TRANSYLVANIA- > An Industrial, Tourist, Ed- • ucational, Agricultural and Music Center. Papula tion, 1950 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7,394. The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of WaterfeHa, Mecca for Summer Entrance to Pisg^h Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. ★ VOL. 68 — NO. 36 Second Class Mail Privilege? Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 * 16 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY SPECTACULAR SHOTS of the car crashing over Toxaway falls for the movie “The Whippoorwill’’ can be noted at the top and at left. Hundreds of spectat ors gathered along the highway last Friday to wit ness the incident. In the top picture the car is shown as explosives are set off un derneath it along the edge of the falls. At the left the car can be seen careening down the rocky falls just before it burst into flames. Hollywood cameramen shot the plunge of the car and its two occupants, represented by dummies, from four dif ferent angles. See addition al picture and story on page five, first section. (Times Staff Photos) Brevard College To Open New Term On September 15, Now Planning Workshop Capacity Enrollment Is Ex pected. Orientation Pro gram Is Planned Brevard college will officially open for the 1957-’58 term on Sun day, September 15th. New students will arrive on that day, and the cafeteria will open that evening. A capacity enrollment of more than 400 students is expected. The orientation program will get underway with assembly in the new college auditorium at 7:30 Sunday evening, Sept. 15th. Bobby Little, president of the student gov ernment, win preside. President Emmett McLarty will be in charge of the service of worship. Monday and Tuesday will be de voted to further orientation. The testing program for new students will be under the direction of Dean —Turn to Page Eight CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Sept. 5 — Tour of Cedar Mountain community and new silicon plaint at Buck Forest. Lions club meets at Gaither’s at 7 p. m. Friday, Sept. 6 — Kiwanis club meets at 6:45 p. m., in Gaither’s. Football, Brevard vs. Reynolds on lighted high school field. Saturday, Sept. 7 — Fisher reunion, Toxaway church, 10 a. m. Jaycees to hold Ladies Night at Cascade Lake. Sunday, Sept. 8 — Attend the church of your choice. Davidson River Day to be observed by Pres byterians. Monday, Sept. 9 — DAR meets with Mrs. Randal Lyday, 3 p. m. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Brevard P-TA meeting at ele-' mentary school, 8 p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 — Chamber of commerce directors meet, 7:30 p. m. ANNUAL FISHER REUNION IS SET THIS SATURDAY Program Will Begin At 10 O’clock In The Morning. Lunch On Grounds The annual Fisher reunion will be held Saturday at 10:00 a. m. at the Lake Toxaway Baptist church, according to an announcement from Roy Fisher of Rosman, presi dent. Special music will be rendered by the Bishop family of Cedar Mountain and Misses Betty and Catherine Moody of the Quebec section. A picnic lunch will be served at 12:30 p. m. All relatives and friends of the Fishers are invited to attend the reunion. Student Leaders Will Joir With The Faculty And Staff Setting Agenda The annual workshop conference for the Brevard College faculty anc staff will be held on the college campus beginning Tuesday, Sep i tem/ber 10th, and lasting througl I September 14th. ! The student leaders of the col j lege will join the faculty and stafi Ion Thursday evening, Septembei 12th. The theme of the workshop will be “Aims and Purposes of Bre vard College”, President Emmetl K. McLarty stated. Objectives of the conference are: To interpret the current empha sis on higher education. To clarify the church college’s place in meeting society’s needs. To define the tasks of a church sponsored junior college. To study the various means by which these tasks may be accom —Turn to Pace Eieht WPNF Program Highlights Much Sports Activity Being Heard On WPNF, Reynolds Game On Friday WPNF is featuring a full menu of sports activities, with addition- j al shows being planned, Bobby Hoyle, the station manager, an nounces. Daily the Brooklyn Dodger games are being heard, and each Friday night a play-by-play descrip tion of the high school football game is carried. This week it will be Brevard vs. j Reynolds, with air time at 7:55 o’- [ clock. The sports review is heard each | evening at 6:45 o’clock, and the Blue Devil player of the week is' carried each Tuesday afternoon at 5:45 o’clock. Hie local station manager says that plans are now being made for WFNF to join the Tobacco Sports network again this season and car ry the exciting Carolina football games beginning on Sept. 22nd. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, farm home administration, John Collins; Fri day, U. S. Forest service, Ted See ly; Monday, county agent’s office; —Ton to Page Eight Asheville Council, WNC Leaders To Visit Cedar Mountain On Thursday CAR CRASHES OVER TOXAWAY RALLS AS MOVIE IS FILMED Unique Event Created Much Excitement U>t Friday Aftenloon BY FRANCES WALKER A 1957 model Ford went over Toxaway Falls Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, but it was no wreck. Instead it was part of the second unit phase of filming for the movie “The Whippoorwill”, which is be ing made in Western North Caro lina. The movie stars Robert Mit ch um, who is also the producer of the independent company making the picture. Mitchum himself was on hand to witness the “shooting” of the ; scene as a large crowd of orderly J spectators watched the activities, j He attracted as much attention as ! did the car that was sent down the falls. The yellow Ford careened slow ly down after it had been set off by explosives and caught on fire. The spectators were kept at a safe dis I tance by a flock of highway patrol men, three of whom are assigned to the movie company everywhere ; they go. The car had been perched on a wooden platform just below the roadway and just above the falls. The charges of explosives sent the car to its doom and also caught it on fire. Inside were two dummies. The dummies in the movie will represent two men who are sup posed to be chasing Robert Mitch um. The scene is to be one of many exciting ones in th^modern | day story concerning the illicit manufacture of whiskey, “moon shining.” Toxaway Falls took on the as pects of a Hollywood location all day Friday as the cameramen and —Turn to Page Five MORROW RITES ARE RED HERE Prominent Civil Engineer Played Important Role Developing Area Royal H. Morrow, 80. of Brevard, died suddenly last Friday in the Transylvania Community hospital after a brief illness. Graveside rites were conducted at the St. Pauls in the Valley cemetery by the Rev. Ben Ormand. The service was private with only the family attending. Mr. Morrow was a native of Zanesville, Ohio, where he was connected with an engineering firm until he moved to Western North Carolina in 1908. He bought a small piece of property in the I Sapphire section of the county and later built a summer cottage there. In 1915 he moved into a house he had built on east Main street where he lived until his death. Mr. Morrow was employed by the Old Toxaway company on its survey for water power develop ment, gaining a thorough know ledge of the streams and run-off capacity of the watersheds in this area. He was later consulted by the T.V.A. and other water power developments. Mr. Morrow became interested —Turn to Page Eight Brevard otreats Being Blacktopped Eight streets in Brevard are now being blacktopped, by Driveways, Inc., of Asheville. Jack Bryant, chairman of the street committee of the bpard of aldermen, reported at Tuesday night’s meeting that the work would be completed in the near future. The costs of the project were set at $8,280.92. The streets are as follows: Var sity, Morgan, Lakeviiew, Harold, Laurel Lane, Duckworth, Johnson and Oakdale. The aldermen signed P. D. Jones to replace Robert Fisher on the police force. Mr. Jones is a former deputy sheriff of Transylvania. Other action of the board in cluded granting of taxi driver’s li cense to Johnny Fisher. BREVARD’S CO-CAPTAINS, Jerry Cabe, left, and C ecil Lowery, rifght, will lead the Blue Devils in their second home game Friday night against Reynolds, of Buncombe county. They were standouts last Friday night, as Brevard crushed Taylors, of South Carolina, 44-0, before 2,500 fans. See stories on sports page. (Times Staff Photo) Labor Day Week End Quietly Observed In Town And County C. M. DOUGLAS, Transylva nia’s tax collector, was re-elect ed secretary of the North Caro lina Park, Parkway and Forest Development commission at the annual meeting last week. Mr. Douglas has held this position since the organization of the commission under legislation en actment in 1947. (See story on page seven, first section.) The Weather □........<| No precipitation was recorded in Brevard during the past week. Temperatures, both high and low, were to the extremes, compared with the previous week’s readings. The average high was 88, and the average low was 53. Daily readings are as follows. Max. Wednesday_85 Thursday _86 Friday _89 Saturday _90 Sunday _91 Monday _90 Tuesday _90 Min. 51 51 55 53 53 57 54 Bear Killed In Cage At Pis- [ 1 gah Trading Post. No'Ac- ' cidents Reported .! The Labor Day week end in J Transylvania was quietly observed. | and according to the highway pa-1 trol, there were no automobile ac- \ cidents. One unpleasant incident, how-! ever, reports Sheriff “Scott” Dil- j lingham, was the killing of one of I the large bears in the steel cage at! the Pisgah Trading post at the en trance of Pisgah National Forest. The sheriff states that some per son or persons shot the bear early Saturday morning and dragged it from the cage to a nearby ditch. Two youths were arrested in | connection with the killing, and in vestigations are being continued, the sheriff reports. Brevard stores, the schools and town and county offices were clos ed Monday for the Labor Day hol iday, and there were record num bers of sightseers in this “land of waterfalls”. Mkny Transylyanianjs attended the Apple Festival parade in Hen dersonville Monday afternoon, and the Brevard high school band, dressed in new uniforms, complete with Bermuda shorts, made a big hit with the crowd. Martha Fortune, Brevard girl, rode in the parade, with film star, Robert Mitchum. There has been considerable speculation since the parade about whether or not she was in the convertible with him. Here’s what happened: Mitchum began his ride in the parade alone. After the parade be gan rolling festival officials decid ed he needed a girl with a pretty smile to ride with him. Miss For tune was selected from the crowd as she watched the parade near the A&P store on Main street. She con tinued the rest of the route with the movie star and said he chatted amiably with her. Annual Davidson River Day To Be Observed By Presbyterians Sunday The annual Homecoming of the Presbyterians, Davidson River Day, will be observed this Sunday at the Rrevard-Davidson River Presby terian church, Sunday school will begin at 9:45 a. m., and the regular worship ser vice will be at 11 o’clock. A part of the morning worship service will be devoted to commemorating Da vidson River Day. The picnic dinner will be served at 12:30 p. m.} in the church Fel lowship Hall. Copies of the recent ‘History of Brevard-Davidson River Church”, written by Harvey L. Cavender, will be available. There will also be copies of a chronological roll of the church. The old Davidson River church at Pisgah Forest will be open all day for those who may desire to —Tara to Pago Eight FOUR OF DU PONT SILICON PLANT IS ALSO ON SCHEDULE second Stop Of Dutingaiib' ed Body Will Be at Olin Mathieson l»> DINNER SLATED The Cedar Mountain (fomm nnityi op winner in the Transylvania- Ru al Development contest last year md also the first place winner in Western North Carolina with the iuladean community of lritrftyfl bounty, will be visited by the Aahe rille Agricultural council gmf otb ?r local and WNC leaders on Thurs lay afternoon. The Cedar Mountain Develop^ nent club will be host to. the event, which will include a tour to the lew Silicon plant being constrnc ted in Buck Forest; a trip to the Olin Mathieson Chemical corpor ation at Pisgah Forest; and, dinner at the Cedar Mountain Commun ity center. Morris McGough, executive vice president of the Asheville Agri cultural council, will head the del egation of some 50 persons from Buncombe county. Included, in ad dition to officers and directors of the council, will be city and coun ty officials, businessmen and civic leaders. Transylvania’s County Agent James Davis announces that city and county leaders here will join with the Cedar Mountain club in welcoming the distinguished body to the area. The first stop will be made at the Du Pont plant at 3:00 o'clock. The group will be welcomed fcv Harold G. Brown, a Du. Pont pub lic relations officer, of Wilmington, Delaware, and Bob Baker, em ployee relations supervisor of the new plant here. The two Du Pont officials will give the group a progress report. Afterwards, the tour will be con tinued to Pisgah Forest, where Charles L. Russell, community re lations director, will welcome the body. Scheduled to speak on the brief program are Phil Brownell, general manager of the paper di vision, and Milton Herzog, gener al manager of the film division. At 5:00 o’clock persons making the tour will be welcomed to Ce —Turn to Page Eight MAN HANGS SELF IN COUNTY JAIL Coroner Reports That Jimmy Tatum Committed Sui cide Wednesday Jimmy Tatum, 33, of Brevard, committed suicide in the Tna sylvania county jail sometime early Wednesday morning, ac cording to coroner Donald Lee Moore. Tatum had used a portion of a sheet which he had tied amend some bars in the cell block and hanged himself. He was discov ered by P. D. Bryson, a primmer, about 7:15 Wednesday mmnfuc According to coroner Moore he had been dead about four hoars. Tatum had been arrested around midnight Tuesday on a warrant for the larceny of a rifle valued at $40.00 according On sheriff E. V. “Scott” Dillingham. No inquest will be held. League Of Women Voters Here Now Conducting Drive The Brevard League of Women Voters is this week and next con ducting a drive for funds to fin ance work of the organisation, Mrs. G. H. Baldauf, the president, an nounces. In asking the public to support' the drive, Mrs. Baldauf points out that the league is a non-partisan civic organization, which is inter ested in increasing citizen partici pation in government. She explains that the league pro vides information on local, state and national issues and encourages citizens to register and to note k elections.

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