TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Ed ucational, Agricu Itural and J/usic Center. Popula ' tton, 1950 Census, 15,321. I Brevard Community 7,394. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 71—No. 22 ! TRANSYLVANIA— ' ; i The Land of Waterfalls. 1 Mecca for Summer Camps. I Entrance to Pisgah N» j tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960 28 PAGES TODAY PUBLISHED WEEKL* PRINCIPAL FIGURES at Brevard col lege commencement exercises last Sun ■ day are pictured above, President Em ™mett K. McLarty is shown in the center going over the various programs with the j two main speakers. At the left is Dr. James G. Huggin, pastor of the First < Methodist church, of Gastonia, who de livered the baccalaureate sermon that morning. The graduation address was given by Dr. Clarence Raymond Carpen ter, right, professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State university. (Times Staff Photo) 82 Brevard College Students Awarded Diplomas, Huggin & Carpenter Heard Diplomas were awarded to the 82 graduates at Brevard college Sun day afternoon by President Emmett K. McLarty at graduation exercises in the Sims Campus center building. Prior to the awarding of the di plomas, the graduates heard an in spiring address on “Search For Styles of Living” by Dr. Clarence Raymond Carpenter, professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University. j Graduation exercises were well ,?Stended Sunday afternoon, and at 11:00 o’clock on Sunday morning, the graduates heard Dr. James G. JJuggin, pastor of the First Metho mst church in Gastonia, deliver the baccalaureate sermon in the Bre vard Methodist church. Music for both occasions was fur nished by the Brevard College Glee Club under the direction of Profes sor Nelson Adams. Others participating on the pro gram included Rev. Courtney B. Ross, pastor of the Methodist church and Dr. John B. Bennett, academic dean of Brevard college, who presented the honors and awards. Graduating magna cum laude were Miss Sharon Cline, of Bel mont; Miss Celia Hooper, of Can ten; and Toseph S. Harris, of Ashe ville. Gradu ting cum laude were Miss Dinah f rden, of Concord; Miss Setty Hornaday, of Asheville; Joe taker, of Concord; Miss Nancy Poley, of Charlotte; Miss Patncia Pruitt, of Brevard; Miss Lind" Slider, of Asheville; Miss Jo Ann Shouse, of Pfafftown; and Max Wal ser, of Lexington. The Olin Mathieson scholarship award went to Joseph Harris. This award is in the amount of $400 per year at the school of his choice, re newable the second year. The Morton citizenship award —Turn to Page Six CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, June 2—Kiwanis meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Jay cettes meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Open house for eighth graders at Teen Age center at 7:30 p.m. •Saturday, June 4—Old Fort vs. Ol'in Mathieson at Camp Straus, 3:00 p.m. Sunday, June 5 — Attend the church of your choice. Camp Straus opens for 1960 season at 2:00 p.m. Monday, June 6—Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Brevard high graduation exercises at 8:00 p.m. Teen Age dance at Legion building at 10:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 7—Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 pm. Eastern Star meets at 8:00 pm. Wednesday, June 8 — Jaycees I meet at Gaither's at 6:30 pm. 8,900 Acres Involved I i Cosby Sells Lake Toxaway [ Property To City Investment | , Approximately 8,900 acres owned by D. H. Cosby, Inc., and operated as Cosby Choir camp, has been sold to City Investment corporation, of Richland county, South Carolina, for $475,000. This area includes the old Toxaway lake site and many scenic waterfalls in the upper end of Transylvania county. This property was purchased in 1955, by D. H. Cosby, Inc., of Boca Raton, Florida. Mr. Cosby and his associates restored a number of the buildings and improved the prop erty and the first session of an in terdenominational summer choir training session was held in 1956. City Investment corporation lists D. W. Boyd as president and Susan Faire Boyd as vice president. According to instruments recorded in the register of deeds office in the Transylvania county court house, the copipany will make sur veys as to the feasibility of re storing Lake Toxaway. Lake Toxaway was a leading re sort area in the early 1900’s and enjoyed a number of successful years of operation until August, 1916, when the dam was washed out. The years that followed saw many legal battles in the courts I over the damages of the resulting flood. Old Toxaway Inn was allow ed to run down for lack of repair but the area has attracted many tourists over the years. In 1948, Toxaway Falls was used as the background for the filming of the motion picture “Tap Roots,” and again in 1958, a scene from “Thunder Road” was filmed at the falls. Voting Heavy In Democratic Primary, Upsets Noted, Morgan Polls Most Votes County's School System Has 147 Faculty Members The faculty of the county’s 10 j schools consists of 147 teachers and' principals, plus a school supervisor, guidance counselor, and superin tendent of public instruction. Of this number 94 of them teach | in the seven elementary schools and t>3 in the high schools. With a staff of 31 the Brevard! elementary school has the largest number. Bosnian elementary is sec-j end with 19, There arc 27 members of the fc.c-j tilty of Brevard high and 12 at Ron-! man. Brevard junior high has 14 j teachers. The number of teachers is de termined by the average daily at- j tendance. Hoyle Will Head Merchants Group Bobby Hoyle, manager of radio station WPNF, was elected chair man of the merchants division of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce at a meeting Monday night, suc ceeding Eddie Varner, Other officers elected were Leon Shook, co-chairman; Mrs. John Ford, secretary; and, Mrs. John Reece Sledge, treasurer. Committee chairmen and mem bers of their committees appointed at Monday’s meeting are, as follow; Sales Promotion: J. E. Smith, chair man, Ben Patterson and .Leon Shook; Christmas parade: Mrs. John Reece Sledge and Mrs. John Ford, co-chairmen; Eugene Morris, Eddie Varner and Police £hief W. S. Thurston; Christmas lighting: Dan Hawkins, chairman, Tom Henry, Mrs. J. A. Macfie and Jack Bryant; Santa Claus and Christmas music: Charles B. Disher, chairman; John Reece Sledge, Miss Jeanette Austin and Miss Juanita Ward. The merchants made plans for a town-wide sidewalk sale to be held on July 7, 8, and 9. This is the pro —Turn to Page Six American Red Cross Aquatic School Opens At Camp Carolina The first session of the Red Cross Aquatic school will get un derway at Camp Carolina on June 7th and will run through June 17th. Harry Kenning, Jacksonville, Fla., who has been associated with the school for approximately 25 years, will be the director. Ellis Fysol, from the Asheville Red Cross office, who has also been connected with this program for many years, will be the assistant director. A capacity enrollment of 150 persons is expected for the 10 day course, which will include instruction in water safety, life saving and first aid. The school is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, male or female, who has completed re quirements for a senior lifesav ing certificate or has equivalent ability. The fee for the entire course is $60.00. The second session of the Aquatic school is scheduled for August 15th through 25th, im mediately following the summer camping session of Camp Caro lina. DEMOCRATS, polling the high est votes in last Saturday’s pri mary, are pictured in this layout. At top left is Harry Morgan, who had 2,137 votes in the board of education race. He was nominated along with' D. S. Winchester. C. Few Lyda, who led in the com missioner’s race, had 2,032, and he is pictured in the top row, right. R. M. “Bob” Boyd and Dwight Moffitt were also nomi nated. C. M. Douglas, above, left, polled 1,938 votes to defeat Joel M. Hubbard for tax collector, and above is Owen Lee, who had 1,913 votes to win over W. F. Short. At the left is Jack Potts, who was high man in the House of Representatives race. Swimming Pool Being Readied Brevard's Franklin Park swim ming pool is being readied for the swimming season by the town main tenance men, according to Town Manager Tom Henry. Patching of the pool bottom, painting of the pool, clean up and mowing of the park area are some of the major work details. Plans are being made to open the pool at noon on Monday, June 6th, after school closes. The three life guard attendants selected to operate the pool are Page Best, Tommy Hall and Char les Norlander. “The Brevard Rotary club pur chased barbecue grills and picnic tables which they placed in the park last season. The public is invited to use these facilities there; and it is our hope that the town, Rotary club, other civic clubs and interest ed persons will add to these facili ties,” Mr. Henry said. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS FROM PRIMARY IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY ON MAY 28TH Gaither Paxton Potts_ 59 53 63 208 94 184 205 74 192 150 80 239 134 82 109 104 102 136 42 42 45 28 42 67 1 30 26 2 7 12 4 16 6 13 39 43 9 24 11 3 5 11 34 6 16 61 31 125 58 42 41 1121 773 1329 Tax Collector Douglas _ Hubbard 117 58 315j 256 1671 216 306 163 240 84 187 158 100 33 61 70 3 55 7 13 22 5 55j 15 44j 30 15 2 44 11 105 118 83 62 1938 1294 Register of Deeds Short Lee _ 97 77 201 282 187 272 213 257 169j 74 149 265 43 87 51 87 12 46 3 18 13 13 !5j 83 36 10 8 40 13 94 134 62 80 1295 1913 County Commissioners Hayes Moffitt Lyda Burton_ Boyd_ 106 91 131 54 86 265 314 354 188 257 239 252 274 202 300 259 239 289 171 329 212 176 265 108 169 168 248 180 142 218 8 4 12 2 5 78 82 94 51 66 59 32 43 122 93 i2 45 43 22 57 10 11 15 4 15 14 24 10 12 18 47 60 38 60 71 25 32 28 24 24 15 6 10 10 2 35 42 34 25 23 101 49 172 57 128 50 65 40 106 103 1693 1772 2032 1860 1964 Board of Education Morgan Winchester Coan 129 89 86 298 284 287 300 316 207 288 287 233 176 165 219 260 251 92 72 85 76 125 86 30 46 40 7 11 11 10 16 23 12 74 51 42 28 30 25 6 9 10 35 30 30 146 109 118 124 120 26 Gaither 1$ Still Undecided About Run-Off Race Transylvania Democrats, more than 3.000 in number, turned oat j:i the Primary election in the tora and county last Saturday and nomi nated candidates for county, state and congressional posts. Voting was heavier than antid I ated, except in the Republican pri n-ny in which there were only '281 voters participating. As in other Western North Caro lina counties there were a number of upsets locally. Jack Potts, lire void attorney, de feated incumbent James C. Gaither, vyith a vote of 1,329 to 1,121. Wood Paxton, the third candidate in the i ace, polled 773. At noon on Wednesday, Mr. Gai ther was undecided as to calling a run-off. incumbents, Freeman Hayes and Dewey Burton, were unseated in the Board of Commissioners. The oi her member of the board, Dwight Moffitt, ran third, and he was nominated along with C. Few Lyds and R. M. “Bob” Boyd. l/yda had 2,032 votes; Boyd, 1,904; Moffitt, 1,772; Hayes. 1,683, and Burton, 1,360. In other local races the incum bents were victorious. : C. M. Douglas, tax collector, was ; renominated with a vote of 1,838 to 1,294 for Joel M. Hubbard. Owen G. Lee, register of deeds, defeated W. F. Short by a vote of 1,913, to 1,295. Harry F. Morgan, member of the county board of education, polled the highest number of votes in the j election with 2,137. Nominated to I fiil the other vacancy was D. S. [Winchester, also of Bosnian, who ' had 1,993. Gil Coan ran third high with 1,510. Don Y. Wilson, Jr., was nomi nated for constable of Brevard township over Don A. Lance. The vote was 1,264 to 540. Other Hates Transylvania voters gave Terry j Sanford a majority over iris three j opponents in the gubernatorial ! race. The vote was as follows: Sanford—1,594 [ Lake—-853 | Seawell—407 Larkins—246 David M. McConnell' ran high in the Democratic lieutenant gover nor’s race in Transylvania. He had 1,296, while his opponents polled 1 the following votes: Philpott—916 Henkel—577 For associate justice of supreme court, Transylvanians nominated Clifton L. Moore. He had 1,748 votes, while his opponent, William —Torn to Page Twelve I - Two County Roads To Be Improved, Costs $47,000. The State Highway HrmTnvrnwr has approved and set up funds far improvements to two Transylvania county roads. Grading, draining end base course is scheduled on 1.90 miles of road 1114 (Barclay road), from US 276 to road 1113;»and, grading, draining, base course and paving with bituminous surface treatment is scheduled on 0.60 mile of road 1516 (Buck McCall road), from US 64 to road 1612. Estimated cost of the improve ments is $47,000. B..........« The Weather Qhiiiu«mimmiiiiiiimiiummmmmm iiiiIiiimhmmB > A week of partly cloudy ant' mostly hot summer weather was recorded. Thunder showers brought .91 of an inch of precipitation dat ing the week. Daily readings an as follow High Low rraa Wednesday_ 72 53 ,0g Thursday_ 71 53 g Friday.76 59 Saturday Sunday Monday_n «r mt ..... .Tuesday_ 82 ao •