TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 19G0 Census, 16,372 Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B C. Newspaper ★ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 PRICE 10 " * 24 PAGES TODAY * TRANSYLVANIA— | The Land of Waterfall*. 1 Mecca for Summer C&up*, I Entrance to Pisgafi Nfc- * tional Forest rnd Home of j Brevard Music Festival *Vol. 72 — No. 48 'IECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES tUTHORIZEO AT BREVARD. N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Do Your Christmas Shopping Early, Santa Opens Yule Season In Brevard Today j Mayor, Police Busy A look at the records at the city hall reveals that Mayor B. W. Thomason and the Brevard polite department have been busy since he took office on May 2nd of this year. In all, there have been 426 persons brought in for trial. A total of 172 persons has ^.been tried for public drunken *ness in Mayor’s court during the past seven months, and 40 have appeared before Mr. Thomason for drunk driving. Violation of the prohibition Jaw comes next with 29 being Arrested on this charge. Some 27 persons were nab bed for operating a vehicle with improper muffle, and 26 were brought in for disorderly conduct. Speeding charges totaled 22, and there were 19 other viola tions of general traffic regula tions. Reckless driving charg es have been brought against 12. Various other charges were brpught against the remaind er. Thanksgiving Was Quiet Thanksgiving was quietly ob served in Brevard and Transyl vania county last Thursday. The holiday was marked with tfamily gatherings. According to law enforcement officers, the day was extremely quiet, and there were no major 'Cccidents reported. Stores, town and county of fices were closed, and the schools had a holiday both on Thursday and Friday. The local holiday observance began in Brevard last Wednes day night with a Union service at the First Baptist church with Rev. Ben Ormand delivering the Thanksgiving mesage. ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL LETTER TODAY “ ‘1%1 21 SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, November 30 — Christmas Parade at 4:45 p.m. Free pickup of trash in Brevard this weekend. Friday, December 1 — Scout appreciation dinner at Presby terian church Fellowship hall vat 6:30 p.m Ace of Clubs meets "®at 8:C0 p.m. Saturday, December 2 — St. Philip's Christmas Bazaar at Ma sonic Temple from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p m. Sunday. December 3 — Attend the church of your choice. Sing ing at Court House at 2:00 n.m. Elks Memorial Service at Lodge at 2:30 p.m. Monday, December 4 — Jury trials in county court begin at -9:30 a.m. Diabetic screenin'1 clinic at Health Center from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Rotary club meets at 7:00 n.m, at Gaither’s. Town Board meets at 7:30 p.m. County Commlsloners meet at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 9 — Ace oi Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. East —Turn To Page Firs THE CIVIL AIR PATROL is this weak celebrating its 20th anniver sary, and Mayor B. W. Thomson is shown above signing a proclamation, proclaiming the event in Brevard. Members of the local squadron be hind him, from left to right, are: Sgt. j Jimmy Kellaiy Lt. Ted Rhinehart, Cart. F. W. Lucas, the commanding officer, and Capt. Ed Conley. More pictures and stories are carried on the front of the second section of this week’s Times. (Times Staff Photo) Jury Trials Are Slated In The General County Court Monday A ml: "1 term is scheduled next wee., in the new General County ct.uf t. and jury trials are on the ticket. According t:> Marvin McCall, clerk of the court and also Su perior court, the court will open at 9:30 Monday morning here in the court house. He reminds the jurors who have been called to be in court room at that time. In addition to the jury trials, a number of submissions will be heard. Jurors called to serve during the week are: Mrs. Fred M. King Glenn Shipman, John B. Guil liams, William Osteen, Ray M Winchester, Mrs. Robert Mer rill, J. H. Mellwain, Otis Gay nard Morgan, O. H. Bryson, Jr. T. J. McCall, Mrs. W. G. Hoop er, Sr., Carl Compton, F. L. Cans lev, J. T. Reid, Warren Hensley James Wulpi, Willie Tinsley Mrs. Fred Bumgardner, Mrs Margaret Surrette and Jack Hogsed. The following verdicts were handed down in the past two sessions of the general County court: The following persons, charg ed with speeding, and their fines are: Henry Carl Barnett, $10 and —Turn to Page Fiv. Wearing Of Centennial l ies Urged Mrs Mary Jane McCrary, chair hiah of the Transylvania Histor ical commision, urges all citi zens to wear centennial bow ties in the parade on Tint .-day and also for remainder of the year They can be purchased at The Times office for $100. She also requests that persons having centennial costumes to wear them in the parade Thurs day. Free Pickup Of Trash I This Weekend | This weekend will be the weekend for free pickup of brush and trash, Bill Edens, town manager, announces. Persons desiring to have a pickup made at their residences or businesses are asked to call the City Hail, TUmer 2-4911. Annual Scout Appreciation Dinner Slated Friday Night me annual appreciation din ner for the Transylvania Dis trict of Boy Scouts will be held on Friday evening, December 1st, at 6:30 o’clock, in the Fel lowship Hall of the Brevard Davidson River Presbyterian church. The dinner is held annual ly in honor of unit leaders in scenting. Special recognition will be given to outstanding leaders during the past year. Thomas R, Mitchell, chair man of the Transylvania Dis trict, announces that J. M. Baley, Jr., of Asheville, vice president of the Daniel Boone Council, will be the guest speaker. Robert Warner, newly ap pointed District Scout execu tive, will be introduced at this meeting. Gigantic Christma s Parade Set For Thursday Afternoon At 4:45 O'clock Winter Arrives j As Mercury j Drops To 17 j vos ' in Brevard Wed day morning. In fact, the mercury dropped to 17, the lowest it has been this fall. On the 21st it was 1!) degrees. A1 Martin, the official weatherman at the weather station at W’PNF, predicted that a low of 20 would be re corded Thursday morning. Last winter the coldest day was January 22nd, When it was down to zero. On Dec. 22nd it was two above. “Button up your overcoat!” Baptist Training Union To Hold M Night Monday A special “M” night program ?ar the Transylvania Associa hsn B: plist Training Union will he held si ,(7:30 o’clock on Mon thly, December 4!h, at the Grace Pap-Mst church, T’-f'. th'cme of the evening will : '! 'ftgthen and Strengthen.” and the program will include features by Truey Di’ls and James Stribling, and a film strip. Rev. Earl Payne, pastor of the Glatly Branch Baptist church, will deliver the closing message. All members of the Transyl vania association BTU are urged to attend. j The Weather | i 'i ke weatherman is promising generally fair weather with con tinued cold temperatures through today, with colder read ings expected 'tomorrow. Al though there will be occasional periods of cloudiness, the sun shine should prevail as the dom inant factor in today’s parade weather. Readings for the past week include: High Low Pre. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 53 22 0 53 42 2.82 58 41 .03 62 25 0 58 27 0 63 39 0 57 30 .03 OLE SANTA CLAUS will come to Brevard Thursday afternoon, and he will be the highlight attraction of a gigantic 'parade, beginning at 4:45 o’clock. He will have candy for his little friends, and the event will signal the opening of the 1961 Christmas season. Mrs. Robbie Gay Sledge, parade chairman invites all citizens of this and surrounding areas to attend. Annual Event Jaycees Finalizing Plans To Spread Cheer To Kids THE BIG SATELLITE TRACKING STATION, which will soon be constructed in the Pisgah National Forest, will be similar to the one pictured above that is located in Fairbanks, Alaska. This multi-million dollar construction will be located above Ros man in the Glassmine Mountain section of Pisgah. The site will include 640 acres which were acquired through cooperation of the U. S. Forest Service. Only 40 acres, however, will be used in the initial construction. - Final plans for their annual Christmas party and shopping tour for underprivileged chil dren were discussed by the Bre vard Jaycees at their last regu lf r meeting. Dan Gilbert, chairman of the event, announced that it would be held on Thursday, December 21st, in the Brevard junior high school cafeteria. The shopping tour and party ■re eagerly awaited each year l'y the Jaycees and Jaycettes. A Jaycre couple takes some de serving boy or girl Christmas shopping for gifts for every Entries Indude Some 30 Units And Three Bands „ Everything is in readiness ior the gigantic Christinas parade in Brevard Thursday afternoon, November 30th 3 4:45, o'clock. The pg-nutp^- which i» being described as the biggest and best that Brevard has ever had, ■WIl begin forming on trace '’.Tain street, move across the square to Caldwell, turn . left down Caldwell to Oakdale, turn left and move to Broad turn left and move up Broad, across the square to Brevard college, where it will disband More than 30 units will make up the parade, including many professional floats, beauty queens, the Brevard, Cant®® and Hendersonville bands: Workmen are now busy m sifalling Christmas lights \n the business district of Brevard, and they Will tie turned on as the parade marches up the street. Santa Claus will come to town atop the biggest float in in the group, and he will have candy for all his little friends. immediately following tfe* parade in front of the court, house, a Christmas concert will be presented by the three high school bands, and the story of Christinas will be nar rated by Rev Courtney Rosa. Brevard merchants remind everyone that all Brevard stores will close from 4:30 p. m. until 5:30 p. m , then they will remain open until 3.-00 p. m. for the convenience of shop pers attending the parade. The merchants also wish to» announce that all stores tn Brevard will be open all «by on Wednesday until Christmas. Elks Will Hold Memorial Service Sunday; Brevard Elks wil 1 hotel a Me morial service for deceased mem bers members on Sunday after neon at 2:30 o’dock. Don Stoneback will be in charge of the program. Exalted Ruler Gene Morris in vites the nubile to attend the service, and he especially urges all members of the lodge to be present The lodge is located just off Park avenue. member o-f the child's family. Gifts and clothing are then purchased for the child itself by the Jaycees and Jaycettes, and, the entire affair is climaxed' when Santa Claus comes and distributes gifts while everyone enjoys refreshments at the big Christmas party. Some 45 deserving boys and "iris will be brought to the par ty this year by the Jaycees and: Taycottes, and Santa will get tos — Turn to Page Five Voo-ram Hifirhlifirhts WPNF Covers Santa's Arrival Basketball Broadcasts Begin naaio station WPNF is mak ing plans to broadcast the 1961 Christmas Parade from down town Brevard, according to A1 Martin, station manager. Two units are being planned in order to give more adequate coverage The broadcast is being present ed as a public service to those persons who could not attend the event by Citizen’s Telephone company and the local station. In addition to live ooverage of Santa’s arrival in Brevard ttdi afternoon, WPNF is negotiate with Santa’s Pn»