TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music renter. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 73 — No. 50 ★ THE TRANSYLVANIA TIME: A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls Mppca tor Slimmer Camps, Fintranre to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. sicond cut* mail rmviLiarJ AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1962 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY 4 Brevard Campus Cross Commemorates Dr. E. K. MeLarty, Sr. A new cross has been placed beside the lily pool at the east end of the main quadrangle of the Brevard College campus. Given to the col lege by friends of the late Dr. E. K. MeLarty, Sr., father of Brevard’s president, the memorial will commemorate Dr. McLart.v’s work in the Western region of the state. A plaque mounted on the base of the seven teen -foot cross bears the following inscription: "To the glory of God and memory of Emmett Kennedy MeLarty, Sr., 1869-1959, Minister in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of The Methodist Church for more than fifty years.” In expressing his appreciation for the gift to I he college, President MeLarty said, “The relig ions character of the college needs continual .vis ible expression, and it is believed that the erec tion of the new cross will witness centrality of the Christian principles upon which the institu tion is founded.” 11 is expected that the new memorial cross v. ill provide a center for traditional voluntary worship services at Christmas time and during Holy Week. Tax Listing Begins On January 2ndBreedlove Names Listers Tax listing ill Transylvania for '<;:t will begin in Brevaril anil in the various townships on Wednesday, January 2nd, James Itreedlove, li e lay su^ pervisor, announces today, fc All county taxes and farm reports must be listed in Jan uary, and penalty for failure QjL to do so is required by law. Mr. Breedlove says that the hooks will be in the different townships through the 10th of next month, and they will be brought to the court house here after that time.' The classifications on which tax liability must be filed are: 1. Real estate and tangible property owned on January 1st, 19G3. 2. Poll tax on all males be tween 21 and 50 on January 1st. 3. Dogs more than six months old on January 1st. 4. Farm reports. t The tax listers and the var ious places for listing in the —Turn To Page Eight Change Made Little Theatre To Produce 6 V ou Can’t Take It With You’ “You Can’t Take It With You”, a Pulitzer Prize winning comedy by Moss Hart and George S. Kauffman, will be the next pro duction of the Brevard Little Theatre. One of the top 20 American comedies, it was selected by the Board of Directors to replace “Chicken Every Sunday”, which was originally scheduled. Try-outs will be held in the court house Friday December 14th, at 7:30 o’clock. The play calls for a cast of seven women and 12 men. Mel Everingham, BLT presi dent, invites all who are inter ested in any phase of Little Thea tre activity to attend the try outs. Newcomers are especially urged to participate in this com munity activity which offers an opportunity to express one’s cre ativity through acting, backstage work on sets, make-up, costumes and many other rewarding as Given Awards in Miami Hooper 1$ Southern Regional Winner In National Contest Walter Grady Hooper, III, a sophomore at Brevard sen ior high school, was the south ern regional winner in the canning section of the Nation al Junior Vegetable Growers association production and marketing contest. At the awards banquet, held * CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, December 13 — Ma sons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Kriday, December 14 — Bre vard Senior High Vs. Owen. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. ( Sunday, December 16 — At tend the church of your choice. Christmas concert by Brevard Civic Chorus at Presbyterian church at 8:00 p.m. Monday, December 17— Coun ty Court opens at 9:30 a.m. Ro tary Christmas party at Gaither’s al 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 18 — East ern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 19 — Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets in Woodman at B00 a n . ' on December 6th in the Dean ville Hotel, Miami Beach, Flor ida, Grady was awarded the Blue and Gold Regional win ner’s ribbon, an engraved wrist watch, athletic jacket and the NJVGA gold pin. He was the youngest boy (15 years old) competing in his division for the National Award, which was won by a Minnesota youth, a college freshman. Grady’s trip to the 28th an-, nual convention in Miami Beach was sponsored by the NJVGA. He was accompanied by Jack Lever of Henderson ville, who is WNC Horticul tural Crops commission chair man and produce manager at Gerber Products company, Asheville. Grady entered his Boston Narran squash project in the contest as a first year FFA member, Rosman chapter, with B. E. Kiesler as sponsor. The squash project was grown under contract for the Gerber Products company. Highlights of the convention included two days of educa tional tours through cast pro duction areas of Southern Flor ida, the Pompano Farmers market, the U. S. Sugar Mill and Ranch at Clewieton and the Parrot Jungle; also various luncheons and entertainment pects of theatre work. The story centers around the home of Martin Vanderhof, a grandpa of about 75, a wiry lit tle man whom the years have treated kindly. His face is youth ful, despite the lines; his eyes are very much alive. He is a man who made his peace with the world long, long ago, and his whole attitude and- manner are quietly persuasive of this. The room in which the entire —Turn to Page Six Commerce Directors Hold Meet Directors of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce held a lengthy session Tuesday night and discussed several matters of a civic nature. A final drive to secure new and renewal members will con tinue for several days. The dead line for printing the ballots for the election of directors has been set at Wednesday, Decem ber 19th, and President Freeman Hayes urges all persons who have not done so to pay their Chamber of Commerce dues by that time. The body heard remarks by Garland Johnson, vice-president of the Northwestern Bank, of North Wilkesboro. Mr. Johnson stated the reasons why the Northwestern Bank had applied to establish a bank hero in Bre vard. Several committee reports were heard during the course of the meeting, which was well at tended. President Hayes presided. Jaycees To Pick Young Man Of The Year Brevard Jaycees have started their search for Brevard’s “Out standing Young Man of the Year". Tom McCrary, president of local civic organization, announc ed that the annual DSA banquet honoring the outstanding young man as well as the county’s out standing young farmer, will be held on Wednesday, January 23rd. A prominent speaker will be secured for the event. Anyone can nominate an indi vidual for the Distinguished Service Award that goes to the outstanding young man of the year, and President McCrary urges everyone to do so. To qualify, the young man must be between the ages of 21 and 36, be of outstanding moral character, and he must have con tributed greatly to the better ment of his community through some phase of civic or religious activity. Don McCloud, then a biology teacher at Brevard Senior high school, was recipient of the award last year. Nominations must include rea sons for nominating the individ ual and as much information about the nominee as can be eas ily obtained. Nominations should be sent to Bill Norris, Brevard, N. C.. chairman of this year’s event. The Jaycees also announce that their annual Christmas tree sale will start to-dav (Thursday). —Turn to Page Three Winter And All Its Fury Hits County, Mercury Drops Below 0 Court Busy Monday Judge Robert T. Gash sent sev eral persons to jail in Transyl vania General County court on Monday. Some of the cases involved grew out of the recent Crest store robbery, while others were violators of probation and their suspended sentences were order ed put into effect. Evidences in the robbery cases were presented to the court by the new Transylvania Sheriff’s department. Sheriff Carter Mc Call reported to The Times that since he and his deputies have taken office, they have been ex tremely busy. He said that he is looking forward to serving the town and county, and will ap preciate the cooperation of the public. It was erroneously stated in The Times last week that John —Turn to Page Three Q..E I The Weather j h.. Holiday shoppers were met with a combination of bright sunshine, wind snow, and true wintertime temperatures during the past week. Daily high and low readings were 40 and 20 degrees respec-. lively. Official readings during the past week are as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday _ 50 35 .24 Thursday _ 35 22 Trace Friday _49 15 0 Saturday__ 42 27 0 Sunday__ 37 17 0 Monday_36 7 0 Tuesday 31 17 0 Land Sales In October Were $207,318.00 Land sales in Transylvania county reached the figure of S207.318.00, during the month of November, Owen Lee, reg ister of deeds, reports today. This figure was arrived at by the total of the Federal Re serve stamps used in the reg istrar's office. The complete list of real estate transactions for the past month are carried in the sec ond section in this week's Times. Local Firemen Urge Citizens To Use Extra ( "ition This Christmas The holiday sea-on is lime of extreme ''in Ironed. and Chief Moi rill, o 1 ■ ' ■ - ard volunteer fire derum:’ has a word of caulion to rfl. Most homes will v.o ] i (ting extra loads on oleetvir c nits. Chief J!c i ill observe.•. and urge'd 1M tree lighting, cook ing. ape lie nces and other elec Community Praised Brevard Elementary School Now Accredited By State The Brevard Elementary school has been accredited by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction, according to Nile F. Hunt, director, Di vision of Instructional Service. Accreditation by this depart ment is a tribute to the aspira tions of the school community and to the dedication and efforts of the patrons, the students and staff of the school, Mr. Hunt de clared. In notifying Wayne Bradburn, superintendent of Transylvania County schools of the accredita tion, Mr. Hunt stated: “Accreditation is not merely a recognition of what the school has done; it is of greater signifi cance as a recognition of what the school is doing, and we are confident that the challenge to provide a better educational op portunity for children and youth will continue to command the interest and the efforts of all concerned.” "-SWI. ..... i . .i . trie uses be managed wisely ami with concern for the max imum capacity for which the installation is rated. •‘A little time spent in fire prevention is a sensible safe guard in our most joyous sea son of the year,” Mr. Merrill said, and continued: “All members of the volun teer fire department join me in wishing all our neighbors in Brevard and Transylvania county a Merry and Fire Safe Christmas.” Use Christmas Seats... ammm \ wwwwv SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS THE HANDIWORK of a daring and fortunate prankster is shown above. Last Thursday! morn* vingrWPNF'*staff members notedjfcthe fetfPrate flag-flying from some Go feet ui> on the station’s broadcast antenna. (Marked by arrow) Chief. Engineer Leon Southerland commented that the person or persons who hoisted the flag to the tow er were fortunate that they were not injured by high voltage around the base of the structure or from a possible fall. It is also noted that a fine is mandatory in the conviction of any unauthorized personnel climbing the tower or disturbing the equipment at its base. (Times Staff Photo) I Santa Returns Yule Shopping Season Is Now In Full Swing Cantrell Elected President Of Kiwanis Club i — Waiter L. Cantrell, owner of Canter Woodworks, has been elected president of the Brevard Kiwanis club. He succeeds G. H. Farley, and j rlong with the other newly offi-1 cer and directors, he will be installed in January. The other new officers are: Duncan C. Hunter, vice presi dent C. A. Butterworth, secretary, who was reappointed, and Mario Perez, who was named by the board to the post of treasurer. Eric P. Klein and Thomas B. Mitchell, Jr., were re-elected to the board of directors, and elect ed to the board were: Donald R. Blankinshin, Charles S. Dun lop, Dana H. Harris. Dr. David Lea and Grover C. McPherson With only 10 more shopping ! flays remaining before Christ mas, Brevard merchants, who have large stocks of merchan dise. are anticipating brisk j business during the period. Acting as a stimulus to Christmas business this week i and next will be the bonuses j paid to employees in most of the businesses and by some of the industries. Many of Brevard’s stores are remaining open in the eve- j nings for the convenience of j Christmas shoppers. I Christmas Holidays Schools in Brevard and j Transylvania county will close ! next Tuesday. Dec. 18th at 3:00 for the Christmas holiday period. They will re open on Wednesday, January 2nd. Santa Claus returns to Bre vard each Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, and he will be in his specially con structed house in front of the library from 4:00 until 5:00 p.m., to greet all of his little friends. Program Highlights Special Holiday Music Now Being Broadcast Over WPNF As the Christmas season gets into full swing. Radio Station WPNF is presenting more and more holiday music. A1 Martin, station manager, announces today that the local station is planning on carrying a recording of Handel’s “Mes siah” by the choir of the First Baptist Church of Brevard. The recording will be made this Sunday morning at the reg ular 11:00 o’clock worship ser vice and will be broadcast Sun at 2:00 p. m. The presentation will be under the direction of Ray Childers, minister of music of the First Baptist church. More announcements concern ing special holiday programs will be carried in nest week’s edition of The “Times.” Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Rosmon home ec dept., Mrs. Dorothy Vaniman; Friday, U. S. Forest service, Ted Home Destroyed By Fire Gr» Wednesday A.M. the season's worst wintry weather gripped Brevard and Transylvania county on Wed nesday morning, and no im mediate relief is forecast from the biting fold. According tu Pont — two above Pisgah National Forest (low er elevations) — three below; Aft. Pisgah — 23 below • (the traffic fire was attribu ted to the cold weather Wed nesday morning when the Italpli Fisher house near Mitchem’s l.ake burned to the ground. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and their five children barely escaped from the roaring flames. Brevard and others are collecting clothing and household items to those destroyed iowottM 1-. The h«u#*lrtid all belongings-f of the Fishers were a total loss. The children and their ages are as follows: Linda Gail, nine; Ralph (Mike), eight; Nadine, three; Reba, two; and Cathy, six months. The Fisher residence fire was the first in a series Wed nesday morning. About mid-morning, the de partment answered an alarm at Louise’s Beauty Shop on the four-lane highway at the city limits, and shortly after noon, they were called to quell a hla/.e in the bath house of Sitton’s Trailer court at Pis gah Forest. Both fires were believed to have been started as efforts were being made to thaw froz en water pipes. Damages were slight at the Beauty Shop, and they are expected to run sev < ral hundred dollars at the motor court. Civic* Chorus To Present (an la las Again in 1962 the Civic Chor us is presenting its annual Fes tival of Christmas Music. The concert this year will be held at the Brevard - Davidson River Presbyterian church. Sunday, December 16th, at 8:00 p.m. The chorus has chosen two Christmas cantatas from the Ger man Baroque period, “Magnifi cat in C” by Johann Pachelbel and “For Us a Child is Born” by J. S. Bach. Both Pachelbel and Bach belong among the great ol Protestant music. Both were gift ted organists and Pachelbel’s beautiful chorale preludes be came Bach’s models in this most intimate and artistic form of Protestant musical poetry. i; Charles Jolliff, Organist-Choir* master at the Presbyterian church, is directing the and Ray Childers, Minister Music and Education at the Baptist Church, companist. Sole McDonald, soprano;