TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, A g r i c u ltural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15321. Brevard Community 73M. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— \ The Land of Waterfall!. ! Mecca for Summer Camqp*. j Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of f Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 71—No. 11 ★ Second Class Mall Privileges Authorized at Brevard. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1960 * 16 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY A BULLDOZER, which was being used by the State Highway department to clear the Whitmire road in the Cherry field section of Transylvania county of snow, is pictured above just after the Whitmire bridge crashed under its weight. The driver, Oscar D. Henderson, was hurled from his seat onto the broken bridge and into the path of the bulldozer as it sank to the water’s edge of the French Broad river. He is still in the Transylvania Community hospital suffer ing with fractures and bruises.. His con dition is said improving splendidly. (Times Staff Photo) County Corn Growers To Be Honored At Banquet Of 100 Bushel Club Friday The annual banquet of the Tran sylvania 100-Bushel Corn club will be held on Friday night of this week in uie school cafe teria. At that time all producers of 100 bushels of corn and -more on an acre of land during the past year will be honored. The event was postponed from March 4, because of snow and road conditions. According to county agent, James Davis, a large crowd is expected to attend, and the principal speaker will be Hugh N. Lambert, of Bre vard. / A well-known Transylvania farm er, Mr. Lamberkjwe^ntly was hon ored at a luncheon in Raleigh where he received the trophy for the champion corn grower in the state. A. D. Stuart, extension agronomy specialist, State college, Raleigh, who is in charge of the state corn program will also attend the ban quet here Friday night. Cash awards, which are made possible by the First Union Na tional Bank, will be awarded at the banquet to the top corn growers in Transylvania. Trophies will also be awarded, and making the presenta tions will be Jonathan Woody, ex ecutive vice-president of the local bank, and Ralph J. Duckworth, vice president of the bank. Mr. Davis will serve as master of ceremonies on the program. Following are the names of Tran sylvania corn growers who are eli gible to receive certificates and awards: Fanners: Houston Glazener, Free —Turn to Page Eight CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, March 17—St. Patrick’s Day. Kiwanis club meets at Gaith er’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. “Mika do” at college auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 18—Corn banquet at Straus school at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. “Mikado” at college auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Saturday, March 10—“Mikado” at college auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20—Attend the church of your choice. Spring ar rives (at least) the calendar says so!) Monday, March 21—Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 pm Brevard elementary P-TA meets at 8:00 p.m. Brevard senior high P-TA meets at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 22—Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Elks to elect of ficers at 8:00 pun. Wednesday, March 23—Bloodmo bile at Brevard college, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Catholic Laymen’s Asso ciation meets at 8:00 pm At NYA Hut Students Invited To Enter Projects In Science Fair A Science Fair will be held at the NYA hut, adjacent to the Bre vard junior high school building on Friday, March 25, N. A. Miller, Jr., the supervisor of instruction, an nounces today. The hours of the fair will be from 3:00 until 5:00 in the afternoon, and from 7:00 until 9:00 that eve ning. The Science Fair will be for stu dents in grades six through the 12th, however, students below the a.*.....a The Weather a.....b It is the same story again this week—more snow. The first 10-inch blanket fell last Wednesday, follow ed by three more inches on Friday and capped with less than an inch again Tuesday. Temperatures re mained low, ranging from five de grees Saturday night to 48 degrees on Monday. Daily readings are as follow: High Low Free. Wednesday- 38 20 0 Thursday___ 44 20 .20 Friday_ 42 25 .20 Saturday-34 15 0 Sunday _ 44 5 0 Monday_ 48 6 0 Tuesday-- 42 30 .10 grade of sixth may enter if he or she desires. Participation certificates will be awarded to all students entering a project in the Science Fair. Rib bons will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The divisions are: Elementary grades 6-7. Junior grades 8-9. Senior grades 10-12. Each division will be classified into three areas: Physical, Chemi eal and Biological. Names of the boys and girls entering the Science Fair should be turned into the principals by the teachers, Mr. Miller says. The Guidance department of Transylvania county schools has been asked to participate in a Na tional Guidance program, Supt. C. Wayne Bradburn announces. The local department is under the supervision of Mrs. Juanita Lavender. The aim of the na tional program is to set up norms for a new guidance aid. Dr. Wells Joins Partnership Of Newland And Folger Here Dr. Maurice H. Wells, a native of Holly Hill, S. C., has joined the medical partnership of Dr. C. L. Newland and Dr. John R. Folger. Dr. Wells came to Brevard from Asheville. His wife is the former Miss Ruth McCracken, of Fairview, and they have two daughters, Kathy, age four, and Jean, age 15 months. They are living at Sapphire Manor. A registered nurse and anesthet-j ist, Mrs. Wells attended Brevard college. Dr. Wells was graduated from the University of South Carolina, and served three years in the army dur ing World War II. He attended the Medical College of South Carolina, and his surgical internship was at Strong Memorial hospital, Rochester, New York. This was followed by two years residency at Duke hospital, one —Turn to Page Eight DR. MAURICE H. WELLS Ice Blankets County This Wednesday, Flood Warning Accompanies Thawing Students Will Go To School On Saturdays Transylvania school students will have to go to school on two Satur days each month for the remainder of the school year and also on Good Friday and on Easter Monday to make up for the time that has been lost because of the snow, Supt. Wayne Brad-burn announces today. “We regret taking this action, but it is necessary,” he continued. He said the full cooperation of '.he parents would be greatly appre iated. The Saturdays on which the stu dents will go to school will be full school days. The complete schedule is as fol lows: March 19 and 26. April 2, 15, 18 and 23. May 7 and 21. Schools in District 1 will close on June 3, while the schools in Dis trict 2 will get out for the summci scation on May 31. Merrill Named On Advisory Committee Dan Merrill.. Brevard’s fire chief has been appointed to serve on an advisory committee to work with the. staff of the Department ot Trade and Industrial Education, which anticipates administering a North Carolina Fire Service train ing program for the State Depart ment of Public Instruction in co peration with the North Carolina Department of Insurance. Chief Merrill will serve for a one vear term, which will expire in January, 1961. The appointment was made by Charles F. Carroll, state superin tendent of public instruction. The first meeting of the new committee is being held this week in Raleigh. SPECIAL EDITION A special eight-page pictorial edition of Brevard College’s “Clar ion” is now being prepared for pub lication by members of the news paper staff. This paper is being printed in co-operation with the Public Relations office and will be mailed to 4,000 prospective stu dents and interested persons. Transylvania Guidance Department To Take Part In National Program Transylvania schools will join nine other schools in the state of North Carolina and 400 through out the nation in this program. The importance of the guid ance program, particularly in the junior and senior high schools, has been recognized throughout the country. Brevard Band To Play At P-TA Meeting The Brevard higfi school band, under the direction of John Evers man, will present a concert at the Founder’s Day meeting of the senior high school P-TA on Monday evening, March 21st, at 8:00 o’clock. Mrs. Ralph Ramsey will present an outline of the founding and de velopment of the Parent-Teachers association. • , Past presidents will be recogniz ed by Principal R. T. Kimzey to honor their contribution and ser vice to the P-TA organization. Rev. Courtney Ross and his son, Buddy, will discuss the future of the P-TA in presenting “Looking at the past and planning for the fu ture.” Refreshments will be served by the hospitality committee under the direction of Mrs. Claire Matheson. All parents are urged to attend. TWO CANDIDATES announce for office this week in Transylvania county, subject to the Democratic pri mary on May 28th. At the left is Representative James C. Gaither, who is seeking re-election, and at the right is Owen Lee, Register of Deeds. Their announcements are carried below. Gaither And Lee Announce This Week, Primary May 28 Owen G. Leo, register of deeds in Transylvania county, announces that he will seek election on the Oomccratic ticket for the office in the forthcoming primary; A well-known native of Transyl vania county, he has lived for the past 14 years at route 2, Brevard. Me graduated from Rdsman high school and prior to entering the navy in 1942 attended Brevard col leges He served during World War. IT for some four years, with two years being spent in the Pacific theatre of operation. Since the war he has worked •••-•ifh the veterans farm program at Bosnian for seven years, and he has aerated a chicken farm and was field serviceman in this territory for a haichery at Gainesville, Geor gia. Prior to his appointment as reg —Turn to Page Eight Ross Is Winner Of Angier Duke Scholarship Buddy Ross has been named a winner of the Angier B. Duke scholarship, the most valuable of fered by Duke University. Frll