' TR ANSYLV ANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, A g r i c ultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7,394. : THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper transylva!nia— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Sommer Camps, Entrance to Pisgafc Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. ★ Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1958 * 20 PAGES TODAY it Vol. 69 — No. 7 PUBLISHED WEEKLY OPENING BOY SCOUT WEEK here last Friday night was the meeting of the Brevard Kiwanis club, when Joe Ed wards, left, executive of the Daniel Boone council, was the speaker and oth er Scout officials were in attendance. Next in line is Carl B. Hyatt, Jr., of Ashe ville, district governor of division one who also attended the meeting. Holding the program with him is Edward B. Ma theson, president of the Brevard Kiwan is club, and at the right is Bob Baylor, vice president of the Asheville Ktwanis club. (Times Staff Photo) Architectnal Plans For New Brevard High School Layout Now Complete Approval Will Be Sought ill r?aleigh Next WffcV lc>* ^>ell Bonds Before Bids Plans for the new and modern Brevard high school lay-out have been completed by the architec tural firm. McDonald and Daniels, and they will go to Raleigh for ap proval next week. The lay-out. which is of campus type construction, has been enthu siastically approved by the Tran sylvania board of education. C. Wayne Bradburn, superinten dent of schools, says that he does not roresee much, if any, delay in the approval at Raleigh. Invitations for bids will be sought immediately afterwards. The next process will be the sell ing of the bonds for the new con struction. County attorney Ralph H. Ramsey recently conferred with W. E. Easterling, secretary of the local government commission at Raleigh, regarding this sale. In De cember, 1956, Transylvanians vot ed bonds in the amount of $647,000 to finance this school building pro gram. It is understood that bonds will be sold before any of the bids are accepted. The type of construction which the new school lay-out will be pro vides maximum ventilation and light, and the beauty of it is the ease in which future additions can be made. The capacity of the new school building is 800 students, and it will contain 30 classrooms. This is in addition to a large auditorium, with dressing rooms, a gymnasium, cafeteria and student lounges. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Feb. 13 — Fortnightly club meets with Mrs. M. G. Pangle, 3:30 p. m. Boy Scout court of hon or, Presbyterian church, 7:30 p. m. Masonic meeting in temple at 8 p. m.. Brevard Seniors benefit card party, Gaither’s, 8 p. m. Friday, Feb. 14 — Hospital aux iliary meets at hospital dining room, 3 p. m. Saturday, Feb. 15 — Deadline for purchase of 1958 auto car and truck tags. Sunday, Feb. 16 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, Feb. 17 — Brevard Ro tary club meets at Gaither’s, 7 : p. m. Brevard High School P-TA meets at school, 8 p. m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 — Transylva nia Beekeepers meet at Gaither’s, 7:30 p. m. Eastern Star meets at Masonic temple, 8 p. m. Catholic ' Layman’s association meets at church, 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, Feb. 19 — Class- < room Teachers association meets at Brevard High, 3:15 p. m. A coroner's jury ordered J. Har old Pressley, 16, held in custody pending a decision of Solicitor Clarence Ridings on what action the state might desire in the fatal shooting of Pressley’s brother, Plato. 14, last Thursday morning. Final action of the jury was tak en Monday night following the hearing, which was recessed last Thursday afternoon. The jury decided that the vic tim died of a shotgun wound in flicted by his brother and said that the brother, Harold, handled the gun in a “careless, reckless and dangerous manner.” Sheriff “Scott” Dillingliam says that Pressley is being held without, bond until the next term of Super ior court when the case will be turned over to the Grand Jury. Pressley testified Monday night, ©*.•'•m,iMiiiiiiiiiiiiinminiiiiniiiim»mH«MMm[SJ The Weather Mere low temperature readings v ere recorded during the past week as the mercury dipped to nine degrees on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Only .78 of an inch of precipitation was recorded for the week. Daily readings are as fol lows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Pre. 53 23 .29 50 45 .23 58 35 .26 41 19 0 34 9 0 39 9 0 45 16 0 as he had done before the jury on the day of the shooting, that he had discharged the gun accidental ly, as he playfully pointed it at his brother. James and Toby Barton, neigh bors, who were witnesses to the shooting, testified before jury, and Pressley’s parents were also heard Monday night. All of the group said the boys had not been quarrelling at each other. Pressley also testified that he took the boys into the bedroom to show them his gun. He took out the shell, he said, and later admit ted that he put it back. However, he contended, that he did not cock the shotgun. When the boys came back into the living room, the younger brother was sitting on a —Turn to Page Twelve *■1 JANUARY WAS A COLD MONTH IN TRANSYLVANIA! Official Weatherman Gives Figures. Coal And Oil Sales Up People, of Brevard and Transyl vania know that thus far this sea son they have endured a pretty cold winter — much colder than us And Bobby Hbyle, tjie official weatherman here, caft substantiate this fact with accurate.figures. During January, 1967, the aver age high in Transyrirania was 49 degrees. For this past month, it was 43 degrees. And in the averaj? low depart ment, it was 30 degrees last year, while for January, 1958, it was 20 degrees. The coldest day this year was on Tanuary 0th, when the mercury dropped t > six above zero. The warmest c.»y was on. January 14th, when the '’mperaturtfj degrees. And if : ;u want that January was a £pld Mr. and Mrs. llpusefiol running from 20 to about 30 per< eent'higher than “normal”. And the fuel men have suffered —Turn to Page Six GOP CONVENTION SET MARCH 1ST Chairman King Reports The Purpose Of The Meeting. Attendance Urged The Transylvania county Repub lican convention will meet at the court house in Brevard on Satur day afternoon. March 1, at 2 o’ clock. According to Chairman Eugene King, Sr., the purpose of the meet ing is: To elect a county chairman and a vice-chairman, one of whom shall be a woman, and a secretary. To elect delegates and alternates to the state and Congressional con ventions. To elect a county executive com —Turn to Page Six Valentine's Day Will Be Popular In Transylvania During the month of February there are many special days, but the one with the most popular appeal will be Friday, which is Valentine’s Day. Many of Transylvania’s class rooms are planning Valentine parties, and local stores report a rush on Valentine candies. Other important days during February’ are the second, Ground Hog Day, the 12th, Lincoln’s birthday, the 19th. Ash Wednes day, and the 22nd, Washington’s birthday. Rites For Former Superintendent Of Schools, J. B. Jones, Held Tuesday Funeral services for James Bates Jones, Transylvania school superintendent for more than 30 pears, were held Tuesday after tioon at the First Baptist church, rhe pastor, Rev. B. W. Thomason, >fficiated and burial was in Gilles pie cemetery. Masons were in charge of grave side rites. Pallbearers were members of Mr. Jones’ Sunday school class of he First Baptist church. Honorary pallbearers were R. H. itamsey, J. A. Glazener, Willis Brit ain, R. T. Kimzey, E. F. Tilson, C. M. Douglas, C. W. Bradfburn, L. P. lamlin, F. B. Cudd, Dr. C. L. New and, John D. Eversman and Ran lal Lyday. Mr. Jones died in Asheville’s —Turn to Page Four J. B. JONES | The exact beginning of Valen j tine’s Day remains a mystery. It was named for Saint Valentine, a bishop and martyr of the Ro man Catholic church, who was put to death for his faith, Feb ruary 14th, 270 A. D. Also in connection with this date is an old belief that birds began to mate on this day. Hence another custom began. On the eve of St. Valentine’s Day young people of both sex es used to meet and draw by lots a name of the opposite sex. Thus each gentleman got a lady for his valentine and became the valentine of a lady. One of the benefactors of this event is the U. S. Post office. Lo cal officials report they’ll do —Turn to Page Six Auto Tag Sale Is Lagging, Deadline Midnight, The 15th Sale of license tags is running about 10 percent behind last year throughout the state, and Transyl vania county is no exception, ac cording to Mrs. Harold Norwood, local agent for the Carolina Motor club office. The deadline for displaying new tags on all motor vehicles is mid night Saturday, February 15th. On February 12th Mrs. Norwood reported having sold around 2,900 tags for autos, trucks and trailers. : On the same date last year she had sold over 3,100 tags. By February 15th last year the —Torn to Page Six ‘PAT” yj|USTIN, who recently mastered the art of ice skating at Highlands and here on the frozen Moore lake off Tinsley road, is pictured above putting on her ice skates, which are over 55 years old. Miss Austin’s mother, who was an ice skating figure champion in New York State, purchased them around the turn of the cen tury. They are still in excellent condition, stylish, and Miss Austin plans to use them for many winters to come. As the cold weather continues, ice skating is more popu lar than ever before here in the “sunny south”. (Times Staff Photo) Court Of Honor Thursday To Climax Boy Scout Week Here NOSLANDER IS NAMED AS NEW YODTH CHAIRMAN Garrett Resigns After Two Terms. Five New Direc tors Are Appointed Charles D. Norlander, project supervisor in the research and de velopment de partment of the Ecusta Paper di vision of the Olin Mathieson Chem ical corporation at Pisgah Forest, has been named chairman of the local Transylva nia Youth associ ation, Inc. He succeeds E. B. Garrett, who resigned after serving for two terms. The election of officers high lighted the annual meeting at the Teen Age center, and the five new —Turn to Page Six Observance This Year Is Highly Successful. Prizes To Be Awarded Boy Scout week in Brevard and Transylvania county will be cli maxed with a big court of honor Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock at the Brevard-Davidson River Pres byterian church. Duncan C. Hunter, chairman of advancement, says a most interest ing program has been planned. Highlighting it will be the award ing of Eagle Scout to Douglas Isra el by Rev. Ben Ormand. Cash prizes for the best window displays depicting Scouting will also be made at the honor court by J. Edgar Loftis, chairman of camp ing activities. All Scouts, parents and others in terested in the Scouting program are cordially invited and urged to attend the big honor court. Scouts of the town and county have been busy this week carrying out several projects in the 48th ob servance of Scouting. Window dis plays in the various stores are at tracting considerable attention, and Dr. E. 0. Bryant, chairman of the Transylvania district, says the ob —Turn to Page Twelve Program Highlights • * * WPNF Renders Public Service As Member Conelrad Alerting System The Federal Communications commission, the United States air force and the Weather bureau are making it possible for WPNF, as i member of the Conelrad national defense alerting system, to render m important peace time service, rhe local station relays emergency veather bulletins, particularly sea sonal hurricane warnings, and in formation about inland tornadoes, floods, and other acts of nature, en dangering public life and proper :y. Under the new storm warning plan, the Conelrad participating stations will receive emergency weather information. The peace time utilization of the Conelrad aierting system for this purpose grew out of needs emphasized by Gulf coast hurricanes and by tor nadoes in the plains area. It is believed that the plan is a worthwhile service to the gener al public as well as to all radio ser vices and will permit adequate warning and overcome telephone line jamming or overloading which inevitably occurs in severe weather. What is more, this action —Torn to Page Six NEW DIRECTORS OUTLINE PLANS, GOALS ADOPTED Local Body To Cooperate With Cashiers, Highlands, In Printing Folders COMMITTEES NAMED A budget of $5,250 for operation of -the Brevard chamber ol com* meree during. ’56 was adopted by the newly elected board of dire©* tors in meeting Tuesday night over the ci|y halh Included in the new budget were the following item& Advertising— $855; folders and maps — $855; general advertising—$176; and signs--$175, . A total of $500 was set aside for industrial development, and 'dues and *lonations will cost $510. Office expenses and salaries total $2,100, and $860 was alfbted for the annu al banquet, furniture and fixtures, travel; and miscellaneous. Anticipated revenues are: Dues —$5,000; and, banquet -$250. It was pointed out by < 'ommdttee Chairman Harry Sellers that a car ryover of funds from 1957 had not been included in the advertising hud{:rt, ay $300 was carmapfccd in the 19^7 budget for amiswith the 1958 folder account. Cash bal ance of $300 was reported in the U'easury above the ear-marked funds. The directors appr-uv* u goals' of achievement during the year, ar»J President C cil J. Hill, who pre sided, asked the various committee chairmen to add to the list and re port back at the next meeting Annual banquet date was set for April 11, at Brevard College dining hall, and the expected speaker will be C. F. Reid, vice president of Duke Power Co., who deals with in dustrial development for his com pany. Buddy Melton, chairman, wa6 asked to go ahead with the banquet as outlined. Chairman Gil Coan reported that Cashiers and Highlands had —Turn to Page Six DOG CLINICS TO BEGIN MARCH 1ST Commissioners, Health De partment And Humane Society Cooperating A series of clinics for the innocu lation of dogs in Transylvania county will be started on Saturday March 1st, Elam Galloway, county dog warden, announces. The clinics are being arranged to suit as nearly as possible all dog owners in Transylvania, and they are being sponsored by the county commissioners, the local health de partment, with the Transylvania Humane society assisting. Regarding the vaccination o4 dogs, Walter, F„ Hart, director of sanitation, releases the following statement: “For the protection of the peo ple as. well as the animal our state has strengthened the rabies con trol laws and we are directed to enforce them -fully. We also feel that the. majority of people are perfectly willing to comply with the law by having their pets vac cinated but that many of them are careless and through their care lessness annually in our state there is considerable grief from rabies in our people. Through neglect of some in the; past year it has caused this department through ra —Turn to Page Six Two Men Inducted Into Armed Forces Two men from the Transylvania county Selective Service board have been inducted into service, ac cording to Mrs. Mildred Galloway, the clerk. They are Dolus Masters and Roy Adams Lambert. They left for in duction on January 28th. Mrs. Galloway also reports that on February 20th the board here sends three men for induction and 20 for their armed forces physical examinations.

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