TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.BeC. Newspaper PRICE 10c TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 73 — No. 41 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1962 ★ 20 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY NATURE IN ALL OF ITS GLORY will be an appropriate description of the Pisgah National Forest and Blue Ridge parkway this weekend and next. It will be the height of the color season, with crisp, autumn weather predicted. Ranger Ted Seely invites Transylvanians to visit in this beautiful “wonderland of na ture”. (Austin Photo) UF Drive In Full Swing — The response to the local Unit ed Fund drive continues to be good, Chester Kilpatrick, chair man, announced today. Employees of the Brevard post office and Crest Stores have giv en 100 percent, Mr. Kilpatrick reported. Outstanding gifts from busi nesses and individuals include the following: Anne B. Priest, S. Bordonaro. Pi Frank J. Guest, Joseph F. Mur phy, Edgar A. Kerrick, C. W. DeMuth, Dr. Carol L. Grahl, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. McLarty, Rev. * and Mrs. C. E. Roy, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Butterworth, Mrs. Lu cy M. Moltz, Bowers Store, Tran tham’s, Houston’s Furniture com pany, Gray’s Barber shop, Aus tin’s, Brevard Jewelers, Belk’s Department store, J. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaMotte, Lowe’s Brevard Associated store, Western Auto and employees, Ward’s News stand, J. R. LeVal ly, E. A. Knoth, Dr. John R. Folger, Jr., Moore - Kilpatrick Funeral home, and B & B Feed and Seed Company. College Trustees To Meet Friday ^ The fall meeting of the trust ees of Brevard college will be - held here on Friday, October ▼ 12th. According to President Em mett K. McLarty, there will be committee meetings at 10:00 a.m., followed by the general meeting at 11:00 o’clock. Allen Sims, chairman of the board, will preside. Dr. McLarty will make a re port on progress to the trustees. —Turn to Page SI? CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, October 11 — Ma sons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 12 — Trustees w of Brevard college meet at 11:00 a.m. Brevard Senior High Vs. Enka at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 13 — Reg istration at all polling places. Sunday, October 14 — At tend the church of your choice. Organ recital at Brevard Method ist church at 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 15 — Senior High P-TA meets at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 16 — Straus P-TA meets at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Cluhs meets at 7:30 p.m. East ern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 17 — Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. Friends of Library meet at 7:30 p.m. at library. WOW meets at Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. Height Of Fall Color Expected This Week Banquet For Firemen Set October 18 A banquet honoring Brevard’s volunteer firemen will be held on Thursday, October 18th, at 7:30 o’clock in the Masonic Tem ple. This event is sponsored an nually by the Rotary, Liens and Kiwanis clubs, with the Kiwan ians in charge of this year’s pro gram. Speaker for the evening will be Rev. Herbert D. Garmon, pas tor of the Central Methodist church in Kings Mountain. He is a member of the executive board of the North Carolina Fire men’s association, having served as their chaplain for the past 10 years, and the International Fire Chiefs Association. Mr. Garmon is also a member of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club and serves as chairman of their underprivileged boys and girls program. G. H. Farley is president of the host club. The Fall color season in the Pisgah National Forest should be at its peak by this week end and next acording to Ranger Ted Seely. A panorama of brilliant yel low, gold, and red colors are replacing the green leaves of summer throughout the for est and along the Blue Ridge Parkway. More than 100 species of trees and shrubs that grow in the forest are adding their own distinctive colors to the scenery. At low elevation there are the red, oranges and yel lows or red maple, sumac, sourwood, ash, Sassafras, and tulip poplar. At the higher elevations the gold of beech and the bright yellow of birch high light the panorama of color. Every road in the forest is expected to be bordered by brilliant color this weekend, and next, Ranger Seely said. Leda and Leslie Kirschner, who operate Pisgah Inn on the —Turn to Page Seven Commerce Body Discusses Many Matters, Late Report Made On Tracking Station Congressman Says Some 100 To Be Employed Word has been received by the Chamber of Commerce from Congressman Roy A. Taylor that approximately 100 persons will be arriving in the Rosman-Brevard area in late June or early July, 1963, who will be associated with the operation of the Satellite Tracking Station. Earlier the estimate was that some 40 persons would be full time employees. The station, which will be essentially complete in March, 1963, will be manned by some 15 persons for a period of some nine months. I It is expected that 50 to 75 percent of the group will pur chase homes, with the remain ing renting. Personnel for such opera tions are usually appointed for at least a two year tour of duty. A spokesman for the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Administration said that the Rosman-Brevard area is con sidered to be advantageous for i married personnel “due to its j excellent climate, modern ' school facilities, health fadli- I ties and recreational advan- I taees.” Registration Will Begin On Saturday Registration for the General Election on November 6th will begin in Transylvania at the various polling places on Satur day, October 13 th. Registration will be from 9:00 a.m. until sunset, Ralph Lyday, the chairman, announces. The polls will remain open on Saturday, October 20th and 27th, and November 3rd will be chal lenge day. The Board of Elections office is now open daily here in the county house. Town Will Keep Grove Street Open, Busy Session Is Held The Town Board of Alder ! men decided at their meeting this week to keep the western end of Grove street open. Previously, a petition had been presented to the board to close Grove street off Ma ple, west side, but after a lengthy hearing and a thor ough investigation, the city fathers decided to deny it. This action was based on rec ommendations from the plan ning board. It was pointed out this street provides an access to the western side of a large tract of undeveloped land in Brevard. The aldermen tabled the pe Darr Wise Will Be Heard Here In Organ Recital This Sunday The first recital in this year’s Beulah Zachary Organ Recital series in the Brevard Methodist church will be held on Sunday, October 14th, at 4:00 o’clock. Darr Wise, organist, of New berry, S. C., will be presented in recital under the joint spon sorship of the Brevard Method ist Church Ministry of Music and the Brevard College Department of Music. Mr. Wise is a 1948 graduate of Brevard college. He received the B.M. degree from the Cin cinnati Conservatory and the M.M. degree from Florida State University. He has done further graduate study at Columbia Uni versity. He is now teaching at Newber ry college, Newberry, S. C., and is organist of the Lutheran —Turn to Pago Twelvt DARK WISE tition to close Salem street, un til a comprehensive planning study is made and better in formation is received as to whether or not this street will be needed for the movement of traffic. Action on the comprehensive taxicab ordinance was again postponed. A committee from the board had been appointed to study the livestock ordinance, and after a report was made, it was decided that it should remain as it is. Jim Mcllwain was appointed to a five-year term on the plan —Turn to Page Si* * j The Weather During the past week, Brevard recorded almost as much pre cipitation as was recorded dur ing the past month. Rainfall for the past week to taled 3.22 inches while Septem ber brought only 4.32 inches to tal precipitation. High temperature in Septem ber was 90, while the low point was reached on the last day of the month when the mercury dipped to 29. Rain fell everyday of the week except Sunday in the past week, while high reading was 87 and low mark, 47. Official readings for the week as as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_61 57 1.34 Thursday - 70 58 1.12 Friday - 79 50 .30 Saturday - 74 48 .30 Sunday_ 84 48 0 Monday _ 87 52 .10 Tuesday_ 73 47 .06 “WELCOME TO beautiful West ern North Carolina” was the slogan on the notepads assembled by mem bers of the Brevard Business and Pro fessional Women’s club. The note pads were given as favors at the ban quet meeting of the Area BPW meet ing in Asheville, which marked the observance of National Business Women’s week. Pictured, left to right, are Mrs. Gladys Wilson, first vice president; Miss Juanita Ward, i world affairs chairman; and Miss 1 Dorothy Wallace, president. (Times Staff Photo) ] Whitmire, Smith And Fowler On Demo Committee Three Transylvanians have been named to serve on the Dem , ocratic registration committee for Transylvania county, accord ing to an announcement today by State Democratic Party Chairman Bert L. Bennett. They are: Mrs. Inez Whitmire and John D. Smith, of Brevard, and Marion Fowler, of Pisgah Forest. , The statewide committee is headed by Chairman John R. Jenkins, Jr., of Aulander. Glenn W. Brown, of Waynes ville, is chairman of the com mittee for the Eleventh Congres sional District. In announcing this appoint ment, Mr. Bennett stated that the purpose of the registration committee is to get all voting age persons registered, with spe cial emphasis on young voters, unregistered women, those who are not registered in the pre cincts where they are now liv ing, and those persons who have registered for municipal elec tions and are under the mistaken idea that they are also register ed for county and state elections. “Our registration drive is one part of the great movement of the Democratic party in North Carolina to broaden the base and increase the margin of Dem ocratic voters in the State,” said Mr. Bennett. “In undertaking this compre hensive registration drive,” he continued, “we are seeking to build party harmony and soli darity for the fall campaign.” BLT Begins Rehearsals Rehearsals are underway for the first Brevard Little Theatre production of the season. “Char ley’s Aunt” is scheduled for pres entation at the American Legion building on November 16th and 17th. Several committees have been named for the production, as fol lows: Mrs. Lisa Snowden and Mrs. Elinor Lyda, costumes; Ernest Gilstrap, makeup; Mrs. Dorothy Vaniman, Miss Gayle Lance and Miss Vicki Cald well, properties. Brevard’s First City Directories Are Now Being Distributed Here I Contest Opens For National Newspaper Week Highlighting the local ob- : servance of National Newspa per Week, which is next week, The Transylvania Times will again sponsor an essay contest in Brevard and Bosnian high schools. The theme of the observance this year is “Newspapers Make a Big Difference in People’s Lives.” The contest will be open to all 11th and 12th graders in the two schools, and Editor John Anderson is asking these students to submit an essay i of not more than 500 words to their English teachers by 3:00 p.m., October 26th. First prize in the contest here in Transylvania will be $15.00, second $10.00 and third, $5.00. Briefly, Mr. Anderson tells of the functions of a newspa per. "The first obligation of the newspaper is to print the news. The second is to guide public opinion by interpretation. The third is to furnish wholesome entertainment for readers. The fourth is to be of service to the community. The fifth obli gation is a very important function financially—to mer chandise goods and services j through its advertisements.” < If you didn't make the cur rent social register, or “blue book,” let it disturb you no longer. The Brevard, North Carolina, City . Directory, in cluding Forest Hills, Fortune Cove, North Brevard and Pisgah Forest, published by Hill Direc tory Company, Inc., of Rich mond, Virginia, is out this week and you’ve probably made that —if you live or work in Brevard or vicinity and are at least 18, that is. The City Directory is a pecu liar book, alone in its field, and with a style all its own. Like the dictionary, it says much in a few words, many of them ab breviated to a “skeleton.” While t does not attempt to rate credit, it does furnish clues in this di rection; it distinguishes between corporations and co-partner »hips, bachelors and benedicts, •nisses and matrons, employers and employees, executives and janitors. It is democratic in that al phabetical sequence is the iron clad rule of priority in the list ngs. Thus one may note that here ’or once pauper and millionaire, ■agamuffin and Beau Brummel, workman and “big wheel,” hod carrier and captain of industry, scrubwoman and social dowager, Judy O’Grady and the Colo ael’s Lady”, rich man, poor man, aeggar man and thief, rub el bows. The new edition is a substan tial one column volume, listing 3,590 names in Brevard and vi —Turn To Page Sli Program Highlights WPNF Now Broadcasting World Series, Grid Games The World Series continues this week as the defending champs, the New York Yankees, try to maintain their title against the San Francisco Giants. The line charges and network fees for the broadcasts are being paid for by the following Bre vard merchants as a public serv ice to the listeners of WPNF: Sarratt’s cleaners, Red Dia mond Service station, Pisgah In dustrial Loan company, Pettit’s Shoe shop, Pearlman’s, Macfie’s Drug store, Goodwill Motors, Gaither’s restaurant, Burgin’s grocery and Brevard Lanes. The time for the broadcasts is given as a free service of WPNF. Three big football games are slated for this weekend on the local station as the Rosman at Clyde game is broadcast this Thursday night from Clyde; the Enka at Brevard game scheduled for Friday evening; and the Maryland at the University of North Carolina on Saturday af ternoon. Station Manager A1 Martin announces that the local station —Torn to Page Stac Conversion Of Church Building For Center Aired Directors of the Brevard cham ber of commerce had one of their most informative sessions at their regular monthly meet ing Tuesday night in the library. Town manager Bill Edens re vealed plans to the group of the possibility of the Transylvania Youth association and the Bre vard Little Theatre jointly pur chasing the old Methodist church property on Jordan street. The basic idea behind the plan is to make a bonafide commu nity center building out of the old church. It could then be used by many groups, as well as the little the atre and the youth association, for meetings and functions of all kinds. Robert Hunter attended the meeting and explained the opera tional system of his newly form ed credit reference association. Director Ralph Ramsey pro posed that the chamber endorse and head a local fund-raising drive for the building program at Brevard College. This motion was unanimously passed, and president Freeman Hayes will appoint a seven-mem ber committee to head the drive in the immediate future. A letter containing facts and figures concerning the comple tion of the parabolic telemetry antenna in upper Transylvania was read to the directors. -i’ The letter was iti answer to an inquiry by the chamber to Congressman Roy A. Taylor con cerning housing facilities, num ber of families expected to move here, and the approximate time of their arrival. Several brief standing com mittee reports were heard be fore president Freeman Hayes adjourned the meeting. A Word To All Motorists, Obey Traffic Markings The Brevard Police depart ment has been instructed to rigidly enforce traffic regu lations, particularly at the post office intersection. Directional signs have been erected above the various lanes, and violators will be ar rested. Because of the schools, port office and businesses, this is a dangerous intersection, and motorists are urged to obey (he traffic light and the direction lane markings. Demos Hold Big Rally State Democrat Party Chair man Bert Bennett called for party unity at a big Transylvania Democratic rally held in Brevard last Thursday night. le 300 attend ie held Speaking before some Transylvania Democrat ing the rally and barbecue at Brevard Senior high schoo Mr. Bennett asked party faction in Transylvania and all over th state to work together for __ er party harmony in preparation for the November election. Also attending the rally were state Democrat Secretary T.amay Gudger, National Committeeman William Staton, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Doris Cromartie, and F tive Secretary Tom Davis, of these spoke briefly to gathering. Wayne Bradhum presided er the meeting and ’ ' * the speaker.

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