TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational* Agricultural and Music Center. Popula tion, 1900 Census, 16,372 Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 72 — No. 50 SECOND CUSS MAIL RRIVILEOES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 PRICE 10c * 24 PAGES TODAY * TRANSYLVANIA— | The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca -for Summer Camps, ' Entrance to Pisgah Na ' tional Forest *nd Home of I Brevard Music Festival. PUBLISHED WEEKLY *9 WOODROW W. JONES, center, Prominent Rutherfordton lawyer, de livered an inspiring address at the last regular meeting of the Brevard Kiwanis club. He was introduced by Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., Brevard at torney, right, and President Jim Wil lis, left, presided over the meeting. (Times Staff Photo) Nine Inches Of Rainfall Causes Flooding Conditions In County Niue inches of rainfall in Brevard and Transylvania on Monday and Tuesday sent streams and rivers out of their banks and flooded the bottom lands in the county. Since many of the secondary roads were closed because of the high water, schools in dis trict one were recessed at noon on Tuesday. The Greenville highway was also closed. * While no major damages were reported, there were hundreds of flooded' base ments, leaking roofs and lan* Glides along many of the roads. Also, some 65 head of cattle were isolated on an island near Wilson’s bridge, and the local rescue squad was called out. With the use of boats, they led them to safety. Some 13 head were also rescued on the Osborne farm, according to officials of the rescue squad. Late Tuesday afternoon they were called out again to help locate two youths in aboatin the flooded area opposite Sap phire Manor on the Greenville highway. The boys were found and were safe and unharmed. The flooding began to re cede early Wednesday morn .ing with the moving of a cold 'front into the area. At 6:00 o’clock the temper ature was 39 degrees, but by OHIO a.m., Wednesday, tt had dropped to just above freezing and the skies cleared. _ CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, December 14 — BPW meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 15 — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p m. Bre vard Wind Ensemble concert at Brevard College auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Brevard Junior class play at high school auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, December 16 — VFW Awards Party at 8:00 p.m. f Sunday, December 17 — At tend the church of your choice Monday, December 18 — Carol Sing on Court House lawn at 6:00 p.m. Rotary Club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Humane Society meets at home of Mrs. Don Hill at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 19 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Bre vard Vs. Valley Springs at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p m. Elks Dance at American Legion Building at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 20 — Christmas program at Brevard Senior high school at 2:30 p.m. Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. Annual meeting of United Fund at Gaither’s at 7:30 p m. WOW meets in Woodman HeQ at 8:00 pan. BfiMjftlfrftrtiilfti* *i ‘'jf - ilfir • 1962 Looks Good Important Groups Will Hold Meets In Brevard Directors of the Brevard! Chamber of Commerce were' informed at their regular month ly meeting Tuesday night that two important groups had ac cepted im tations to hold spring meetings here in Brevard. The Blue Ridge Parkway association f will meet here in March, and the Western North Carolina As sociated Communities will meet here in April. The annual report from the Transylvania Community hos pital was given by R. F. Bennett, chairman of the board of trus tees of the hospital. Mr. Bennett summarized his report by saying that the hos pital has had the best year in its history. He praised the hos pital staff and administrator, John Bailey, for making this possible. A final drive to secure new and renewal members will con Hudson Is New President Of Bar Association John R. “Jack” Hudson is the new president of the Transyl vania Bar association. He suc ceeds Robert T. Gash. Other newly elected officers are as follows: J. Bruce Morton - vice presi dent John Smart - secretary, and Cecil J. Hill - treasurer. Among the functions of the bar association is the setting of j the calendar for the various terms of Superior court. fcinue for several days. The dead line for printing the ballots for the election of directors has been set at Tuesday. December 10th, and President Buddy Mel t -ii urges all pc'sons who have ret paid their Chamber of Com merer dues to do so by that time. Lt. Col. Crooks Is Awarded Purple Heart Lieutenant Colonel Robert D. Crooks, of Lincoln Air Force Base, Nebraska was re cently presented a purple heart medal for wounds re ceived during the Korean War in 1950. A recent check of files revealed the situation, and the medal was presented by Colon el William E. Bertram, com mander1 of the 307th bomb wing, LAFB. i Lt. Col. Crooks is married to the former Kathleen Wil son, daughter of Mrs. W. A. Wilson, of Brevard. Foreign Policy Blasted In Talk AtKiwanisMeet Former Congressman Wood row W. Jones blasted present U. S. foreign policy in an ad dress delivered before the Brevard Kiwanis club last Thursday night. Mr. Jones, a prominent Ruther fordlon attorney who has been frequently mentioned as a pos sible gubernatorial candidate in the next election, prefaced his remarks by Draining Brevard and Transylvania county for notic able economic and social ad vances made in recent years. He also stated that the entire area would experience greater growth than ever when new super highways could be con structed here in the mountains. “But,” he said, “I do not know lust when this construction will start.” Speaking on foreign policy, Mr. Jones called on the na tion’s leaders to start spending more on re-armament and less on foreign aid to countries who “obviously are not willing to help themselves”. “It is time to quit fooling our selves by thinking that we can support the whole world. We are draining our economic resources by trying to do this, when we need those resources to build up the strength needed to keep the Soviet Union’s desires of world conquest in check.” He continued. “If. is unfortunate”, Mr. Jones concluded, “but the only thing that the Soviet Un-_ ion understands and respects, is strength.” Mr. Jones was introduced by Ralph H. Ramsey, prominent Brevard attorney. Seven Kiwanians from the Rutherfordtoii club accompanied ‘he sno-Vn" *-) the meeting, whitm was presided over by local Kuwaitis club president Jim Wil lis. Carol Sing On Court House Lawn Monday The music education commit tee of the Transylvania Baptist association will sponsor an as sociations! - wide Christmas car ol sing on Monday night, Decem ber 18fih, on the court house lawn here in Brevard. The singing will begin prompt ly at 6:00 o’clock, and all choirs of the churches in Transylvania are invited to participate in the singing. The public is cordially invited to shop in Brevard for Christ mas items on Monday, and then to attend the singing at 6:00 o’clock. Brevard Firemen Urge Citizens To Use Extra Caution This Christmas The holiday season is a time of extreme fire hazard and Chief Dan Merrill, of the Brevard volunteer fire de partment, lias a word of cau tion to all. Most homes will be putting extra loads on electric circuits, Chief Merrill observed, and urged that tree lighting, cook Moore Speaks Need For Education, Technical Training Emphasized In Talk James Leroy Moore, plant manager of Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph company, Hendersonville, was the speaker at a banquet meeting of the Bre vard Rotary club Monday even ing. The banquet honored the Ros man High School Football team, cheerleaders. Coaches Bill Cathey and Ray Simpson, and Principal Ernest Tilson. A native of Tennessee, Mr. Moore started with Southern Bell in West Palm Beach, in 1937, as a groundman. Through a series of promotions he was transferred to Asheville and then to Hendersonville, where he has been plant manager since 1952. He Is a member of the First —Ton to Page Eight mam IAMBS L. MOORS ing, appliances and other elec tric uses be managed wise ly and with concern for the maximum capacity for which the installation is rated. “A little time spent in fire prevention is a sensible safe guard in our most joyous sea son of the year,” Mr. Merrill said, and continued: “All members of the vol unteer fire department join me in wishing all our neigh bors in Brevard and Transyl vania county a Merry and Fire Safe Christmas.” Mrs. Douglas Is Retiring Mrs. Charles M. Douglas will retire from her duties as secre tary in the local farm and home agent’s offices, effective Decem ber 31. The announcement is made by James E. Davis, county farm agent. Mrs. Douglas has been em ployed in the office since May 1, 1949. Prior to that time she had worked for some 30 years for attorneys and in public offices in Brevard. Mrs. Margie Masters, who has worked on a part-time basis in the office, will assume Mrs. Douglas’ duties Mr. Davis stated. Mrs. Douglas will continue to live in Brevard. NEW OFFICERS of the Transyl vania County Rescue squad, unit II, are pictured above following their ejection recently at the court house. They are, front row, left to right: D. Guy Dean, director; Jimmy Rowe, captain ; and Chris Trakas, operating ...... sergeant. Back row, left to right; Tommy McCrary, director; Leon Southerland, 2nd Lt., communications otfieer; Claud Melton, director. Other officers include Spalding Mc Intosh. Jim Beavers and Harry Ash worth. (Times Staff Photo) ( Rescue Squad j I Unit No. 2, I Elects Officers! Jimmie C. Rowe was elected; captain of the Transylvania I County Rescue Squad unit II at their meeting last Tuesday. Other officers elected include j the'following: Spalding McIntosh, 1st Lieu tenant; Jim Beavers, 2nd Lieu tenant, secretary-treasurer; Leon Southerland, 2nd Lieutenant, communications officer; Chris Trakas, operating sergeant; Harry Ashworth, quarter master; Tommy McCrary, Claude Melton, and Guy Dean, board of direc tors. Honorary members include Dr. J. H. Sanders, Jr., medical ad visor, and Bruce Morton, legal advisor. Some 28 active members com prise the group, and applications are still being accepted. Interest ed persons may pick up an ap plication blank at any regular meeting. Meetings are held each Tues day night at 7:30 p.m. at the Junior High school annex. The squad has already ob tained a one and one-half ton international truck and one large portable power generator. The squad is now in its fifth week of first aid training, being taught by Woodrow Lucas. !■ " -.—*—- ■■ — ———-4 The Weather | *—- - - ..- ■———* Warmer temperatures coupled with rain-laden clouds brought record rainfall for a three-day period to Transylvania this week. The heavy precipitation sent children home from school and both cattle and their owners scurrying for higher ground. The total rainfall for the ween was under the total for a seven day period from August 24th through the 30th, when 11.39 inches fell on Brevard. This past week our precipitation totaled 8.17 inches, but our three-day total (Dec. 11 through Dec. 13) came to 8.96 inches. This year’s previous high was 7.31 inches from August 24th through the 26th. Clearing skies with colder tem peratures can be expected through tomorrow (Friday). Readings for the past week in clude: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday High Law Pre. 63 37 .11 56 22 0 56 23 0 41 30 .10 48 31 3.23 50 43 1.82 55 48 3.81 Santa Returns Yule Shopping Season Is Now In Full Swing n With eisly nine more shop ping days- remaining before Christmas, Brevard merchants, who have large stocks of mer < handise. are anticipating f risk business during the per iod. Acting as a stimulus to Christmas business this week and next will be the bonuses paid to employees in most of the businesses and by some of the industries. Many of Brevard’s stores are remaining open in the evenings for the convenience of Christmas shoppers. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Schools in Brevard and Transylvania county will close next Wednesday, Dec. 20th at 3:00 p.m. for the Christmas holiday period. They will re open on Tuesday, January 2nd. Santa Claus returns to Bre vard each Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, and he will be in his specially con structed house in front of the library from 4:00 until 5:00 p. m., to greet all of his little friends. Next week The Transylvania Times will publish its annual Christmas edition, and it will contain greetings from the ad vertisers, as well as a wide variety of special Christmas messages and features. VFW Will Hold Awards Party This Saturday The Lewis Earl Jackson post of Veterans of Foreign Wars will award prizes in the Cur rent membership campaign at a gala party Saturday night at 8:00 o’clock at the club house off Carolina avenue. Commander Richard Tinsley cordially invites all VFW mem bers and also the members of the auxiliary to attend the ladies’ night event. VFW members who have paid their 1962 dues are eligible to win the prizes. Persons who have not paid up are urged by Com mander Tinsley to do so by Sat urday night. Among the prizes to be award ed are the following: skill saw, radio, electric blanket, waffle baker and grill, camp stove, socket sets, torches, steam iron, lantern and automatic rifle. Brevard Juniors To Present "Connecticut Yankee” Friday When the junior class of Bre vard Senior high school presents “The Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” on Friday evening, December 15th, at 8:00 o’clock, they will feature an all star cast of players in this de lightfully entertaining story. It tells of a shrewd and clever Yankee who finds himself in King Arthur’s court, and who develops ill the miracles of the 20th century to baffle the court of King Arthur. Jane Bennett *>lay® the role of Queen Guenever, a domineer ing queen who practically runs the good-natured and somewhat discouraged King Arthur, who is played by Bruce Wauchope. Queen Morgan Le Fay, the scheming, black-hearted woman, will be portrayed by Karen Gal loway. Her villainous partner is none other than the magician Merlin, and A! Ross portrays this part. Sandy and Elaine, two very charming young ladies of the court, are charmingly played by —Turn to Page Eight Program Highlights "The Oratorio" To Be Heard Next Monday Over WPNF Program Director Bill Han cock announces that the local station will broadcast a tape re cording of the Christmas Ora torio by St. Camille-Saens as per formed last Sunday by the Bre vard Davidson River Presbyter ian Church choir, under the di rection of Professor M Thomas Cousins, of Brevard College. It will be broadcast Monday, December 18th, at 5:05 p.m. Soloists featured in the re cording include Taj Hanna, Mrs Gloria SanderS,Hrs. Ruth Hun ter and Mr. Cousins. Station Manager A1 Martin an nounces that WFHF Is beginning to feature more and more tali day music daily. In addition to Program Director Hancock, both Leon Southerland and Lowell Fletcher are featuring seasonal music in their various programs. Two games are highlighted in WFNF’s Basketball schedule this week. Those are the Wake For est - Virginia contest from Char lottesville on Friday evening at 7:45 and the game between Wake Forest and Maryland at 7:45 on Saturday night. Other Programs The schedule tor the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Farm home admlnis tration, John Collins; Friday. —Tara to Page Four Town Hall Is Renovated Board Has Meet A plan to improve the street lighting in the downtown business district of Brevard was approved by the Board of A idermen at their meeting Monday evening. The plan calls for Duke Power company to replace the present incandescent lights with 20,000 illumined mercury vapor lights on Main street between England and Johnson streets and on Broad street between Probart and Morgan streets. Officials of Duke Power company state that the work will begin as soon as materials have been reeeiyed from (,'har ‘otte; and the project should be completed within three months. In submitting the plan, Town Manager Bill Edens pointed out that the present system whs installed more than 20 yearn ago. With the new plan, '*■ wiH be possible to double the amount of light at the stic.1t level without material ly increasing the cost, ho stat ed. • “When work has been com pleted, Brevard's drwntown lighting will compare favorab ly • with that in the largest cities »n the rn:mt*y,” Mr. Fd . ensj declared. • •! • A • other actfefif, the Board accepted an offer by Gil Coan fV- -4“ use of a lot at the /erner of Caldwell and Jor dan^ streets for a parking lot. , Thin lot will be filled in as soon as weather permits and , covered with rock to provide an-’aff-weather parking lot. 'A. plan prepared by the state Highway commission to im prove the Intersection of Bos nian road and the Country Club road at the end of Broad street was approved. The town manager was instructed tq con tact the division engineer in —Turn to Page Four Gaither To Head Shriners In '62 Berry R. Gaither, owner of Berry’s restaurant, was elected president of the Transylvania Shrine chib at the monthly meet ing Monday night. He succeeds David W. Sams, who was elected to a three-term member of-the board of trustees. Other officers elected were T. E. Reid, vice-president; F. Brown Oarr, sercetary; and John A. Ford, treasurer. The new officers will be in stalled ait the January meeting on tbe 8th at Berryls which will be ladies’ night. The president states he will name different committees at that time. Julian W. Helms, recorder of Oasis Temple, Charlotte, was guest of the dub and had charge of the program. A 30-minute tape recording of the half-time activities for the 25th annual Shrine bowl game between the North and Souiht Carolina high school foot ball stars was played. This pro gram was heard over 60 radio stations on the day of the game.' The recorder stated $200,000 00 was netted from the game for the endowment fund for the Shrine hospital. This was the largest amount ever made at a Shrine Bowl game. 85 1 r, i SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS

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