ai..amma: nti ,YA<ianui1t TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Caioaps. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. AWMOflA?) fTTflOH , THE TRANS AMIJOR/vf) iTTflOW .(tJiAVMH-tt! sAVA i J\ \ Vi A V J Y BV5 A HT JUKI V JL . * __, 1KO, ^ A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper 4 TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agr leu Itural and Musk Center. Popula tion, 1030 Census, 13,331. Brevard Oosnmuaity 7391 Vol. 69 — No. 51 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. €., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 ★ 5 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY '*Uv SNOWMEN WERE “dime a dozen” in Brevard and Transylvania over the past week end, but among the more im pressive was the one in the yard of Les lie Grogan on Park avenue. Over six feet tall, the snowman above was two days in the making by the group pictured around him. They are: kneeling, Leslie Sue Gro gan; and, standing, left to right: Judy Caldwell, Linda Grogan, and Joann and Bernie Maguire, III. (Times Staff Photo) Yule Shopping Season In Full Swing, Stores Stocked, Schools Close Friday Churches Planning Special Services. Round-up Of Ac tivities Is Made With only six more shopping days remaining before Christmas. Brevard merchants, who have large stocks of holiday merchandise, are anticipating brisk business during the period. The merchants express the hope that shoppers who have deferred buying make their decisions with out further delay and thus avoid the last minute rush. Acting as a stimulus to the Christmas sales this week will be the bonuses to employees of bus iness houses and some of the indus tries. Many of the local stores are re maining open in the evenings for the convenience of Christmas shop pers. and the Brevard post office will be open all day on Saturday. Most of the local stores are ob serving “family night” on Thurs day and Friday nights of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week. Citizens are urged to shop as a family. Santa will be on hand to give candy to all his little friends. Transylvania’s schools will close on Friday for the Christmas holi days and will reopen on January 5th. Brevard college will recess for the holidays on Saturday at noon, and the students will return on January 6th. Stores will be closed two days for the Christmas holidays, December 25 and 26. They will also be closed —Turn to Page Twelve CALENDAR OF - COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 18 — Kiwamians meet at Gaither’s at 6:45 o’clock. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 o’clock. B&PW club meets at Gaith er’s for annual Christmas party at 7:00 p. m. Masons meet at temple at 7:30 p. m. Basketball game at college. Friday, Dec. 19 — Garden clubs tours beginning at 2:00 o’clock. Ace of clubs 7:45 o’clock. Schools close for holidays at close of day. Bas ketball game at college. Saturday, Dec. 20 — College re cesses at noon for Christmas. Sunday, Dee. 21—Attend the church of your choice. Monday, Dec. 22 — Rotary Christmas party at 7:00 p. m. at Gaither’s. Judging in lighting con test at 7:00 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 24 — Christ mas Eve. Last day to shop. Special midnight services at some church es. Please Conserve Town Of Brevard Suffers Serious Water Shortage The Town of Brevard is threaten ed with a serious water shortage and all persons are urged to con serve. The shortage has been brought about by persons leaving the water running at nights so that pipes would not freeze. Mrs. Opal King, city clerk, urges New Bus Stop Is Opened In Brevard A new bus stop has been opened in Brevard adjacent to the post office. It is being operated by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ‘“Buster” Carr, who have also opened the Blue Devil news stand in conjunction with the bus stop. The schedule of buses through and into Brevard include: Arriving from Cashiers at 8:20 o’clock in the morning and on to Asheville via Mills River. Arriving from Hendersonville at 9:15 a. m., and return 10:45; arriv ing from Asheville at 11:00 and return at 12:30; arriving from Hen dersonville at 3:15 p. m., and re turn at 3:45; arriving from Ashe ville at 6:30 p. m., via Mills River and on to Cashiers. all citizens to please discontinue this practice immediately. The shortage of water is also due to the long dry spell this fall. Another factor contributing to the shortage is the extreme cold weather. Small creeks leading into the watershed have been frozen for the past few days and nights. Service stations in Brevard are requested not to wash cars until further notice. Transylvania Hit By Heavy SnowfaUr Mercury Dips To 3 Above On Monday YULE LIGHTING CONTEST SLATED BY GARDEN CLUBS Cash Prizes Are Offered. Judging Is Set For December 22nd The Brevard Garden club and the Transylvania Garden eluib are joining hands in sponsoring the an nuia! Christ mas Home lighting con test and they urge all citizens with in a radius of two miles from the center of town t6 enter. There are two divisions in the contest this year: two prizes for the best Christmas theme; and, one prize for the best Christmas tree. Cash prizes are $20 for first prize in the Christmas theme con test and $10 for second. A prize of $10 is offered for the best tree. In order to enter, persons should mail their entry to Christmas Light ing contest, Box 786, Brevard, N. C., by noon on Monday. Judging will take place at 7:00 o’clock that night. Former winners are eligible to enter, and the committee this year is composed of the following: Mrs. William Boggs, Mrs. John Folger. Mrs. E. E. Butler, Mrs. James Davis. Mrs. R. O. Baker and Mrs. Roger Davis. Times To Publish Christmas Issue Early Next Week The Transylvania Times will liuHIIsh its an , ial Christmas Greeting edition or Tuesday next week, and the deadline for news, advertising and classified copy is 12 noon on Tuesday. In order that subscribers will receive their copies for the holi days, the issue is being publish ed ahead of regular schedule, since Christmas falls on Thurs day, the regular publication date. “This is one of our favorite issues each year, and again we plan to carry many Christmas features along with special greet ings from the merchants and in dustries in Transylvania,” Editor John Anderson said yesterday. Firemen Heie Urge Extra Caution At Christmastime Members of the Brevard Fftre Department have written a let ter to all citizens of Brevard and Transylvania county, urging them to use extra care in the ' prevention of fire during the Christmas season. In a letter to The Times, Char les F. Himes, the public rela tions officer, says: “This season is certainly the most joyous time of the year and a little time spent in fire preven tion could prevent it from bring ing unhappiness to some homes”. Leslie Grogan To Head Transylvania United Fund, New Directors Elected - •-I Leslie S. Grogan, manager of Du Font’s Brevard silicon plant, was named president of Transylvania’s Lnited Fund at the annual meet ing of the board of directors Mon day night at Gaither’s. He succeeds Wayne Bradburn, v. ho presided over the meeting. Named first vice president was Milton Herzog, manager of the film division of the Olin Mathie son Chemical corporation at Pisgah Forest. Austin Hogsed, former president of the Rosman chamber of com merce, was elected second vice president, and other officers nam ed at the meeting were: C. M. Douglas, secretary; Melvin Gilles pie, treasurer; and, James M. Wul pi, executive director. New members on the board of di rectors, who were elected at the —Turn to Page Twelve LESLIE S. GROGAN Fire hazards are greater at this time because of extra light ing, extra paper and the Christ mas tree is always a potential fire hazaiAI. Members of the outstanding Brevard volunteer fire depart ment wish for all citizens of the town and county a Merry and “Fire Safe” Christmas. Kiwanians Will Have Yule Meet “Christmas Cheer” cards will be given members of Brevard Kiwanis club at its meeting Thursday even ing of this week at 6:45 o’clock at Gaither’s. Leslie S. Grogan, manager of the Du Pont plant at Cedar Mountain, will be the speaker, and Ed Mathe son will preside. Five inches of snow was record ed Sunday, the season’s first snow fall. It was followed by low tem peratures, which reached 3 degrees Monday night. Daily readings are as follows. High Low Pre. 43 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 38 43 37 42 32 47 Low 22 25 12 21 25 9 3 T .01 .02 .11 NEW OFFICERS of the Transylvania County Agri cultural Workers council are pictured above following their recent election a+ annual meeting. Seated is the president, Ranger Ted Seely, and at the left is county agent, James Davis, the outgoing president, who was named vice president Mrs. Julia Westwood, the report er, is at the right. Mrs. Ruby Corpening, the secretary, was absent when the picture was made. (Times Staff Photo) Cabe Represents County For Morehead Scholarship Grant SEELY WILL HEAD WORKERS COUNCIL Outgoing President Thanks Agricultural Agencies For Cooperation Ranger Ted Seely was elected chairman of the Transylvania County Agricultural council at its annual meeting at Gaither’s. He succeeds county agent, James Davis, who was named vice chairman. Other officers chosen at the meeting include Mrs. Ruiby Cor pening, secretary, and Mrs. Julia Westwood, reporter. The Transylvania County Agri cultural Workers council meets monthly and is composed of repre sentatives of all agricultural agen cies in the county. Mr. Davis, retiring chairman, ex pressed appreciation for the coop eration he had received from the agricultural workers during his term of office. Brevard High Senior Is Cap tain Of Football Team. Leader In Other Fields Jerry Cabe, outstanding senior at Brevard high school, has been chosen by the Transylvania com mittee of the Morehead scholarship foundation to represent this county in district competition in January. In making the announcement, Thomas R. Eller, the Transylvania chairman, said that young Cabe was the unanimoys choice of the local committee, (All applications have been throughly reviewed by the group and each student was given an* interview. Mr. Eller said that Cabe was definitely the type of young man to fit the qualifications far a More head scholarship. Academically, he is in the top group in his class; he is captain of the football team; and, he holds other positions of leadership in school and church work. Serving with Mr. Eller on the local committee are Ben Patterson, Dr. Carol Grahl, C. B. Carter and —Turn to Page Seven Program Highlights Repeat Performance Of "Messiah" Will Be Heard On WPNF Sunday Highlighting the many beautiful Cliristmas programs now being heard over WPNF will be Handel’s Messiah, which will be heard at 4:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon. The program is a recording of the recent concert of the Brevard Civic chorus, which was presented at the Brevard Methodist church. It was under the direction of Prof. Nelson Adams, with Charles Jolliff at the organ. Bobby Hoyle, WPNF’s station manager, urges all listeners of WPNF to hear the Messiah on Sun day. “Undoubtedly, it is the best ren dition of the Messiah that we have ever recorded,” Mr. Hoyle states. The station manager also an no unices that WPNF is planning two days of outstanding Christmas programs under the sponsorship of local merchants and others on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. He urges Transylvanians to stay tuned to WPNF and make a note of the many Christmas bargains now being offered. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Brevard home ec. dept., Mrs. Glenn Bur rell; Friday, Carolina News; Mon day, county agent’s office; Tues day, Extension forestry; Wednes day, station program. On the Civic hour, the following —Turn to Page Six MANY ACCIDENTS REPORTED, ONE SERIOUS INJURY Schools Closed On Monday* Bradburn Urge* Bus Driv ers To Be Cautious OTHERS QUOTED Brevard and Tnansyfrania are still digging out from under a five to eight inch blanket of snow that covered the town and county last Saturday and Sunday. (Schools were closed on Monday 'because of the ice and snow, and they reopened on Tuesday after all bus routes had been checked. Supt. Wayne Bradburn says that attendance us good, and he again urges all school bus drivers to drive with extreme caution. A rash of accidents were report ed over the week end because of the weather. Scares of cars and trucks skidded and blocked US 276 across Caesar’s Head la Jo Sunday, and the route was almost impas sable all during the week end. Glenm Peevy, Brevard high j school student, was seriously in jured in an accident in the Pisgah i Nctional forest near the ranger j station -when his car skidded on the ice He is in an Asheville hospital and his eo motion is said to be* crit ical. . Charles Pickeksinier, manager of ’ the Citizens Telephone' company, | reports that damages to telephone j brfes were'at a minimum in spite j of the ice and snow The Duke Pow • or company, according to Manager ! Frank Yarbrough, hqd no serious • damage on its power 'or light lines , because of weather conditions. The heavy snowfall, wtas acconv P» toco chilly weather as die ! mw nry7 o; upped below'the freeze j ing mark. . Bobby Hoyle, the.* official weath i enman, says the mercury dipped j to three above Monday night, hav | ing dropped to nine above the I night before. CAST IS SELECTED FOR BLT MYSTERY Rehearsals Will Begin Janu ary 4th. Play On Febru ary 20th And 21st Alice Nichols and Mel Evering haan will play the lead rotes in ‘There’s Always A Murder”, the next production of the Brevard Little Theatre. Mrs. Nichols will be making her debut appearance behind the foot l:ghts in the part of Dmeiftla Tay lor. Drudlla is a peppy, young new lywed who, with her husband, has jrust rented an apartment in Bos ton, scene of the play. As various friends of the former occupants come to call-in gtrangr ways and at peculiar hours, she t* gins to suspect foul play in the dis appearance of one of the former apartm ent -dwellers. As the play proceeds, she be comes more'sure of her suspicions^ Mr. Everingh&m will be making his second appearance in a Little Theatre production, having played 1hie role of Captain Caldwell hi —Turn to Page Twelve Jaycees, Jaycettes Will Tafee Kids On Yule Shopping Tour The Brevard Jaycees will con duct thedr annual Christmas shop ping tour for children on Thurs day evening, with the Jaycettes as sisting. Some 20 children from the firat grade in Brevard will he conduct ed on the tour of local stores by the Jaycees. The group will gather at t.b« Teen Age center between 7:00 and 7:30 o’clock, and after the tour, gifts will be wrapped at the center. Presents will be supplied by the sponsors, and refreshments will be served by the Jaycettes and Bilt more dairy. Dr. John Foliger is chairman of arrangements.

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