TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 4,857. ★ THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.II C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca j for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Bievard Music Festival, i Vol. 73 — No. 27 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. 'C. BREVARD, N. CM THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1962 ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PRICE 10c PUBLISHED WEEKLY j Eight Beauties To Vie For “Miss Brevard” Title Tuesday And Wednesday ALICE VICTORIA CALDWELL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert If. Caldwell, Brevard. Talent i —dramatic reading. m "■ mh - WMfr CAROLYN RUTH GALLOWAY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Galloway, Brevard. Talent—pan tomime. PAMELA JEAN GALLOWAY Daugther of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Galloway, Cedar Mountain. Talent—baton twirling. RUTH ELLEN HUNTER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dun can C. Hunter. Brevard. Talent —dramatic reading. AUNDRIA McGUIRE I Daughter of Mr. ,'iid Mrs. J. . W. McGuire. Sr., Pisgah Forest. ! Talent—vocal. RITA RAE MERRELL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Morrell. Brevard Talent—dra matic reading. MARGARET LEONE SCHLOSSER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Schlosser, Brevard. Talent— dancing. JANICE A. WHITMIRE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Whitmire, Brevard. Talent lane ing. THE FABULOUS MOLTZ HOME on beautiful Lake Toxaway has been purchased by the Lake Toxaway Company for a Country Club on the ♦new golf course. R. D. Heinitsh the president, can be seen opening the door to the library for Mrs. Wesley .Walker, of Greenville, S. C., and oth ers in the picture are Gene Pruitt, of Columbia, S. C., and John Anderson, of Brevard. Mr. Heinitsh says that work is progressing on the golf course, and the club will be operated as a private one. Invitations for charter members will be sent out in the near future. (Times Staff Photo) Olin Mathieson Picnic Will Highlight The Fourth Of July Highlighting the Fourth of July observance in Transylvania will be the 21st annual picnic at beautiful Camp Harry H. Straus on Wednesday. Each year the event is attend by more than 5,000 persons, and the largest attendance ever is expected this year. The day in Brevard and Tran sylvania will be a holiday, with tgores, the bank and the post of fice being closed. Town and county offices will also close on Wednesday for the Fourth of July observance. There will be no delivery of city or rural mail on Wednesday, and the General Delivery win dow will be open from 11:30 to 12-00 noon, according to Char lie Patton, postmaster. Inns, rooming houses, motels and guest homes are expecting a rushing busniess this weekend, as thousands of persons from lower elevations come to these —Turn to Page Pl»« CALENDAR OF i COMING EVENTS Wednesday, July 4 — Stores, town and county office® doled for July 4th observance. Toast masters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 pm. Sylvan Valley Folk Festi val and Miss Brevard Pageant at 7-30 pm. WOW meets at Wood man Hall at 8:00 pm. Brevard Music Centeneoncert at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, July 5 — Sidewalk sale. Kiwanis dub meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. lions dub meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Friday, July 6 —Sidewalk sale Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 pm. Brevard Music Center concert at 8:15 pm. Saturday, July 7 — Sidewalk sale. Story Hour at Library at —Turn To Page Foi Much Talent Many Varied Concerts On Program At Music Camp Piano lovers have a special treat in store this week - end at the Brevard Music center. Two of the three concerts fea ture pianists as soloists. Ruth Slenczynska, who be gan performing publicly at the age of five, will play Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2 Saturday evening. The brilliant pianist, who revealed her unhappiness as a child prodigy in her book, “Forbidden Childhood,” returns to the Center after receiving wide acclaim here last summer. On Friday evening, Dorothy Lewis Griffith of Charlotte, win ner of one of this year’s four Music Center Young Artists Awards, will play Rachmanin off’s Concerto No. 2. Mrs. Grif fith is a native of High Point, X. C. Walter Carringer, artist in residence, will sing Mozart’s “Misero! O Sogno, O Son Desto?” For a musical change on Sun day afternoon, Lino Bartoli of Baylor University in Texas will play William Walton’s Violin Concerto, and a mixed chorus and orchestra will join to pre sent John Hester Jones’ Spoon River. The following week on Tues day evening the Transylvania Concert Band will play a con cert and on Wednesday evening both the Hilltopper Symphony orchestra and Concert band as the five - per - week concert schedule continues. Evening concerts are at 8:15; — Turn to Page Four Prizes Offered Brevard Merchants To Stage Gigantic "Sidewalk Sale A town - wido “sidewalk sale,” the biggest and best eV er staged in Brevard, will be held here on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday Each participating merchant is giving a handsome prbe, and the grand prize will be * $100 Savings Bond. The prizes will be awarded next Monday, and citizens are urged to register at each store, where full details may be ob tained. By special permission from the tom board of aldermen, the merchants will have tables out o» the sidewalk in front of their stores, end special “bar gains” will be offered. lire merchants committee of the Brevard chamber of com merce-.has-been planning fee this unique event for some time, and the businessmen have made special purchases for the “sidewalk sale.” Extraordinary values are be ing offered by the participat —Tun To Page Four TheTimes Out On Tuesday Due to the Fourth of July observance on Wednesday, ! The Transylvania Times is be ing published on Tuesday this week. I Readers of The Times are urged to examine this weeks’ paper very carefully, since there are many stories per i t'lining to the Fourth and the j big Sylvan Valley Folk Fes tival and Beauty Pageant. Merchants are also featur I ing specials for the big “Side walk Sale,-’ which will be held on Thursday, Friday and Sat i urdav. "Story Time" Is Popular 'Story of a Patriot”, a movie ! !n color, was presented by Friends of the Library during tiie “Story Time” senes at the local library last Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Some 50 children and adults attended this movie which is shown several times daily in Williamsburg, Virginia, at the reception center in the restored area. It tells the story of John Fry and his family and how he vas tom between his loyalty to Britian and his love for his new home in America during the pe riod when the colonies were hav ing their struggle for independ ence. The events which preced ed and led up to the Revolution ary War and to the drawing up of the Declaration of Independ ence were shown. Charles Carter was projection ist for “Story of a Patriot” which was chosen by the “Story Time” committee in conjunction with this week’s celebration of Independence Day on July 4th. Rev. Mr. Frederick Valentine, rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, will be the story hour guest this Saturday. Mrs. Leh man Kapp, librarian, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Friends of the library pres ident, and Mrs. Bob T. Gash and Mrs. William F. Orr, “Story Time” co-chairmen, invite all in terested children and adults to attend the weekly series of Sat urday morning programs during the summer months. New Class In Driver Training Begins Monday A new class in driver educa tion will begin on Monday, July 9th, at the Brevard Junior High school. The hours are from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. This class will include class room and behind-the-wheel in struction, according to Marshall Teague, who is the instructor for the course. Those who signed up for the August 2nd class are asked to check with Mr. Teague if they can take the classes beginning July 9th instead. Sylvan Valley Folk Festival And Beauty Pageant To Attract Crowds THE SITE for the satellite track ing station in upper Transylvania county is now being cleared, and the two men above are standing where the huge antenna will be erected. In the picture are Joe Rusnak, the resi dent inspector, and Paul Shatley, of the Dillard Construction company. At the present time men and machinery are busy clearing, grading and build ing a road into the site. (Times Staff Photo) j The Weather I By - A1 Martin Brevard’s Official Weatherman Rainfall for the past week to taled one and one-third inches with extreme temperatures 85 and 48 degrees. The high of 85 came on Monday afternoon, with the low of 48 being recorded on Saturday morning. Statistics for the month of June 1962 compared with June 1961 are as follows: June ’62 June ’61 High 89 87 Low 48 48 Prec. 11.01 inches 9.49 inches Max. Daily 2.55 on 21st Prec. 2.79 on 4th Readings for the past week in clude: Wednesday- 72 61 .08 Thursday - 68 58 1.20 Friday _ 79 55 .05 Saturday -81 48 0 Sunday_ 84 52 0 Monday _ 85 57 0 Tuesday-— 62 — — No reports available at press time. Rescue Squads Will Be On 24-Hour Duty The Brevard and Bosnian res cue squads will be on 24-hour duty during the July 4th holiday, according to F. M. McCall, di rector of Transylvania County Civil Defense unit. Emergency calls should be made to the police or sheriffs of fices. Site Visited Satellite Tracking Station Work Schedule Announced In a remote mountainous sec tion in upper Transylvania coun ty, work is proceeding rapidly in clearing a site for the satellite tracking station. Announcement is made today that the power building will be completed by December 1st of this year and the operations building will be completed by the 15th of the same month. Actually, the name of the tracking station is the Rosman Data Acquisition Facility, and the construction is under the direction of Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryl and. A. W. Huntress is the res ident engineer, and Joe Rusnak it the resident inspector. According to Mr. Huntress, construction of the entire site will be completed by February 15th, 1963, with the exception of the paving. When completed, the public will be invited to open house, and this is expected to be held next spring. The beginning of the installa tion of the antenna will be on October 1st of this year, and oth er electronic facilities will be in stalled in December. When the station becomes op erational, it will be open to vis itors. Mr. Huntress explains that the site in upper Transylvania coun ty met stringent technical re quirements. It is free of all noise sources of interference, and it is —Turn to Page Eight Program Highlight* WPNF Observes 12th Birthday, Rededicated To Public Service Radio Station WPNC is cele brating its 12th anniversary this weekend, according to Station Manager AI. Martin. During the past 12 years; WPNF has maintained a policy of public service to the commu nity and its citizens. “We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of our advertisers and listeners in the past, and we solicit their future support as we at WPNF red educate ourselves to community service,” Mr. Martin said in a joint statement with John Anderson, the executive di rector. WPNF began its operation on July 6th, 1960, and has striven to present the very best program ming including musk, news and sports. . , . Owned and operated by the Pisgah Broadcasting Company, of which Mrs. Ed M. Anderson is the president, the studios and offices of WPNF are located in - Turn to Pagefln Square Dancers, lands, Singers On Program 1IIC -KM)-. DVIV.IM v.ur. v run Festival amt Miss Brevard Pag eant opens Tuesday night at 7:30 o’ciock on the Junior High school athletic- field. Sponsored by the Brevard Jsycees and Jaycettes, the Fes tival and Pageant are expected to attract large crowds. Highlighting the event will ^ be', the crowning of Miss Bre vard, who will WTchosen from a field of eight contestants. These lovely ladies will com pete in bathing suit and eve ning gown competition, and they will also be judged on tal ent. Highlighting the festival will be square dance exhibi tions, folk singing, string bands and other musicians. Master of ceremonies for the festival will be Bobby Hoyle —Turn to Page Bight July Term Of Superior Court Opens Monday The July term of Superior court opens in Transylvania on Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock. According to Marvin McCall, the clerk, there are only 21 eases on the criminal docket, which, will be tried first. Trial of the civil calendar be gins next Wednesday. Judge J. Frank Husk ins, of Burnsville, will preside over the couirt, and Leonard Lowe, of Forest City, will prosecute for the state. Mr. McCall reminds members of the Grand Jury of the' last term that they do not have to serve this term, since the fiscal year ended on June 30th. A new Grand Jury will be chosen Entries Are Needed For Carnival The deadline for entries in the Country Carnival Variety Revue hae been extended dne to the fact that, to date, only two entries have been received by the Bre vard Little Theatre. BLT president, Mel Evering haan, urges those who wish to perform in a song and dance rou tine, instruments or vocal mus ical numbers, imitations, come dy routines or similar typos of light entertainment to submit a. short letter giving name and ad dress, age, telephone number, the name of the act along with —Ton to Page raw

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