TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1060 Census, 16,102. Brevard Community 8,900. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls. Mecca far Summer Camps. Entrance to Pisgah Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 71 — No. 48 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 ★ 20 PAGES TODAY * PRICE 7c PUBLISHED WEEKLY Thousands Turn Qut To See Beautiful Floats, Santa Claus, Bands, Beauty Queens SANTA CLAUS came to town last Thursday afternoon, and his arrival marked the opening of the I960 Christmas shopping season. He is pictured above riding atop the beautiful float behind his reindeers. In the center is Brevard’s Huddle Queen, Mary Lou Cantrell, and her chauffeur is Brevard’s football captain, Denny Landreth. At the right is the very Christmasy float sponsored by _ -«**. mmm •f s >» - the BPW, Jaycees, Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotarians. (Times Staff Photos) ■ Board Takes Action A number of ordinances were passed and reports heard at the regular meeting of the Town Board. Mayor B. H. Freeeman presided, and all aldermen, Jack Bryant, Roy Head, W. M. Mel ton, Mitch Neely and Mark Os borne, Town Manager Tom Hen ry, Town Attorney Cecil J. Hill, and Clerk-Treasurer Mrs. Opal King attended. Two ordinances dealing with the town dump were passed. One prohibits the strewing of garbage and trash arour •’ the dump r^cn. end refill: - "M. "‘i the garbage be placed on the j edge of the fill at the dump. The other ordinance requires that dead animals be placed in the trench provided and covered with dirt which will be left beside the trench. Failure to comply with these ordinances will subject the per son to prosecution resulting in a fine of up too $50.00 or 30 days or both. An ordinance was passed which requires all persons out side the city limits who are connected in any way to the town sewer system to report this fact to the town clerk or water clerk within 30 days, or be subject to prosecution for violation of the ordinances of the Town of Brevard. At the present time, a $1.50 , monthly sewer charge applies to all property outside the city limits which is connected to the town sewer system. A fine will also be imposed upon persons who give false in formation concerning this, and connections of those who fail to report will be removed from the sewer mains. Confirmation of street as sessments on the new street paving completed this year was —Turn to Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 8 — Brevard College Vs. Lees-McRae in col lege gym, 7:30 p.m. Jaycees meet with Mrs. Bill Norris at 7:30 p.m. Masons meet in tem ple at 8:00 o’clock. Friday, Dec. 9 — “Onions in the Stew” by Junior Class at Brevard Senior high school at 8:00 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 11 — Attend the church of your choice. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio by Brevard Civic Chorus and Asheville Symphony at Methodist church at 7:30 p. m. Lutherans to hold covered dish supper at Masonic Temple at 6:30 p., m. Monday, Dec. 12 — Rotary rinh meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Transylvania Shrine club meets at Berry’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13 — Brevard Vs. Owen, J.V. game at 5:30 p. m., Girls game at 7:00 p. m., Boys game at 8:00 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 14 — Mal lonee to visit court house 2:30 4:30 p. m. Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p. m. BPW meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p. m. TRANSYLVANIA’S EASTATOE community tied for second place in the 1960 Rural Development program in Western North Carolina. President Elmo Qrowe is pictured above at the. right receiving the plague and a check for $350.00 from W. S. Burns, president of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. Eastatoe also received $100.00 for planting more pine seed lings than any other WNC commun ity during the past year. (Times Staff Photo) Blue Devils Saluted On Being Football Champions Of State By THE EDITOR Brevard football fans are still all agog over the Blue Devils winning the North Carolina AAA high school football cham pionship, in the final game with Rockingham last Friday night at Asheville. See pictures and story of game on the front page of the second section. Also, sports column. Students at Brevard senior high school gave Coach Cliff Brookshire a thunderous, stand ing ovation in assembly Monday morning, and then in a modest manner, he paid high tribute to the other coaches, school offic ials, students, the band, the cheerleaders and the citizens in the community for their won derful support. Captain Denny Landreth pre sented the state trophy to Prin cipal Robert T. Kimzey, who said the occasion gave him the most thrilling experience in his long school career. The captain also described Coach Brookshire as the great est coach he has ever known. Members of the football team sat on the stage with the cap tains, the coaches and the prin cipal and were recognized. Great Play-Off Although the Blue Devils went through the regular sea son undefeated, they were even —Turn tt Page Seven Receives Two Awards Eastatoe Community Ties For Second In WNC Contest By tying for second place in Western North Carolina Rural Development competition last Saturday at Asheville, Eastatoe kept Transylvania in the “top three” for the past seven years. President Elmo Crowe accept ed the prize money of $360.00 on behalf of the community, while a delegation of more than 50 Transylvanians loudly ap plauded. Eastatoe was also cited for its forestry achievement in a special $100.00 award which was given by the Champion Paper and Fi bre company. The awards were presented by W. S. Burns, president of the Asheville Chamber of Com merce. The principal speaker was Karl R. Bendetsen, president of Champion Paper and Fibre com pany, who cautioned against the “don’t care attitude of a sick so ciety”. There are 130 families in the Eastatoe community and 114 of them participated in the pro gram. Twelve new houses were built, and 31 were remodeled. 32 —Turn to Page Six Bach's Christmas Oratorio Will Be Presented Here On Sunday Bach’s Christmas Oratorio will be presented by the Bre vard Civic Chorus and the Ashe ville Symphony Sunday, De cember 11th, at 7:30 p. m. in the Brevard Methodist church. Soloists for the occasion will be Gloria Sanders, soprano; Ruth Hunter, alto; Lloyd Bur hans, tenor and Harvey H. Mil ler, Jr., bass. M. Thomas Cous ins will direct the chorus and orchestra while Nelson F. Adams will serve as organist. This special program of Christ mas music is presented in co operation with the Transylvania Ministerial association and the public is most cordially invit ed to attend. 12,000 See Big Christmas Parade, Business Brisk, Drawing Dec 15 Santa Returns To Brevard Each Weekend The merchants division of the chamber of commerce held a committee meeting on Tuesday night to finalize plans for the holiday activities in Brevard. In altering praise to the var ious committees, it was unamin ously agreed that the .iew Christ mas lighting system in Brevard is a vast improvement over for mer year’s lights. Also, that last week’s parade was the fin est ever held here. The Santa Claus committee re ported that Santa’s headquarters have been erected on the court house lawn, in front of the li brary, and that Santa will be available at his new house each Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons from 4:00 until 5:00 o’clock p.m., to greet his many little friends. The trade festival committee announced that to assure full success to this years event, a four-day extension is being ef fected, in order to give custo mers four additional days to col lect the valuable trade tickets as they do their Christmas shopping. The final drawing will be held at 10:00 o’clock a.m. on Thursday, December 15, at the same location on West Main Street. The merchants also agreed —Turn to Page Twelve Help Fight TB Use Christinas Set SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS Bloodmobile Returns To Brevard, 13th The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will visit Brevard on Tuesday, Dec. 13th. According to Robert T. Gash, the chairman of the blood pro gram in Transylvania county, the need for blood is urgent, and it grows increasingly worse during holidays. The bloodmobile will set up in the Pickelsimer-Ramseur build ing, adjacent to Pat’s cancella tion shoe store. The hours will be from 1:00 until 6:00 p.m. Persons desiring to pledge a pint of blood prior to next Tues day can call TUrner 24811 or 3-2651. EYE BANK STARTED — The Brevard Lions club has formulated plans for a local eye bank, and the committee launching the campaign here to se cure pledges of their eyes is pictured above. Robert L. Daniels, the chairman, is seated, and Jack Hudson is left, with Robert T. Gash at the right. Persons desiring to pledge can contact their lawyer or one of the committee members. (Times Staff Photo) Cars Being Stopped Highway Patrol Adopts Saturation Safety Program Two Antlerless Deer Hunts Set Next Week Two antlerless deer hunts are scheduled next week in the Pis gah National Forest, Ranger Ted Seely annouces. The first will be held on Mon day, Dec. 12th, beginning at 2:00 p.m. The second is slated on the following day, Dec. 13th, and hunting will begin at 12 noon, the ranger reports. --- A saturation safety program is being conducted in Brevard and Transylvania county during the month of December by the North Carolina Highway patrol, Pfc. Bill Sawyer annouces today. As a part of this selective en forcement, at least one vehicle will be stopped every 15 min utes. Driver’s license will be ex amined, along with the registra tion card of the owner, and also all faulty equipment will be checked. All roads and highways in the town and county will be patroll ed, and the primary purpose of the saturation safety program, Patrolman Sawyer says, is to cut down on the accidents and deaths during the worst driving —Turn to Page Six Program Highlights Orr Gives Talk On History Of County On WPNF Friday A special talk on the history of Transylvania county will be presented over station WPNF on Friday afternoon at 5:30 o’ clock p.m. As Oliver H. Orr, past presi dent of the Transylvania His torical association addressed the meeting of the Methodist Men’s Club on Tuesday night, a radio recording was made for! broadcast at this more con venient hour, Bobby Hoyle, sta tion manager announces. l