TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Gamps. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. E. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial. Tourist, Ed ucattonal, A gri c u Ituval and Munfc Center. Popula tion, 1990 Gensus, Ki,321. Brevard Community 7,394. Vol. 70 — No. 1 Second Cl Authorized is Mai! Privileges at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1959 * 16 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY RECALLING 50 YEARS were Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway, Jr., at Calvert on Christmas day last Thursday. After they were married on December 24th, 1908, they rode by buggy from the bride’s parents home at Rosman to their home above at Calvert, where they have lived for the past half century. This is the same house in which Mr. Galloway was born and reared. Last Thursday Ran dal Lyday, Austin Hogsed and Camp Sky Top officials rigged up the buggy in which they are pictured above, and Mr. and Mrs. Galloway took a ride prior to their “open house” celebration. More details are included in story on page three. (Times Staff Photo) Tax Listers Ready To Begin Work Of Listing Property In County Friday Supervisor Says A Penalty Is Prescribed By Law For Persons Failing To List t Tax listers in Transylvania are all prepared for the chore of tax listing during January. According to Lewis Osborne, tax supervisor, listing will begin on Friday in the different townships of Transylvania and will continue through January 10th. After that time, listing must be done here in the court house. Mr. Osborne urges residents of Transylvania to list early the prop erty on which they’re going to pay taxes in 1959. A penalty is prescribed by law for those persons who fail to list. Property that must be listed falls into three major categories: 1. All real estate and tangible personal property owned on Janu ary 1st. 1959. 2. A poll, or capitation, tax re quired of all male persons between r the ages of 21 and 50 as of the first * of the New Year. 3. Every dog, male or female, more than six months old owned or kept on the first. The tax listers for the townships are as follows: Brevard — Miss Avarie G-lazen er. Boyd — Mrs. Webb Pitillio Cathey’s Creek — Joe Bryson. Dunn’s Rock — Mrs. Marvin Whitmire. Eastatoe — Mrs. Lawrence Whit mire. Gloucester — Ben McCall. Hogback — Herbert Fisher Little River — Merrimon Shu ford. And for Rosman inside, Mickler Lusk will list through January 7th. ' CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. Jan. 1 — New Year’s Day. All stores, town and county offices closed. Friday, Jan. 2 — Tax listing be gins. License tags go on sale. Sunday, Jan. 4 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, Jan. 5 — Schools re open. Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 6 — Brevard col lege reopens. Ace of clubs meets at 7:45 p. m. Order of Eastern Star roeets at 8:00 p. m. Longest List Yet Chamber Of Commerce Ballots For New Directors Now In Mail Ballots for directors of the Bre vard chamber of commerce have gone into the mails, and Mrs. John Ford, the executive secretary, re quests that they be returned by January 13th. The ballots will be tabulated on the evening of the 13th, and the 25 persons receiving the highest num ber of votes will serve as direc tors during the new year. New officers will be elected at a call meeting a week following the 13th. Containing 203 names, the ballot this year is one of the largest, if not the largest, in the history of the Brevard chamber of commerce. Last year’s list contained 201 names. The secretary emphasizes that Lions Will Meet Thursday, Jan. 8 The January 1st meeting of the Brevard Lions club has been post poned until Thursday, January 8th. The January 15th meeting will remain as scheduled. The meeting this Thursday is be ing postponed because of the New Year’s I^ay observance. only paid up members are listed on the ballot. According to the secretary, the Brevard chamber of commerce has enjoyed one of its best years during 1958. She points out that a greater number of inquiries were handled than ever before, and the organiza tion was helpful in locating new persons coming into the town and county. i Transylvania Pointing To New Year, Outlook Said Good, Thursday Holiday TO PAY $80,000 TO MEMBERS OF SAVINGS & LOAN Resources Are Now Over Five Million, Executive Director Reports Semi-annual dividend checks, to taling $80,000.00 will be mailed to members of the Brevard Federal Savings and Loan association this week, Jerry Jerome, the executive vice president, announces today. This makes a total of $152,000.00 paid out in dividends during 1958, Mr. Jerome declares. Dividend checks the first of July totaled $72, 000.00. Resources of the association are $5,100,000.00, and the interest rate being paid is three and one-half per cent. The annual meeting of the stock holders will be held on Wednesday, January 21, 1959, in the office on Caldwell Street, beginning prompt ly at 2:00 o’clock. In addition to the executive vice president, other officers are: A. F. Mitchell, vice president and attor ney; Robert H. Plummer, treasur er and assistant secretary; and Jer ry Hart Jerome, secretary and as —-Turn to Page Eight YULE OBSERVANCE REPORTED QUIET No Serious Accidents Occur red. County Schools Re open On Monday The '58 Christmas holidays in Brevard and Transylvania county were quietly observed. Although a record number of ac cidents and fatalities were report ed on the nation’s highways, there were no major wrecks in this coun ty. Patrolman Jack Cabe says there were a few “fender bendings”, but r.o one was injured. Local officers, the sheriff’s de partment and the State Highway patrol said everything was extreme ly quiet. Schools in Transylvania will re main closed until January 5th, while Brevard college will resume classes on Tuesday, January 6th. Church services and family ga therings highlighted the Christmas observance in Transylvania, and all —Turn to Page Four License Tags To Go On Sale Here Friday Morning Procedures for obtaining new i 1959 auto license plates were out- j lined here today. Mrs. Harold Norwood, mana- | per of the plate-issuing Carolina Motor Chib at L & H Appliance company, said that most motor ists will not have to present their FS-1 (liability insurance) forms in order to get new plates. The majority of applicants merely will be required to sign an insurance declaration on the back of their 1959 license renew- i al cards. However, those who will be Program Highlights First Baby In Transylvania In 1959 To Be Honored On Program Thursday The first baby of ’59 in Transyl vania county will be honored on a1 special radio program over WPNF on Thursday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock, Bobby Hoyle, station manager announces today. Several Brevard firms are offer ing fine prizes to the first baby and hie or her parents, and all listen ers of WPNF are urged to hear the special program on Thursday. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, New Year’s day; Friday, Station program; Mon day, county agent’s office; Tuesday, Brevard vo-ag department, Randal J. Lyday; Wednesday, home dem onstration agent. Appearing on the Civic hour next week will be: Friday, Elk’s club; Monday, DAR: Wednesday, Wed nesday club. Speaking this week on Morning Devotions is Rev. Ben F. Ormand, pastor of the Brevard - Davidson River Presbyterian church. The Sunday morning church ser vice for the coming month will be broadcast through the remote fa cilities of WPNF from the Brevard Methodist church. Rev. Courtney Ross is pastor. changing cars, transferring own ership, or registering a ear in North Carolina for the first time will be required to furnish proof in the form of FS-1 papers in or der to obtain new plates, Mrs. Norwood said. “Licenses will be issued only on the 1959 license renewal cards from Raleigh, and not on 1958 cards or title of ownership,” she said. Mrs. Norwood urged motorists who have not received renewal cards to write to the Department of Motor Vehicles in Raleigh as the cards are sent out under fourth class mail permits and are not forwarded by the Post Office Department. The new plates go on sale Fri —Turn to Page Four The Weather [■JiiiirMiimiMiiiiiaiMiiaaiiiaiiimiiimMiMiiiMtiiaimiiiQ Rainfall was the big news in Transylvania during the past week, as 3.69 inches was recorded in Bre vard. Temperatures were a little milddr, with a high of 65 degrees recorded Tuesday. Daily readings are as follows. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Pre. 62 33 T 41 16 T 45 10 C 42 20 .41 49 40 3.25 60 44 .02 65 30 .01 1 Rich in the promise of new discoveries and new progress is the New Year now dawning. May it generously fulfill your expectations with a full / measure of success, /w* good health. The Entire Staff Of happiness and THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES Important Headlines^ In The County’s News In ’58 Listed FIRST BABY BORN IN COUNTY TO GET VALUABLE PRIZES Local Merchants Offering Awards In Annual Baby Derby To Parents, Infant A number of valuable gifts are awaiting the first white baby born in Transylvania county in 1959 and reported to the Transylvania Times. These gifts are being offered by a number of Brevard merchants who are participating in the annual Baby Derby. All prizes must be call ed for within 30 days after the closing date of the derby, January 3. WPNF is also conducting a Baby Derby in which a nulmlber of valu able prizes are to be awarded. Complete details on the Times derby can me found on page three, second section of this week’s Times. Among the prizes being given are a Johnson’s baby kit, from Varner’s Drug store; a baby high chair or —Turn to Page Eight iop Stories Of Year Review ed By The Staff Of The Transylvania Times As the year 1958 ends, the staff I of The Transylvania Times takes stock of headline stories during the p.’St year. The month-by-month survey fol lows: January Brevard’s Tom Cabe named on All-State Collegiate freshmen foot ball team at Carolina. Piggly-Wiggly sold by Curtis Kelley to Winn-Dixie. E. B. Matheson elected head of Kiwanis club. Formal opening of new Metho dist church held. Freeman Hayes named chairman of trustees at hospita.l Cecil Hill elected president of Brevard Chamber of Commerce. Gil Coan named outstanding young man of the year. February Ground is broken for new Health Center. S. E. Varner, Sr. passes. Brevard’s Jim Rhodes named all State high school football player. Superintendent J. B. Jones dies. Charles Norlandier named to —Turn to Page Four Top Stories In Transylvania In ’58 The top stories in Transylvania during 1958 concerned new indus try and expansion of existing industries. The new Du Pont plant at Cedar Mountain was completed and formally opened during the year with Governor Luther Hodges as the principal speaker. The plant is the nation’s first full-scale silicon plant. The seven - million dollar expansion program at Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation at Pisgah Forest was completed, and the new No. 10 paper machine was put into operation. Expansion of education facilities in the county were also stories in the Top 10. Construction of the modern, campus-type high school layout was started on the Brevard Country club road, and the Meth odists raised $850,000 for new buildings on the campus of Brevard college. Deaths of prominent citizens were in the Top 10. Among those were Ed M. Anderson, publisher of The Times; Joseph S. Silversteen, pioneer industrialist of Transylvania; J. B. Jones, former superintendent of education; S. E. Varner, Sr.; T. Cole man Galloway; Miles Wallace Galloway; and, others. Sports items were also “in the news” during the year as Bre vard’s Cecil Lowery starred in the Shrine Bowl classic, and the local football team was one of the highest scoring clubs in the state. Also, during ’58, the moden* health center was completed; oper ations were started at the new fish hatchery in Pisgah National for est; much road work was completed; and, bids were let for new stretches of the Parkway in Transylvania. And the most unbelievable story was the recording of the coldest day in North Carolina here in Brevard when the mercury dipped to 22 below zero last February. STORES, OFFICES CLOSE, BUSINESS IN 1958 BETTER Schools To Reopen On Mod* day. Students Return To College Tuesday GOALS ARE LISTED After a good Christmas business and a successful 1958, Brevard merchants are cautiously confident and hopeful for another good year in ’58. On Thursday, Transylvanian* will join with the rest of the nafipf in welcoming in the New Year. The day will be a holiday in Brs vard and Transylvania county, with stores, town and county offt ces being closed. The bank and post office will also have a hell day. There will be no delivery of rar ?1 or city mail, Vernon P. Polb bright, the acting postmaster, stages, and the general delivery w;ndow wiE be open from 11:30 a. m , until 12:00 noon. The New Year’s activities began with a dance at the Country clot and at the Elk’s lodge on Wednes day evening, and there were num erous private parties in the com munity. Transylvania s schools will re open on Monday, Jan. 5th, after be ing closed for the holidays. Classes at Brevard college will be resumed on Tuesday, January (hh. As the old year ends. The 'Tran sylvania Times staff takes stock of i the important stories, and they are | listed on this page along with the top stories of the year. I Attention is also called to the j major goals for Bihvard and Tran : sylv&Ju* county, which are oauijd. I on the editorial page of this week's paper. All readers are urged to ex amine them carefully, and should they have suggestions, kindly j write to the editor. LOEB NAMED TO NATIONAL POST Ecusta Official Is One Of 50 New Members Of The De fense Reserve Arthur J. Loeb is one of 50 new members enrolled in the National Defense Executive reserve, It has (been announced by the Business and Defense Services a&nanstra tion of the U. S. Department «# Commerce. This reserve group would be called on to staff the operation of an emergency production age nay both at regional and national head quarters in event of hostilities. Since the program is planned mainly for building regional organ izations, the new enrol lees come from many parts of the country, with 20 states and the District of Columbia represented. Two of these are from North Carolina The 1959 training program for reservists will deal primarily with the responsibility in connection! with the national plan for civil de fense and defense mobilization. Mr. Loeb is assistant manager of the Ecusta Paper division of Olisi Matheison chemical corporation at Pisgah Forest. Burrell Is Seriously Wounded In Shooting, Wallace Held In Jail J. Roy Burrell, 54, an employee of the Southern Railway, is in eb< Transylvania Community hospital in a serious condition as a result of a shotgun wound he suffered Tues day night on Pinnacle hill near the Transylvania Music camp. William Wallace, colored, is be ing held in the county jail in con-, nection with the shooting. According to Sheriff "Scotty Dil lingham, Wallace is charged with assault with a deadly weapon, pending the condition of BurrcB, who was shot with a 16 gauge shot gun. Patrolman Jack investiga ted the shooting, and according to the officers, the investigation is be —Turn to Page Eight

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