1962 COLLEGE ISSUE ☆ WELCOME THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.Be C. Newspaper 1962 COLLEGE ISSUE WELCOME Vol. 73 — No. 38 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1962 PRICE 10c PUBLISHED WEEKLV 0 UF Drive Opens Monday The annual United Fund cam-1 paign in Brevard and Transyl vania county opens on Monday, j Sept. 24th, according to Chester j Kilpatrick, the fund drive chair- ( man. There will be a kick-off break-! fast at Gaither’s at 7:00 o’clock! tor division chairmen and solic-1 itors, and the campaign will be-! gin immediately afterwards. The goal this year is $30, 665.00, slightly higher than it was a year ago. United Fund President John Bailey explains that two new agencies were admitted this > year and they are the Bre vard and Rosman Rescue squads. These organizations are do ing a fine job for the communi rp.ies they serve, and we are hap ^ py to add them to our list,” Mr. Bailey declared. In all, there are some 26 ox- j tremely worthwhile agencies be- j ing supported by the Transyl vania United Fund, the presi dent stresses. Management of industries in the county and owners of various businesses are encouraged to have their employees give through payroll deduction. The huge thermometer, which | will show the progress of dona tions as they come in, will again be erected on the court house lawn. James M. Wulpi, the executive secretary, is opening headquart ers on the corner of Broad and Jordan streets in the building j formerly occupied by Cassell’s. Dr. Strieker Heads Medical j Society Here Dr. R. L. Strieker was elected president of the Transylvania County Medical Society and chief of staff at the Transylvania Com munity hospital in a meeting Monday night of the local soci ety. Secretary of the staff and med-1 ieal society is Dr. Albert 0. Ry an. Dr. Julius Sader was nam ed as delegate to the state med ical convention, and Dr. James H. Sanders was named alternate delegate. These officers will assume: their duties on January 1st. Bloodmobile Returns Next Tuesday The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will pay another visit to Brevard next Tuesday, Sept. 26th. It will be at the Fellowship hall of the Brevard Methodist church from 1:00 until 6:00 o’clock in the afternoon. An urgent plea is made for new and previous donors to give a pint of blood. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 20 — Brevard Junior High vs. Way nesville at 4:00 p. m. Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p. m. Lions club meets at Colon ial Inn at 7:00 p. m. Masons meet at Temple at 7:30 p. m. Rosman vs. Marshall at County Stadium at 7:30 p. m. Friday, September 21-Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, September 23 — At tend the church of your choice. Little Theatre picnic at Camp Straus at 2:00 p. m. Monday, September 24—UF Drive begns, kick-off breakfast at Gaither’s at 7:00 a. m. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. WNC Fire School begins at court house at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, September 25—Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, September 26— Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. A:Umwtoi &&&$&• wm utkfant. $»«? >&**+ >»„ ^«4k< U fe\ >V*?< >*t£ %?<.'fj<?*4 }nxtHnt+% i*ti» w*tm3 CaBtiffiti $tt*t(t<&? i\&K &>$< v Mti&ati. f i'#- wm+ THE BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS is once again teeming with activity as some 420 students begin the new . ,ye^r. This is the annual \VfeJcome 'edition of The Transylvania Times, and it salutes the students, faculty and staff. In the inset is | Dr. Emmett K. McLarty, who begins ! his sixth term a« president of the lo- ; ea: ■ . ix ati^ai institution. ’ (Photos by Anderson and Austin) J Western Carolina Firemen To Hold Fire Training School Here The third annual Western: North Carolina Fireman’s Asso- ■ ciation Fireman’s training school; will be held here at Brevard, be ginning on Monday, September J 24th, and lasting through Thurs-! day, September 27th, The Brevard Fire department, j under the leadership of Fire j Chief Dan Merrill, will host the j school at the Brevard training' grounds, located adjacent to the | Brevard golf course on the Ilia- j hee road. Fred Dalton, chief of the Sky land Fire department, will di rect the school which will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. each night, j Chief Dalton has requested i that all instructors and students j assemble at the Transylvania county courthouse at 7 o’clock sharp on Monday night, Septem ber 24th, for the opening exer cise and classroom or fire ground assignments. The school has been set-up in j two sections A and B with four j groups assigned to each section. — Turn to Page Four ' Bright Future First Union’s Application At Bosnian Is Approved W. H. Keith, vice president First Union National Bank of North Carolina, announced to day that the Comptroller of the Currency has approved the ap plication of First Union National Bank for a full service branch at Bosnian. The branch will be lo cated on Chestnut street. Rosman is southeast of the Brevard office and will serve the commercial and industrial banking requirements of the lumber, chemical and manufac turing industries located here. Recently, the National Aero nautics and Space Administra tion (NASA) let a contract for the construction of a satellite tracking station in the Pisgah National Forest near Rosman. London By Jet Miss Anderson Now Overseas Writing Series Of Articles Miss Stella W. Anderson left this week for London, England, where she will spend some time traveling and studying. She will also visit a |number of other places including Ireland, Scot land, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. 'The daughter of Mrs. Eld M. Anderson, publisher of The Times, and the late Mr. Ander son, she will write feature arti cles and travel columns for this and other Anderson papers. A graduate of the University of North Carolina, Miss Ander son will do some graduate work toward her Masters degree be fore returning. She will also visit a former classmate in London and friends in Paris and Germany. MISS STELLA ANDERSON Mr. Keith stated: "It is most gratifying to re- j ceive confirmation of our ap-1 plication from the Comptroller: of the Currency to open thisj branch. We know the area is un- j dergoing rapid expansion in-i eluding new and diversified em- j — Turn to Page Eight Welcome Is Extended To Brevard College Students And Faculty - I---... " Comments Made To Community By President As Brevard College begins the new term, President Emmett K. McLarty issues the following : tatement to be carried in this week’s issue of The Times: • The l%2-63 academic year is underway at Brevard Col lege and promises to be su perior in every respect. A record enrollment was indi cated at registration last Wed nesday when it became evi dent that there was an in crease of 40 full-time resident students over last year. The total number of registrations was 118 full-time students and five special students tak ing regular college courses. This number does not include the scores of local citizens en rolled in private music and art courses. 'The increased enrollment at Brevard College is largely due ,o the excellent public relations office supported by the steady eiehtening of academic stan dards at the college. The college s becoming recognized through nit the Southeast for its excel lence in offering university parallel courses. Last year 85 percent of Brevard College grad lates enrolled in a number of senior colleges to continue their —Turn to Page Thret l Jurors ror .. October i Court Called Jurors for the October term of Superior court in Transyl vania are announced today by Clerk Of Superior Court Marvin McCall. The first week, which opens on Monday, October 22nd, will be devoted to the trial of crim inal cases, and the civil docket will be heard during the week of October 29th. Judge J. Frank Huskins, of Burnsville, will preside over the court, and Leonard Lowe, of Forest City, will prosecute for the state. Mr. McCall reminds members of the Grand Jury during the July term that they must serve again during this October term. Jurors called to serve during the first week are as follows: Howard Volrath, Sam C. Owen, Mrs. H. E. Newbury, Mrs. Fred —Tnm to Page Five Bank Hearing Well Attended. Decision Expected In October Much interest was shown at the hearing before State Bank ing Commissioner Ben Rob erts here last Friday morning, as officials of Northwestern Bank, of North Wilkesboro, and First Citizens Bank and Trust company, of Smithfield, sought to prove why their ap plications for facilities here in Brevard should be approv ? “ " ’ . j The Weather During the month of July this year, Brevard received 2.62 inches of precipitation. From Saturday of last week through Monday of this week, the town received almost three inches of rain. The average high during the past week was 83 degrees wth the early morning low averag ing 56 degrees. Extremes were 89 and 49. Official readings for the week are as follows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Prec. 88 61 0 89 49 T 87 54 0 81 57 .72 7fl 64 .91 81 58 1.38 78 48 T ed. Some 300 interested citizens attended, and many spoke at the hearing. The house was divided. From the commissioner’s vantage point, persons seated on the left were supporters of Northwestern, while those on the other side were for First Citizens. For two hours, officials and partisans of the two banks ar gued why one should be se lected over the other to estab lish banking facilities here. The full banking commis sion will meet October 24th in Raleigh to decide the issue. Edwin Duncan, Jr., vice president of Northwestern, was heard first. He argued that Northwestern is a regional bank and therefore is in a bet ter position to serve the needs of the people of Brevard and Transylvania County. “We have spent all of our lives,” he said, “developing a bank suitable to this area and to its people.” Mr. Duncan said Northwest ern has been operating in Buncombe and Henderson counties for a number of years and “we feel we know the area and can better serve it” In answer to this, Lewis Holding, president of First —Turn To Page Four 6 U&HTEO F THE 1963 UNITED FUND DRIVE opens in j Brevard and Transylvania county on Monday, and the two men who will direct the campaign, John Bailey, president, left, and Chester Kilpatrick, ; right, are shown opening headquarters on the cor- i ner of Broad and Jordan streets in the building I formerly occupied by Cassell’s. (Times Staff Photo) j T ay lor Announces Recreational Facilities Of Fisgah Will Be Improved McGough Speaks At Dedication Morris L. McGough, prominent Western North Carolina agricul tural leader, will be the princi pal speaker at the dedication of the Pisgah Forest Community center on Sunday, Sept. 23rd, at 2:00 p.m. Mr. McGough, who is the ex —Turn To Page Five Transylvania county is includ ed in the plans of the U. S. For est Service for expansion of rec reation facilities in Western North Carolina, according to Congressman Roy A. Taylor. Rep. Taylor pleased a report prepared by Peter J. Hanlon, forest supervisor for N. C. Na tional Forests, listing long-range development plans for the na tional forest areas in this county. "How fast these projects can be completed depends on how rapidly we can secure the ap propriations,” said Mr. Taylor, who has fully endorsed the Forest Service program. He listed as follows the pro posals contained in Hanlon’s re port for Transylvania county: 1. Sycamore Flats. This area on Davidson River near the Pisgah Ranger sta tion is scheduled for ex pansion of picnicking fa cilities this year. 2. Cherry Cove Recreation area. This area is located just off U. S. 276 about four miles east of Wagon Road Gap. The area will be developed primarily for camping. 3. Horse Cove Recreation area located just below —Turn to Page Five WPNF Program Highlights Fred Reiter Joins Staff, Carolina-State Game On Air WPNF has announced the ap pointment of Fred N. Reiter as staff announcer effective Sep tember 1st. In addition to his duties on the air, Reiter will assist in com mercial sales and service. A native of Ashtabula, Ohio, Mr. Reiter began his career in radio in 1939 with WSPB in Sarasota, Florida. Later, he work ed for WFLA Radio and tele vision in Tampa, as announcer and newsman. Until January of this year, Mr. Reiter was employed as an announcer by WWNC in Ashe ville. Along with his wife, the for mer Dorothy Bennett, a native of Atlanta and Savannah, Geor gia, and their two daughters, Lizette and Annette, he moved to Brevard the first of Septem —Turn to Page Five FRED N. REITER Special Edition Of The Times Is Published Brevard and Transylvania officials join hands with the merchants and others in the community in welcoming the large and selected student body, faculty and staff mem* hers to Brevard college for the 1962 • 63 term. All indications point to one of the most successful years in the history of the school, which this fall begins its 109th year of educational and relig ious service to the youth of the slate and nation. Enrollment is at a peak of i'!0 students, with many spec ial students also being enroll ed. Special Edition This week The Times is pub lishing its annual Brevard col lege greetings edition, and all subscribers are urged to read ihc entire paper with interest. This paper is going not only to regular subscribers, but al so to students, parents, trus tees of the college and a large number of out-of-town friends of the institution. Mayor B. W. Thomason said yesterday that it is always a real pleasure to welcome the students and faculty members to town. He praised the offic ials of the college on the pro gress that is being made at the institution. On behalf of the county '^ag|d ,*i'*caimtuasioners Bob - Eoya, chairman, sent cordial greetings to the college stu dent body and the faculty and staff members. Freeman Hayes, president of the chamber of commerce, welcomes all persons to Bre vard college for the 1962-’63 year. Galloway Is Certified As New Postmaster Thomas W. Galloway, of Boa man, has been appointed Acting Postmaster at Bosnian post of fice. The appointment, effective August 17th, was made by J. Edward Day, Postmaster Gen- . eral. The certificate of appoint ment was presented to Mr. Gal loway by W. T. Martin, of Green wile, S. C., postal service officer for this region, in informal sen vices last Thursday. Morton Elected President Of Bar Association J. Bruce Merton, Brevard at torney and solicitor of the Tran sylvania General County court, was elected president of the Transylvania Bar association at the annual meeting Tuesday af ternoon. He succeeds John R. Hudson. - < Other officers elected at the l meeting were as follows: fees charged here feeling that they brought into conformity those charged across the The group commended county commissioners for provements made in the _ room, and they requested new chairs and tab! chased for fidr’

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