TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, A g r i c ultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15,321. ! Brevard Community 7,394. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA- j The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 69 — No. 15 •Jf Second Class toail Pi ivileges Authorized at Brevard. N C BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1958 * 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHEp WEEKLY SEVERAL MEMBERS of the Transyl vania delegation at the Regional Indus trial Development conference last Friday in Asheville are shown above. The group was impressed with the talks by mem bers of the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development and also the governor’s address, which was read at the luncheon. Governor Hodges was unable to attend, since his plane was grounded in Charlotte because of bad weather. Seated, left to right, are: Austin Hogsed, president of the Rosman cham ber of commerce; Charles L. Russell, community relations director of Olin Mathieson at Pisgah Forest; and James Davis, county agent. Standing, left to right, are: Don Jenkins, chairman of the local industrial committee; Bill Sagar, of Middle Fork; and, John A. Ford, former mayor of Brevard. Others attending from Brevard included James C.'Gaither and John I. Anderson. See story on page 11, first section. (Times Staff Photo) Citizens Telephone Company Begins $638,000. Expansion TMs Week Engineering Firm Begins: Staking Out Pole Locations In Town And County Two crews from the McCall and Thomas Engineering company, of Orangeburg. S. C., began the first phase of work this week to improve and expand the service of the Citi zens Telephone company in Bre vard and Transylvania county. The local company was granted a $638,000 REA loan last year, and the contract to the McCall and Thomas firm is the first to be let. Others are expected to be award ed in the near future, Charles Pick elsimer. Jr., the manager, states. It is explained that the REA loan is being used to add some 445 rural telephones in Transylvania as well as to upgrade the service of existing subscribers. The McCall and Thomas crews are staking location for telephone poles in the county from Rosman to the Henderson county line as well as to the South Carolina line. This present work will provide service for some 258 additional sub scribers and will permit upgrading of service of those subscribers who re<juested it in the door-to-door survey last fall. It is estimated by Mr. Pickel simer that the present work of staking the pole locations, secur ing of rights-of-way and construc tion will require some six months. Additional central office equip ment is being obtained this week by local company officials from North Electric company at Galion, Ohio. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, April 10 — Fortnight ly club meets at Gaither’s, 3:30 p. m. NCEA covered dish supper, Straus School, 6:30 p. m. Masonic meeting in the temple at 8:00 o’ clock. Friday, April 11 — Hospital aux iliary meets in nurse’s dining room of hospital, 3 p. m. Chamber of commerce banquet, college dining hall. 7 p. m. FFA Father-Son ban quet, Brevard school lunchroom, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, April 12 — GOP Con vention at 2 p. m., in Brevard court house. American Legion dance at 9 p. m„ in Legion building. (Sunday, April 13 — Attend the church of your choice. World War I veterans meet in court house at 2:30 p. m. Monday, April 14 — College re opens after spring holiday. DAR chapter meets at 3 p. m., with Mrs. Paul Frisk. Rotary club at 7 p. m.. —Turn to Page Seven Opening Postponed Many Contractors Bidding On Building Of New High School Carolinas Branch, the Associated General Contractors of America, announces today that 13 general contractors have already listed as bidders on the proposed new high school in Brevard. Bids will be opened in the office of the Transylvania county board oi education on the tentative date of April 24th. Originally it was announced that the bids would be opened on tlie 7th, but on the recommendation of the state department, opening of them was postponed. It is under stood that the state officials would like for the opening of the bids to be at a time nearer the bond sale. Legion Dance Will Be Saturday, April 12 The American Legion will spon sor a dance this Saturday night, April 12, beginning at 9 p. m., at the Legion Building. Music will be furnished by Wayne Rutledge and his orchestra. The public is invit ed. Admission will be $1.50 per per son. which is set for the 29th of this month. Other bids are expected prior to April 24th. AGO. the construction industry’s trade association in the Carolinas, listed the following general con tractors who plan to bid on the project: A. A. Ramsey and Son, Inc., (AGC), Shelby; T. C. Brittain co. (AGC), Decatur, Ga.; William B. —Turn to Page Twelve Four-Lane Highway To Be Continued To Heart Of Brevard In Immediate Future SEVERAL WRECKS ARE REPORTED IN TOWNS COUNTY Woody Paxton Seriously In jured. Carried To Ashe ville Hospital A series of automobile accidents was reported in Brevard and Tran sylvania county during the past few days. Thomas Woody Paxton, Jr., stu dent at Wake Forest college, was seriously injured in an auto acci dent early Sunday morning on the Greenville highway, just inside the city limits. Officers stated that young Pax ton probably lost control of his car on the rain-drenched curve. As the car overturned, it clipped down a power pole. Paxton was rushed to the local hospital, and following emergency treatment, he was carried to Ashe ville’s St. Joseph hospital on Sun day. He is said to be suffering with a broken hip and pelvis bone. Young Paxton underwent sur gery on Monday, and his condition cn Wednesday was reported to be satisfactory. The Pontiac sedan which he was driving was a total loss. Burlier last Saturday, James I. Slone, of Piedmont, S. C., lost con —Turn to Page Six ‘GAME OF THE DAY’ TOBEAiRED.WPNF President Anderson Says Ar rangements Worked Out With Mutual Network Radio Station WPNF has affili ated with the Mutual Broadcasting system to bring its listeners Mu tual’s “Game Of The Day” through out the 1958 major league baseball season. The season will open no*t Mon day afternoon and will continue through September 28, with games being played and broadcasted weekdays and Sundays. WPNF is scheduled to broadcast 168 games during the season and all of the broadcasts will be live and will be afternoon games. Games will be originated from —Turn to Page Twelve Newly Formed Civic Body Pi om o tin g Beautification A 10-point beautification pro gram for the town of Brevard has been adopted by the executive com mittee of the newly formed Civic Planning council, Mrs. Saimuel Bullock, the president, announces today. Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary is the secretary of the council, and the group is now soliciting contribu Program Highlights WPNF Participating On Protestant Hour Network, Dr. Elliott Is Slated Radio station WPNF will be par ticipating with the more than 300 stations of the Protestant Hour net work in broadcasting the Presby terian series, which for the first time will feature the addresses of a current Moderator of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. Dr. William M. Elliott, Jr., pas tor of the Highland Park Presby terian church in Dallas, Tex., is presently moderator of the denom ination’s highest court. He was elected moderator of the 97th Gen eral Assembly, Presbyterian Church, U. S., in April 1957, in Bir mingham, Ala., thus receiving the highest honor that Church can give. The Presbyterian series of the Protestant hour will be heard in Brevard every Sunday at 5:30 p. m. beginning the week of April 13 and —Turn to Page Twelve tions from various organizations to finance the promotion of the pro gram. The council is composed of rep resentatives from different civic groups, fraternal organizations, etc. The 10-point program is as fol lows: 1. A chosen slogan — “Beautiful Brevard”. Placing signs at the en trance (highways) of the town. Re versible with the message* “Wel come to Beautiful Brevard”. “Come Again to Beautiful Brevard”. Signs to be done in the suggested Sap phire Blue and white trim. Size 24 x 34. 2. Stimulate the interest of the public toward cleaning and face lifting the whole business area of —Turn to Page Seven Thomason To Preach Final Sermon Sunday Rev. B. W. Thomason, who re cently announced his retirement as pastor of the First Baptist church, will deliver his final sermon on Sunday morning at the 11:00 o’ clock worship service. Mr. Thomason has served the First Baptist church here nearly IE years, coming here in 1940 from Edgefield, S. C. During his pastor ate, he has seen the church come out of a heavy debt, and in 1^55 he led his congregation in building a magnificent new church, adjoining the one that has been in use for 51 years. The topic of Mr. Thomason’s ser —Turn to Page Twelve PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS on the program at the 1 annual banquet of the Brevard chamber of commerce in the cafeteria of the new Campus center building at Bre vard college on this coming Friday night are shown above. At the top left is C. S. Reed, vice president of Duke Power company, who will be the principal speak er. At top right is Frank Yarbrough, manager of the Bre vard branch of Duke Power company, who will intro duce the speaker. At the left on the bottom is Cecil J. Hill, president of Brevard chamber of commerce, who will give the address of welcome, and Gil Coan, the vice president, shown at the right on the bottom, will pre side over the banquet meeting. Some 200 Persons Expected To Attend Annual Banquet Of Chamber Of Commerce CAU ISSUED TOASTMASTERS Organizational Meeting Of Club Is Set At Gaither’s Next Wednesday The Brevard Kiwanis club is sponsoring an organization meet ing of a Toastmasters club for Bre vard. A dinner meeting will be held at Gaither’s on Wednesday, April 16, at 7:30 p. m. At this meeting a team from Canton Toastmaster club will present a demonstration program of a Toastmaster club to show the pur pose and methods of the club in teaching public speaking. Toastmasters clubs is a national organization, which has for its pur pose training members in public speaking and presiding over public meetings. Members are given a —Turn to Page Six Duke JPower Company Exec utive Will Be The Princi pal Speaker Approximately 200 persons are expected to attend the annual ban quet meeting of the Brevard cham ber of commerce. Friday night in the cafeteria of the new campus center building at Brevard college. C. S. Reed, vice president and rate engineer for Duke Power com pany, will be the principal speaker, and he will be introduced by Frank Yarbrough, manager of the Bre vard branch of the Duke company. Cecil J. Hill, president of the Brevard chamber of commerce, will welcome the persons attending, and Gil Coan, the vice president, will preside over the meeting. Special music on the program will be rendered by Mrs. James Sanders, vocalist, and Mrs. Robert Melton, pianist. They will play and sing compositions by Donald Lee Moore, outstanding Brevard com —Turn to Page Seven Civil Cases Being Heard In Superior Court, Gillespie Case Is Non-Suited Civil cases in the April term of Superior court in Transylvania are toeing tried this week, and several actions have been disposed of. Judge James C. Farthing, of Le noir, is presiding. Most of the court’s time on Tues day was taken up with the trial of case, Marshall Gillespie, adminis trator of the Gillespie estate, vs. W. A. Morgan & Southern Rail way. The case grew out of the train wreck at Etowah in which Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Gillespie and their daughter were killed. Following the presentation of the evidence by the plaintiff, the defendants moved for a non-suit, which was granted by Judge Farth ing. Requiring much of the court’s time on Monday was the case of Penrose Lumber company vs. Jesse Noel Bradshaw. The plaintiff ob tained judgment in the amount of $658.73. The U. G. Reeves vs. N.C.S.H. & P.W.C. case was continued. Part of the complaint in the Mrs. Sophia C. McCall vs. T. J. McCall case was ordered to be struck out. —Turn to Page Twelve TOWN BOARD TELLS STATE TO PROCEED, BIDS ARE SOUGHT New 64 To Be Resurfaced. Jaycees Given Franklin Park Project PARKING LOT LEASED The new four-lane highway, which is now being hardsurfaced from the entrance to the Pisgah National forest to the city limits, in front of Radio Station WiPN^F. will be continued into the heart of Brevard immediately, the town board of aldermen decided at its meeting Tuesday night at the city hall. The tc vn attorney was instruct ed to write Paul Depree, assistant district engineer at Sylva, author izing the work. Webb Pittillo, district mainten ance superintendent, met with the board and said the state was rea dy to begin the work right away. This project will include fche wid ening and resurfacing of the high way from the city limits to Pro bait (at the jail). It was announced in Raleigh on Tuesday that the new Highway 64, running from the entrance of the Pisgah National forest to Horse Shoe, would be resurfaced this summer. This work would be sim ultaneous with the paving of the 3.5-mile stretch onto Brevard The distance of the new highway 64 U Horse Shoe is 11.09 miles. Other Action Tentative plans are being work ed out by the board of aklenuec with the Jaycees for opening a-nc operating of Franklin Park. Ano ther meeting has been set fior this week, and the aldermen have allo cated $1,500 for the project. In cooperating with the newly organized Civic council, the town will sponsor a city-wide Clean-Up week in late April here in Brevard. The board also told the council that it was purchasing eemen# street markers at a later date The aldermen have leased the lot behind the Clemson and Oo-Ed the atres for an otf-street parking bet for the town. The management oi the theatres is leasing the iot te —Turn to Page Stvm GOP CONVENTION IS SET SATURDAY Candidates For County Offi ces Will Be Nominated. King Urges Attendence The Transylvania county Repub lican convention will meet in tbe court house in Brevard oh Satur day afternoon, April 12, at 2 o' clock. The convention previously met March 1, and recessed until the above date. Republican candidates for the various county offices will be nom inated at this convention, and a county chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and any other necessary officers will be elected at this time. AH Republicans are urged to at tend the convention. “Come and bring others with you!” says Eugene King, Sr., the chairman of the executive commit tee. Warning Is Issued By Supt. Bradbum Transylvania School Supt. Wayne Bradburn today issues a warning that at this time of year there are sometimes reports of unqualified persons in the coun ty soliciting college students. The state of North Carolina requires that persons soliciting students be licensed by the state board of education. This is to prevent representatives from un known and unrecognized schools from operating. Mr. Bradburn says there have been reports of such persons in the county recently. In order to protect themselves he urges parents and students to check with their principal or superintendent to see if the so licitor is licensed.

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