I TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, I960 Census, 16,102. Brevard Community 8,500. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls Mecca for Summer Camp*. Entrance to Pisgab Na tional Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival Vol. 71 — No. 52 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29,1960 ★ 20 PAGES TODAY * PRICE 7c PUBLISHED WEEKLY TWO NEW CHURCHES in Tran sylvania county have completed units in their building programs and held the first services in them. The Luther an Church of the Good Shepherd chapel is pictured in the top photo graph, and a special Christmas ser vice was held last Saturday evening. Rev. Alfred D. Rhyne is the pastor. In the bottom photo is shown the new Temiple Baptist church where the first services were held last Sunday morning, with pastor, Rev. George Julian, in charge. (Times Staff Photos) Tax Listing In Transylvania Will Begin Tuesday, Books In Townships Tax listing begins in Tran sylvania county next Tuesday, January 3rd, Lewis Osborne, the tax supervisor, announces. A list of the various polling places in the county are carried on page four, second section, of this week’s Times. Taxes can be listed in the var ious townships through January 10th, and after that time the books will be here in the court house. Mfc.'Osborne urges all persons to lijpt before February 4th, as a paflialty is imposed after that The classifications on which tax liability must be filed are: 1. Real estate and tangible personal property owned on Jan uary 1, 1961. 2. Poll tax on all males be tween 21 and 50 on January 1. 3. Dogs more than six months old on January 1st. 4. Farm reports. The Transylvania tax listers for 1961 are as follows: Brevard — Miss Avarie Glaze ner Boyd — Mrs. Virginia Pittillo —Turn to Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, December 29th— Public installation of Masonic officers at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 30th — An nual teenage Dance at Olin Mathieson at 8:30 p. m. Saturday, December 31st — Brev^jl Vs. Rosman in Bre vard afgh school gym.. Dance and breakfast at Elks Lodge. Dance at American Legion Building at 9:00 p. m. Sunday, January 1st—New Year’s Day. Attend the church of your choice. Monday, January 2nd — Hol ! iday in town and county. Town [ and county offices closed.. | School reopens. Tuesday, January 3rd — Li : cense tags go on sale at 9:00 j a. m. Ace of Clubs meets at j 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, January 4th— Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p. m. WOW meets in Woodman Hall at 8:00 p. m. timi Opens On 30th Jurors Are Called For January-February Court Jurors for the January-Febru ary term of Superior Court in Transylvania county have been drawn and are announced today by Marvin McCall, clerk of Su perior Court. The first week of court, which will open on Monday, January 30th, will be for the trial of civil cases, while the second week is a criminal term. Judge W. K. McLean, of Ashe ville, will hear the civil docket, and Judge Francis O. Clarkson, of Charlotte, will preside over the criminal docket. Called to serve the first week are the following: Dewey M. Burns, Theodore Gambol, Nathan Passmore, Mrs. D. Guy Dean, Jr„ Carl Bruce Baynard, Elizabeth White, Mrs. T. H. Hart, H. G. Rogers, Jr., W. T. Simpson, Myrtle Cash, Charles H. Ziegler, Robert Owen, Mrs. A. Ream, S. R. Har rington, Virgil A. Ramsey, Mrs. Robert Ryan, Martha Sellers, Glover Sentelle, Mrs. .Austin G. Baker, D. C. Stanley, Clifford W. Frady, Mrs. Neal Hamilton, Mrs. George Hamlin Bishop, Dean Brownell, Clyde R. Sit ton, Hall L. Owen, Henry C. Bell, B. C. Grogan, Orville Long, and Horace DeBord. Jurors for the second week include the following: Charles Newton, Robert Byrd, Jack C, Fenwick, John Merrill, Curtis Banther, Ross Wilson, Estes Hall, Mrs. Mark T. Os borne, Paul McKinney, John Wiley Boggs, John H. Gold berger, N. A. Miller, Mrs. W. M. Melton, Wolfgang Selle, Clif ford Raxter, Melvin Mills, Mrs. G. Carl Bryson, C. C. Gibbs, William T. Bryson, Lee C. Lynch, R. V. Owen, Charles Kel ley, Robert Wade Scruggs, Cleo Mackey, Mrs. Pat Poor, R. G. Eason, Jr., G. B. Burrell, Mrs. Leroy I^ackley, Ansel Merrill, Mrs. Paul Stroup, Edward H. —Turn to Page Twelve New Post Office Will Be Built At Pisgah Forest Postmaster General Arthur E | Summerfield announces today j that a new post office has been j authorized for Plsgah Forest, j which coincides with the option-1 ing by Post Office Department I Regional officials of a site meet , ing departmental requirements : as to cost, area and location. Postmaster General Summer field said: “This new and modern postal facility will be constructed len der the Post Office Depart-1 ment’s Commercial Leasing pro gram, which utilizes the resourc es and investment funds of pri vate enterprise to obtain need ed postal buildings.” The new post office at Pisgah —Tom to Page Seven A. E. SUMMERfTELD Holiday Reported As Quiet The 1960 Christmas holidays were quietly observed in Bre vard and Transylvania county and were marred only by one accidental drowning and one traffic accident. Local officers reported that it was one of the “quietest” holidays ever in the town and county. Monday afternoon the body of Span F. Tinsley was dis covered in the French Broad river near the Greenville high way. He was believed to have accidently fallen into the icy waters Sunday afternoon while hunting. According to Patrolman Charles Capell, one accident was reported on Transylvania highways. It occured when a ’55 Mercury slid out of con trol on the ice near the White Pines camp on US 276 just be fore midnight Sunday. Driven by William Rogers, the car is reported to have skidded on the sheet of ice for some 150 feet and then plung ed down an embankment. Mr. Rogers suffered slight injur ies and a passenger was unin jured. The car was a total loss. Since Christmas fell on Sun day, the following day was al so observed as a holiday, with stores, town and county offices being closed. New Masonic Officers To Be Installed Everything is in readiness for the public installation of the newly elected and appointed of ficers for Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge, which will take place in the temple on East Main street beginning at 8:00 o’clock, Thurs day, December 29th it has been announced by Herschel Town ley, the retiring master. The new elected officers to be installed are: H. C. Gardner, Worshipful master; Arthur H. Jenkns, Senior warden; J. C. Cassell, Jr., Junior war den; W. A. Hart, past master, treasurer; Henry R. Henderson, past master, secretary. The following officers were appointed by the incoming mas ter: Harvey Souther, senior dea con; W. O. Morris, junior deacon; Charles Peevy, senior steward; Thomas Earl Payne, Jr., jun ior steward; F. M. McCall, Jr., tyler; and Gene Palmer, chaplain. Theodore L. McCrary, past master, will serve as installing —Turn to Page Twelve Transylvanians To Ring In New Year, Monday W ill Be A Holiday That the New Year will prove an impor tant milestone in America's forward march toward a better life for all its people and to ward a lasting peace with justice throughout the world is our confident expectation. That the New Year will richly reward all our friends ;n achievement, health and hap piness is our sircerest wish. The Entire Staff and Management The Transylvania Times Sale Of 1961 License Tags BeginsTuesday New 1961 auto and truck li cense plates will go on sale here Tuesday morning at the office of the Carolina Motor club at the L & H Appliance company, Mrs. Rosa Norwood, the man ager, announces today. The hours of the sale will be from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and —Turn to Page Twelve Report Says Close Check To Be Made On Tax Returns Of Citizens How closely will the Fed eral income tax reports of Transylvania county residents be scanned this year? More closely than before, according to information trickling out of the Treasury Department. Not just theirs — every one’s. To be given special scrutiny will be the reports in which taxpayers itemize their personal deductions. If these deductions, cover ing contributions, interest charges, taxes and medical costs, go beyond certain points, beware. They will be caught by the gimlet eye of the examiner and the entire {■JiimiiiiMiHHiiuiiiiitiitiimiiiMiimimiMiiMiMifr I The Weather i = I ... Temperatures took a dive downward this week, as the mer cury dipped to two degrees above zero on Tuesday night, followed by several nights of sub-freez ing weather. A few light snow flurries were recorded this week. Daily readings are as follows: High Low Pre. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 40 24 26 2 35 6 40 15 52 16 56 20 54 25 .25 0 0 T 0 0 0 j report be set aside for ' thorough review. The taxpay er may be called in to justify the amounts. Where are those certain points? A study made by the Research Institute of Ameri ca, a private business advisory organization, shows what they are for various income levels. They were determined through data on the subject —Turn to Page Six Seeks Members, Junior Police An appeal is issued today by Police Chief W. S. “Bill” Thurs ton for new members of the Junior Police club. Any boy between the ages of seven and 16 years of age who wishes to join the club may. do so simply by coming to any meeting. Meetings are held at 1:00 o’clock each Saturday af ternoon at the Army Reserve center on East French Broad street. The club is currently spon soring a scrap paper drive, in order to raise funds to help pay for a movie projector. Citizens are asked to call the police station requesting pick —Tarn to Page Sevan Largest Yet Ballots Of Commerce Body For New Directors In Mail First Baby Born In County Gets Valuable Prizes A number of valuable gifts are awaiting the first white baby born in Transylvania county in 1961 and reported to the Tran sylvania Times. These gifts are being offered by a number of Brevard mer chants who are participating in I the annual Baby Derby. All priz I es must be called for within 30 days after the closing date of the derby, Jan. 4. Complete details on the Times derby can be found on page seven, second section of this week’s Times. Among the prizes being given are a Johnson’s baby kit, from Varner’s Drug store; two theatre passes, good for a month, from the Co-Ed theatre; a two-weeks supply of Sealtest milk from Sealtest Dairies; a portrait of the baby, when he or she is six —Turn to Page Six Ballots for directors of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce have gone in the mails, and Charles F. Himes, the president, requests that they be returned by January 10th. They will be tabulated that evening at a meeting in the li brary, and the 25 persons re ceiving the highest number of votes will serve as directors dur ing the New Year. New officers will be elected from the board at a special call meeting on Tuesday night, January 17th. Containing 212 names, with the firms, professions or indus tries represented, the ballot is the largest in the history of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce. Last year’s list contained 206 names. The president emphasizes that only paid up members are listed on the ballot. Also inclosed with the ballot ! was a list of the membership, and President Himes urges all members to note with interest the names of the persons who support and promote the com —Turn to Page Twelve Program Highlights WPNF Will Carry Dixie Classic Beginning Thursday Following the holiday recess, the nation’s basketball games resume this weekend, and radio station WPNF will air them, be ginning with the famed Dixie Classic tournament from Ral eigh. The Classic games begin on Thursday, with two afternoon games and two night games daily, through Saturday. Ray Reeve and Bill Currie will handle play-by-play on the To bacco Sports Network, and all WPNF sports fans are urged to hear them. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, Carolina news; Friday, A.S.C., Marvin Whitmire; Monday, county agent; Tuesday, Brevard Vo-Ag dept., Randal J. Lyday; and, Wednesday, home agent. Appearing on the Civic Hour are the following; Friday, Bre. -Turn To Page Mi Several Dances Slated Schools Open January . Alter a good Christmas business and a successful I960* Brevard merchants are caut iously confident and hovctst far another good year in 1SCX. Generally, business was some better during the past year with the merchants, and according to the collections of sales and use taxes, business as a whole was “up” in Brevard and Transylvan ia county. Officials of the Brevs Chamber of Commence ha already launched a campaf to get more of the tonrist d» lar in the community, which is recognized as a vacationer's paradise. With the New Year beginning on Sunday, the following day, Monday, will also be observed as a holiday. Schools, however, will re open on Monday, January 2nd. A number of New Year’s cele brations have been planned in Brevard for Saturday night. A dance will be staged at the Amer ican Legion building, with danc ing beginning at 9:00 o’clock.. Music for the .occasion wil’ furnished by “The Contic a Is”, of Greenville, S. C., ana the public is cordially invited to attend. Brevard Elks will celebrate the arrival of a New Year with a dance Saturday night with music to be furnished br Bowling and-his orchestra.' breakfast wilf be served . lowing the dance. Teenagers lh tl*e comma will enjoy a dance in the caf eteria Ot Olin Mathieson Chemi j cal corporation on Friday even ■ tng, with dancing beginning at j.30 o’clock. The annual dance js sponsored by Olin Mathieson for the students whose parents are employed at the Pisgah For est plant. To Clean Up. Next Week Town crews will make a spec ial effort to clean np Brevard during the first Week in Jan uary, according to Town Man ager Tom Henry, Since Monday is a legal hoB-. day, it is suggested that people use this day off to. clean around their premises and undergrowth on vacant lots. Town maintenance crews have a holiday on Monday, several crews will pick up garb age on Tuesday, January 3rd. Brush and trash will be picked up Tuesday through Friday, and citizens are asked to place trash along the side of the street. Leaves Will also be picked op through Friday, January 6th, and this will be the last time this winter that the Vacuum Leaf Loader will be used. After this week leaves must be place in suitable containers Citizens -Turn to Page Sts Commissioners, Town Board To Meet Tuesday The first meeting of tfie r year of the County Commissi,... ers will be held on Tuesday, Jan uary 3rd, at 8:00 o’clock, accord ing to R. M. Boyd, chairman. Originally set for Monday, the meeting was changed to Tuesday because of the holiday ohse*-»~ ance. Meetings of the CommissK.. ers have been set for the first* Monday at 8:00 o’clock. Theee were changed from the original time in order to give a greater number of people a chance to meet with Commissioners, nr, Boyd stated. The meeting of the Ti Board of Aldermen, usually t on Monday evening, wfP be held on Tuesday, Jai.t 3rd, because of the holiday ob servance.