THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper * Vol- 71 — No. 42 + SEaCu0tNhDorC,^dSa'?a;rEPva'rd1;EnESc. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960 22 PAGES TODAY PRICE 7c PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfall* Mecca for Summer Camp*. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home ot Brevard Music Festival. TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1960 Census, 16,102. Brevard Community 8,500. SOME 50 YEARS separate tne dates when the two photographs above were made. The upper picture was made around 1910, when Lake Toxaway and Toxaway .Ion were jp their “heyday” as a paradise moun* tain retreat. The lower shot was made on Monday ol tms week, and the arrows point to the site where the dam will be constructed in the immediate future. The beginning of the clearing of the lake bed fan also,, be notedl" * (Times Staff Photo) Contract Awarded For Construction Of Lake Toxaway Dam, Work Begun Preliminary work was begun this week on the restoration of Lake Toxaway, When the con tract was let for the construc tion of the dam. According to Reginald D. Hcinittsh, president of Lake Toxaway estates, A. P. White Associates, of Charlotte, was awarded the contract, and blear ing work has commenced at the site just above 'beautiful Lake Toxaway fails. Cjhavy equipment will be mov edTiruto the construction area wWiin the next tiwo weeks, and it is hoped that the darn will be finished by Christinas. The contractors have promis ed to work “around the block” to complete the work by that time, Mr. Heimiitsh declared'. Fine timber and puip wood is now being cleared out of the lakebed. The Gloucester Lumber company, of Rosman, and' the Champion Paper and Fibre com pany, of Oamiton, are purchasing this lumber. “We hope that the 'lakebed can be entirely cleared, so that the sate ban be filled with wa ter by next dinrimer,” he con tinued. He was also pleased to re port that the sale of bamesites on the proposed lake has far exceeded their fondest expecta tions. Purchasers of the lots —Turn to Pace Seven CALENDAR OF DOMING EVENTS Thursday, October 20 — Ki wands club infects (aft Gaither's at 8:45 pjm. Lions urieet ait Colonial Inn at 7:00 pjn. Humane So ciety meets at the home of Mrs. Ralph Palmer alt 8:00 p.m. Friday,- October 21 — Ace of Clubs meets alt 8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 22 — Regis traftdnn oontamies far General EfleWtion. Elks Palll Festival Dim mer-Dance, 7:00 (pm. Sunday, October 23 — Attend toe church of your choice. Monday, October 24 — Super —Tarn to Page Seven 1960 Awards Banquet In Rural Development Contest Will Be Held Monday Night The Awards banquet in th< 1960 Transylvania Rural De velopmenit contest will ibe hel< Monday night, October 24th, h thie cafeteria of the Olin Math iesom Chemical corporation a Pfegah Forest. County Agent Jim Davis wil preside, and the event will be gin promptly at 7:00 o’clock. Awards to the winning com munities and the winners o: the various inducement prize! will ibe made at that time. They will toe given out by Mor ris McGough, executive vice president of the Asheville Aig riiculltural council, and Freemar Hayes, Chairman of the Tran sylvan ia county board of com innissdoners. Randal J. Lyday will intro duce the guests 'attending amc also members of the Agrdcul tural Workers council. - The principal address will be ■ made ;by R. W. “Bob” Long, 1 extension community dtevelOp i ment specialist of State College, Raleigh. The oommumitiilets entered in the Transylvania contest this 1 year and the president of each ■ are as follows: Balsam Grove — J. Robert Brown Blamtyre — Tom Smith Cathey’s Creek—Charlies Gal loway CUdar Mountain — Alvin Jones Dunn’s Rock — Kami Parker EastJaitoe — Elmo Crowe Little River — Alvin McCrary Pisgah Forest — Harry Sem telle Sapphire - Whitewater—Wlal ter McNeely Silvtersteen — R. M. Owen Dr. Coltrane Dies, Former President Of Brevard College Dr. Eugene Jarvis Oodtrane, 77, former president of Brevard College, died in a convalescent home isn Raleigh Tuesday. He had been ill several weeks. Dr. Oodtrane was president of Brevard College for 16 years, retiring some 10 yeans aigo. Later he served for five years as as sistant to the president of High roimt College before retiring. He also served as a school su perintendent at Roanoke Rapids, Jamestown and in Randolph county. He was a 1907 graduate of CuHford and did graduate study at Cornell, Harvard, Co lumbia and the University of North Carolina. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Isabel Bryan Daub Ooi trane, two daughters, Mary Al —Turn to Page Twelve DR. E. J. OOLTRANE First Frost On Way A warning that Jack Frost may make his first fall visit to the mountains this week was sounded by the weatherman today. Forecasters say much colder weather will blow in on the heels of a moist front expect ed to bring rain today, drop ping temperatures to near freezing by Thursday night or Friday night. Skies are expected to clear after the passing of the rainy front tomorrow, making con ditions about right for frost during nighttime hours through Saturday. Taylor To Speak After Barbecue Congressman Roy Taylor will address local democrats follow ing a free barbecue supper at Brevard junior hiigjh school next Wednesday, October 26, at 6:30 p,m. I Others appearing on the pro gram will be local and state Democratic candidates for office in the November election. Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., will be master of ceremonies. Congressman Taylor will be introduced by Jerry Whitmire, president of the Transylvania Young Democrats club. Other introductions will be made by John R. Hudson, past president of the YDC. All Transylvania county Dem ocrats are cordially invited. The supper will be served from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the hut, and the program will follow immed iately in the junior high audi torium. Itev. B. W. Thomason, Tran sylvania’s state senator, will give the invocation. Prizes Awarded In First Drawing Of Trade Festival Four persons have received awards from the first drawing of the Brevard Trade festival. Mrs. Charles Lance was awarded first prize of $100.00 plus a bonus of $50.00 for be ing present at the drawing last Saturday morning on West Main street. Fred Grogan received the fifth award of $25.00. Others claiming their prizes this week were Mrs. B. N. Rogers, $50.00, and Martha M. JoIIiff, $25.00. A ticket, good for $75.00, and number H 249735 is still out, and it must be claimed by the tenth day following the drawing. The next drawing will be held on Saturday Oct. 29th. Du Pont Employees Swell United Fund, Other Donations Received The report from the Du Pont siMcon plant this week pushed Tnamsythramda’s United Fund thermometer on the court house Lawn up consider ably as pledges totaling $3,613.00, came in. i The Weather Eh •£ Very Little precipitation was recorded this week. Skies were Imostly clear, with heavy fog during the early morning hours. Temperatures reflected a slight cooling trend and daily readings are as follow. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Pre. 79 45 0 78 51 .02 77 51 0 73 52 0 77 51 0 76 4B 0 80 48 0 “Their ntare ton 250 em ployees averaged $10.85 each, which is a very creditable average,” said J. M. Gaines, the general chairman of the current campaign. “We are most anxious to close the 1961 drive as quickly as we can, and we hope all so licitors will complete their rounds immediately. We would llifee very much to be the first county in the State to report that we have reached our goal,” he continued. Mr. Gaines reports that the fallowing schools have report ed: T. C. Henderson, Penrose, Pisgah Forest and Riosemwlaid. Outstanding gifts have been received from the following this past week: Duike Power company 100%; Boat Bakery, Shelby; Transylvania Times; Gaither’s; Greet stores; Winn Dixie, Greenville; Arthur Leoh; Marie Stnasser; Federal Savings and Loan; and Jer ome and Surrtmiey. October Term Of Superior Court To Open Monday, Many Criminal Cases GROUND-BREAKING EXERCIS ES for the new Science building at Brevard college were held last Fri day morning, just prior to the meet ing of the board of trustees. Col. Bry an Moore, chairman, of Wadesboro, is pictured turning the first shovel of dirt. The Jerry Liner company, of Lake Junaluska, will build the mod ern structure at a cost of $235,000. In the above photo, from left to right, are: Rev. C. Edward Roy, head of the department of religion at the college; President Emmett K. McLarty; Col. Moore; and Bishop Nolan Harmon, of Charlotte. (Times Staff Photo) Progress Reports Made At Meet Of College Trustees, Action Taken Progress reports, which evi dence that Brevard college is having one of its 'best years in the history of the institution, were heard at the fall meeting of the board of trustees last Friday morning. Prior to the meeting, the trus tees participated in the ground breaking ceremony of the new $235,000 Science building. The Jerry Liner Construction company, of Lake Jwnaduska, will build the building. Prior to the ceremony, the trustees joined with faculty and staff members and students in an impressive chapel exercise. The principal address Was made by Dr. Lee Tuttle, of Winston Salem. Dr. McLarty reported that it was now possible to build the new science building since cash arid pledges t» match the Bab cock Foundation grant have been received. Ool. Bryan Moore, of Wades boro, chairman of the board, welcomed the 35 members at tending the meeting. Among the oomlmiittees ap pointed to make various studies was one to review the pension plans. F. S. Best, of Brevard, will serve as chairman, and other melmbers are A. B. Myers, Jr., of Gastonia, and K. W. Partin, of Asheville. Rev. C. Edward Roy who is head of the religion department at the college, was named as col lege chaplain. Three new members were wel —Turn to Page Twelve United Nations Day To Be Observed Here Monday DR. EMMETT K. Mc LARTV, president of Brevard college, will deliver an ad dress on the United Nations at a special UN Day celebra tion next Monday night in the auditorium of Brevard college. Mrs. W. W. Brittain, the gen eral chairman, cordially in vites the public to attend, and special music will be furnish ed by the Brevard senior high school glee club. The program will begin at 8:011 p.m. ALL-NIGHT SING THIS FRIDAY An all-might singing will be he)W Friday might in the Bre vard Senior High school auditor ium beginning at 8:00 o’clock. Sponsored by the Brevard Police Reserve unit:, the singing will feature two of the south’s leading groups, the LePevres amid the Harvesters Quartet, of Charlotte. Brevard and Ttansylvamda county will join in the 19th world-wide celebration of Unit ed Nations Day, on Monday, Oc tober 24th. A local United Nations Day committee to plan activities has been appointed by Mayor B. H. Freeman. Mrs. W. W. Brittain, who re sides on Miaple street, was nam ed by Mayor Freeman, to head Brevard’s United Nations Day committee. She will coordinate the various programs being sponsored ;by local, civic, frater nal, religious, youth and ser vice organizations. Serving with Mirs. Brittain on the committee are: M!rs. Charles Newland, John Anderson, Wayne Bradbum and Mirs. Har old Siniard. Mayor Freeman announced farmaition of the UN Day com mittee in response to a request from the United States com mittee for the United Nations, which is delegated1 by the Presi dent of the Umited States each year to promote the nationwide observance of United Nations Day throughout the country. October 24, 1945, was the day that the United Nations official ly came into being. The theme for the 1960 celebration of UN Day is “The UN Meets New Needs”. Public Invited Dr. Emmett K. McLarty, presi dent of Brevard college, will be the principal speaker on a spec ial United Nations program in the auditorium at Brevard col lege on Monday night, beginning at 8:00 o’clock. Mrs. Brittain will preside over the meeting and she will pre sent Dr. McLarty. The public is 'miost cordially invited to attend. Two numbers, “Dona Nobis —Turn to Page Twelve Special UN Programs Wilf Be On WPNF, Log Reviewed Radio WPfNF will join- dm the wortdfwad© observance of United Nations Day on Monday, Octo be 24th, with a special program ait 9:15 a.m. The prograftni, es pecially itranscdheid far this oc casion, will Ibe of interest to ev ery person in this area, Bobby Hoyle, Station manager, States, and he urges aM listeners to ratafee an effort, to hear it. Mr. Hoyle also announces that an address by Dr. Emmett K. MeLarty, president of Bne vard College, wiU (be recorded Monday might, as he speaks at a special UN Day celebration ait the college auditoaSuan. This broadcast will be heard oh Tues day ait 5:30 o’clock p. m. Other Programs Schedule for the Faxtm and Home Hour is as fdtkwe: Thurs day, Brevard home ec. dept, Mins. Gleam Burredl; Friday, N. C. Forestry, dark CMhHra; Monday, county agent; Tues —Tara to Page Turin Froneberger To Preside, Civil Docket Follows Action will be (Started os Monday morning on a heavy criminal docket, as the October term of Superior court gets us* d.erway at the court house. Judge P. C. Froneberger, of Gastonia, will preside, and the first week will be a mixed term of court. The second week will be de voted to the civil slate. Clerk of Superior Court Mar vin McCall reminds all persons who served on the Grand Jury during the July term that they' must serve again during the Oc tober session. Leonard Lowe, of Forest City, will prosecute for the state. Mr. McCall says that many cases, mostly of a minor nature, will be heard on Monday. The first day is also devoted to hear ing submissions. A large group has been charg ed with speeding, and they are as follows: Floyd Richard McFall, Frank Eugene Willis, James Edward Austin, Robert Walter Phillips, Lilly Joe Sentedle, Bill Stevens, Lester W. Chapman, Charlotte S. McCrary, James Lee Laffitte, John Charles Brewer, Edward R. Johnson, Boyce E. Gillespie,. Billy E. Pressley, Thomas Wood! Paxton, Charles E. Hemphill’, Francis Gillespie, Edward Gil ia ihI. Woodrow M. Robbins, Jr., (Mack Herbert Reese, Tommy Lee WiJlet, Shirli Ann Whit mire, James Denny Landreth, Walter Allen Perkins, Thomas Franklin Moomeyhiaimi, Reginald Jordan Kitchen, Fred O. Con ner. Carroll Lee Baldwin, George Erwin Cordell, Benjamin D. Hare, Billy Frank Vaughn, Harry Letaw, Sr., Kenneth W. Barnell, Jesse Jamies Davis, Jimmy Ray Camp, Jaimes Dewitt Brogden, Rabon Robinson; Meade Curtis Fisher, Maurice D. Jordan, Jr., Mack Henry Reese, Daniel J. Zumstoin, George M. Barton, and Chariots Ollan Hall. Charged with nion-suppart are - —Torn To Page Six . Registration Said Heavy Registration for the Novem ber General Election was heavy in Transylvania county last Saturday, T. J. Wilson, chairman of the election board, reports today. He reminds all voters that the books will be open again this Saturday in all the pre cincts and also on the follow ing Saturday, Oct. 29th. No vember 5th will be challenge day. Mr. Wilson urges all new comers, persons who have be come 21 years of age since the last election and others who have moved from one pre cinct to another to be sure to check with the registrar and register this Saturday or the next “If there is any doubt to your mind whatsoever, please check with the precinct offic ials,” he comments. The books will be open from 9:00 a.m., until sunset. — Elks To Have Fall Festival On Saturday Brevard Elks watt have a NT Festival at the lodge just off Park avenue «a Saturday trfgM,. According to Bay Winchester, the exalted ruler, dtauer will bo served from 7:00 until 9:00 tf“ oktck, DoflUowed ihy denting. He urges all EMcb to their wives and guests to this first big , the Aril season. Admfrtatuttl be only «1JK.

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