THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 73 — No. 52 * BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1962 PRICE 1Ck ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. . Ilii •j Yule Is Time For Customs As the world grows smaller, Christmas observances in dif ferent countries grow more similar. Santa Claus in red suit and white beard drives his rein deer - drawn sleigh to North, )b Central and South America and to many other countries as well. In fact, when the first ex i plorer lands on Mars, he ™ shouldn’t be too surprised to discover that Santa, and even Rudolph, got there first. Sharing of Christmas cus toms. however, only serves to point up the fact that this is a holiday for everyone, and a holiday which draws ideas from all lands and times, uniting them in both religious and secu lar observances of the season. In Mexico Celebrating the posada is a Mexican custom focused on the Nativity. "Posada,” means “lodging” nr "inn,” and for the nine “posada” (lavs from December 10 to 25, churches, hotels, social groups and families throughout Mexico act out the story of the Nativity. A procession of pilgrims comes to the place where the celebration is scheduled. They; can j clay figures of Mary and Joseph, and they seek shelter from the “innkeepers” within. At first the innkeepers re ? fuse, then they admit the pil grims to feast and rejoice. Fig ures representing Mary and | Joseph are placed in a replica of the manager. On Christmas Fve, the figure representing Jesus is added. ★ ★ ★ In Holland Gifting season in Holland traditionally begins on Decem ber 5th and is called “Stroo ivand” or “strewing night.” Chil dren place their shoes by the fireplace, filled with carrots and hay for St. Nicholas’ horse — in the expectation that on the mor row the shoes will contain can dy, fruits and toys. ★ ★ ★ In Scotland Christmas feast favorites in Scotland include shortbread, a k rich cake or cookie, and haggis, a kind of pudding. New Year’s Eve, or Hogmanay, is the prin ^ cipal day for gifts and greetings, when children go singing from house to house, in hopes of a treat. New Year’s visits are paid —and it’s customary for the —Turn to Page Eight CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Monday, December 24 — Last shopping day before Christmas. Rotary club will not meet. Tuesday, December 25 — Christmas Day. Holiday in town and county. Wednesday, December 26 — y Holiday in town and county. Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 27 — Ma sons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 28 — Call meeting of Chamber of Com merce at Library at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, December 30 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, December 31 — Ro tary club will not meet. Elks dance at Elks lodge at 9:00 p.m. American Legion dance at Le gion building at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 1 — New Year’s Day. Holiday in town and county. Wednesday, January 2 — Schools re-open. Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets in Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. DU PONT OFFICIALS from Wil mington, Delaware, visited the Bre vard plant last week, and they were well pleased with construction of the new photo products division. They are shown admiring the Christmas tree in the reception room of the of fice. At the left is A1 Morrison, plant manager here at Brevard; George Loving, general manager, photo (products department; and Tom Carl son, director of production, photo products department. According to Mr. Loving, the Brevard plant will be the best equipped and most mod ern photographic film manufacturing plant in the United States when com pleted. Accompanying Mr. Loving during his visit in Brevard last Wed nesday and Thursday were Tom Clark and Kurth Johnson, director of production, respectively, and Chuck Hunter, facilities coordinator, all of photo products, Wilmington, Delaware, offices. (Times Staff Photo) t^Chfiniher ()f Com aunxeCa Us Special Meeting Friday Night The directors of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce have call ed a special call meeting of the entire membership on Friday night, Dec. 28th. at 8:00 o’clock in the library. According to W. H. Keith, chairman of the finance com mittee, the purpose of the meet ing is for consideration of a new system of dues and voting privileges. This system has been approv ed by the Board of Directors, and if adopted, it will increase operating funds of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Keith points out that the civic organization is operating now on a small budget, which limits the important work of the body. “If we are to continue to grow and to expand, we must raise our budget,” Mr. Keith states. During 1962, the Brevard Chamber of Commerce has had One More Shopping Day Business Around Town Is Good, Two-Day Holiday Set Brevard Merchants are exper iencing one of their best Christ mases and record sales are ex pected on Monday. Most of the Brevard stores will be closed Tuesday and Wed nesday, and town and county of fices are closed Monday, Tues day and Wednesday. Bill Edens, town manager, says one of its busiest years. It brought in new industry; increased the tourist trade; helped to improve schools; fought for better roads; and other activities too numerous to mention. An open letter, which lists many of its activities, is carried elsewhere in this issue. that there will be no garbage col lection on Christmas day, and where collections are made on Tuesdays, they will be made on Wednesday of this week. Mon day’s regular garbage collection schedule will be followed. The staff at the Brevard post office will give complete mail service on Monday, and Tuesday will be a holiday with no deliv ery of mail, and the general de livery window will remain closed all day. Brevard schools closed last Tuesday for the holidays, and students will return to classes on Wednesday, January 2nd. BUD TALLEY, a junior at Clem son college, is shown above, center, receiving $25.00 award for his win ning design of entrance road signs to be erected on the approaches to Oc onee county. The competition was sponsored by the County Planning and Development Board, and M. Charlie Jamieson, manager of the board, is shown at the left. Third year students in the class of design in Clemson’s school of architecture en tered the competition, and Professor Joseph L. Young, right, was the proj ect advisor. Young Talley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Holland Talley. Economy Level Of Transylvania County Is Now At A Record High The Times Is Out Earlier This week’s Transylvania Times is being published on Sunday, December 23rd, in stead of on its regular publi cation date on the 27th. Throughout the issue are Christmas features and greet ings from business, industries, and others. The Times staff urges all readers to examine this week's paper more carefully because it is one of their favorite edi tions. The Times office will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; however the staff will continue to cover news sources in Brevard and Transylvania county each day and local news reports will be given daily over WPNF. Persons having special an nouncements to be made can call 3-3511. " T '’'•'•S' Babson Forecast Will Be Carried The Transylvania Times will publish “BABSON’S BUSINESS ROGER W. BABSON AND FINANCIAL FORECAST FOR 1963 next week. A careful checking of the Bab son Predictions made in the BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL FORECAST FOR 1962 upholds the remarkable average of the past years by being 83% correct! Below is the score for the last 10 years. It holds the best and highest record for Annual Fore casts on U. S. Fqture Business. Forecast For % Accurate 1962 83 1961 82 1960 80 1959 84 1958 86 1957 88 —Turn to Page Eight a...B | The Weather I i 3..a More cool weather reminding Transylvanians that winter real ly was here preceded the Christ mas holiday in our county. Most residents in the area awoke several mornings during the past week with frosty win dows and landscapes but certain ly none was more beautiful than the frost that greeted us on Sun day morning when the mercury dipped to 19 degrees. Readings for the week are as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_ 60 24 0 Thursday_ 62 30 0 Friday _ 33 29 .09 Saturday_ 53 28 .24 Sunday_** 19 0 ** : Sunday’s high was not avail able at press time. merry Christmas is with us once jain. We wish you and your i family a generous share of all its many blessings. ' THE ENTIRE STAFE OF ' The Transylvania Times >€<€l«i€t€'€«eigi At New High Savings And Loan Will Pay $168,000 In Dividends Semi-annual dividends totaling approximately $168,000.00 will be available to all members of the Brevard Federal Savings and Loan association as of the open ing of business on December 31, 1962. This announcement comes to day from Jerry Jerome, the pres ident, who says that resources of the association are fast reach ing eight million. Officers of the association, in addition to President Je- i rome, are: A. F. Mitchell, vice president and attorney; Jer ry Hart Jerome, executive vice president and treasurer; J. I. Ayers, assistant treasurer and secretary; J. H. Tinsley, as sistant secretary. The directors are: Jerry Je rome, A. F. Mitchell, Jerry Hart Jerome, J. H. Tinsley, J. I. Ayers, H. B. Shiflet, J. F. Aycock, and Edwin Morgan. W. L. Mull is director emer itus. Advent Prayer By - Dr. Emmett K. McLarty President Brevard College Almighty God, who didst come with saving power in the Person of Jesus Christ to a world that walked in darkness and in the shadow of death; we praise and bless Thee for all Thy servants who have helped prepare the way for His appearing, and for the example of those who received Him and who gave to Him the homage of their hearts and lives. For prophets who in the face of tyranny declared Thy truth and Thy righteousness: for psalmists who in days of gloom still believed in Thy great goodness and sang praises unto Thy name, and for innum erable simple folk who waited in patience and un failing hope for the manifestaton of Thy glory, we raise to Thee our grateful praise. Grant, we be seech Thee, that in our day and time we may show forth Thv salvation, that our children and our chil dren’s children may be furnished an environment in which to grow that will cause them to both seek out and find Thee. Help us to put away all untruthfulness and all selfishness and greed during this Holy Season, that the influence of what might be in our lives may win us all the davs of our lives. Deliver us from all malice and prejudice and cowardice. Let Thy Holy Spirit cleanse us from our sins, and teach us to love one another even as Thou dost love us. O Father of all mercies and compassions, we prav for the sick and suffering. Bless those who perform the ministries of healing, who try to think Thy thoughts after Thee in order to bring health —Turn to Page Three Jii: Report Is Made On Income And Retail Sales A new survey of consumer markets in the United States, compiled on a fiscal year basis, shows Transylvania County’s economy to be in good shape. Its vitality is evidenced by strong buying power and by the large volume of business done by local retail stores. The mid-year report, pro duced by the Standard Rate and Data Service, gives the first detailed figures on in come and spending for the 12 months ending June 30, 1962. It covers every part of the country. The best gains, nationally, were recorded by some of the retail lines that had not been doing too well previously. Among them were autos, household appliances and oth er costly equipment. I On the other hand, while t Zthe service husinesses advanc ed, it was at a slower pace than in prior years. The survey shows that re tail stores in Transylvania County, despite the tightening up that followed the Presi dent's controversy with the steel industry aiid despite the subsequent stock market drop, were able to account for sales in the amount of $13,332,000. This was a gain over the pre vious year’s $11,949,000. In some sections of the country, especially those hit by heavy unemployment, re tail business dropped consid erably. Where advances were made during the year, the underly ing force behind them was the rise in income. Most families, it is found, had more money to spend than before. In addition, they were in better financial shape other wise, with smaller installment —Turn to Page Eight Rescue Squad Wishes All A Merry Christmas All members of the rescue squad Brevard Unit are thankful to the people of Transylvania County for the support that has been given to them during the past year. “Our families join with us in wishing each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Hap py New Year!” says Captain Jim mie Rowe. New Year’s Eve Dance Brevard Elks will hold theft annual New Year’s Eve da on December 31st, and all Ell are cordially invited to attend. They will be permitted bring their out-of-town guests. Music will be furnished by 1 C. Rutherford and his Makers, and dancing will at 9:00 o’clock. There will be hats, noisemakers, etc., and prizes will be awarded, per will be buffet style, country ham breakfast is ned after midnight.

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