TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1960 Census, 16,102. Brevard Community 8,500. THE TRAN SYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfall*. Mecca for Summer Camp*. Entrance to Piagab Na tional Forest and Home oS Brevard Music Festival SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. ★ 20 PAGES TODAY Vol. 71 — No. 43 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 PRICE 7c PUBLISHED WEEKLY Response To UF Is Good Contributions continue to pour into the Transylvania gijnited Fund, and J. M. ^Gaines, the general chairman, urges all solicitors to complete their rounds as soon as possi ble. Town employees duplicated their giving last year by par ticipating 100 per cent in the ' new drive, Mr. Gaines adds. Mayor B. H. Freeman was the first to congratulate the town forces on their “giving once for all”. Bosnian high school, Bos nian Elementary and Straus completed their drives during the past week, and Mr. Gaines also gave special thanks to the following: WPNF, post office employees, Dr. B. E. Greer, of ijSreenville, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. &. F. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Gross; Grapette Bottling company, of Ashe ,yille; and, Blue Bidge Truck ing lines, also of Asheville. Charles L. Bussell reports that the UF drive will proba bly be completed this week at Olin Mathieson Chemical cor poration, and these contribu tions should make the thermo meter on the court house lawn “zoom up.” The campaign headquarters at 5 Broad street will close next Saturday and solicitors should report in by that time. j First Baptists I Set Dedication Service Sunday • —-• - **• A “Service of indication” of music ministry of the First baptist church will he held at the evening worship hour on Sunday, October 30th, at 8:00, p’m., with special music sung by each of the graded choirs. This wiO be the first perfor mance by ttoa children’s choirs since their organization this new year. Some 130 boys and girls will demonstrate some of the things they havtei learned in the music ministry of their age group. The choirs to participate are: Be ginner Music activity, Celestial choir, Carol choir, Crusader choir, and Chapel choir. Mrs. Erwin Schranz is director of the Beginner music activity group, with Mrs. Leo Aiken as assistant; Mrs. W. Harold Kil lian directs the Celestial choir, and Mrs. Bud Hunter Serves as i»s9istant; and Ray E. Childers, E'nisterof music and education the church, directs the Carol, usader and Chapel choirs. Johnny Brad'bum will be the organist for the service with the choir pianists assisting at the piano. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, October 27 — Su perior court continues, 9:30 am. Chicken suppar and open house, Brevard Senior high school, 5:30-7:30 p.m. BPW meets with ' Mrs. R. E. Lawrence, Lake Sega, at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet in temple at 8:00 pan. Friday, October 28 — Bre vard Vs. Entoa, 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clulbs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 29 — Last day to register. Merchants fall Festival drawing in front of Plummer’s at 10:00 a,m. Dtelmo crat rally at courthouse ait 10:00 a.m. Republican caravan on court house lawn, at 2:30 p.m. Sdloween carnival at Brevard ememltary school, 5:00-9:00 pan Sunday, October 30 — Attend the church of your choice. First Baptist to have service of dedi cation at 8:00 pm Monday, October 31 — Trial of Civil term Superior court begins at 9:30 a.m. Rotary dub meets at Gaifhteir’s at 7:00 pm. Organ recital by Frederick Swan at Methodist church, at 8:00 pm. 1 Tuesday, November 1 — Ace j of Cluhs meets at 8:00 p.m. , Wednesday, November 2 — ■ Toastmasters meet alt Gaither's alt 6:30 pm. WOW meets in | Woodman HaH at 8:00 pm. t THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of visitors from all sections of North Carolina and many other states flocked to the Pisgah National forest last weekend to see nature’s parade of colors. A repeat perfor mance is expected this week, when the color should be at its height. Heading the string of cars parked at Looking Glass falls last Sunday morn ing is the one above from Reidsville. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker are on the driver’s side, and at the left are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roach. (Times Staff Photo) Eastatoe Is Top Community In Transylvania, Awards Made Monday The Bastatda community, a progressive section of upper Transylvania, has been adjudged as the first place winner of the 1 <>60 Rural Development con test in the counity. The announcement was made at the Awards banquet on Mon day night at the Olin Mathieson <3ki icst oo*TXwation. and a check for §200 was presented to the Eastatoe coirrjmnuity. The Cedlar Mountain commun ity, a winner in previous con tests in the county, won second place and was awarded $100.00. Pisgah Forest, top community last year, was third, and re ceived $50.00. Freemlan Hayes, chairman of the Transylvania board of com missioners, and Morris McGough, executive vice president of the Asheville Agricultural council, made the awards. The principal address of the .evening was made by R. W. “Bob” Long, specialist in com munity development from State college, Raleigh. Oounity Agent Jim Davis pre sided, and the invocation was by Rev. Dan Wallen. Introductions were by Randal J. Lyday, and some 90 persons attended the auspicious occasion. The Ea statoia community is now in the Western North Car dins Rural Development contest, and the awards will be made in Asheville on December 3rd. Cedar Mountain will represent Transylvania in a new division ot the WNC contest. Prizes will be offered in this category for the coirtmumity hav ing the best youth program. Winners in the other division of the Transylvania contest this year were ais follows: Community achievement book i —Turn To Page Six | Program Highlights Three Football Games To Be Aired On WPNF Three big Aritiball games are on tap IN a- -uhis weekend over WPNF, Bobby Hoyle, station manager, points oult. On Friday night the station willl air the Brevarrl-Enka game to hia played on the local field. Again on Saturday might the play-by-play crew will cover the Rodman-Hot Springs contest, al so from the Brevard field. Air time Friday niighit will be 7:15, and on Saturday night at 7:45 o’clock. Masons To Honor Seven Members Thursday Night Local Masons will pay special tribute to seven mdmlbers at a stated communication to be held in the Masonic temple on Thurs day night at 8:00 o’clock, it is announced by Herschel Townley, worshipful master. The following will be present ted 50-year lapel buttons and cer tificates for maintaining mem bership in a Masonic lodge for 50 years or more: Rev. Sign Blythe McCall, Luther Baxter Hamlin and Glitt Herbert Pax ton. 1 Others, who will receive the 25-year continuous membership certificates, are: Jason Huggins, Charles Carson Gibbs, Auburn —Turn To Page Seven , Mr. Hoyle also reminds the station’s sports fans that this Carolina-Tennessee galmte will be broadcast from Knoxville on Saturday afternoon, beginning at 1:45 o’clock. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home Hour is as follows: Thurs day, station program; Friday, A.S.C. office, Marvin Whitmire; Monday, county agent; Tuesday, Brevard vo-ag dept., Randal Ly d'ay; and, Wednesday, home agent. Appearing on the Civic hour are the following: Friday, Ro tary dub; Monday, Lions club; and, Wednesday, American Le gion auxiliary. Speaking this week on Morn nirng Devotions is Rev. John O’ Brien, pastor of this Sacred —Turn to Page Six Criminal Cases Are Being Tried In Superior Court, Civil Docket Next Saturday Is Last Day For Registration Tom Wilson, chairman of the Transylvania county board of elections, reminds all voters that Saturday is the last day to register for the General on November 8th. The books will be open from 9:00 a. m., until sunset, and the following Saturday will be challenge day. Mr. Wilson urges all new comers, persons who have be come 21 years of age since the last election and others who have moved from one pre cinct to another to be sure to check with the registrar and register this Saturday. "If there is any doubt in your mind whatsoever, please check with the precinct offic ials,” he requests. Coleman Wins Contest Carol Coleman, 6th grade student in Mrs. Pickelsimer’s room, won the first place rib bon in the Halloween Poster contest held at Brevard Elemen tary school. Patty Willis, of Mrs. Bagwell's 4th grade, won the second place ribbon. Mrs. R. J. Lombardo, art con test chairman of the PTA was in charge of the arrangements for the competition, The judges were Mrs. Donald H. Hill and Mrs. Ralph Palmer, assisted by Prof. Kenneth DuBodis of the Brevard College art department. First, second and third place ribbons were awarded in each room, and many of the winners •are now on display in the win dows of Brevard’s mlercbanits. Carol Coleman’s picture is at Austin’s Studio and Patty Willis’ is at Duke Power company. Blue ribbon winners and their grades are as follows: 1st grade, Paul Goldsmith; 2nd grade, Gary Allison, Martha and Nancy Ockrabs; 3rd grade, Charles Carr, David Carter, Cbistryl Seannell and Dick Strieker; 4th grade, Amelia Cox, Robert Riddle, Bill Siniard and Patty Willis; 5th —Turn to Page Six Big Halloween Event Is Planned October 31st At Rosman High By MRS. AUSTIN HOGSED The crowning of a Halloween king and queen will be one of the principal features of the Hal loween Carnival at Rosman high school next Monday night. Contestants, who will be com peting, will include: Jane Nich olson iand Jimmy Hall of the primary grades, Charlene Mit chell and Milton Whitmire of this elementary grades, Mary Ellen McKinney of the high school. Other attractions will include: pony rides, bottle galmies, ball game, guessing games, cake walks, fortune telling, grab bag, fish pond, and a costume parade. The food booth will open at 6:00 P. M. Mrs. Norris Berkshire is It was a busy week for the weathermen, as they recorded the season’s first sizeable frost early ‘last Friday morning, ac companied by the first freezing temperature of the fa'll. On Tuesday morning the mercury dipped down to 26 degrees. Pre cipitation totaled exactly one inch. Daily readings are as fol low: High 70 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 64 62 64 73 76 68 Low 49 53 32 37 40 39 26 Pre. .05 .95 0 0 0 0 0 C hairman wdltih Mrs. Boyce Whit mire as co-chairman. Luncheon Supper The Ladies Willing Workers band of the Bosnian Church of God is sponsoring a dinner Sat urday, beginning at 12:00 noon at the parsonage. Mrs. Bert Dodson, president, is in charge of the arrangements. Proceeds will he used for church projects. Boosters To Meet The Biosmain Boosters Club will mieet Tuesday night, Novem ber 1, at 7:30 pJmi. at the school according to an announcement —Turn To Page Six Fall Harvest Friday At Straus School Plans for thie Fail! Harvest supper, sponsored by the Straus School P-TA, were made alt the meeting last Tuesday night. This will be a baked ham sup per and will be served in the school cafeteria on Friday, Oc tober 28th, from 4:30 to 7:30. A tr^isistar radio will be given as’a door prize. The program at the meeting consisted of choral readings and songs fey the second and third grades. Parentis also visited their children’s classes for dis cussions with ithair teachers. Mis. Lyday’s third grade had the largest number of parents attending. TO HELP THE WORLD’S CHILDREN, black cats and goblins of all sizes will ring doorbells on Mon day night, October 31st, to “trick or treat” for UNICEF. From 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Transylvania children will fill their containers with pertnies, nickels and dimes to aid this worthy cause. TTie black cat pictured above is Leoiiard Monteith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Monteith. (Times Staff Photo) Halloween Goblins To Ring Doors For UNICEF Girl Stout Council Honors Founders This Saturday The Pisgah Girl Scout Council will “honor the past, slelrve the future” when it presents found ers of local troops in the 13 couinity area to Girl Scouts, Brownies, and adult volunteers at a Juliette Low Founder’s Day program at William Randolph School in Asheville at 2:00 o’ clock on Saturday, October 20th. Some 600 Girl Scouts are ex pected to attend, and scouts from each county represented will present pins to their found ers. Among those to he honored are Mrs. H. Harold Vogler, of Winston-Salem, formerly Miss Elizabeth Zachary of Brevard, who founded the first Girl Scout troop in Transylvania county in 1824. Miss Annette Patton was the first assistant, and Miss Bertie Ballard was also among the first adults working in girl scouting. Mi's. Spalding McIntosh, Jr., is currently preparing a history of Girl Scouting in Transylvania county, 'and asked that anyone who has any inforlmlation which might be useful to contact her. In checking the Girl Scout —Turn to Page Six Halloween goblins, witches, black cats, and skelters will be ningtaig doorbells in Transyl vania county on Monday eve ning, October 31st. Bint the “trick or treat” they will be seeking is not tihe tra ditional candy, guim, apples, and other goodies. For the first time, the young sters of Transylvania will be asking for contributions to UNICEF. This is the United Nations Children’s fund organ ization and it is appropriate tiiiait the children, of the United States are collecting money to aid less fortunate children in other parts of the world. The UNICEF program in Transylvania couty is a part of the United Nations Day obser vance, and Mrs. Wlallker M i liner is chairman. Church hells will ring at 7:00 o’clock Monday evening, calling all the Children to their various churches. There they will be given their UNICEF cartons and tags. From 7:00 to 8:30 o’clock, thy will collect money for this worthy cause, and them return to their churches to turn their cartons of money. Transylvanians are urged to be prepared when they answter the doorbell om Monday evening and hear “Trick or fataat for UNICEF.” * | Sanford Will Be At Local i Court House Sat. Morning Terry Sanford, Democratic gubernatorial candidate, will bring his campaign to Brevard this weekend. Party leaders said a largle turnout is expected when Mr. Sanford will appear here in the Brevard court house at 10:00 Saturday morning Mr. Sanford will discuss his views on schools, roads, indus try and other aspects of his pro gram for North Carolina, with special emphasis on the Moun tain region. All interested persons in Transylvania are cordially in vited to meet with (him at that time. Many local Democrats are also planning to hear Mr. San ford when he delivers an ad dress in the Hendersonville court house on Friday night at 8:00 o’clock. » - ■ - ■ . . TERRY SANFORD Jury Trials Are Now Underway, Verdicts Listed Many cases are being disposed of this week, as ttie critiutvC. slaJte of the October term of -Su perior court is being tried her* in the court house. The civil dock** will £(>Uo«> and Judge P. C. Frojieharger, of Gastonia, is presMng, with Leo nard Lowe, of Eoireet City, prax ecuting for the state Most of the court’s ituno -ae Monday was devoted tio siibrass sions, and jury trtels were heard oai Tuesday. As far as it was possible, Wednesday’s time was taken up with rioiveupport case*. When The Times went t© press, a jury was hearing the case of State Vsi Ronald Mor gan, who was changed with, speeding. Highlighting Tuesday oases were thiei ones of Howard Pat terson, J. Harold Pressley, Jeaaie McNedy and Joseph Kotmcfk Gravely. There were found guilty by a jirry, and the verdicts were: ?W terson, three to five yieers fat breaking and entering and 12 monte for larceny; Pressley, the same sentence; McNeeiy, two i ears; and, Gravely was pust at probation. Frank Harry Barton has re quested The Times to announce that he is not the Frank Barton —Turn to Page Six. WNC Engineers Club To Hold Guidance Day The Engineer’s Otafo otf West ern North Carolina is sponsoring its eighth aminulal Vocational Guidance D!ay on Thursday, Na vemiber 3, at Brevard Co®l«®a. Students interested in -eagim wring as a prctfasSian from seventy public and private high schools and junior colleges in the nine counties of BimootinSat, Haywood, Hondenson, Madison, McDowell, Polk, iRuttlfrerfard, Transylvania and Ylamcey are in vited to attend the program. Faculty members franc the se hood of Engineering «f North Carolina State College will pce sent the program. Faculty members from 'She School of Engineering of North Carolina State Oollegle will pre sent the program, dHpUatinra^ the requirements, costs, and re wards for entering engineering profession. At a general meteffing Tlfiure day unoming the students hcQ hear a panel discussion an tkt subject “Engineering ax a Career” led by Professor W. K. Adams. The panelislts, repraseot ing differenlt fields in the pr». fessdan, will include: PmfeSsanx W. W. Austin, E. G. ManmiSng CL R McCullough A W. FirtreB and C. G. Mumford. After the formal preaeWteSax of the infonnaldan, Students meet with panel ihekhbetra fox informal group discussions. Carnival Sef Monday At Pisgah Forest The annual HaUowdeta _ val sponsored by the Ffcfcair_ est ootnmunity cSUb win be MA on Monday, October 31st, i chib house. The food booth will 7:00 o’clock, end i wffl begin at 7:30 cording to Mrs. __ general atednrtam off Hie Bingo and other g; be played throughout . nig, and priaes wiN be , Highaigbting the «srn be the crowning <rf the ] queen. The public ie cordiaUy to attend. I Gavin Leads GOP Caravan j ! To Transylvania Saturday ] The Republican caravan, led by Robert L. Gavin, Republican candidate for Governor, will visit Brevard and Transylvania counity on Saturday, October 28th, at approximately 2:30 p. m. The Republican candidates for the state offices will be with Mr. Gavin. Included also will 'be Heinz Rollman, candidate for Congress from the 12th Con gressional District. Mr. Gavin and Mr. Rollman will make a short address from court bouse lawn. The Republican Caravan will stay in Brevard approximately 30 minutes and move on to Ashe ville 'by the way of Henderson ville. All Republicans are invited to 'go with the caravan to Ashe —Tom To Fife Ms ROBERT L. GAVIN

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