Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Big Parade To Open ’58 Yule Season Next Tuesday Afternoon THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. ‘Newspaper Vol. 69— No. 48 * iutho?izSaSa8t BrevfrdVilNgec. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 it 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricu ltural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1960 Census, 16,323. Brevard Community 7,304. TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Camps. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Mus c Festival. BREVARD FIRE FIGHTERS were called out to quell a forest fire just above the city reservoir last Friday afternoon, and they can be noted above pumping water out of settling basin to use on the blaze. The fire was quickly brought un der control, but state and federal rang ers in Transylvania stopped issuing” burn ing permits on Sunday until after a heavy rain. Residents of the town and county are reminded to be extremely careful with matches and cigarettes when in or near the woodlands of Transylvania. (Times Staff Photo) Thanksgiving To Be Quietly Observe In County, Churches Set Union Services Thu* sday Will Be A Holi day. Many Hunters Ex pected On Preserves Transylvanians wiil observe the 19* in the tradition al manner (\i Thursday. gaily m therings church s$jwiceuf and the day throughout the town and coun ty Mill be a holiday. All stores, town and county offi ces. the bank and the post office will be closed. There will be no rural or city delivery of mail, and according to acting postmaster, Vernon Full bright. the general delivery window will be open from 11:30 until 12. All town and county schools Mill have a holiday on Thursday and Friday, and Brevard college will have a half-day holiday on Satur day. Hundreds of hunters from all parts of Eastern America are here for the annual deer and bear hunts, and there will be a number of private hunts on the various pre serves of the county. In order that readers of this ncMspaper might have their pa per before and during the holiday. The Transvivania Times is being published on Tuesday, and readers are especially urged to note the Thanksgiving messages. Special Service Rev. Courtney Ross, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, will deliver the principal message at —Turn to Page Seven Program Highlights Santa Claus To Read Letters Over WPNF Daily, Beginning On Monday With Christmas just around the corner. WPNF urges all boys and girls in Transylvania to write let t rs to Santa Claus and to put them in special mail boxes at Pearlman's. Patterson’s and Western Auto asso ciate store. Daily he will pick these letters up, and beginning on Monday af ternoon. Dec. 1st. he will begin reading them over the local radio station at 4:15 o’clock. These programs will be heard Monday through Saturday of each week from now until Christmas, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, an nounces. Kiwanians To Sell Peanut Brittle For Christmas This Year Members of Brevard Kiwanis eiub will again sell North Carolina made peanut brittle candy as part of the program for financing Christmas cheer work. Last year the club sold 150 boxes of the candy. It is on sale by mem bers of the club, and specifically at the offices of G. H. Farley, secre —Turn to Page Sever Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and dome hour is as follows: Thursday. Thanksgiving: Friday, ASC office; Monday, county Agent: Tuesday, Brevard Vo. Ag.; Wednesday, Home demonstration agent. Appearing on the Civic Hour for the coining week are the following: Friday, hospital auxiliary; Monday, Brevard Garden club: Wednesday, —Turn to Page Twelve Arrival Of Santa In Brevard Slated Next Tuesday Afternoon At 5:00 P. M. THREE DIRECTORS ADDED TO BOARD OF BREVARD BANK Duckworth Says Bennett, Grogan And Hill Named To First Union Posts R. J. Duckworth, vice president; of the First Union National bank of North Carolina, Brevard, announces 11 today the election of three addi- j1 tional members to the Brevard i board of First Union. They are: j j Raymond F. Bennett, Leslie S. Grc-!' gar. and Cecil J. Hill. In making the announcement Mr. Duckworth said “the addition of these three men to our board in Brevard brings three of Transyl vania county’s most outstanding I citizens into the banking fraterni- | ty”. Mr. Bennett is production mana- j .or of the film division of Olin Malhieson Chemical corporation, of 1 Pisgah Forest. He is a 32nd d —Turn to Page Twelve Several Actions And Divor ces 7c Be Heard. Huskins To Preside A two-weeks’ term of Superior , (ourt, during which the civil cal- ; endar wi'.I be heard, is slated to | convene here on Monday, Dec. 1st. Judge J. Frank Huskins, of Burnsville, will preside, and the jurors who were called to serve during the first week are remind ed by Marvin McCall, clerk of Superior court, to be in the court room promptly at 10:00 o’clock Monday morning. In addition to the civil actions, several divorces will be heard next week. Construction Is Ahead Of Schedule On High School The Transylvania board of edu-! cation was given the “good news” at Monday night’s 'meeting that construction of the new Brevard high school would be completed during the summer of 1959. W. E. Dale company, of Morgan ton, reported that work on the new campus type high school is ahead of schedule because of the good weather during the past few months. Barring unforseen difficulties, the new $800,000 school should be completed in July of next year, the board was told. The favorable report of the re cent Grand Jury pertaining to the condition of the schools in the town and county was read by the board. Fire Chief Dan Merrill report ed that all of the school buildings in the city limits, which were re cently inspected, are in the best condition that they have been in lor years. Considering the age of the —Turn to Page Twelve CL.E SAN I'A CLAUS will come to Brevard next Tues day afternoon riding behind the Brevard high school and Hendersonville bands. He will have candy for all his lit tle friends, and he cord - illy invites them to come to Bre- j vard to see him. Tnc event, which is sponsored by the merchants division of the chamber of commerce, official- i ly marks the opening of the ’58 Christmas shopping sea- ! son, and the multi-colored lights in the business section will be turned on at that time. United Fund Campaign Is Now "Over The Top" in The County TO OPEN BIDS ON DECEMBER 19 FOR LINK ON PARKWAY New Stretch Will Connect Transylvania’s With Cher okee Route Bids will be opened on Decem ber 19th for the last link of the Blue Ridge Parkway 'between Wag on Road gap in Transylvania and the terminus just above Cherokee mdian Reservation, it was announ —Turn to Page Six Director Yarbrough Express es Sincere Appreciation To All Who Gave The Transylvania United Fund campaign for 1959 has exceeded the goal of $26,500, Campaign Director Frank Yarbrough announces to day. There are several pledges and do nations yet to come in, and with ex tra funds, the organization will be able to meet emergencies when they arise. “Although our goal this year was the same as last fall’s, we are able to close the campaign two weeks earlier.” Mr. Yarbrough declared. —Turn to i*age Seven mmmammmm mmmmm ; m THE FINE BREVARD HIGH SCHOOL band '' h lend the gala Christmas*parade in Brevard next '! ,-esday afternoon, when the 1958 Christmas shop ping season will officially open and Ole Santa wdll come to town. The parade will form at 4:30 o’clock at Sapphire Manor and it ’will cross the square in Brevard at 5:00 o’clock. Included in the parade will be floats of the merchants and the Rural De velopment clubs, beauty queens, colors of the leg ion and the VFW and the Hendersonville band. Af ter Santa arrives, he will visit in the stores and will give candy to his little friends. (Photo by Austin’s) BANDS, FLOATS TO BE FEATURED, BIG PARADE IS ONTAP Multi-Colored Lights To Be Turned On. Free Candy For The Kids STORES WELL STOCKED The arrival of Santa Claus at 5:00 o’clock next Tuesday afternoon in Brevard officially marks the op ening of the 1958 Christmas shop ping season here. Hundreds and hundreds of his little friends are expected to be oa hand when Santa comes to town. The Brevard high school band, under the direction of John D. Ev ersman,. will lead the parade, which will form at 4:30 o’clock at Sap phire Manor. It is scheduled to cross the square in Brevard at 5:00 o'clock. The Homecoming queen of Bre vard college, the Huddle queen and the Popularity queen at Brevard high school will be riding in the parade. As the parade comes up Main street to the square, the multi-col ored Christmas lights will be turn ed on in the business section of Brevard. The fine Hendersonville band will march in the parade, and Boats from the merchants, the Rur al Development clubs as well as new model cars will be entered. Colors of the American legion and the VFW will also be entered. The route of travel of the parade will be up Main street across Broad and down to Caldwell. It will turn left and then proceed to Jordan and left again to Broad. After another left turn, the parade will go to the —Turn to Page Twelve TEAGUE. LEVY GO TO ALLIED Both Men Have Been Asso ciated With Ecusta For Some 20 Years Appointment of two additional technical staff directors was an nounced today by Ward D. Harri son, president of the Allied Paper corporation. Millard C. Teague has been nam ed director of quality control and Robert M. Levy has been appoint ed director of research and devel opment. According to the announcement made by Mr. Harrison in Kalama zoo, Michigan, they will take over their new responsibilities in De cember. Both men have been associated with the Ecusta Paper corporation, Pisgah Forest, for 20 years. Dr. Levy, who holds a PhD de gree from the Armour Institute af Technology is presently assistant director of research at Ecusta. Mr. Teague, while at Ecusta, worked in several capacities. He was director of quality control, manager of sales of fine papers, and as a salesman. Previous to this employment, he worked for the Champion Paper and Fibre com pany at Canton, in the manufactur ing department. Times Giving Free Tickets To Theatre, Read Ads Carefully Maybe you are the lucky win ner of a free ticket to the movies.. In all of the Christmas adver tisements in this issue are the names that have been chosen from The Times mailing list in impartial numerical manner. Read these ads carefully and if you find your name, bring a copy of the advertisement to The Times office and you will receive a free ticket to the local theatre. All tickets must be called for by December 6 and they must be used before Christmas. You are also urged to take ad vantage of the many gift values advertised in this issue.