THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 73 — No. 46 ★ ttjgRfljffg,Bih.gigyi9 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Derailment Of 13 Southern Railway Freight Cars Creates Much Excitement SEVERAL OF the 13 freight cars that were derailed at the Da vidson River sub-station about noon on Monday are pictured in the front yard of the residence of Mrs. G. H. Lyday. The right photo is a view of the wreckage from inside Mrs. Lvday’s home. It was through this picture window that she witnessed the accident. _ (Times Staff Photo) THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY suffered a costly accident on Monday, as 13 freight cars were de railed at the Davidson River sub-station at Pisgah i Forest. A temporary track has been built around the scene, and “mopping up” operations are con tinuing. (Times Staff Photo) Times To Be Out Early Next Week ^ In order that readers might have their newspaper before It, Thanksgiving, next week’s issue of The Transylvania Times will be published Tuesday afternoon, November 20th. The deadline for news, adver tising copy and classified is at noon on Tuesday. Along with the regular news, columns and features, special Thanksgiving articles will be carried. “Be sure to look forward to our next issue on Tuesday, the 20th”, Editor John Anderson de clares. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, November 15 — League of Women Voters meet at Gaither’s at 10:30 a.m, Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. Lions club jneets at Col onial Inn at 7:00 p.m. BLT pro duction of “Charley’s Aunt” at American Legion building at 8.15 p.m. Friday, November 16 — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, November 17 — BLT production of “Charley’s Aunt” at American Legion Build ing at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, November 18 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, November 19 — Ro tary club meets at Gaither’s at 7.00 p.m. Democratic Women meet at Gaither’s at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 20 — Ace of Clubs meats at 7:30 p.m. —-Turn to Pago Six Transylvania s General County Court Busy Monday, Tuesday Transylvania’s General County Court held a busy session on Monday and Tuesday, adjourning at 6:30 Tuesday night. Chief interest in the court this week was the disposition of the cases against four clubs in the county which involved illegal possession of gambling devices and keeping beer and whiskey for sale in excess of legal amounts. Ordered to pay court costs and fines of $200.00 each were VFW Post No. 4309; American Legion Post No. 88; Loyal Order of Moose No. 1769; and BPO Elks No. 1768. Managers of the clubs were listed in the original warrants, which were altered in order to try the organizations only. The four cluhs were raided by state —Turn to Page Three I Season’s First “Charley’s Aunt” Slated Thursday, Saturday Nights “Charley’s Aunt”, the first pro duction of Brevard Little Thea tre’s current season, will take place at the American Legion building, Thursday and Saturday, November 15th and 17th, at 8:00 p.m. Brandon Thomas’ hilarious comedy, which is suitable thea tre fare for all members of the family, is under the direction of Robroy Farquhar, managing-di rector of the N. C. State Theatre at Flat Rock. The cast for this world-fam ous farce whose plot centers Davis Announces rhis County Now Observing National Farm-City Week This is National Farm-City week. According to Jim Davis, form s' county agent whose title has seen changed to county exten sion chairman in Transylvania, the purpose of the observance is to bring about better understand ing between the people who live in towns and cities and those who live on the farm. “These two groups must be closely allied if our nation is to remain strong. Neither can prosper without the other and the nation will not prosper un less both prosper. The need for better farm and city relations is not as great in North Carolina and Transylvania county as in other places of the nation, but even here there is room for im provement,” Mr. Davis declared. These two groups are bound together by a common depen dence upon land and water. In the hustle and bustle of mak —Turn to Page Eight around the trickery involved in two college students disguising another male student as Char ley’s aunt, is as follows: Stephen Spettigue — E. W. Freeman Colonel Sir Francis Chesney —Turn to Page Three Q1"....B I The Weather j Just under two inches of pre cipitation fell on Brevard during the past week, soaking the al most parched earth. The largest part of the rain fall was recorded from six p.m. on Thursday evening until the same hour on Friday. During that twenty-four hour period, 1.90 inches fell. High reading for the week came on Sunday when the mer cury hit 65 degrees. Low tem perature was recorded on Wed nesday as the reading skidded down to 18 degrees. Official readings for the week were as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday-60 18 0 Thursday- 50 36 0 Friday _ 52 42 1.90 Saturday - 63 34 0 Sunday_ 65 23 0 Monday- 55 24 0 Tuesday_ 53 34 .05 Costly Accident Occurred Monday Near Davidson River Sub-Station Canvass Made Of Voting The canvass of the balloting in the General Election in Transyl vania on November 6th was held in the court house here last Thursday. Ralph Lyday, chairman of the Board of Elections, presided, and he expressed sincere apprecia tion to all registrars and judges in the election. He also thanked The Transyl vania Times and WPNF for their cooperation in the 1962 election. Actually, the official vote was very close to the unofficial re sults, which were carried in last week’s Times. A table of the voting by pre cincts of many of the local races where there were contests ap pears in ttie second section of this issue. Official results in the various races are as follows: Solicitor: Leonard Lowe — 3796 State Senate: Brantley (D) — 3439 Yates (D) — 3430 Breeding (R) — 2909 Vernon (R) — 2922 House of Representatives: Leonard (R) — 3381 <•' —Turn to Page Three Commerce Body Hears DuPont Plant Manager Directors of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce heard an informative report on constric tion and other proceedings tak ing place at the local DuPont plant at their regular monthly meeting in the library Tuesday night. Albert Morrison, plant mana ger pf DuPont’s Brevard opera tion, spoke to the directors and gave a most interesting progress report concerning the new opera tion here. It was announced that the an nual Christmas parade, sponsor ed by the merchant’s division of the Chamber of Commerce, would be held on Wednesday, November 28th. Full details on the parade will be released later. Walter Cantrell spoke to tie group on the several recent in stances of disrespect to the flag —Turn to Page Three Rev. Harold Killian Will Preach Thanksgiving Sermon The Cemmunity Thanksgiv ing service will be held in the Brevard-Davidson River Pres byterian church on Wednes day, November 21st, at 8:00 o’clock. The Rev. Harold Killian, pastor of the First Baptist church, will preach the ser mon. Special music will be by the Brevard Civic chorus, li n d e r the direction of Charles Jolliff. Bookmarks for the world wide Bible reading campaign, from Thanksgiving to Christ mas, sponsored locally by the Transylvania County Minister ial association, will be avail able at this service. The people of Transylvania oounty are urged to attend this Thanksgiving service. REV. HAROLD KILLIAN | I -----——--+ Purpose Cited Education Week Is Being Observed In County Schools “Education Meets the Chal lenge of Change” has been select ed to serve as general theme for the 42nd. annual American Ed ucation Week to be observed in Transylvania county this week, according to N. A. Miller, Jr., supervisor of Instruction. The basic purpose of Ameri can Education week is to make every American aware of the important role education plays in a Democracy, and to help him realize that good schools and colleges are, to a very large de gree, his personal responsibility. Every November the week, which includes Veterans Day, is set aside as American Education week by four national sponsors: the National Education associa tion, American legion, National Congress of Parents and Teach ers and U. S. Office of Educa tion. American Education week grew out of the revelation dur ing World War I that an alarm ing proportion of the American people were illiterate and phy sically unfit. NEA and the new —Turn to Page Three Program Highlights WPNF's Election Coverage Praised, Many Are Thanked Station Manager A1 Martin to day expressed appreciation to all thoise persons who helped to make the local station’s election coverage a success. “It is gratifying to learn that many, many local citizens stayed with us until 4:15 a.m. on Wed nesday morning, when we com pleted our election party,” Mar tin stated. In addition to the many per sons who assisted in making tel ephone and radio reports, the sponsor, Coleman Tire company, came in for praise, as did Citi zen’s Telephone company. “Without firms such as Cole man Tire company, our sponsor, and Citizen’s Telephone com pany, who provided the neces sary telephone loops making the broadcast possible, we would have been unable to provide the fast coverage, we afforded our listeners,” Martin said. “We are very grateful to all —Tarn to Page Ugh) Lyday Property Suffers Damage, Work Continued The derailment of 13 South ern Railway freight cars below Pisgah Forest at the Davidson River substation about noon on Monday created much excite ment in the community dur ing the past three days. Of the number, 10 cars were loaded with coal, which was dumped along the tracks on the property of Mrs. G. H. I.yday. There were no injuries in the accident, and the cause has not been determined. Some observers feel that it was due to a broken track. In all, there were some 60 freight cars, and the first one derailed was the 20th behind the engine. Two of the overturned cars were loaded with merchandise for the Olin Mathieson Chem ical corporation. The other car was empty. The dumped coal was clean ed up and delivered Monday night and Tuesday, and a tem porary track has been bnilt around the scene of the acci dent. Repair work to the damaged section of the tracks is expect ed to take another day or two. It was a costly accident for Southern Railway. Mrs. Lyday was probably the most frightened person when j the accident occurred. She was in her kitchen pre —Turn to Page Three , ____'_- - ■- -- - ■ ■ ---- Reward Offered For Stolen Dogs The Transylvania county Humane Society offers a re ward for the apprehension of those persons who trespassed on county property and stole five dogs from the new county animal shelter located on Boss road. The sheriff’s department Is working on the case and will continue to do so the theft is solved. A reward of $300.00 is offelt ed by the United States'A* mane Society for informattsai leading to the arrest and con* viction of anyone who feS any dog or cat for resale or who to poison any dom^^uUmaL Anyone having information should phone the ciety at Brevard,