-4 TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Camps. Entrance to ‘Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A. B. C. Newspaper ' TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, A g r i c u Itural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15321. > Brevard Community 7,394. Vol. 70 — No. 32 Second Class Mall Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1959 * 16 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY THE GROUND BREAKING for the new $15,000 pastorium of the Turkey Creek Baptist church is pictured above. Church officials also announce that on Sunday, August 9th, the congregation will celebrate the 64th anniversary, be ing organized on August 6th, 1895. Members and other friends of the church will attend services on Sunday, dressed in 1895 fashions, making it an “old-fash ioned” day of fellowship and worship to gether. Rev. J. D. Brogdon, the pastor, cordially invites all former members and other friends to attend. He is shown in front of the group above, turning the first shovel of dirt. Others, left to right, are: Ruel Whitmire, Ed Owenby, Frank Smith. Fred Holden, Ralph Mann, Jr., James Glazener, chairman of the board of deacons; Bob Taylor, contractor; Howard Galloway, chairman of building committee; and. Ed Sentelle. RESERVES WILL LEAVE SUNDAY FOR ENCAMPMENT Battery “A” To Go To Fort McClellan, Alabama. Said A Top Outfit Members of the local reserve j unit. Battery ' A". 105 MM), 4th , Howitzer Battalion. 22D Artillery, j Fist Infantry division. USAR. will | leave at 5:00 o’clock. Sunday mom in; for a two-weeks’ encampment tt Fort >fe(1elian. Alabama. This utfit. which is a combat j divjc i, is recognized us one of! the top reserve units in the south, j It was reorganized recently under j the pentornic concept. Local reservists first began their i summer, two-weeks' encampment j in 1051. and today there are eight ! men who were in the original out fit. They are: Charles B. Disher.! Jack Mackey. Joseph Whitmire. Henry E. Garren. Jr.. Guy L. Bn son, James O. McCall, George M. I Summey and Wilmer McGee. 1st Lt. Charles Osborne is the j batten- commanding officer and | 1st Lt. Monte E. Seehorn is the ex : ecutive officer, with 2nd Lt. Robert i J. Nicholson as the assistant. Other members of the battery are: M-Sgt. Charles B. Disher, M-Sgt. Jack Mackey, M-Sgt. Joseph E. Whitmire. Jr,. SPCT Henry E. Gar ren. Jr SFC. Guy L. Bryson, SFC. Willie G. Delk. S-Sgt. Donald H. Elligburg SFC. John R. Garren. SFC. Herbert | H. Hall, SFC. James O. McCall. SFC. Donald L. Foteet. SFC. George M. Summey. Sgt. George T. Hunter, Sgt. Wil mer McGee. Sgt. James B. Strib ling, Jr. SP4 Charles W. Barbo, SP4 Jim j my C. Crawford. SP4 Wesley C Huggett, SP4 Charles Holden, SIM Randal! B. Owen. SP4 Roy D. Po! eet. SP4 William T. Saunders. Pfc. James H. Glazener Pfc. Clin ton Holland. Jr., Pfc. James A. Hubbard. Pfe. John F. Huggins Pfc. Jakie II. Mathis, Pfe. Kenneth F. McCoy, Pfc. William O McKin ner, Pfc. John A. McCrary, Pfc. Ger —Turn to Page Four CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. Aug. 6 — Lions meel [ at Colonial Inn, 7 p. m. Kiwanis | meets at Gaither’s, 6:30 p. m. Friday, Aug. 7 — Concert at Mu-i sic camp, 8:15 p. m. Ace of Clubs j meets. 7:45 p. m. Saturday, Aug. 8 — Story Hour at Library, 9:30 a. m.; Concert at Music camp, 8:15 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 9 — Attend the church of your choice. Festival con cert at Music camp, 4p. m. Monday, Aug. 10 — Transyl vania Shrine Club meets at Gaith er’s, 7 p. m. Presbyterian men meet at Fellowship hall, 6:30 p. m. Rotary meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 11 — Ace of Clubs meets, 7:45 p. m. Wednesday, Aug. 12 — Jaycees meet at Gaither’s, 6:30, Construction Began Wednesday On Road From New High School To Greenville Highway, US 276 As the new Brevard high school is being rapidly completed, work was started Wednesday morning on an access highway to connect the Brevard Country club road and the Greenville highway via the new school layout. The roac has been approved by the State Highway commission. and the work i- being done b_ local highway maintenance forces. The road is approximately one mile in length, and it will be 20 feet wid< When it has sufficiently $• The Weather ........•••■>•• gt Almost two and one half inches of rainfall were recorded Tuesday in Brevard to bring the week’s to tal precipitation to 3.47 inches for the past week. Temperatures aver aged a little higher, both day and night. Daily readings are as fol lows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesdav High 87 88 80 88 84 81 82 Low 64 65 66 63 61 62 67 Precip. .88 0 .08 0 .07 T 2.44 settled, it will be paved. Known as the Brevard high schoolhouse road, it will eliminate 11 -raffle from lower Transylvania from going through the middle of Brevard. Final details for the road wer | worked out this week by the com ' missioned, the board of education j and highway officials. Cosby Choir Camp 1 o Present Second Concert Sunday The Cosby Choir Camp, Lake Toxaway. North Carolina, will pre •cnt the second session sacred con cert Sunday afternoon, August 9. 1959. at 3:00 o'clock. The Cosby Choir camp is an in terdenominational Christian Or j ganizalion dedicated to training I young people in better church mu ' sic. The concert will consist of Sa | cred music of all periods. The mot I to of the camp is: “we worship j when we sing”. The public is invited to join in this worship and hear an inspiring ' concert given by the young people the camp. The concert will be under the direction of Elliott —Turn to Page Four Gala Festival Begins On Sunday, Several Artists In Camp Concerts MANY ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE MONTH, AUGUST World Premier Of “Can Can And Waltz” Is Slated On Opening Program SCHEDULE REVIEWED It’s Gala Festival time again in Brevard. The big, 1959 event, will run from August 9th, through August 3Cth, James Christian Pfohl, the director, announces. The Brevard Music festival will! officially open at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. To begin the program, tlie Brevard Festival orchestra, Dr. Pfohl conducting, will play this ’ Festival Overture" by Wallingford Riegger and the “Transition” by Colin McPhee. Also, the World Premier of the “Can Can and Waltz” by Russell Smith will be presented. Beverly W’olff and Wal ter Carringer will conclude the pro am with the “Song of the Earth" by Gustav Mahler. -Next week end. when concerts will be given on Friday and Satur day evenings and on Sunday after noon, the following artists will be featured with the festival orchestra: Beverly Bower, soprano; Lome —Turn to Page Eight JACK CABE IS NOW CORPORAL I _ Local Trooper Is Transferred This Week To The Fay etteville Area i State highway trooper. Jack D. Cabe of Brevard was promoted to corporal last Friday, patrol head quarters at Raleigh, announces. | The 34-vear old trooper was ad ministered the oath of office by Secretary of State Thad Eure. Cpl. Cabe has been with the highway patrol since 1946 and has been stationed in Western North Carolina the entire time. As a corporal, he will bo reas signed to Fayetteville, patrol offi cials said. Patrolman Cabe has been in Bre vard for the past nine years, j ''We have enjoyed Brevard and 1 Transylvania, and we hate to leave jour many friends," the Cabes told The Times this week. However, the opportunity, the advancement was one that he could not afford to miss. Patrol i man Cabe concluded. THE BALSAM GROVE COMMUNI TY DEVELOPMENT CLUB was in charge of the first in a series of pro grams over WPNF last Saturday at 12:00 o’clock, and this week Blantyre officials will report on activities in their commun ity. Left to right, first row, are: Linda Owren, Helen Owen, Mary Owen, Daniel McCall, Wayne McCall, Adell Owen and Michael Kitchen. Second row: Tabitha Owen, Mrs. Ward McCall, Joyce McCall, Keitha Faye McCall, Mrs. Fannie Brown, Mrs. Cora Owen, Betty Lou McCall and Randall Kitchen. Third row: County Ag ent Jim Davis, Richard McCall, Donald McCall, T. R. Chastain, Robert Brown and Ward McCall. THREE OF THE ARTIST appear at the Transylvania sie Camp this week end 23rd season comes to an pictured here. The Festival begins Sunday noon with a concert at 4 p. the top left is Irene Call soprano, and above is Pete rower, bass-baritone. At th< is Walter Carringer, tenor. Board, Commissioners Appr Budgets For The Ensuing Y Fax Kates Remain The Same. Figures Unchanged. Ros rnan Statement Given Town and county budgets for the ensuing year have been adopted by the Brevard aldermen and the county commissioners. They had been open for public inspection for 21 days, and they were adopted without any chang es. Estimated expenses for the coun ty are $876,391.00. which is based on a valuation of 26 and one half million dollars. The tax rate remains unchanged at $1.55. The Brevard budget calls for an expenditure of $240 463.65. and the tax rate remains at $1 45. The financial statement for the ; wn of Rosman is also released this week. Assessed valuation is $300,662.00. —Turn to Page Four Dillard Company Awarded Contract The William D. Dillard Construc tion Co., of Sylva. was awarded a $32,658.28 contract for the building of a bridge over the French Broad River, 1.1 miles west of Rosman and 300 feet south of a bridge on US 64. This was one of thirty highway projects on which the State High way Commission recently opened bids. These projects involve more than 170 miles of road work, to taling $7,099,912.49. There were 201 bids received. DR. JOHNSON PRACTICE HE Has Taken Over Offices Of Dr. Goodwin, Who Leaves For Atlanta Dr. Carol H. Johnson, who has been with the North Carolina Health department, division of or* al hygiene, for the past two years, has taken over the dentistry prac tiee of Dr. C. J. Goodwin here in Brevard. The son of Mrs. William Wallis, of Brevard. Dr. Johnson received his BS degree at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, in 1P53, and in 1957 he graduated at —Turn to Page Four Program Highlights Community Development Clubs Now Giving A Series Of Radio Programs A series of radio programs, fea turing reports on activities in the organized communities of Transyl vania, was started on WPNF last Saturday, Bobby Hoyle, the station manager, announces. The programs, sponsored annual ly by the Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation are being originated in the local studios this year and will give the radio audience a first-hand look at the work and progress be ing made by the various commun ities in the county. This year’s programs offer a var iety of interesting features includ ing displays of local talent and re ports from the community club leaders, Mr. Hoyle and county ag ent, Jim Davis report. Last Saturday the Balsam Grove Community Development club had the program, and this Saturday at 12:00, officials of the Little River club will be heard. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, soil conservation service, Harry E. Newland; Friday, U. S. Forest ser vice; Monday, county agent; Tues —Torn *o Page Eight AT PLAYHOUSE Brevard Little Theatre Act« ress Starring At , * Flat Rock Pat Fuleihan, well-known actress in the Brevard Little Theatre, is appearing in the role of Mrs. O’ Brien in the current production of ihe hilarious farce. “Ladies’ Night in a Turkish Bath”, at the Hat Rock Playhouse. The play opened on Tuesday evening, August 4th, and will run every night this week at 8:30 with matinee performances cn Wednesday and Saturday, Au gust 5th and 8th, at 2:30. Pat appeared at the Playhouse during the 1958 season in “Holiday for Lovers” and “The White-Head ed Boy.” During the past season she played the role of the selfish step daughter. Lily Belle, in the Bre —Turn to Page Four Shriners To Hold Important Meeting The monthly meeting of the Transylvania Shrine club will be held Monday night at 7:00 o’clock a* Gaither’s, it is announced by D Frank Bridges, the president Henry R. Henderson, ambassa dor for Transylvania county who attended a dinner meeting at the S & W cafeteria, Asheville, re cently, will give an outline of Oas is Temple Visitation by the Divan and Dixie Land band in Brevard on Wednesday night, September 9tfe on their tour of Western North Car olina. Breakfast will be served in the Masonic temple on East main street on the following morning. It will be prepared by the ladies of the Eastern Star. Mr. Henderson states this is the first time the Divan of Oasis Tem ple, Charlotte, has ever visited Brevard and Transylvania county. Mr. Bridges urges all member* to attend this important meeting as plans will be made for the visi tation of Neil W. Jones, Greens boro, Potentate of Oasis temple and other Shrine officials.

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