TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, A g r i c u ltural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15321. Brevard Community 7,394. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Supjmer Camps I Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 71—No. 13 ★ Second Class Mall Privileges Authorized at Brevard, N. C. BREVARD, N. C-, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1960 * 20 PAGES TODAY + PUBLISHED WEEKLV ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINNERS in the big Science Fair last Friday in the Transylvania school system are shown above. Inside this week’s Times can also be found pictures of the winners in the junior and senior high divisions. The event was declare^ highly successful, with a total of 311 entries. Winners, above, front row, left to right, are: James Cantrell, Tommy Macfie, Freddie Sader, Brock Kitchen, Paul Pressley, Charles Owens, Donald Trent and Dickie Roberts. Second row: Linda Grogan, Camellia Tinsley, Evelyn Conley, Sherry Fendley, Jenny Munro, Peggy Bridges, Judy Hum'phry and John McConnell. (Times Staff Photo) Winners In First Science Fair In Transylvania Schools Are Announced Winners in the first annual Sci ence Fair in Transylvania are an nounced today by N. A. Miller, Jr., supervisor of instruction, who di rect the event. The fair was held in the NYA hut last Friday, and there were 311 entries. There were three divisions in the fair, elementary, junior and senior, and entries were divided into three categories: physieal, chemical and biological. The winners were: Elementary rnysicai 1st—Dick Roberts, John McCon nell. 2nd—Evelyn Conley, Camella Tinsley, Linda Grogan. 3rd _ Jenny Mumo, Peggy Bridges. , Chemical 1st—Judy Humphrey. 2nd—Fred Sader. 3rd—Sherry Fendley. Biological 1st—Paul Pressley, Donald Trent, Charles Owens. 2nd—Tommy Macfie, James Can trell. 3rd—Brock Kitchen. Junior Physical 1st—Bruce Wauchope. 2nd—John Dickson. Chemical 1st—Tommy Bryant. 2nd—Jim Rickards. 3rd—Jerry Arnold. Biological 1st—William Combs. 2nd—Julie Nerlinger. 3rd—Sandra Callender. Senior 1 Biological 1st—Terry Womack. 2nd—Mary McJunkin, Maureen ^ Bryant. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, March 31—Masons to meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 1—April Fool’s Day. Jaycette fashion show at col lege auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Ace of clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 2—Schools in session. Trout fishing season opens. Republican convention at Court house. Elk party at club house. Sunday, April 3—Attend the church of your choice. | Monday, April 4—Superior court begins. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 pm. Tuesday, April 5—Eastern Star meets at 8:00 pm. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 pm. Wednesday, April 6 — W.O.W. meets at Woodmen Hall, 8:00 pm. Toastmaster club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 pm. Schedule Announced Beginner’s Days And 1960 Pre-School Clinics Begin Beginner’s days and pre-schoo' clinics in the Transylvania school; will begin next Tuesday, April 5. The first clinic will be held at the Roserpvald school, and the re main0er of the schedule is as fol lows: April 19—Henderson, Apri 56—Bosnian, May 3—Straus, Maj 10—Brevard, May 17—Pisgah For est and May 24—Penrose. The procedure has been changec somewhat this year, according t( school and health officials. The “Beginner’s Day” will begii at the school at 9:00 o’clock unti 10:30, when parents, children anc teachers will have a “get together.’ Then at 10:30, the parents an< teachers will be taken to the nev health center by bus. The count; physician will discuss important in formation with parents, and al children who do not have a physi cal by that time will be given one School officials are making thre< 1 The Weather i True spring weather was record ed last weekend as temperature: soared into the 70’s. Low reading: were also higher. Precipitation fo: the week was limited to .25 of ai inch Tuesday morning. Daily read ings are as follow: High Low Prec Wednesday_50 17 0 Thursday _ 63 27 0 Friday- 57 27 0 Saturday _ 64 31 0 Sunday_ 70 24 0 Monday___ 73 38 0 Tuesday_ 66 40 .25 requests, wherever possible, of all parents having children entering the first gride this fair (1) Fill out an enrollment blank and return it to the school by April 1st. (2) The child must attend the pre-school clinic on Beginner’s Day. (3) If possible, the child should have a physical examination by his or her family physician before the 1 scheduled Beginner’s Day. They also cite the North Carolina State law regarding beginners: (1) That in order for a child to enter school in 1960 he or she must be six years old before midnight I October 15, 1960. (2) That each child who enters . school must have the following im munizations: (a) polio shots; (b) . diptheria; (c) smallpox; (d) whoop ing cough. Murder Case Will Be Tried Tuesday In April Term Of Superior Court Capacity Crowd Expected At Commerce Banquet All indications point to a ca pacity attendance at the '60 Bre vard Chamber of Commerce ban quet on Friday night, April 8. James Q. Du Pont, an official of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours com pany, of Wilmington, Delaware, will be the principal speaker at the event, which will be held in the cafeteria of the new Brevard senior high school. “Jim” Du Pont is said to be an outstanding after-dinner speaker. Officials of one chamger of com merce where he spoke recently in Pennsylvania wrote: “After a full dinner, in a very v/arm and extremely crowded din ing room, he held his audience I spellbound. When he finished, the applause was so long and tumultu ous that he had to take a curtain call to stop it!” It is said of Mr. Du Pont that his dramatic, intense style adds greatly !;> the important content of his message. Charles F. Himes, president of ibe Brevard chamber of commerce, says the local organization is fortu nate indeed to have a man of Mr. Du Pont’s calibre to speak at the banquet on April 8th. Mrs. Ford urges the members of —Turn To Page Sis GOP Convention Is Set Here Saturday Jack Shuler and Heinz Rollman, Republican candidates for Congress from the 12th Congressional dis trict, will attend the Transylvania county convention on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock in the court house here in Brevard. Chairman Ralph L. Waldrop urges all Republicans to attend the convention and to nominate candi dates for the county ticket. Any Republican who dpsires to run for any office is requested to be present and to let it be known, Mr. Waldrop says. He also invites the public to at tend the convention. Many Activities Are Planned In County During National Library Week National Library Week will be observed throughout Brevard and Transylvania county next week, April 3-9, and a number of inter esting events has been planned. Displays featuring pertinent li brary items are being prepared for store windows by members of the Book and Plate club. English students in Brevard and Rosman will give book re views at meetings of the home demonstration clubs. A book review will be publish ed in The Times each week dur ing April. M. G. Pangle is in Wood Paxton Is A Candidate For House Of Representatives Wood Paxton, Brevard automo bile man, announces today that he will be a candidate for nomination to the House of Representatives, subject to the Democratic primary on May 28. He is the second to announce in the race, since James C. Gaither said recently that he would seek re election. Mr. Paxton was born and raised in Transylvania county, and he has been a lifelong member of the Dem ocratic party. He is married and has four chil dren. The Paxtons reside at 450 East Main street. He is a member of the Presby terian church and is a veteran of World War H, having served 36 months in the European theatre of operations. Mr. Paxton was educated at Port er Military academy, and he at tended the University of North Carolina. charge of this project. Don McLeod will conduct a children’s nature hour at the li brary on Tuesday, April 5th, at 4:00 o’clock. For additional information con cerning Library Week, see the pictures and story on page one, section two of The Times. A special invitation is issued to all newcomers by the Friends of the Library to become ac quainted with and use the library facilities. Junior High Problems Discussed The Brevard Junior high P-TA members heard Mrs. Juanita Lav ender, county school guidance coun selor, at their meeting last Tuesday evening. The speaker was introduced hy Bob Baker, program chairman. Mrs. Lavender spoke on the problems of the junior high stu dent, listing their differences in size, their difficulty in becoming independent, and their social prob lems. She also pointed out the respon sibilities of the parents and teach ers. Looking to the future, lbs. Lavender said many people lose their jobs because they are unable to get along with their fellow work ers. The junior high school is a good place to learn to work and co operate with others, she stated. Understanding the problem* of —Turn to Page Twelve TWO MEMBERS of the present board of county commissioners, Free man Hayes, above left, and Dwight Moffitt, top, today announce that they are candidates for reelection, and running on the same ticket with them is C. Few Lyda, left, a former mem ber of the town board of aldermen. Their announce ment follows below. Hayes, Moffitt And Lyda Are Candidates For G> rr &nissioners Winchester Is Named Exalted Ruler Of Elks Ray Winchester, assistant plan ning supervisor of the film division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corpo ration at Pisgah Forest, was elected exalted ruler of Brevard Elks at the last regular semi-monthly meeting held at the lodge off Park avenue. IHe succeeds Howard Schmidt, and along with the other newly elected officers, he will be installed on Tuesday night, April 12th. Other officers are as follows: Gene Morris, esteemed leading —Turn To Page Seven Three men, two members of the present board of commissioners, and a third, a former member of the town board of aldermen, today an nounce their candidacy for nomina tion as members of the Board of County Commissioners for Transyl vania county, subject to the action ox the Democratic primary on May 28. Seeking re-election are Freeman Hayes, chairman, and Dwight Mof fitt, who is serving his fourth year. Running On the same ticket with them is C. Few Lyda, former aider man. Their announcement follows: “We hereby announce our candi dacy for nomination as members of the Board of County Commissioners for Transylvania county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. “We shall appreciate your sup port and votes.” Signed: Freeman Hayes C. Few Lyda Dwight Moffitt Chairman Hayes, the owner-man ager of Hayes Motors, is a former sheriff of Transylvania, and he is, this year, completing second term as commissioner. A native Transylvanian, Mr. Hayes is a former chairman of the Transylvania Hospital board, of which is still a member. He is an Elk, a Rotarian and a member of the Brevard Toastmaster club. Mr. Moffitt is also a native of Transylvania, and he is the operator of Hilltop grocery. A member of the Brevard Methodist church, Mr. Moffitt served in the Armed Forces during World War H, with a year of service in the European Theatre —Turn to Page Twelve Program Highlights WPNF To Begin Broadcasting Big League Baseball April 9 Radio Station WFNF is formu lating plans to again 'bring the tops in baseball to its listeners this sea son, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, announces. Mutual Broadcasting system’s “Game Of The Day” will be heard, beginning April 9, on all days when major league games are scheduled, featuring a variety from both leagues, Mr. Hoyle states. Further details will be announced next week. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Carolina news; Friday, station pro gram; Monday, county agent’s of fice; Tuesday, Brevard vo-ag, Ran dal J. Lyday; and Wednesday, home agent. • Appearing on the civic hour are the following: Friday, Brevard Gar den club; Monday, Book and Plate club; and Wednesday, American Legion. Speaking this week on Morning Devotions is Rev. John Cox, pastor of the Grace Baptist church. Next —Turn to Pag* Twelve Hubert Avery Is Charged, List Of Cases Given The trial of the murder ease against Hubert Avery, Brevard Ne gro, will highlight action' in the April term of eoprt ia Transylvania, which opens on, Monday, April 4. It will be a mixed term of coart, with the criminal slate being heard ihe first of the week, jpid Action ■slated to begin on the civil tfeinr on Wednesday, April 6. Motions and divorces are slated that day!' Marvin McCall, clerk of Superior court, reminds all persons who served on the Grand ’Jury during* the last term of court, that they must serve again during the .April term. They are asked to report to the courtroom at 9:30 o’clock on April 4. He also states that action will be started on the civil docket just as soon as the criminal slate is cony pieted. Murder Case Avery will be tried on a first do gree murder charge on Tuesday. The Grand Jury at a recent term f f Superior court returned a true bill of first degree murder against him for fatally shooting his wife on the night of January 30th of this year. Other Cases Charged with abandonment and non-support are the following: Ham ilton Kilpatrick, Fred Kinsey, Ken neth Phillip Jlathbone, Charles Heath, Nelson Cairnes, George Tra man McCall, Jaek AfcCby, Mm Betsy Morgan Kinsey, Lloyd Kinsey, and fcahrut C nurt. Facing a rix_i{,e of assault with deadly weapon are Albert Walker, Willie .uussly, Van Hunter, and Melton Mooney. The following are charged with possession: John Harris, Cbarlm Albert Conley, and Mrs. Betsy Morgan Kinsey. Charged with no operator’s lic ense are the for ,ing: Lorene Mc Call, Leon Harris, Joe F. Tinshgr, Clarence Brewer, and Richard A. Snowden. James Edward Williams «i»A —Turn to Page Sevan Claude Melton Re-Elected • To Head VFW Claude Melton was teeletM commander of the Lewis Earl Jock son post of Vetera* of iFemlgjt' Wars at the regular meelingthi* week at the club house off avenue. , r ■ ■ ikv > Along with the other Mwfc ohet ed officers, he wittbe instaWed at* meeting during Ayr3. *, Other officers age:« Terry Cain—senior vice ««CBr mander. Richard Tinsley — junior vjca commander. C. L. Corn—quartermaster. Max Ashworth—chaplain. Gene Ramsey—judge shwate. Dr. Carol Grahl—surgeon. Glover Jackson—three-year ban I tee. ! Columbus Reynolds — twoywf trustee. Historical Body Making Plans For Campaign Plans are being formulated for the ''Pioneer Fund Drive” of tito Transylvania Historical commis sion, Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary, the chairman, announces today. ’ The campaign will be coodaotedi during the month of April, and'com plete plans will be announced next week. . • The object of the driye ia’to se cure funds for Transyhraraja’B teimial celebration in 1991, McCrary points out Memberships win adults and $1.00 loar i Lapel button < will be gWen> wife