projects chalked up eight million exposure hours without a lost-time injury. Upwards of 24# major injuries could have been expected if the accident fre quency rate had followed that of —Turn to Page Eight CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, June 20 — Lions dub ladies night at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Court of honor at ML Moriah Cherryfield church, 8 p. m. Masons to meet in temple at 8:00. Friday, June 21 — Garden club meets with Mrs. C. J. Goodwin, 8:30 p. m. Scouters box supper at Pressley Fields, 6:30 p. m. Kiwamis club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Square dance in the American Le gion building, 8:30 p. m. Saturday, June 22 — Kids base bail, 10 a. m., at Brevard college. Baseball, Camp Straus, at 3 p. m. Sunday, June 23 — Attend the church of your choice. Opening con cert at Transylvania Music camp, 4 p. m. Monday, June 24 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s, at 7 p. m. Bre vard Music Lovers club meets with Mrs. James Sanders, Tuesday, June 25 — Concert at Transylvania Music camp, 8:15 p. m. ; Governor Quoted Representative Gaither Gives Resume Of Legislature Activities In an interview with the Tran sylvania Times this week, Transyl vania’s representative in the Gen eral Assembly, James C. Gaither, summarizes activities of the legis lature during the past few months. Governor Luther Hodges also re-; ported to The Times during the past week that the ’57 General As sembly was one of the finest that North Carolina has ever had. He was also high in his praise of the Transylvania representative and he said he found Mr. Gaither Miss Smathers Is At Girls’ State At WC, Greensboro Lynn Smathers, who is being sponsored by the Brevard uni* of the American Legion auxiliary, is now attending Girls State at Wom an’s college in Greensboro. She will return home on Fri —Turn to Page Five to be a hard-working, capable and cooperative young representative. Mr. Gaither’s leport to the peo ple of Transylvania follows: “I should like to take this op portunity to express again my appreciation to the voters of the county for allowing me to repre —Turn to Page Five Welcome Extended Campers, Summer Visitors, Banner Year Is Predicted SOLOMON JONES DIED ON MONDAY, RITES WEDNESDAY Prominent Cedar Mountain Resident Had Been Ac tive In Many Affairs Funeral services for Solomon A. Jones, 80. prominent resident of the Cedar Mountain community, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Rockv Hill Baiptist church. Mr. Jones died at his home Mon day afternoon after a brief illness. He was 80 years of age. Rev. Joe Seay and Rev. Osborne McCall officiated at the service in the church, and Masons conducted graveside rites in the church ceme tery. The body was in state for one hour prior to the service. Mr. Jones was prominently iden ified in church, community, Ma sonic and political activities. He was a member of the Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge for 48 years. ,nd at the time of his death he was ; erving as chairman of the board if deacons of the Rocky Hill church. He also served as a Sun lay school superintendent. Mr. Jones was born at Cedar —Turn to Page Eight MERGER OF BANKS IS NOW APPROVED Final Action Taken By Thl Comptroller Of Currency. Directors To Meet The Comptroller of Currem iormally approved the console .ion of Asheville’s First Natiom ^ank and Trust Company, Waym v'ille’s First National Bank and Br< vard’s Transylvania Trust Compaiyj n Monday. The consolidated bank, un< he charter and title of First ticnal Bank and Trust Company Asheville, will take over at t| close of business Saturday. Directors of the consolidate bank will meet later this week ti complete necessary details elect officers. Local bank officials point out] that the four banks, separately^ have played a major part in the dc •>'elopment of the three Westerj North Carolina communities. Together, it is stated, they wil be able to do an even bigger ai better job. There will be no change in bar customer relationships, no confi ion and no red tape. Furthermore, if is announce —Turn to Page F« anc Plane Damaged In Crash Landing At Little Rive. William Feathers, of Tennes see, made a crash landing in a Piper cuh plane in a field belong ing to Frank Merrill in the Lit tle River section of Transylva nia around 7:30 Monday night. Although the plane was badly damaged in the forced landing, Mr. Feathers was not injured. Because of storms at the air ports at Asheville and Hender Program Highlights ’','****km***m* Programs From Cosby Choir Camp Will Be Broadcast Over W P N F By popular demand, WPNF i beginning a series of program from the outstanding Cosby Chob camp, located at Lake Toxaway this coming Sunday evening a' 7:00 o’clock. The camp operated for the firs' time hist summer and specialize in teaching of choir music. Bobby Hoyle, station manager invites the public to hear the out standing programs. He also announces that specia ; programs from the famed Tran i sylvania Music camp will be log ■ gcd in the immediate future. Other Programs ■ The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week t is as follows: Thursday, Extension > forestry, F. E. Whitfield; Friday, Carolina fanm features; Monday, , county agent’s office; Tuesday, Soil ■ Conservation service, H. E. New land; Wednesday, home demonstra I} —Turn to Page Eight sonvUle, Mr. Feathers found necessary to set the plane d< before dark somewhere in area. The Merrill field appeare ideal for a forced landing to Feathers, however, the tall and the soggy soil Hipped thel plane over on its back side whenj the pilot attempted to land. The plane belonged to the —Turn to Page Fm Legion Will Begin Square Dances On Friday This Week The regular Friday night square lances at the American legion building will begin for the ’57 sum- l mer season on Friday of this week, , Bill Baughn, chairman, announces ( ioday. 1 Townspeople and summer visit- » ars are cordially invited by Mr. Baughn to attend. 3 Dancing will get underway at ] 3:30 o’clock, and music will be fur- < nished by Vernon Rogers and his string band, of Hendersonville. < Admission will be 75c per per- < son. 1 BREVARD’S BOBBIE ANN PLUMMER made a big hit with North Carolina’s governor, Luther Hodges, right, at the Rhododendron ball in Asheville last Saturday night, where she was a member of the Queen’s court. Her father, who presented her to the Rhododendron King and Queen, is shown at the left. An outstanding student at Florida State, Tallahassee, Florida, Miss Plummer was Lambda Chi, Theta Chi Charity Bowl Queen in 1956, social chairman of Alpha Delta Pi sorority in 1957, and Theta erectors ur iransyivama Humane Society Vote To Purchase Property After taking an option on some >roperty recently, the Transylva lia Humane Society directors took rfficial action this week and voted o buy the land for the purpose of instructing an animal shelter. This action was taken Monday light at a directors’ meeting in the lame of Mrs. Donald Hill. Presi lent E. A. “Bud” Knoth presided. The property is one-fourth mile iff the Rosman highway, located in the Ross road. It is expected that he deal will be closed this week. Plans are to build a shelter as soon as possible. The site is near a hard surfaced road, has running wa ter and electricity Is nearby. President Knoth has appointed a committee in charge of funds rais ing, or the “Buy a Block” cam paign selling cement blocks. If is composed of Mrs. Ligon Ard, chairman, Mrs. Charles Colwell, Mrs. James Nichols and Mrs. Paul Stroup. Others will be added to the committee later. CAPACITY GROWS ARE REPORTED AT THE 15 FINE CAMPS Town, County Officials And Civic Leaders Send Greet ing Messages ROUND-UP MADE With all of the 15 summer camps in Transytmmia re porting capacity enrollment, offi cials of the town and county and heads of civic erganaaffiom hands in issuing a most cordial welcome to the campers, summer visitors and others here for a va cation this season. It is with glad hand of friend ship that they roll out the welcome mg mat to this beautiful land of lakes and waterfalls, which js also recognized as a “meoca for summer camps.” Through the columns of the Transylvania Times this weefc putty merchants and others are wel coming the campers and other vis itors to town. Publisher Bd M. An derson urges all readers te espec ially note the write-ups on the var ious camps. Best Year From all indications, this sum mer will be a peak year in tourist business, and already thousands of cars are seen in the great' Pisgah aitional Forest, as people from the owlands come up to the momrtagni an effort to escape the heat «h& see this ferried wonderland of ;ure. Drug stores, eating estaMtoh hotels, inns, etc., fn the ninty, report a sharp increase in tourist business, eeman Hayes, chairman «f the sylvania county board of sioners, B. H. Freeman, (Brevard, and Frank Bridges, ident of the chamber of cam :e, join hands in welcoming all ►tors, and they will be glad to —Turn to Page Eight .STORS RETURN 10M CONFERENCE iher To Serve Local lurch For The Fiftk Year. Others Named; lethpdist pastors in 'PraDfiyivtt [ county were returned to their tive churches at the dost «f [Western North Carolina Meth conference at Junaluska. Douglas Cerriher, who has as pastor of the Brewnd list church for the past four was returned to has past, lie church is in the a new edifice college. W. A. Kerr, Jr., _ _ [Brevasd circuit, was ictuiei associate will be Rev. ML M. rang. The Brevard ides Rasanaa, Hama Shoe >v. H. C. WhRter was also re to the Ecasta circuit, which ides Oak Grove and BhHk ndrix I o Open is New Sinclair Station This Wieek formal opening o4 the W. ndrix Sinclair service station the corner of Caldwel and French Broad streets is set for Friday and Saturday of this week. In connection with the gala op ening, Mr. Hendrix is awarding a number af fine prizes. Included in the array of gifts are the following: A set of Gooden tires, a GE portable mixer, an alum inum chaise lounge chaia, a three speed portable record player, Lit tle League baseball, bat and glove. Each customer will nedw n six-bottle carton of Coca-Colas, and children will receive special gifts and souvenirs. Mr. Hendrix says his modem sta tion will be open from 7:00 each morning until 9:00 at night tains the opening celebration.

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