TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Camps. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist Ed ucational, A g r i c u ltural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7,394. Vol. 70 — No. 24 ★ Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1959 * 18 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Freak Hail Storm, Accompanied By Heavy Rains, Hits Brevard And Transylvania County HAIL AND HIGH WATER hit Brevard and Transyl vania last Wednesday afternoon. At the left is a “Jan uary in June” shot which was taken in front of B & B Feed and Seed company on Gaston street. This picture was sent out by AP wirephoto and was used in many daily papers in the south. In the center the washed out bridge on the private drive leading to the Ray Winches ters and the Ed Mathesons can be noted, and at the right the flooded conditions in front of Winn-Dixie on Broad street can be seen. (Times Staff Photos) tw .wmu THE JAGUAR, above, was pulled out of the French Broad river at the sharp curve one half mile from Sapphire Man or on the Greenville highway about 6:00 o’clock Monday morning. According to Patrolman Jack Cabe, the driver of the vehicle, Gay Dove, of New York, is visiting* here. Ko and,his companions lost their suitcases and father belongings af ter running off in the river about 3:00 that morning. They were uninjured. The patrolman reports that the cause of the accident was driving too fast for condi tions. (Times Staff Photo) Much Damage Done By Freak Hail Storm Home Gardens Severely Hit. Rainfall Was Two And One Half Inches A 50-minute. freak hail storm did untold damages in Transyl vania county last Wednesday af ternoon. Beginning around 2:00 o’clock, the storm covered most of the Bre vard area and along the Greenville highway, hitting hardest in the Dunn’s Rock community. During the period, more than two and one half inches of rain fell, flooding the lowland and the streets and highways in many plac es. Hailstones, ranging in size from marbles to ping pong balls., pelted the area, doing extensive damage to home gardens, fruit trees, corn, potato and other crops. County Agent James Davis esti mates that more than 100 acres of com will have to he replanted. The —Turn to Page Four CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. June 11 — Masons meet at Temple, 8 p. m. Friday. Juno 12 — Hospital aux iliary meets in nurses dining room. 3 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets, 7:45 p. m. Saturday, June 13 — First day of registration for special town election. Municipal pool and Frank lin park open. WW I Veterans meet at court house, 7:30 p. m. Histori cal society meet at Si Ivors teen cen ter, 8 p. m. Sunday, June 14 — Attend the church oif your choice. Monday, June 15 — “Brevard Music Center” week begins. Break fast for volunteer workers, 8 a. m. Rotary meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Flood Central committee meets at court house, 8 p. m. Tuesday, June 16 — Aoe of Clubs meet, 7:45 p. m. League of Women Voters public forum at Gaither’s, 8 p. tn. Affairs Of State: Favorable Action Given Thomasons Bill Transylvania Senator B. W. Thomason’s bill to permit opera tion of commercial trout fishing ponds under certain restrictions v/as approved Tuesday by the House Wildlife ecommittee. The measure defines a comimer JjHimmimuui.....■■>minui|r The Weather : i A severe electrical and hail storm dominated the past week’s weather picture. The storm, occur ring last Wednesday afternoon, brought hail stones up to one-inch in size, and 2.46 inches of precip itation within a 50-minute period. Daily readings are as follows: Wednesday Thursday Flriday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low’ Pre. 76 54 2.76 75 53 T 75 53 .01 74 57 .06 78 55 0 79 50 0 79 52 0 dal trout fishing pond as artificial impoundment of not over three ac res of water lying on private land and not fed directly by a natural stream. Water may be obtained by diversion from a stream, however, through screened and regulated supply lines. Such ponds must be stocked ex clusively with hatchery - reared mountain trout obtained from a privately - owned hatchery for the purpose of commercial angling. The yearly license fee, payable to the Wildlife Resources Commis sion, would be $25 per pond. Hera's another legislative item out of Raleigh on Tuesday that is of interest to readers of The Times: By a close voice vote, the Senate killed a joint resolution designat ing the Flat Rock Playhouse at Flat Rock as the state theatre of North Carolina. Sen. William Medford, of Hay wood, urged its passage, but Sen. Edwin S. Lanier, of Orange, called the designation “misleading.” Committee On Flood Prevention Is Urging Public To Attend Meet Monday All Transylvanians interested in the Flood Control program that has been proposed by the Soil Dis trict supervisors are urged to at tend tine final meeting on Monday *iight, June 15th, in the court house here, beginning at 8:00 o’ clock. The Flood Prevention commit tee will endeavor at the meeting to learn the wishes of the people of Transylvania regarding the control program. Letters have been mailed out to persons who have attended prev ious meetings in the various sec tions of the county, and the gener al public is urged to attend. According to Edward H. Mackey, chairman of the committee, the purpose of the meeting is to give the committee an opportunity to es timate the cooperation which may —Turn to Page Four Brevard To Hold Special Election On Town Manager Form Of Government COMMERCE BODY APPROVES TOWN Merchants Committee Is Planning “Sidewalk” Sale Latei* This Month Support of the town manager '('•m of government was voted by; !irectors of the Brevard Chamber] of Commerce at the monthly meet j iug here Tuesday evening. A resolution was adopted by the chamber, setting forth that employ ment of a town manager should greatly promote efficiency and planning in town affairs; enhance fie chances for new industry and (jurists; and. greatly benefit citi zens of the town by having a tech nically trained person as adminis trator and to make plans and rec ommendations for Brevard’s future. —Turn to Page Four poCpMto OPEN SATURDAY Facilities Are Being Read ied. Tom Merrill Will Be In Charge Plans are being completed by the town of Brevard and the Bre vard Rotarians for the opening of the Municipal swimming pool and Franklin Park on Saturday of this week. New playground equipment has been installed, along with 10 char coal burners in the picnic area. A new walkway has also been poured around the pool, and the parking area has been greatly im proved. Tom Merrill will be in charge of —Turn to Page Four Two Arrested On Moonshine Charge Federal officers arrested two men Monday night in Transylvania county^ in connection with opera tion of stills. J. B. Owens, of the Pisgah For est section, posted bond of S500 before U. S. Commissioner Alex Kizer for appearance in U. S. Dis trict Court in November. He was a nested at a still site. Bruce Chaippell, of the Shoal Creek section, was arrested in con nection with the operation of a still raided by officers Sunday night, at which time Garland Chap jman was arrested after he had [lighted the officers’ way across a branch. Officers said today Chap man believed they were a party' of friends with Chappell. Chappell posted bond of $300 for a preliminary hearing before Kizer Thursday in Brevard. BUD TALLEY, winner of the Jaycee Road-E-0 here in Transylvania, placed sixth in the stati event last Sunday at High Point, and he is pictured at the right receiving a golden winged trophy from Jeff B. Wilson, North Carolina Motor Carriers association’s director of safety. ‘'Brevard Music Center" Week Opens Monday With Breakfast HISTORICAL BODY MEETS SATURDAY President Orr Urges A Good Attendance. Reports To Be Heard President Oliver H. Orr urges a large burnout of members of the Transylvania Historical association on Saturday night at 8:00 o’clock. The meeting will be held in the Silversteen Communty center on Trench Broad street. Plans will be effected concerning future meetings, etc. Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary, chair —Turn to Page Ten Mayor Freeman Issues Proc lamation. Sponsorship Rate Is Reduced “Brevard Music Center” week will open here on Monday, June loth, with a breakfast for the vol unteer workers at Gaither’s, Mayor B. H. Freeman has issued a proclamation, proclaiming the special period as “Brevard Music center” week, and it is as follows: “WHEREAS, music is one of the finer aspects of life, and “WHEREAS, the Brevard Music center is the summer music center of the South and as such brings much prestige and good music to our area. “THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV —Turn to Page Four j Special Program Will Be Heard Each Tuesday Night Over WPNF WPNF is adding an interesting new program to its log beginning Tuesday at 6:45 o’clock p. m, This fifteen minute program entitled “Plant Lore”, will be conducted by S. C. Hood, scientist, author and lecturer. A native of Vermont, Mr. Hood is now residing in Tampa, Florida, and spending the summer months here at Pisgah Forest. He was a member of the federal department of agriculture as a research biolo gist for 16 years, was connected with the Massachusetts state col lege and the university of Florida as a plant collector. For the past five years, Mr. Hood has (maintain ed a private research laboratory, looking to improving the qual ity and flavor of oisr plaint foods. Bobby Hoyle, station manager, urges everyone to hear this neiw —Torn to Page Foar REGISTRATION ROOKS TO OPEN THIS SATURDAY Voth,’ Will Take Place On J r .? 27th. Board Adopts Resolution NORRIS REGISTRAR In addition to setting Saturday, June 27, 1S59, as the day for the special election on adopting the town manager form of government, the board of aldermen on Monday night adopted a policy to be used in selecting a town manager in the event the election carries. In doing so, Mayor B. R. Free man stated that the board felt the voters should know the procedure to he followed in selecting a man ager before they vote. It is antici pated that several months may elapse before a suitable applicant is concluded upon. However, the mayor stated that the choice of a manager is as im —Turn to Page Four LEAGUE TO HOLD.; AN OPEN FORUM Public Invited To Hear Pan el Discuss Town Manager Type Of Government The League of Women Voters will sponsor an open forum meet ing for the purpose of obtaining in formation on the town manager type of Government. It will be held at Gaither’s on Tuesday, June 16, at 8:00 p. m. Those serving on the panel will be W. M. Melton, Jack Bryant, Mark Osborne. Gil Coan and Bob Daniels, Mrs. C. G. Pickard, a law yer from Asheville and a member of the state board of League of — Turn To Page Tea Business Better In April Of ’59 _ Using the collections of sales and use taxes as a barometer bus iness was better in Brevard and Transylvania county during Ap ril of this year than it was dur ing the same month in 1958. Total collections for that month this year were $15,639.83, compared with $14,126.92 last year. It is also noted that April’s collections were $2,050.86 better than they were in March of 1959. A slight gain was shown across the entire state, according to fig ures released by The Retailer, the monthly publication of the North Carolina Merchants asso ciation.