TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricultural and Music Center. Founda tion, 1960 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7,394. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— Hie Land of Waterfall*, Mecca for Summer Owing*, Entrance to Pisgak Ra tional Forest and Stem* of Brevard Music FeathmL Vol. 69 — No. 18 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 A 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY PLANS FOR CLEAN-UP week in Brevard are being completed by the group above, with Mrs. Samuel Bullock, president of the newly organized Bre vard Civic council, holding up a “V-For Victory” sign. At the left is Mrs. C. J. Goodwin, president of the Brevard Gar- | den club, and at the right is Mrs. J. A. Macfie, president of the Transylvania ! Garden club. Standing is Cecil J. Hill, president of the Brevard chamber of commerce. Next week has been designa ted as “Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up” week here and the public is asked to give full cooperation to the movement in an effort to make Brevard more beauti ful. (Times Staff Photo) Registration Books For Primary Open Saturday, Registrars And Judges Given One Republican Race Noted. Independents Will Not Be Eligible To Vote With the primary election only 30 days away, interest in politics h-cally increases, an ! George Shu fora. cnainnan oi the j ransyivauia county board of elections, today announces precinct registrars and judges. The registration books will be open on Saturday, and they will remain open on the following two Saturdays. May 24th is challenge day. and the primary is .set for May 31st. Mr. Shuford emphasizes that only registered Democrats will be eligible to vote in the May 31st pri mary-. However, there is one Re publican race in which Republicans can vote, that being the congres sional seat from the 12th district in which Ray H. Kimel opposes W. Harold Sams. Independents will not be allow ed to vote in the May 31st primary' ar d Mr. Shuford says that anyone in doubt as to his registration should check with the registrar. Persons who are already regis tered will not need to register again The registration is for new persons, and persons who have moved from one precinct to anoth er within 30 days prior to the pri mary. must secure a transfer slip. There are 18 precincts in the county, and the list of registrars and judges is as follows: Boyd — Mrs. Virginia Pitillo. registrar: Elmer McLean, Demo cratic Judge; Mrs. Wae Mann. Re publican Judge. Brevard No 1 — Kenneth Moore. Registrar; H. W. Gregory. —Turn to Page Six CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. May 1 — Lions club meets at Gaither's. 7 p. m. Masonic meeting in the temple. 7:30 p. m. Friday May 2 — Brevard col lege trustees meet. 10 a. m.. Fri day. Fish supper in the Masonic tempie 5 to 8 p. m. Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Saturda;.. May 3 — Registration b< ok.- open for primary election. May Day at Brevard college, 4 p. m. Sunday May 4 — Attend the church »1 your choice. Open House a the 'D en Age Center. 3 to 5 p. m. Organ recital at Brevard Meth odist church. 4 p. m. Monday, May 5 — Clean-Up week begins. Rotary club meets at Gaith er’s, 7 p. m. BTU Clinic begins at First Baptist church, 7:15 p. m. Tuesday, May 6 — Book and Plate club dinner. 6:45 p. m., at Colonial Inn. Musicale at the col lege. 7:30 p. m. Lutheran Women to meet, 8 p. m. Eastern Star meets in Masonic temple, 8 p. m. Several Events To Highlight Local Observance Of HD Week Several events are being plan ned by the Transylvania Home Demonstration clubs in observ ance of National Home Demonstra tion week May 4th through 10th. The first event will be a frozen food school on Monday at 2 p. m., in Gaither's. It will be conducted by Miss Nita Orr. Extension fro zen food specialist from State col lege. All women who desire infor mation on freezing will be wel comed at this program. A fashion show will be held Thursday. May 8th. at 8 p. m., in the Fellowship Hall of the Presby Award Given To Janies C. Rickards By Chemical Group James C. Rickards, of Brevard, was guest of honor and after din ner speaker at a convention of the National Congress of the Alpha Beta Gamma Chemistry society Saturday at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville. The subject of his talk was “Ed ucation and the Scientific Method.” The meeting was attended by fac ulty members and students from colleges affiliated with the society, , nd this includes Brevard college. During Saturday’s meeting. Mr. Rickards was elected an honorary n ember of the National Society, —Turn to Page Six terian church. Mrs. R. L. Cansier. : he county clothing chairman, is in charge of arrangements. Only homemade clothes will be modeled and they will be divided in chil dren's. teen ager’s and adult’s div isions. This will not be competitive and no prizes will be awarded for the clothes. Miss Anne Benson Priest, the home agent, announces that for the month of May two clubs are meeting together. On Friday the Cathey’s Creek club goes to meet with the Little River club at the community cen ter at 8 p. m. Contracts Being Let, Bonds Are Sold For The New High School Building CLEAN-UP WEEK SCHEDULED HERE BY CIVIC GROUP Mayor And Board Issue Proclamation. Public Co operation Sought In an effort to make Brevard more beautiful, a “Clean-Up” cam paign will be conducted here all next week. Sponsoring the event will be the newly organized Brevard Civic council, with the Transylvania Gar den club and the Brevard Garden club assisting. Mayor Bert H. Freeman and the town board of aldermen have issued a proclamation asking the complete cooperation of the pub lic. Citizens are being asked to clean their property, their sidewalks and driveways, repair and paint fences, as well as vacant lots. Elimination cf fire hazards is also asked, and Brevard citizens are reminded that if they want to burn trash, they n list secure permission of the fire department by calling 2-6101, Inch is the shortwave radio room. A clean-up campaign will also be ■ nducted in the business area. The council has elaborate plans ■ or beautification of Brevard. Re virsible signs are planned at the •, r.rious entrances, and ’t is hoped I that enough interest in beautify- j ng the town can be stimulated so ; drat a general face-lifting will be | iven to the business area. Sturdy benches are being placed j —Turn to. Page Six College>.* Will Meet Friday Trustees of Brevard college will meet here at the institution for the annual spring meeting on Friday. President Emmett K. McLarty an nounces. Committee sessions are slated at 10:(K) o’clock, followed by the gen eral meeting at 11:00 a. m. A luncheon is planned in the faculty dining room of the new campus center building. Wives of the trustees and special! guests are being invited to a morn ir.g coffee from 10:00 o’clock until noon in the Annabel Jones hall. In tern a tion al Fes ti val For Girl Scouts Set Here Plans are being formulated this week for a Summer Arts festival for senior Girl Scouts at Brevard college from July 9th to the 13th. Mrs. Corinne M. Murphy, pro gram specialist on the National ex ecutive staff of the U. S. A., has ar rived here, and she is working out details with the local resource committee, headed by Mrs. Julius Sader. Pointing out that the Arts festi val is the first national event of its lype ever offered by the Girl Scout t rganization. Mrs. Murphy noted that a total of 96 girls from all parts of the United States and from six foreign countries and territor ies are expected to attend. “The festival will be an experi mental project,” Mrs. Murphy >aid. “Its purpose is to encourage girls talented in the arts by pro viding an opportunity for voca tional exploration, for personal sat —Turn to Page Seven GIRL SCOUT EXECUTIVES, above, are shown as they make plans for an in ternational Summer Arts festival at Bre vard college in July for senior Girl Scouts. Left to right, are: Mrs. Corinne Murphy, of New York, who is a national executive; Mrs. Helen McElyea, execu tive director, Pisgah Girl Scout council; Miss Elizabeth Figner, of Atlanta, Ga., who is also a member of the national council; Mrs. Heinz Rollman, of Waynes ville, a member of the Pisgah board of directors; and, Mrs. Julius Sader, chair man of the local resource committee in charge of festival arrangements. (Times Staff Photo) THE OCCUPANTS OF THE CAR above escaped with their lives by jumping1 out just before it ran off the Cascade Lake road and into Little River, some 150-200 feet below. Actually, the car went over the steep em bankment and bounced on the yard of the house at the power company right into the river. The driver, James Hoots, of Flat Rock, said the accident was due to faul ty steering rod. A wrecker is shown pulling the car out of the river in the top photo, and the demolished condi tion of the car can be noted better in the lower picture. Transylvania's 4-H Club Members Make Good Showing At District Meeting Saturday NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK IS PLANNED Many Events Are Set Local ly. Mayor Issues Special Proclamation Many special events are being planned locally in observance of National Music week, May 4th 10th. The Brevard Music Lovers club, with Mrs. Julius Sader as chair man. is sponsoring the observance in Transylvania, and Brevard’s mayor, B. H. Freeman, has issued a special proclamation, designat ing the week as “National Music week” here. Among the special events are: an organ recital Sunday afternoon at the Brevard Methodist church: a musicale at Brevard college Tues day night; auditions for music scholarships to the college and to tiic music camp at Brevard college on May 10th; and, organ recital at the college next Friday evening. “Life Means More With Music” is the general theme of National Music week, and in his proclama tion, Mayor Freeman points out: “Emphasis should be placed on —Turn to Page Six Some 30 Boys And Girls Rep resented County At Clyde Erwin School — Transylvania county 4-H club members made an outstanding showing at the 4-H district demon stration day held last Saturday at the Clyde Erwin high school in Asheville. Approximately 30 club members from this county attended and par ticipated in the demonstration pro grams, talent and public speaking activities of the day. There were more than 400- 4-H club members from Western North Carolina counties taking part in the day’s activities. All first place winners, except recreation leader, will represent Transylvania county in their respective field at state 4-H club week in Raleigh July 20 26. Participants from Transylvania j county are as follows: Beekeeping I- Phil Leslie. Straus school, white ribbon; dairy foods (Ind.) Betty Jj Lyda, Brevard, Sr., red ribbon: boys electric — Ed and John Math e.-on. Brevard senior and junior, respectively, white ribbon; girls electric — Linda Tinsley and Judy Mims, Brevard senior, red ribbon Entomology — Douglas Israel and Joe Farmer. Brevard seniors, —Turn to Page Seven Program Highlights Special Programs Will Be Heard On WPNF During National Music Week In observance of National Mu sic week, WPNF will broadcast a scries of special programs all next week under the direction of the Brevard Music Lovers club. These programs will be heard each evening at 7:00 o’clock and will feature members of the club, as well as the students receiving superior rating in the recent jun ior music festival at Brevard col lege. As a forerunner of the local ob servance of National Music week, A1 Martin will interview John D. Eversman, director of the Brevard high school band on “Coffee Time” S turday morning. Selections by the band will also be heard. On the first program of the special series next Monday night, compositions by Donald Lee Moore, well-known Brevard composer, will be heard. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Brevard home ec. dept., Mrs. Glenn Bur rell; Friday, U. S. Forestry, Ted Seely; Monday, county agent’s of —Turn to Page Six SOME REVISIONS NECESSARY SINCE BIDS OVER FUNDS Boards Hold Joint Meeting* Group Is Pleased With Sale DELAY IS SLIGHT .This past week could well go down in history for the Brevard high school since the bids were opened, the bonds were sold, and it is expected that work will begin in approximately 30 days for the new high school building. The bids for the new structure, plus much of the equipment, total led $864,741, and the low' bid far tiie general contract went to W. E. Dale Construction Co., of Morgan ton, in the amount of $544,000. The board of education has bees in the process of going over these bids before accepting all of them s;nce the amount was in excess of what they had to spend. The architects, McDonald and Daniels, are now in the process of revising the school plans in order to cut the costs. The heating bid of $139,581, by the Sanitary Plumbing ard Heating Co., of Greenville, S C„ will not be accepted At a call meeting of the Board of Education Wednesday-morning, with the county commissioners they passed a resolution asking the architect to revise heating plan? and to call for new bids. Also at this meeting the boarc passed a resolution to send an ap ! p’ication to thf State Board of Ed . ucalion to borrow $21,000 irurn the 1 i * * .» * % ... Th“ ai whir*, w advi ,*i the board that the revision in plans would mean a lower figure from the gen eral contractor and that they were already working close'y with the Dale company. County Attorney Ralph H. Raiu sey reported to the board on the sale of the bonds for the building in Raleigh Tuesday. The school —Turn to Page Six BTO CLINIC IS PLANNED HERE All 32 Churches To Take Part. State Workers Con ducting Classes The Transylvania Baptist asso ciation. which consists of 32 chin ches. will hold a Training Union clinic at the First Baptist church in Brevard Monday through Thurs day, May 5-8, from 7:15 to 9:15 each evening. The faculty will be headed by William Spradlin, State Training Union secretary . Other state work ers will teach classes. The workers and the classes they will teach arc as follows: Mrs. Naomi Braswell, adults; Mrs. Weber Jordon, inter mediates; Mrs. E. F. Baker, jun iors: Mrs. Sarah Hull, beginners, primaries and nursery leaders. Local persons will teaeh the ofcfc or classes and all age groups will be included. This clinic is expected to be widely attended and the largest o.i its kind ever held in this area. In addition to the 32 churches of the association, churches outside the county are expected to send rep resentatives to the meeting. Ruel Whitmire is the associa tion::! training union director. Will Advertise Delinquent Tax Lists Next Week Delinquent tax list for towns of Brevard and Bosnian amt Transylvania county will be pub lished in The Times next week (issue of May 8). according to C. M. Douglas, tax collector. Taxes paid through Saturdaj r.oon of this week will not appear in the list. It is necessary that the list be closed on Saturday in order to take care of the large job of typesetting in The Times office, Mr. Douglas pointed out. There will be no advertising charge for any items paid through Wednesday, May 7.