TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRAN6YLVANIA The Land of Waterfalls, for Summer Camps, Entrance t* Pisgah National Forest amt Home of Brevard Music Fe Vol. 73 — No. 32 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1967 ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PRICE 10: PUBLISHED WEEKLY/ Country Carnival Saturday Plans foe Brevard Little The atre’s Country Carnival which will be held Saturday, August 11th, at Robin Hood’s Barn in Sherwood Forest have been com pleted, according to Maggie Mas ters and Mel Everingham, co-' chairmen. | Beginning time is set at 11:30 a m., and the day will end in time for the regular Saturday night square dance at 8:30 p.m., to be railed by Earl Powell. General admission, which includes the Variety Revue, is $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. The Country Carnival is another BI..T project to benefit its building fund. The use of Robin Hood’s Barn dkas been donated by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dehon as a special contribution to the building fund. Everyone attending the Coun try Carnival is urged to dress . ji costume appropriate for the occasion and a prize will be awarded for the costume consid ered most representative. It is emphasized that this gala day of entertainment is for thp entire family. Children’s amuse ments will include a free ride on the Biltmore Dairy train, as well as performances by the fam ous horse, Trigger. Pony rides will be available at the regular price. A baby-sitting booth will be set up for the convenience of those attending with small chil dren. The baby-sitting service will be furnished free of charge, and all children under six years of —Turn to Page Two Principals To. Report For Duty Monday Transylvania county school .principals will go on duty on iMonday, August 13th, and they ■y^ili be at their schools from that date until school opens. Supt. Wayne Bradbum urges persons who have moved into the town and county and having children of school age to report to the principals in the areas where they reside. Students going to school in the town and the county for the first time should register prior to the opening date. If they are in doubt as to •* .which school they should attend, ' *they should contact the Board of Education office in the court house. -k All students will report on the *24th. Buses will run at the us ual time in the morning and will return the children home around noon. Monday, August 27th, is the first full day of school. According to Mr. Bradburn, the Board of Education will meet Tuesday night, August 14th, at 8:00 o’clock in his office. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, August flth — Ma . sons meet at Masonic temple at r%l:00 p-m. Friday, August 10th — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 pun. Fes tival concert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, August 11th —■ “Story Time” at library at 9:30 am. Festival concert at 3:30 and again at 8:15 pan. Sunday, August 12th— Attend the church of your choice. Fes tival concert at 3:30 p.m. Monday, August 13th — Ro tary picnic at Franklin Park at 7:00 p.m Shrine Club meets at Berry's at 7:00 pjn. Tuesday, August 14th — Ace of Clubs at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 15th — Dinner to honor {Leslie Grogan at Masonic Temple at 7:00 p.m Toastmasters meet at Gaither's at 7:00. WOW meets at 8:00 pm. i'r ton? !>,■« -»r mmm scheduled for Friday night, and thou sands of music lovers from all parts of Eastern America are expected here for this outstanding event. Northwestern & First-Citizens Two Banking Firms Seeking To Establish Facilities Here The Northwestern bank has made application to the super vising authorities of banks in North Carolina for permission to establish a bank in Brevard and at Rosman. The Northwestern bank serves Western North Carolina with 38 convenient offices. J. B. Wahman, executive vice president, was in Brevard this week and issued the following statement: “We feel that Brevard and Transylvania county will support two banks — a national bank and a state bank. The Northwestern bank will materially help the in dustrial growth and in turn the small businessman and the indi vidual. “We solicit the support of the public in our application before the Commissioner of Banks of North Carolina.” The Northwestern bank was organized on July 1st, 1937, and Edwin Duncan is the president. Resources as of December, 1961, totalled $129,755,367.63. The Northwestern bank has operated in Henderson county for the past 30 years and in Bun combe county for 21 years. Cato's Will Open On Thursday * Cato’s ladies? ready-to-wear store, located on West Main street and the newest addition to the business district of Bre vard, will open its doors Thurs day morning of this week at 9:00 o’clock. The grand opening of Cato’s on Thursday morning is the re sults of months of planning and preparation by the company to bring to the people of the Bre vard shopping area the latest in ladies’ and children’s fashions at moderate prices The store’s interior layout was designed by Cato’s architects to give customers the same ease and convenience in shopping which they find in the most mod ern stores in any city. The com pletely fluorescent-lighted store, with its modem facilities and at tractive decor, is planned to pro v i d e pleasant surroundings which will appeal to its custo mers. W. H. Cato, Jr., of Charlotte, and president of Cato Stores, Inc., said, “Our company is very pleased and happy to be coming j to Brevard. It is always a source — Turn to Page Eight DISCUSSING PLANS for the 17th annual Bre vard Music festival at the lakefront of the Tran sylvania Music camp are Paul C. Thomas, left, chair man of the music center board of trustees, and James Christian Pfohl, director. An application has been filed with the State Banking Commis sion by the First Citizens Bank & Trust Company to establish a banking facility in Brevard. Announcement of the filing came from Lewis R. Holding, president of First-Citizens, North Carolina’s third largest banking institution. The commission will act on the application during its hear ings to be held on October 17th, in Raleigh. If approved by the state regulatory body the appli cation must then be reviewed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. First-Citizens, which was Founded in Smithfield, in 1898, showed total resources of almost $280 million as of the close of business on June 30, 1962. Mr. Holding commented that the Brevard and Transylvania County area is an outstanding ex ample of the continuing progress being made by Western North —Turn To Page flw Brevard Music Festival Opens This Friday Night Many Are Expected Community To Honor Grogan Leslie S. Grogan, who has been plant manager of the Bre-j yard Du Pont silicon plant since it began production in 1958, will be honored at a tribute dinner! next Wednesday evening. The event, to which the pub-1 lie is being cordially invited to attend, will be held in the Ma sonic temple, beginning at 7:00 o’clock. Mr. Grogan has been extreme ly active since coming to Bre vard in the civic, educational, religious and political affairs of the community. Later this year Mr. Grogan is being transferred j to Du Pont’s pigments depart-1 ment in Baltimore. He is an alderman of the town of Brevard, a trustee of Brevard college, a director of the Bre vard Chamber of Commerce, and a director of the First Union National Bank, Brevard branch, j He is also a director of the Transylvania United fund, and a trustee of the Brevard Method ist church and the Transylvania Community hospital Cecil J. Hill, Brevard attorney, will serve as master of ceremon ies on the program following —Turn to Page fin Lake Toxaway Inn Opening "fine grand opening of the new Lake Toxaway Inn, located on the shores of beautiful Lake Toxaway in upper Transylvania, will be held this Sunday, Au gust 12th. D. H. Cosby, owner of the Inn, states that much preparation has gone into the construction of the new facility, but that everything is now in readiness for the form al opening Sunday. A buffet luncheon prepared by M. Fernand Audet, a French chef who has served in the most exclusive hotels on Florida’s “Gold Coast”, will be served be ginning at 12 noon. Lake Toxaway Inn has 20 lux uriously furnished units, a spac —Turn To Page Four Rescue Squad To Hold Auction On Friday Night, Saturday 1:00 P. M. The members of the Bre vard Rescue Squad have been busily engaged collecting items for their auction to be held at the old bowling alley on Caldwell Street on Friday and Saturday, August 10th and 11th. Although many items, rang ing from antiques to automo biles, have been donated, there is still a drastic need for more. The squad feels severely handicapped in its service to the public by the lack of cer f-* [ The Weather By - A1 Martin Brevard’s official Weatherman Although afternoon tempera tures have averaged reaching just over 85 degrees this past week, accompanying high hu midity has caused much mid afternoon discomfort for those not blessed with air conditioning or a shade - tree with a built in breeze. Early morning low readings have averaged 61 degrees, with rainfall for the week totaling 3.10 indies, a figure higher than the total rainfall for the past month. Records for the week are as follows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Prec. 85 51 0 81 64 81 62 83 62 87 64 90 61 90 62 .15 1.63 .08 1.19 0 .05 tain vital life-saving equipment and is making this sincere plea for support. Call 883-3580 to have con tributions picked up, or drop them by the collection depot in the old Crafton Motors building between 6:00 and 9:00 pjn. Many items of interest to the public have been collected in cluding radios, wrist watches, electric ranges, automatic washers, furniture, hunting trophies, books, baked goods, photographs, antiques (some with marble tops), pictures, power tools, and many, many valuable articles. In addition, through the generosity of McCrary Chev rolet, they will offer to the highest bidder a fine used au tomobile. Auctioneering will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening and at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. “Come and bring your family!” they say There Are Blue Berries In The Hills Of Pisgah Here’s good news for bine berry pickers. There is a bumper crop this year, and the higher slopes in the Pisgah National forest are blue because of them. According to Ranger Ted See ly, the gate to Shining Rode road will be open, beginning August 15th, and win remain open through Labor day. MARGARET SCHLOSSER, the current Miss Brevard, right, leads Shirley Hammill, Brevard’s recent entry in the Miss North Carolina contest, left, in a dance routine. Both will appear Saturday in Brevard Little Theatre’s Country Carnival Vari ety Revue shows, at 2.:00 and 7:15 p.m. at Robin Hood’s Barn in Sherwood Forest. Margaret will do an interpretive dance to the “Peter Gun” theme music and Shirley will sing. Many other attractions are scheduled tor the gala occasion which begins at 11:30 a.m. and lasts until regular square dance time at 8:30 p.m. (Times Staff Photo) Verdicts Listed County Court Is Having Busy Session This Week Finck Appointed To WNC Elk Post Herbert P. Finck, of Brevard, has been appointed District Dep uty grand Exalted Ruler for the North Carolina, West Dis trict, by Lee A. Donaldson, Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Or der, of Elks, Etna, Pa. The North Carolina, west dis —Turn to Page Eight The Transylvania County court is having a busy session this week, and Judge Robert T. Gash expects the term to last all week. Many cases were disposed of on Monday and Tuesday, and as The Times went to press at noon Wednesday, a jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of Malford Jeter, who was being tried for drunk driving. Earlier in the week, divorces were granted in the following cases: Thelma Buchanan Keever vs. Albion Keever and HezeU ah Thomas Corn vs. Lois Pet erson Blanton Corn. Carol Alton Metcalf had to pay costs on a charge of hav ing no operator’s license. Bruce Hogsed, charged with worthless check, had to pay costs. James Roland Owen plead ed guilty to driving toe fast for road conditions and had to pay costs. On a charge of having no chauffer’s license, Elijah Al len had to pay $25 and costs. Williard Morgan had to pay a fine of SIM and costs on a charge of driving under the influence, and Samuel N Whitesides had to pay $2M — Turn to Page Pom WPNF Making Plans For Broadcasting Of Football Station manager A1 Martin an nounces today that WPNF will offer extensive coverage during the forthcoming football season. “In addition to carrying die entire Brevard senior high school schedule, we plan to carry the games of the University of North Carolina, a feiw of the N. C. State contests, and possibly sev eral of the Bosnian high school games,” Mr. Martin said. In past yean, the local station has carried the local high school games and most of the Carolina games. “The N. C. State contests to be made available to us are the re sult of a new network affiMotimn with the Carolina Radio Network, and we are most happy to an nounce that Bill Currie, former long-time associate of Ray Reev I es, will be handling the broad ! casts,” Martin added. In conclusion, be stated: “Because of the interest gen —Tens to Pegs Eight Array Of Artists To Appear With. Noted Symphony1 The 17th annual Brmic' Music Festival begins Friday with its largest symphony or chestra in history and a> mv 26-piece ensemble called dir Sinfonietta. An outstanding array of ar tists, headed by violinist Jos eph Fuchs, will team with the 90 - piece Festival Symphony and the Sinfonietta for four concerts during the weekend A similar schedule will fol low each weekend in August. The orchestra is made wp «T members of the faculty and isiasg-:' of the Center’s Transylvania Music Camp, which ended Sun day, 20 players from, the new Advanced Division, the 16 t*j,> campers selected from audition* and a half dozen members of th» Cincinnati Symphony Orchestral. Fuchs, a frequent so Joist with the New York Philftar monic and veteran of three European tours, will give twc* concerts. Friday evening ht will play Walter Piston’s Vio lin Concerto, which was writ ten for him under a grant IVonc the Ford Foundation. Sunday afternoon he will play Men delssohn’s Violin Concerto.,. E Minor. Friday’s orchestrations will ha' Beethoven’s Leonore Overturn No. 3 and Franck’s Symphony hr. D Minor. James Christian PfoNS. will conduct. Saturday afternoon's guesc artists will be Mildred and Ger ald Snyder, piano duo, «d Ft. Lauderdale. They viB yhy Francis Poulenc’s Concerto, Minor, for Two Pianos. orchestra, conducted hgr - Raab, will play BeetbeveaV . Coriolan Overture and Benrjr Cowell’s Symphony No. 8: The Sinfonietta, which < be available for torn- after Festival, will make to Saturday evening, Griffes’ The White . and Vittorio GianninPs from “Love’s Labors under Pfohl’s baton. __ Lawton of Hartsvflle, & fL, of four Brevard IB to Page A Good Weekend j To Invite Friends Here Dr. James Christian rfnh