TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 73 — No. 51 ★ A State And National Prize - Winning A.B,C, Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— ■7176 Land oi waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, entrance to PiSgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1962 PRICE 10 ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Times To Publish Sunday In order that merchants and others might wish their friends a Merry C hristmas right at Christmastime, The Transyl vania Times will be published on Sunday afternoon, Decem ber 23rd, instead of on the 27th. The issue will be the regular Christmas edition of The Times, and it will carry spe cial Christmas greetings, mes sages and features. The deadline for news and advertising copy is 12 noon on Saturday. The Times staff will con i') tinue to cover news sources in Brevard and Transylvania county each day during the holidays, and news reports will 1 be given daily over WPNF. Person having special an nouncements to be made can call TUrner 3-3511. Shoppers Are Urged To Lock Cars Christmas shoppers in Bre vard are reminded by Chief W. S. “Bill” Thurston that it is unsafe to leave packages or any other merchandise of val ue in unlocked, unoccupied cars. Chief Thurston pointed out that already there have been several instances where pack ages have been stolen front unlocked vehicles this season. ' He urges shoppers to make sure their automobiles are locked and that windows are completely closed. Chief Gives Fire Safety Advice Here Brevard Fire Chief Dan Merrill said today that “This is the season of the year when fire losses — both in lives and property — are greater than average.” For instance, last year in the three - day Christmas holi day, over 75 Americans died as a result of fire, Chief Merrill said. “Many of these tragedies could have been prevented,” he declared. At this season of the year, the chief’s advice on safety in the home is this: Choose a small Christmas tree. Use care in setting it up —away from radiators, heaters and fireplaces. Stand it in water to retard drying. Use fireproof decorations and electric lights (never can dles). And when the tree starts to dry out, discard it. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, December 20 — Ki wanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. BPW club meets at Berry’s at 7:00 p.m. Stores open until 8:30 p.m. Friday, December 21 — Stores open until 8:30 p.m. Saturday, December 22 — Stores open until 8:30 p.m. Sunday, December 23 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, December 24 — Ro tary club will not meet. Tuesday, December 25 — Holiday in town and county. Wednesday, December 26 — Holiday in town and county. Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. WALTER GRADY HOOPER, 15, of Brevard, Shows prizes he received as southern regional winner of the Canning Crops contest, sponsored by the National Junior Vegetable Grow ers association and the National Can ners association. Sharing Hooper’s pleasure is Jack Leaver, of Gerber Products company, the sponsor for Hooper to the NJVGA convention in Miami, Florida. (Another picture and story are carried on the farm page in this week’s Times.) County Court Busy, Next Term On 7th, Jury Cases On 14th _ i--— Several verdicts were hand ed down Monday in the Tran sylvania General County Court. It was the last session of the year, and the next term is slated for Monday, January 7th, when non-jury cases will be heard. The next term of jury cases be icians Fake In Auditions Gary Himes, sixth chair triimpet Lynn Strieker, third chair clarinet Jane Watson, iilth chair clarinet Judy Parker, eleventh chair clarinet Diane Parker, seventh chair trombone Davina Norton, fifth chair trombone Christmas Shopping Tempo Is On The Increase, Round-Up Is Made A Custom Of 52 Years Is Continued | A Christmastime custom I more than 50 years old at Rosman will be continued j this weekend. | The management of the j Gloucester Lumber company back in 1910 gave bonuses and '■ other items of Christmas cheer to all their employees. This has been repealed each year, and come Friday of this week, the 00 odd employees of Gloucester, which is rec ognized as the county’s old est industry, will receive their annual bonuses. The com pany will also distribute can dy to the children in the Ros man area on that day. Gloucester Lumber com pany was founded bv Joseph S. Silversteen. and it has been in continuous operation for the past 52 years. This com pany is one of the reasons that Transylvania has been recognized over the South as a lumbering county for many decades. _ Lions To Hold Ladies' Night "On Thursday Brevard Lions will hold ladies’ night on Thursday evening at the Colonial Inn. Rev. Frederick Valentine will be the principal speaker, and a large attendance is expected. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 o'clock. Sale And Use Of Fireworks Is Against Law, Warning Issued “All good citizens recognize the necessity of law enforce ment. Of course, they expect reasonable enforcement. "And now that the Christ mas season is approaching, there will be an urge on the part of some children and teen agers to shoot firecrackers and display other fireworks as an exression of the spirit that has become a traditional part of the Yuletide celebration. “However, the General As sembly of North Carolina has enacted a law forbidding the sale and use of fireworks in any form. To ignore this law in the Town of Brevard would be a usurpation of the author ity of North Carolina state government. On the other hand, if some child or teen ager should become seriously injured by the use of fire works, the law enforcement Decorate Now Is Final Plea Of Garden Club A final plea is made for Bre vard citizens to decorate their homes for Christmas by the Bre vard Garden club, which will make awards for the best dec orations. Awards will be made in the following categories: (1) Doorway (2) Outside tree (3) Inside tree as seen from outside (or window) (4) General outside appear ance of home Judging will be done on De cember 23rd from 6:30 until 9:30 p. m. All homes within a two mile radius of the center of town will be judged. Mrs. Robert N. Hill, III, is chairman of the event, and Mrs. C. A. Richardson is co-chairman. agency of the Town of Bre vard would be severely cen sored and rightly so. “And so, as Mayor of Bre vard. I am giving due notice that the law against the use and sale of fireworks will be strictly enforced.” Signed: Mayor B. W. Thomason a.e | The Weather \ 1j.a Record low temperatures hit Western North Carolina during the past week, and Tran sylvania county was no excep tion. As weathermen around the state and nation scurried to their records to check on past experience, the local weather observer checked records for Brevard for the past ten years and came up with these fig ures: Lowest temperature record ed in December during the period for which records arc available, was a one degree mark, recorded on two dates: December 18, 1953 and Decem ber 12, 1957. Low reading this week was a nine below zero, on Thurs day morning, December 13th. On that date in 1957, the mer cury dipped to our previous low on record, a six above zero. This is in direct con trast with the 53 recorded on the same date in 1956. There was no precipitation during the week past. Readings for the past week are as follows: Wednesday Thursday . Friday_ Saturday .. Sunday Monday Tuesday ... High Low 12 -3 27 -9 41 2 50 5 51 22 58 17 6Z«~ 18 NEWLY ELECTED officers of the Transylvania County Agricultural Workers Council are shown above making plans for the new year. (Irover Mc Pherson, seated, left, is the new president, and Miss Jean Childers, right, is the secretary, Clark Gris som. standing, is the vice president. (Extension Staff Photo) Work Is Started Trustees For Newly Formed Community Center Named Cassell Will Head Local Masonic Lodge J. C. Cassell. Jr., process con trol millwright at Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation, was elect ed Worshipful Master of Dunn’s Hock Masonic lodge at a stated communication held in the Tem ple on East Main Street last Thursday night. He succeeds Arthur H. Jen kins. Other officers elected at the meeting are as follows: Harvey Souther, senior warden W. O. Morris, junior warden W. A. Hart, past master, re elected treasurer, and Henry R. Henderson, past mas ler, re-elected secretary. The other officers will he ap pointed by the newly elected Worshipful Master this week. The public installation of the officers is set for Thursday, De cember 27th. in the Masonic Temple beginning at 8:00 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extend ed to the public. V- w A board of trustees lor the newly formed Transylvania Com munity Center has been named. Originated for educational, cul | I oral, religious, recreational, lit erary and charitable pursuits, the center is located at the end of Gaston street and was form (fly occupied by the Brevard Methodist church. Work has begun on the build ing, and it is expected to be ready for use in January. By-laws have been adopted, and an application for a charter has been submitted to the state Attorney General. Members of the trustees in clude the following: Carroll M. IVhn.sen, Lloyd Burhans, Robert 1 . Daniels, Dr. John W. Estes, Mel R. Everingham, Robert T. Gash, Thomas K. McCrary, Mrs. Spalding McIntosh, Jr., Mrs. Em mett K. McLartv. Jr., John R. Mitchell. A, B. Morrison, Ben E. Ormand, Miss Anne B. Priest. Dr. Julius Sader and A. A. Tran tham. Election of officers will be held within the next two weeks. A finance drive will be held early in 19(13. Those who wish to make contributions prior to the end of 1962 may do so. Checks should be payable to the Transylvania Community Center. Program Highlights Cantata By Civic Chorus To Be Heard Sunday Over WPNF WPNF will broadcast a record ing of the “Magnificat In C” by Pachelbel and “For Us A Child Is Bom” 'by Bach as performed last Sunday evening by the Bre vard Civic Chorus. The performance was record ed in the Brevard-Davidson Riv er Presbyterian church. According to A1 Martin, sta tion manager, the broadcast is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Sun day afternoon, December 23rd. Soloists for the program in clude Elaine McDonald, soprano, Ruth Hunter, contralto, Lloyd Burhans, Tenor, and Harvey Mill er, bass. Organist was Ray Childers, and the chorus was directed by Charles Jolliff. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and home hour is as follows: Thurs day, Soil conservation service, Grover McPherson; Friday, N. C. Forest service, Clark Grisisom; Monday, county extension chair man; Tuesday, Christmas; Wed nesday, home agent. Appearing on the Civic Hour are the following: Friday, Fort nightly club; Monday, P B W club; Wednesday, Elk’s club. Speaking this week on Morn ing Devotions is Rev. Royce Smith, pastor of Oak Grove and English Chapel Methodist churches. Next week Rev. Ben Ormand, pastor of Brevard-Da vidson River Presbyterian church, will be heard. The Sunday morning church services are being broadcast through the remote facilities of WPNF from St. Philip’s Epis copal church. Rev. Fred Val entine is pastor. Stores Open In Evenings, Close Tuesday, Wed. Transylvanians are joining with other Americans in busily preparing for the. 1962 Christ mas and brisk business is not ed in the community. With four shopping days re maining before Christmas, Brevard stores are well stock ed with a variety of holiday merchandise. Many of the downtown stores are remaining open in the evenings until 8:30 o’clock for the convenience of Christ mas shoppers. Officials of the Merchants division of the Brevard Cham ber of Commerce cordially in vite Transylvanians to trade in Brevard this Christmas. The majority of the Brevard stores will be closed on Tues day and Wednesday for the holiday observance. Town and county offices will be closed Monday, Tues day and Wednesday for the Christmas holidays. Bill Edens, town manager, says there will be no garbage collection on Christmas day, and where collections are made on Tuesdays, they will be made on Wednesday next week. The regular Monday garbage collection schedule will be followed. jjfte Brevard post office mil give complete mail service all •lav Saturday and Monday. Tuesday will be a holiday with no delivery of mail and the general delivery window will remain closed the entire day. Brevard schools closed on Tuesday for the holidays, and students will return to class es on Wed., January 2nd. Brevard college began its hol iday schedule last Friday. Christmas services are plan ned in all the churches in the town and county this Sun day. and stories concerning many of these are carried elsewhere in this week’s Times. Civic clubs, fraternal or ganizations, the welfare de partment and the Brevard Po lice force arc joining with the churches this week in spread ing Christmas cheer. ALiveManger Scene At Temple Baptist A live manger scene is on dis play at the Temple Baptist church, across from 01 in Mathie son in Pisgah Forest. Sponsored by the Young Peo ple’s department of the church, the scene uses living persons to represent the characters in the scene. The manger scene will be on display Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.; on Sunday night from 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.; and on Mon day from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The public is invited to drive by and see the manger scene. Use Christmas Seals... __ SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTA