TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricu ltural and Jfusic Center. Popula tion, 1950 Census, 15,321. Brevard Community 7.394 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prike- Winning A.B.C. Newspaper ★ | TRANSYLVANIA— I' The Land of Waterfalls i Mecca for Summer Camps. Entrance to Pisgah Na j tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vcl. 71—,No. 21 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1960 26 PAGES TODAY PUBLISHED WEEKLY DR. EMMETT K. McLARTY, left, president of Brevard college, is pictured above congratulating Col. W. Bryan Moore, of Wadesboro, upon his election as chairman of the board of trustees. He succeeds Edwin L. Jones, of Charlotte. At the right is Allen H. Sims, of Gastonia, who was elected, vice chairman at last Friday's spring meeting. (Times Staff Photo) m Highly Successful, Action is Brevard college Trustees held a busy spring meeting last Friday at the local institution. After hearing several progressive reports, they decided to launch the first phase of a $1,605,000 building program and elected a new chair men of the board. President Emmett K. McLarty re ported to the large group of busi ness and professional leaders repre senting many sections of North Carolina that Brevard college is en joying one of the most successful years in its history. For first time while' he has been president, the college is dis counting all bills and is expected to end the year with a $25,000 excess in revenue above operational obli gations. The institution is looking forward to another year in 1961-62, and ac ^ cording to the president, more than 1 400 students are again anticipated. He paid high tribute to the faculty ^ and staff and lauded them on a “job well-done.” Col. W. Bryan Moore, of Wades boro, was elected chairman, and he succeeds Edwin L. Jones, of Char lotto, who presided at the meeting. Both Col. Moore and President Mc Larty highly complimented the outstanding work that Mr. Jones has done as chairman of the board. The new chairman has been a trustee of Brevard college since 1944, and he is president of B. C. Moore and Sons, a chain of depart ment stores in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Other officers elected at the meeting include Allen Sims, of Gas tonia, vice chairman; | Clifford Perry, of Winston-Salem, vice chair man; and Rev. James B. McLarty, of Concord, secretary. L Leslie Grogan, chairman of the H building committee, presented to the board a campus plan outlining i future construction. The first phase jL will include a science building and W heating plant to cost $350,000; a / —Turn to Page Four CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 26—Bloodmobile at Legion building, 10:00 to 12:00, 1:00 to 4:00. BPW meets at Co lonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet in Temple 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 28—Primary elec tion, polls open 6:30 to 6:30. Legion auxiliary to sponsor Poppy Day. College recital of town students at l 3:30 p.m. College Music Dept, con r cert at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 29 — Attend the church of your choice. Brevard col ^ lege baccalaureate sermon at Meth odist church at 11:00 a.jn., com mencement program at 4:00 p. m. Baccalaureate sermons at Brevard and Roman high schools at 8:00 p.m. Monday, May 30—Memorial Day services at 10:30 a.m. in Gillespie Evergreen cemetery. County and town offices, post office and bank closed. Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 pan. Tuesday, May 31—Ace of clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 1 — Toastmas ters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. Destroyed By Fire Citizens Of Community Are Rebuilding Atwell Home Representing a number . of Bre- , yard organizations and clubs, over a dozen community leaders met at Berry’s for a dutch luncheon *<»*.:; day to discuss rebuilding the At well home, which was abr"'-' de stroyed by fire on May 15th. Rev: Courtney Ross presided over the informal session and Donald Lee -Moore was the secretary to the group. After free interchange of ideas and observations, the group voted! tc give the community an oppor tunity to help rebuild Bill Atwell’s home, which is located just off !bailee road. A committee was appointed to make an estimate on the cost of the project and to promote the project by giving the people of Brevard and surrounding area an opportunity to make contributions in money or free labor. Serving with the chairman on this committee are: Secretary Moore, C. E. Cochran, Jack Alex ander, Don Wilson, and John An derson. Mr. Moore was also elected (7iiniimiimnmmmninimmnMinmn»mnminmn|y The Weather The weather remained hot and dry this week, with day time read ings well into the 80s. Precipitation totaled only .26 of an inch. Daily readings are as follow. High Low Prec. Wednesday_ 89 50 0 Thursday___81 55 .26 Friday_81 52 0 Saturday_ 83 5 8 0 Sunday _ 87 45 0 Monday_ 82 44 0 Tuesday_ 89 48 0 treasurer for the ’'rojecf and all contributions shoo d be sent to hint. Mr. Alexander, Mr. Ross, and Mr. Anderson were appointed to tilled the promotion and publicity. After the meeting, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Wilson and the chairman pro ceeded to the Atwell home where measurements were recorded as a basis for the estimates. Later Mr. Cochran reported that the Atweli home could be rebuilt for $1850, (Cl 100 for material; $750 for labor), and a new house construct ed on the same site for $4400. IE the community will respond, Mr. Cochran offered to supervise the constfuction of the project. If enough free labor is offered at convenient times, it is possible that such can be used at certain stages of the project. Through Station WPNF and The Transylvania Times, the publicity committee hopes to give the people —Turn to Page Four Democrats And Republicans To Vote In Primary Election This Saturday Registrars And Judges For 18 Precincts Listed A revised list of registrars and judges for the primary election on Saturday is announced today by George : Shuford, chairman of the. board of elections. Officials for the 18 precincts in! the county are as follows: Boyd — Mrs. Virginia Pitilldj registrar; Elmer McLean, Dem. judge; and, Mrs. Wal Mann, Rep. jtidge. Brevard No. 1—Nathan McMinn registrar; Wilson Gregory, Dem judge; and, Gerald Owen, Rep judge. Brevard No. 2—Lawrence Ilipp registrar; Freeman Galloway, Don: j judge; and, Luther Ashe, Rep judge. Erevan! No. 3—Mrs. Paul Fisher registrar; Frank Osborne. Dem judge: and, Coy Fisher, Rep. judge Brevard No. 4 — Mrs, Marvr Gaddy, registrar; Ernest Gilstrap F.jn. judge: and George Wheeler Rep. judge. Cathey’s Greek—Mrs. Allie Wal ' f p, registrar;- Ralph Paxton, Dem judge; and Mack Hamlin, Rep judge. Cedar Mountain—Mrs. D. W. Lee registrar; William Logan, Dem judge; and Paul Jones, Rep. judge Dunn’s Rock—Mrs. Lloyd Comp ton, registrar: Virgil Gillespie, Dem judge; and Earl Parker, Rep. judge Eastatoe — Lawrence Whitmire —Turn to Page Four Baker Speaks At Cedar Mountain GOP Meeting Robert 0. Baker will be the guest speaker at a Republican dinner! meeting to be held at the Cedar; Mountain Community center Thurs-! day, May 26th at 7:00 p. m., in an announcement made today by Ralph L. Waldrop, chairman of the GOP executive committee. Mr. Baker is a candidate for the county board of education on the GOP ticket in the November elec tion. The- dinner meeting is being sponsored by the GOP Executive committee. All of the GOP candi dates for county offices in the No —Turn to Page Four “Poppy Day ” Will Be Observed By Legion Auxiliary, Saturday Saturday, May 28, will be “Poppy Day” in Brevard. The event is sponsored by the auxiliary of the American legion, and the theme is “Honor the dead —aid the disabled.” The poppies were fashioned by disabled American veterans, and Mrs. H. C. Nelson and Mrs. George Tesnow, co-chairman of “Poppy Day” issue the following statement: “Wearing a poppy is the indi vidual’s tribute to those who died to keep .America free. A poppy over the heart shows that we remember Valentine To Address Brevard Graduates This Sunday Evening Rev. Frederick Valentine will ad dress the graduating class of Bre vard high school in _the annual baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening, May 29th. The service, which will begin at 8:00 o’clock, will be held in the J. B. Jones auditorium. Mr. Valentine has been rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal church for the past several years, and came to Brevard from West Virginia. Music for the service will be pro vided by Miss Carlene Watson, pi anist, and the high school glee club under the direction of Mrs. Verne Hill. Miss Watson will play “Pomp and Circumstance” for the processional, and “March of the Priests” will ba used for the recessional. The glee cluib will sing “Beautiful Saviour” and “Crusader’s Hymn” by Reiger, —Turn to Page Four REV. FREDERICK VALENTINE and are grateful for the supreme sacrifice made by so many of Amer ica’s finest men. We hope that everyone in Transylvania county will join us in this tribute, this remembrance, by wearing a me morial poppy on Poppy Day, this Saturday.” Times To Publish Graduation Issue Next Thursday It’s graduation time again in Brevard and Transylvania coun- j ty, and next week The Times j will publish its annual “Salute to the Grads” issue. Pictures and write-ups of all the graduates at Brevard and Rosman high schools and Brevard college will be carried in the issue, and there will be salute messages from businesses and in dustries and others. Since baccalaureate sermons will be preached here and at Rosman on Sunday night, there are stories concerning these events in this week’s paper. Also, complete coverage is given to commencement exercises at the college, which are slated this weekend. The Times staff takes this op portunity to salute all 1960 grad uates in the town and county, and urges them to look forward to next week’s newspaper. SAMPLE BALLOT OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOT FOR TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY OFFICERS INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a cross (X) mark in the square at the left of his name. 2. II you tear or deface or wrongly mark this bal lot, return it to the registrar and get another. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Vote' for One) □ JAMES C. GAITHER □ WOOD PAXTON □ JACK H. POTTS FOR TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for One) □ C. M. DOUGLAS □ JOEL M. HUBBARD FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS (Vote for One) □ OWEN G. LEE □ W. F. SHORT FOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Vote for Three) □ R. M. BOYD □ DEWEY BURTON Q FREEMAN HAYES □ C. FEW LYDA □ DWIGHT L. MOFFITT FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION (Vote for Two) □ GIL COAN □ H \RRY F. MORGAN □ D. S. WINCHESTER Primary election May 28, 1960. Chairman Transylvania. County Board of Elections New Officers Of College Alumni Group Announced McPherson New Conservationist in Transylvania Grover C. McPherson has begun his duties as work unit conserva tionist for Transylvania county, it was announced today. A native of Columbus county, Mr. ttHBgJ l ulMlWlUimill 1111IIII j U j lOss-: X > McPherson came to Brevard from Yadkin county, where he was a soil —Turn to Page Four New officers of the Brevard col lege Alumni association will be installed at the annual luncheon heeling Saturday afternoon, begin ning at 1:00 p.m. The new officers are as follows: Julius S. Harrill, Jr,, ’39, Ashe ville. president: Mrs. H. W. Robert son (nee Ruby Leftfich), ’40, North Wilkesboro, vice president; Mrs. Ben Jones (nee Ethel Tankersley), 44, Asheville, secretary-treasurer; William Morris, ’44, Asheville, vice president, Brevard Auxiliary; Miss Nell Pickens, Weaverville, vice president, Weaver auxiliary; Dr. E. II. Nease, Concord, vice president, Rutherford auxiliary. Miss Lucile Smith, Miss Dulcie Hayes and Dr. Burt Loomis, who are retiring from the Brevard col lege faculty this year, will be guests at the luncheon. Dr. Wayne Kernodle, who gradu ated from Brevard in ’41, will be the speaker for the occasion. Dr. Kernodle is chairman of the De partment of Sociology and Anthro pology at the college of William and Mary. Special guests at the luncheon will be former students of the Ep worth school which was the begin ning of Brevard Institute. Portraits of Dr. and Mrs. Fitch Taylor who founded the school in 1895, will be presented to President E. K. Mc Carty, Jr. Local And State Election Returns To Be Heard Saturday On WPNF An election party will be pre sented Saturday evening over WFNF by Coleman Tire company, and all persons are urged to keep their dials at 1240 for the latest local and state returns in the pri mary. Highlighting the evening’s broad casts will be the remote reports from the Brevard court house at various intervals. State returns will be broadcast from the station as they come in over the Associated Press wire and by other remote broadcasts. According to Bobby Hoyle, sta tion manager, the first remote broadcast will be heard shortly —Turn to Page Four Polls Open From 6:30 To 6:30, Registration Light Transylvania voters, bo-th Demo liat and Republican, will vote in a primary election here oh Saturday Interest locally seems to be pri manly in county races; however I'lerC is much speculation in the gubernatorial race. According to George Shuford, chairman of Transylvania county b rtl of elections, registration for the- primary election was light. The polls will open at 6:30 ami, :mo they will close at 6:30 p.m. According to Mr. Shuford, s ap plies are being distributed to the precincts in the town and county, in the rate for House of Repre sentatives, incumbent, James C. 'buther, is being opposed by Jack i if i'otls and Wood Paxton. C. M. Douglas, incumbent, has as lbs opposition in the tax collector’s race. Joel M. Hubbard. In the Register of Deeds race, Given G. Lee, incumbent, has W. F. Short as his opponent. Incumbents Freeman Hayes, Dwight Moffitt. and Dewey Burton are being opposed by R. M. Boyd and C. Few Lyda, in the county commissioners race. Harry F. Morgan is seeking re election to the county board of edu cation, and also in the race are Gil Coan and D. S. Winchester. There two vacancies to be filled. Don A. Lance and Don Y. Wilson, . —Turn to Page Fou? Bloodmobile To Visit Here Thursday The American Red Cross Bfoon mobile will be at the American Legion building on Thursday, May 26, during the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00. According to Robert T. Gash, lo cal blood program chairman, the regional blood center is in despe rate need of type O blood. He stated that although other types of blood are on hand, the center had only three pints of G positive and two pints of O nega tive blood on hand. Because type 0 is the most common type, it is most in demand, and the supply has therefore been dangerously de pleted. Chairman Gash urges all persons., especially those having type G blood, to donate blood when the bloodmobile visits here on Thurs day. Bloodmobile doctor coverage for this trip is by members of the Transylvania County Medical so ciety. Memorial Day Services Set Next Monday Special memorial day services have been planned for Monday morning, May 30th, at the memorial plot in Gillespie Evergreen ceme tery, beginning at 10:30 o’clock. Sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary, other participat ing groups include the American I.egion, VFW, VFW auxiliary, DAK, Gold Star Mothers, Army reserves, and World War I veterans. The invocation will be -given by Rev. B. W. Thomason. According to Mrs. Jack Gillespie, chairman of the memorial day pro gram, graves of deceased veterans throughout Transylvania county will be decorated [with memorial flags. The public is cordially invited to. attend this special service. According to Vernon Fullbrlgbt;. acting postmaster, the Brevard pock office will be closed on Monday for the observance of Memorial day. There will be no delivery of rural or city mail, however, too general delivery window at the post office will be open from 11:30 am, uadi; 12 noon. Town sod county offices will bs closed, as will the Weal buk.

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