TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 73 — No. 45 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca (or Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1962 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLT iinimimiiiiiiiniiiiii miiiiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiiiiimiimiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiMmmiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..••minium ■ ■■him i mi mini m iimmiii 111111111111111111111111111111111111 >■0 Results In Other Races In Transylvania U. S. SENATE / Sam J. Ervin_.‘’.,622 Claude L. Greene-2,803 COMM. OF INSURANCE Edwin S. Lanier-___ 3,539 Claude E. Billings, Jr. __ 2,898 SUPREME COURT Emory E. Denny ______ 3,384 Lewis P. Hamlin_3,065 Lewis P. Hamlin_3,065 . ■&, NEW BUILDINGS TWRelfc progress, and the fine structure above is an example of the progres » sive attitude of the members of the Brevard Rescue squad. Under the supervision of Quartermaster Harry Ashworth and the guidance of Captain Jim ^ mie Rowe, the group is erecting the building on Fisher r'orfcfi*'near College heights. The land and other assistance were given by the Transylvania Board of County Commissioners. The new home will be used to store the vast amount of equipment the squad has been able to acquire and for training and other sessions. (Times Staff Photo) Legion To Hold Annual Party Saturday Night Members of the Monroe Wil son post of the American legion and the legion auxiliary will hold their annual membership party on Saturday night. The gala event will get under way at 6:30 o’clock in the leg ion Memorial building, and Com ^ mander Ligon B. Ard says all ^ legionaires and auxiliary mem bers who have paid their 1963 dues by that time will be ad mitted free. Cash prizes totaling some $400 will be awarded. Following the awards program, a dance will be held with music being furnished by “Dump” Rutherford and his Rhythm Mak ers. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, November 8 — Ma sons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, November 9 — Ace of 9 Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Saturday, November 10 — Le gion party at 6:30 p. m. Sunday, November 11 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, November 12 — Vet erans Ray. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Shrine Club meets at Belfry’s at 7:00 p. m. Brevard Elementary P-TA meets at 8:00 p. m. Tuesday, Novemer 13 — Hos pital Auxiliary meets at 10:00 a. m. at hospital. Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m. Chamber of Commerce directors meet at Library at 7:30 p. m. Elks meet at Lodge at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, Novmber 14 — Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Transylvania Goes “Over The Top’9 In 963 United Fund Drive Transylvania County has ex ceeded its goal of $30,664.00 in the 1963 United Fund campaign, according to Chester Kilpatrick, fund drive chairman. The amount collected or pledged to date is $31,572.00. In the campaign to date, 101 local business houses participat ed along with 12 outside business firms. 800 individuals excluding Olin and DuPont employee con tributed. This includes 126 coun ty teachers, college faculty and staff members. In a telegram to Mr. Kilpat rick, J. B. Hatfield, the state cam paign chairman, said: “Congratu lations to you and the citizens of Transylvania County on your suc cessful United Fund achieve ment. All United Campaigns share your satisfaction in a job well done.” Mr. Kilpatrick and John Bail ey, United Fund president, ex press appreciation to those who assisted with the campaign and to those who have contributed. They stated that outstanding par ticipation was noted from the following: Olin Mathieson Chemical Cor poration, DuPont Company, Mitchell-Bissell Company, Bre vard Lumber Company, First Un ion National Bank, Morris Phar macy, A & P company, Duke Power company, City Hall, Post Office, Brevard college, City and county schools, Transylvania Community Hospital, Kearns Grocery, Hayes Motors, and Citi zens Telephone company. Outstanding gifts received since last week were from Ken neth Angel, Rev. Ben Ormand, Paul Owenby, Jr., K & M Auto company, Charles W. Pickelsim er, Joseph Pickelsimer, and W. S. Sagar, Jr. Change is Made “Charley’s Aunt” Will Be Presented, Nov. 15th, 17th “Charley’s Aunt”, first produc ;ion of the Brevard Little Thea ;re’s 13th season, will be present ed at the American Legion Hall in Thursday and Saturday eve lings, November 15th, and 17th, it 8:00 p.m. Originally scheduled for Fri day and Saturday, the change of performance dates was necessi tated because of Brevard’s par ticipation in the AAA football play-off in Asheville on Novem ber 16th. An announcement of great im portance concerning a future home site for Brevard Little ine atre is expected to be released next week, according to Mel Ev eringham, president. “Our longtime wish to have access to our own stage facilities and a permanent place in which to rehearse and store props and stage flats is now in the process of becoming a reality”, the BLT president continued. In conjunction with Ladies’ night entertainment the Kiwanis club plans to attend the Thurs day night performance of “Char —Turn to Page Six Completing Installation Now Printing Transylvania Times On Goss Comet Press After weeks of planning and preparation, The Transylvania Times is this week printed on its new press, which is a Goss Comet press. A1 Tabor, of the Goss company, Chicago, Illi nois, has been here for the past week completing the installation of this modern press, which is sim ilar to the ones used by the daily newspapers of the country. . Prior to a breakdown some five weeks ago, The Times was printed on a “flatbed” press at a slow rate of speed. The Goss Comet Press prints eight pages at one time, twice the number of a “flatbed”, at a rate of more than 3,000 per hour. Since this is the first issue of The Times on the Goss, there are a few flaws that will be corrected in subsequent issues. Precision adjustments will take a little time. With the new press, The Times will be able to better serve this growing community, Editor John Anderson declares. Look for pictures of the new press in operation in next week’s issue. Local Republicans Score Two Upset Victories In Tuesday's Election j Blue Devils Are Again Rated Tops Brevard’s Blue Devils polled nine first place votes and rolled up 135 points to retain their grip on first place in the Charlotte Observer’s weekly prep grid poll for the second straight week. Shelby remained in second place behind Brevard with five first place votes and 119 total points. Roxboro was third with 101 points. Wilkes Central and Lumberton completed the top five AAA teams with 86 and 71 points respectively. Winston-Salem Reynolds, who had to struggle to remain unde feated by edging East Forsyth 12-0 last week, retained their rat ing as th.e number one 4A team in the state. The Blue Devils will meet East Forsyth next week in Asheville in first round AAA play-off com petition. The loss to Reynolds was East’s first of the year. Land Sales In County At All-Time High Land sales in Transylvania county reached an all-time high of $704,330.00 during the month of October, Owen Lee, register of deeds, reports to day. This figure was arrived at by the total of the Federal Re serve stamps used in the regis trar’s office. The complete list of real es tate transactions for the past month are carried on the front page of the second section in this week’s Times. ! The Weather \ I ■ Brevard received just over five and a quarter ipches of pre cipitation in 'the form of rainfall during the month of October, with one and six-tenths inches falling on the second of the month. High reading for the month was an 87 recorded on the 8th, and the low as a chilling 15 on the 27th. During the past week the fol lowing statistics were compiled at the local weather station: Wednesday_ 56 42 .11 High Low Prec. Thursday Friday . Saturday Sunday _ Monday _ Tuesday 55 21 0 54 22 0 54 34 0 59 24 0 40 30 .03 54 15 .05 DEMOCRAT WINNERS in congressional races on Tuesday are pictured above. At the left is Sen ator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., who was re-elected as was Representative Roy A. Taylor, right. RE-ELECTED TO the Transylvania Board of Education in the General Election on November 6th were Ed Matheson, left, and Gene Morris, right. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES who were success ful in the election in Transylvania on Tuesday are shown above. At the left is Bill Leonard, who up set the incumbent Jack Potts in the House of Rep resentatives race, and at the right is Carter McCall, who was elected sheriff. Us Voting Heavy, Count-Out Long, Laborious Reflecting an expected na tional trend, Transylvania Vj>t- ■ t ers elected Republicans ha^ftvo races in Tuesday’s General J Election. William Leonard upset the Democrat incumbent, Jack II. Potts, by a vote of 3381 to 3153, while GOP candidate Carter McCall was victorious over Clyde Hubbard in the sheriff’s race. The vote was 3425 to 2992. In other races the Democrats were winners in the unofficial balloting. According to Ralph Lyday, chairman of the Transylvania County Board of Elections, the 1 vote will be canvassed at 11:00 o’clock on Thursday morning and will be declared official at that time. For an off-year election, J voting was regarded as heavy | on Tuesday, with approximate- M ly 6500 Transylvanians going J to the polls. A tabulation of the unoffi- 1 cial returns appears at the top of this page, and readers are j reminded that these figures 1 are tentative. The staffs of The Transyl* Ij vania Times and Radio Station WPNF worked until 4:00 o’clock Wednesday morning bringing results of the election to listeners and to readers and they express sincere apprecia- ’ tion to election board officials, workers at the precincts, law ; enforcement agencies, the Bre vard Rescue Squad, and others who assisted in the task of re porting the election. Donald Lee Moore, who was unopposed for coroner, polled : the highest vote with 4,092. In a vigorous campaign, the « i —mrn To Page Hn J Veteran’s Day i Will Be Quiet j Veteran’s Day in Transylvania j county will be quietly observed on Monday. The post office will have a holiday, and there will be no delivery of rural or city mail. According to C. Y. Patton, Jr„ ; the postmaster, window service will be offered from 11:30 until 12:00 noon. ( Owners and operators of ' ness firms are urged to : American flag in front of establishments in tribute to men who have defended t country in world conflict*. Both the First Union f bank and the Brevard Savings and Loan will be dosed on Monday.

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