Do Your Christmas Shopping Early, Santa Arrived In Brevard Wednesday THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 73 — No. 48 ★ HA.LyMiv'LMis BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 PRICE 1(k ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. REAL FORTUNE — That’s Big Jim Fortune, Brevard’s outstanding fullback, as he is pictured above be ing tackled by Jack Underwood after a long gain. Fortune scored all three of the Blue Devils touchdowns last Friday night to give Brevard a 19-13 victory over Bessemer at Greensboro and the North Carolina Western AAA championship. More pictures and stories about the game are car ried on the sport pages of this week’s Times. (Engraving courtesy of The Greensboro Daily News) % Winners In General Election To Take Office Next Monday Transylvania’s newly elected public officials will be sworn in to office next Monday morning by Jugde Robert T. Gash during the session of the Transylvania General County court. The court will open at 9:30 o’clock, and the ceremonies are expected to be the first order of business. According to Solicitor J. Bruce Morton, the court will be a one day criminal term. All criminal oases on the doc ket, except those previously slated for jury trial, will be | 4 called. Among those being sworn in next Monday are the following: V F. M. McCall, (D), Clerk of Superior Court Ed Matheson, (D), and Gene Morris, (D), Board of Education Donald Lee Moore, (D), Cor oner Carter McCall, (R), Sheriff. Verdicts handed down in the General County Court on Mon day were as follows: Denny Eugene Middleton, —Turn to Page EKu CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, November 29 — % BPW club meets at Berry’s at 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 30 — Wild life Film-Lecture at Brevard col lege at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, December 1 — In dian Benefit dinner at Methodist church at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, December 2 — Attend the church of your choice. Elks Memorial service at Lodge at 2:00 p.m. Monday, December 3 — Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. General meeting of Citizens Committee for Better Schools in Brevard college auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Baptist Associational Mobilization meeting at First Baptist church at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 4 — East ern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 5 — Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:80 p.m. WOW meets at Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. LiHititaHIttriilaiMi Group Organizing Old Methodist Church A Community Center? Maybe Plans are being formulated to secure the former Methodist church building on North Gas ton street for a Brevard Com munity center. During recent weeks, many groups, clubs and individuals have been contacted, and Lloyd Burhans has been named chair man of the committee of citizens who are interested in the com munity center. Organizations expressing inter est in using the center are the Youth association, the Brevard Little theatre and other civic groups. This building will serve as a focal point for civic activities, aimed directly at benefiting the townspeople of Brevard. A Board of Trustees is being formed to secure the property and to serve as an administra tive body. This board will be composed of leaders represent ing a broad scope of community interests. A funds-raising campaign to help bear initial cost of obtain ing the building and modifying certain parts of the structure to adapt it for use as a community center will be- held. The immediate need to aecom —Turn To Page SU Hardister Is New Biologist For This Area John Hardister has been nam ed State Wildlife Biologist for Western North Carolina. He succeeds Rex Bird, of Hen dersonville. Hr. Hardister will serve 12 counties from his headquarters at Lake Junaluska. A native of Kannapolis, he is a 1960 graduate of N. C. State college and is now working to ward his master’s degree. His work includes the promo tion of a program to benefit wildlife and to allow sportsmen to lake their fair share of the game. Mr. Hardister is available for assistance in planning wildlife food and cover plantings, and materials in this connection are available at no charge. Mr. Hardister may be contact ed through the local county ag ricultural agent, soil conserva tionist, or at P. 0. Box 411, Lake Junaluska. Decorate This Christmas Is Club s Plea Brevard citizens are urged to decorate their homes for Christ mas. The request comes from the Brevard Garden club, which will offer awards for the best deco rations. No cash prizes, however, will be awarded. Awards will be made in the following categories: (1) Doorway (2) Outside tree (3) Inside tree, as seen from outside (or window) (4) General outside appear ance of home. Judging will be done on De cember 23rd, from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m., and will include a two mile radius from the center of town. There are no restrictions. “Beautiful decorations add to the spirit of Christmas,” officials of the club say in urging every body to decorate. Complete details will be an nounced by the club in the im mediate future. Construction Of New St. Timothy Methodist Church Now Underway The first of three units of St. Timothy Methodist church is now under construction and will be ready for occupancy during the spring, 1963. The church is being con structed on a three and one half acre lot on the- Asheville Hwy. across from Camp Straus and will be the new home of Oak Grove Methodist church. Action Supported Brevard Elks Hear From The President, Service Slated Brevard Elks received greet ings from John F. Kennedy, pres ident of the United States this week. During the Cuban crisis, the local lodge sent a telegram to the president, expressing whole hearted support of the strong stand that he itook. The telegram read: “In keeping with the patri otic character of our order, we wish to pledge our earnest and wholehearted support to your recent decisive action toward the preservation and defense of the security of our hemi sphere. Stand firm.” The president replied: “I am most grateful for your expression of support and con A Memorial Service for de parted Elks will be held at the Brevard Elk’s lodge hall Sun day, December 2nd at 2:00 p. m. All lodge members and their wives as well as the public are invited to attend. The Rev. Ben F. Ormand, D. D., will deliver the oration. A brief social with light refresh ments will be held following the service. fdience. Your message gives heartening evidence of our na tional unity and strength of purpose during the current in ternational crisis. “With all best wishes. John F. Kennedy” The unit, an educational wing, will include classrooms, church office, fellowship hall which will serve as the sanc tuary, kitchen, boiler room, rest rooms and storage rooms. The construction is of brick and steel, and the first unit will cost approximately $40, 000.00. David Norton is chairman of the building committee, and Frank Osborne is the construc tion super intendent. The church is its own contractor. The total building program, which will cover an eight to —Turn to Page St* Mallonee To Visit Here Next Tuesday Tom L. Mallonee, 12th Congres sional district secretary to Con gressman Roy A. Taylor, will vis it in Transylvania next Tuesday, Dec. 4th. He will be at the court house here in Brevard from 3:00 to4:00 p.m. Any person who has plats or official business pertaining to congressional matters tl wishes to discuss is invit meet Mr. Mallonee at the house at that time. he to -urt Thousands See Big Yule Parade, Business Tempo Said Picking Up m\ ' ^ Mmmmmmm 4 H KEY AWARDS in Transyl vania are being presented to the above 4-H members by Miss Jean Childers, Home Economics Extension agent. The 4-H Key award is a new aVards program for North Carolina 4-H club members who have provided leadership in their clubs and coun ties. The award is sponsored by Cit ies Service Oil company. Each win ner is presented a “Certificate of Honor” and a gold key. Receiving the awards are Donnv Surrette, of the Pisgah Forest community, and Sue Ellen Hunter, from the Busy Bee _community 4-H club. (Extension Staff Photo) Du Pont Plant Converts To Photo Products After 1962 The Du Pont company will withdraw from the silicon busi ness next March, A. B. Morrison, manager of the company’s Bre vard plant announces today. Mr. Morrison said silicon oper ations will be discontinued at the end of December and employees will be trained for positions in the Photographic Products plant now under construction. Du Pont has produced silicon for the electronics industry at the Brevard plant since 1958. In announcing plans for bringing Photographic Products to Bre vard last January, the company said: “The plant has felt the effects of conditions in the silicon busi ness which is depressed as a re sult of overcapacity and techni cal changes in the electronics in dustry.” Responsibility for management of the plant was assumed by the company’s Photo Products De partment last August. In a letter to silicon customers today, Robert H. Pohl, director of sales for the company’s Pig ments Department, declared: “The capacity for producing semi-conductor grade silicon in the United States is considerably in excess of the demand, both —Turn to Page $u I The Weather ! a...... Almost an inch of rainfall was recorded at the local weather ob servation station during the past week, while temperatures re mained on the nippy side. Low reading for the we'ek came on Friday morning when the mercury dipped to 18 de grees, but as has been the pro cedure thus far this fall, the high reading also came o-n the same day when the mercury climbed to 66 degrees. Average minimum for the week was 28 degrees with the maximum averaging 57 degrees. Readings for the week are as follows: High Low Prec Wednesday_ 54 44 .71 Thursday_ 55 41 .11 Friday _66 18 0 Saturday - 65 26 0 Sunday_ 52 26 0 Monday _ 50 21 0 Tuesday __ 57 22 0 Sunday_ 52 26 0 Monday _ 50 21 0 Tuesday __ 57 22 0 League Takes Action Another Request Made For New Registration In County Jaycees Pushing Scholarship Campaign Here Brevard Jaycees are still ac cepting donations to their college scholarship fund. The ultimate plan of the local organization is j to raise money sufficient to es-: tablish a college scholarship for some worthy Transylvania coun-! tv boy or girl who might not otherwise be able !o attend col lege. In connection with the fund raising drive, the Jaycees are j awarding a brand new 1963 j Chevrolet pick-up truck to some j donor. The award will be made on Christmas eve at 5:00 p.m. in front of the county court house. Donations are being accepted by all Jaycees, and they urge everyone who has not done so to contribute to this worthy cause. The Brevard League of Women Voters has reiterated its request to the Transylvania County Board of Commission ers and the Board of Elections for the adoption cf a loose leaf system of registration of vot ers in Transylvania county. When the league members first made the request of the board several months ago, they were told that there were no funds allocated in the budg et at that time for a new reg istration. They are requesting the commissioners now to set up - funds in the new budget for this needed and necessary project. In a letter to Bob Boyd, chairman of the Board of Com missioners and to Ralph Ly day, chairman of the Board of Elections, the league further stated: “The league should also like to recommend the consolida tion of precincts in this coun ty. “We have visited many of the precincts and believe that it would be expedient and less costly to have fewer polling places, which could still be conveniently located for a — Turn to Page Eight Program Highlights WPNF Will Carry Shrine Bowl Game This Saturday WPNF will carry the big Shrine Bowl game from Char lotte this coming Saturday after noon. According to A1 Martin, sta tion manager, air-time will be 1:45 o’clock. The game to be played in Me morial Stadium in Charlotte, an nually pits the best high school seniors from' the two Carolinas against one another. This year’s game will be of special interest because the co captains of the 1962 Brevard Blue Devil football squad are playing for the Tar Heels. They are fullback Jim Fortune and tackle Butch Skerrett. Play-by-play for the game will be done by Bill Snyder, of Char lotte. The costs of the broadcast are borne by the Humble Oil and Refining company, marketer of Esso products, but all radio stations carrying the game, do — Turn to Page Eight Multi-colored Lights Are On, Trade At Home An estimated erowd of 8,000 persons attended the gigantic parade in Brevard Wednesday, and it was said to have been one of Brevard's finest pa rades, although the weather man did not cooperate. The size of the crowd was much smaller than expected, since the skies were cloudy all day and there were inter mittent showers. The event signalled the opening of the 1962 Christmas shopping season in Brevard, and climaxing the parade was Ole Santa himself, riding high atop a beautiful float. The parade featured the hands of Brevard and Hender sonville. 12 profession floats, ' more than a dozen other en tries and beauty queens. The color guards of the. Monroe Wilson post of thd American legion led the pa3 rade up Main street, down Caldwell, back to Broad and then to the college. A survey in Brevard reveals that the tempo of shopping has noticeably stepped up, and the stores are well-stocked with Christmas merchandise. The multi - colored lights, more extensive than ever be fore, were turned on during the parade, and parents ard particularly urged~to bring the children to town during the evening hours to see the beau tiful lights. Once again the officials of the merchants committee em , phasize that it is good busi ness to "shop at home” this Christmas. Public Invited To Attend School Meeting Qonrad Hooper, assistant su perintendent of the Raleigl schools, will be the principal speaker at a general meeting oi the Transylvania County Citizens Committee for Better Schools or Monday night, December 3rd, in the Brevard College Campus cen ter building. The public is cordially invite* to attend, and the meeting wil] begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock, r The meeting is sponsored jointly by the school committee and the Transylvania Courjtj Board of Education. Various committees of ihi school group have made studiei of the school program in Tran sylvania, and officials of the group feel that Monday night’; meeting will be an importah one. The December meeting of the Board of Education will foe hek in conjunction with -this generic meeting Monday night at tlM college. Thanksgivii Was Quiet Thanksgiving was quietly < served in Brevard and sylvania county last Thu The holiday was with family gatherings. According to law ment officers, the day extremely quiet, and were no major ac ported. Stores, town and fices were closed, schools had a holiday Thursday and Friday. The local holiday < began in Brevard ] day night with a 1 at the ] Pres