TRANSYLVANIA— Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1960 Census, 16,102. Brevard Community 8,500. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfall*. Mecca for Summer Gamp*. Entrance to Pisgfh na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol 71 — No. 46 SECOND CUSS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. €., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 * 18 PAGES TODAY ★ PRICE 7c PUBLISHED WEEKLY Brevard To Meet Reidsville In Triple-A Play-Off Friday Night In Asheville BREVARD’S BLUE DEVILS will face the Reidsville Golden Lions on Friday night in the Asheville Memorial stadium, with kick-off at 8:00 o’clock. A large crowd of Western North Carolina football fans is ex'pected to attend the big Triple-A play-off game. Members of the Brevard squad are pictured above, and on the front row, from left to right, are: David Phillips, Jim Fortune, Raymond Hipps, Don Mer rill, Jim Wilson, Larry Landreth, Butch Skerrett, Edwin Jones, Eddie Brotherton, Jerry Collins, and Tommy Stroup. 2nd row: Ronnie Whit mire, Jimmy Cauble, Charles Gillespie, Robert Newman, Jimmy Gar rett, John Matheson, Jim Wingate, Tommy Shuford, Mike Hendricks, Charles Stroup, Sam Hileman, Branley Owen, and Gerald Fanning. 3rd row: Jerry Ballard, J. L. McGaha, Danny Eubanks, Bob Pearce, Coach Cliff Brookshire, Denny Landreth, Mike Nicholson, Tuck Tucker, Bob Wickliff, Carl Collins, Coach Landon Deal, Charles Brad burn, Ralph Orr, Coach Paul Maultsby, Johnny Bradburn, Joe Rod gers, Kenny Smathers, Larry Jones and Jim McKelvin. (Times Staff Photo) Will Present Comedy Six weeks of rehearsals and preparation wil-l ibe culminated this weekend when 'the Brevard Little Theatre presents Samuel Spowack’s “Two Blind 'Mice”. "hider the direction of Ro broy Farqubar, this production marks the first of 'the 1960-61 season. ‘“Kao Blind Mice” will be giv en Thursday and Saturday nights in the Brevard College auditorium, with curtain time at 8:00'fe’elock. Due to the high interest in Friday night’s Triple-A play off football gainie between Bre vard and ReidsviHe, the perfor mance originally scheduled for Friday might will be 'given on Thursday night. This gay comedy which satir izes the government’s method of operation in Washington has a large cast, including the follow ing: Alice Pearce, liecis jvuaguire, Carol Fiaseonairo, Mike Masters, Jtoe Murphy, Smoky Johns, Susan Matthews, Joe Moran, Andy Brown, Lawrence Bauer, Ted Gamibal, Med EverimijSham, Fred Biywrj, Ernest Gridsttrap, Der woioff'ferown, and Ray Bur gin. Tbte ipublic is cordially invited toarclfend. Town Crews Busy Picking Up Leaves The Town of Brevard is con tinuing to pick up leaves with the Vacuum Leaf loader. Citizens are cautioned by Town Manger Tom Henry not to put anything other than leaves out for pick up at this time. Small lilrnlbs, trash and other Ob jects with the leaves would dam age the machine, and, therefore, cannot be picked up. Leaves for pick up should Ibe swept just off the curb. On Streets that aire not curbed, —Turn t« Page Ten CALENDAR OF dftMlNG EVENTS Thursday, November 17 — Ki wanis dub meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p-m. Humane So ciety meets with Mrs. Ralph Palmer at 8:00 p.m. ‘'Two Blind Mice” toy Brevard little Theatre in college auditorium at 8:00 pm Masons meet at Temple at 7:30 p..m. Friday, November 18 — Ace of dubs meets at 8:00 pm Saturday, November 18 — "Two Blind Mioe” by Brevard Little Theatre in college auditor —Turn to Page Ten PRINCIPAL FIGURES in the Bre vard Little Theatre production of Samuel Spewack’s “Two Blind Mice” are shown above in rehearsal. They are, left to right: Ernest Gilstrap, Su san Matthews, Mel Everingham and Mike Masters. The play will be pre sented Thursday and Saturday nights in the Brevard College auditorium. (Official Little Theatre Photo) Official Canvass Of Ballots In General Election Nov. 8 Held Last Thursday The official canvass of the ballots in the General Election on Noveimlber 8th in Transylvan ia counity was held last Thursday morning here in the court house. T. J. Wilson, chairman Of the Board of Elections, presided and he expressed sincere apprecia ion to all the registrars and judges in the various precincts. He also thanked The Tramsyl vania Times and WIPN1F for their cooperation in the 1960 election. The petition of Lewis P. Hamlin and Gene Ramsey, at torneys for Henry Pierson, the Republican candidate for tax collector, which asked that Mr. Pierson be declared the win ner in the race, was denied by —Turn to Page Ten Next Weekend Jaycees To Stage Second “Junior Classic” Tourney The second annual “Junior Classic” basketball tournament, the only one of its kind in West ern North Carolina, will he stag ed in Brevard next Friday and Saturday, November 25th and 26th, under the sponsorship of the Brevard layeees. “Chick” Martin, Brevard Col lege coach, who is 'heading the committee far the sponsoring organization, announces that in Rhyne To Be Heard At Union Thanksgiving Service, 23rd A union Thanksgiving service, sponsored by (the Transylvania County Ministerial association, will be held at 8:00 o’clock on Wednesday evening, November 23rd, at the Brevard Methodist church. The Rev. Alfred D. Rhyne, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, will de liver the message, and other participating ministers will be Rev. Courtney B. Rioss, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, Rev. Frederick Valentine, pastor of St. Philip’s Episcopal church, and Rev. James Bated* pastor of the Pisgah Forest Baptist —Tara To Page Fear REV. ALFRED RHYNE addition to his own tealm, the following junior colleges will participate din this two-day af fray; Lees-MCRae, Mars Hill and Sue Bennett of Kentucky. The name, “Junior Classic,” was adopted last year, not only because the Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsors the tourna ment, but also diue to the fact that all partieipaiting teams come from junior colleges. Last yearns event, which was worn by Brevard college, was declared a success by the spon sor, land all indications are that this year’s toumaiment will draw —Turn to Page Ten ! The Weather The weather continued cold and dry this week, as tow read ings averaged lees than 30 de grees, and daily highs averaged near the 60 degree mark. Only 30 of an inch of precipitation was recorded. Daily readings are os follow: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Pre. 53 28 0 50 39 .30 50 29 0 65 25 0 62 25 0 69 23 0 69 28 0 Transylvania Readies 1961 Goal Of $28,351 In United Fund Campaign Many Deer Hunting In the first half-day hunt on the Davidson River area in the Pisgah National Forest, hunters bagged seven deer and five bear. Tuesday, the first full day of hunting, four deer and one bear were killed, Ranger Ted Seely reports. Local hunters, who were suc cessful on Monday, were Harold Aikens and Willi aim Bentley, of Brevard, and Leroy Presley, of Pisgah Forest, who made deer kills. On Wednesday morning 785 hunters were checked through the Davidson river checking station and 475 entered the North Mills river station. First kill on Wednesday morn ing was an eight point, 170-pound buck, bagged by Richard Shep herd, of Pisgah Forest. The buck was brought down in D compartment in the Looking Glass creek area. Kills in all areas are expected to increase with colder weather this weekend, according to game protectors at the checking sta tions. Draft Board Is Seeking Addresses The local draft board, No. 89, is attempting to locate the following registrants in order to bring their Selective Ser vice records up-to-date. Any one knowing the current ad dress of any of these men is requested to notify the local board office in the post office building, telephone TU 3-4811. Ernest Smith, Jr., Ralph Jack Fisher, George Volney McCall, Jr., Larry Arthur Har ris, Jr., Jay Olan Owen, Jacob Wynn, Jr., Clinton Marvin Gal loway, Charles Furman Reid, Charles Harrison Zieglar, Les ter Edward Galloway. Larence Clinton McCall, Frank Junior Kilpatrick, Les ter O’Neal Fisher, Edward J. Leslie, John Boyd Mathis, Robert Kaywood Galloway, Harold London, Arnold Bly the, Howard Clevelin Stanley, William Moore, Robert Ben jamin, Charles Preston Smith, William Ele McKillop, George Boyce O’Shields, Nathan Wynn, Thomas deve Kitchen, Virlen Wood, William Hoyt Mathis, Panl Eugene Nkhol —Turn to Page Fine ALL FIRST GRADE STUDENTS in Transylvania county will be given the tuberculin skin test dur ing the current school year by the Transylvania Health Department in co-operation with the Tran sylvania TB Committee. Joye Summey daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summey, is pictured above getting her tuberculin test. Administering this test, which is one of the principal methods of detecting the presence of TB germs in the body, is Mrs. Paul Lollis, county health nurse. Awaiting his turn is Garry Justice, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Justice; and looking on is Joye’s younger sister, Paye. (Photo by Austin Studio) Plea Is Made Christmas Seal Letters Put In Mail This Week Local Group To Attend Area Rally Thursday A large delegation from Transylvania is expected to at tend the area rally, sponsored by the North Carolina Citizens Committee for Better Schools, in Asheville on Thursday after noon, beginning at 4:00 o’clock in Lee Edwards high school. Heading the local delegation will be Supt. Wayne Bradbum and Cecil J. Hill, the state rep resentative in the county. The public is invited to attend, and P-TA presidents, county com missioners, old and new, mem bers of the board of education and representatives of the press —-Turn to Pane Five More than 2,100 Christmas seal letters were delivered into the hemes of Transylvania county citizens this week. These letters, which tell Of the tuber culosis control work being dome in this county, were prepared for mailing Monday evening at the Brevard College cafeteria toy a group otf nineteen volunteers. The letters were stuffed, Seal ed, sorted and bundled for mail ing in little more than an hour and a half. Coffee was furnished the group by the college, which has generously offered its facilities for the preparation of the Christ mas Seel letters for the past three yeans. Many of the kitchen (person nel there are X-rayed and skin-testled yeainly through the joint program conducted by the county tuberculosis wmdMw and the health department. TOs —-Turn to Page Ten Coan Expresses Appreciation, Donors Listed The 1961 budget campiigh of Trans5’fvamia’|s UnSfed Fund has gone “over the hop” President Gil Coan announces today. Pledges and contrianitms Teaehed the gpal of $28,351.C0, early this week. Thffis figure u slightly under the goial «f last year, and Brevard becomes one of the first towns in North Car olina ito reach 100 per cent in its mew campaign. “We are indeed happy that our eiitiaans have responded so generously to the health and welfare needs of our commun ity,” President Ooen declared. This is the third time in the past five campaigns that Transyl vania has reached its goal. '‘Through this (tatted giving. our funds are spread mure equit ably to th© many worthwhile agencies than it ■would txi possi ble were we subjected to dozens oi separate drives throut^iout thie? year,” (the tpresfidenk oon tinueil Transylvania was able to reach its goal because of the splendid cooperation of ail thp industries and business houses dtf the town and county, coupled with pledges from citizens, J. M. Gaines, the campaign chairman reported to President Oean. It was poirrtad out that Tran sylvania is especially fortunate in having industries like Olin Miathieson Chemical corporation and the Du Pont silicon plant —Turn to Page Ten Prizes Awarded In Trade Festival Only two persons have claimed prizes in the third drawing of the Fall Trade Fes tival of the merchants com mittee of the Brevard chamber of commerce. Robert Miller, of 97 Chest nut street, Brevard, wan awarded $109.99, and Marilyn Townsend, ofroote 2, Brevard, was present at the drawing and received 59.99, pins a bon us of $25.99. Prizes, totaling $125.99, are unclaimed, and the numbers are: X029785 — $75.99; X9 3U18 — $25.99; and, X997729 — $25.09. Tickets holders have unto Nov. 22nd to claim the prize Jr Bobby Hoyle, chair of tin The next drawbm will ho bcM on Nov. 29th, in Mod "«««'» * *99 ST

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