TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B* C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74 — No. 1 SECOND CUSS MAIL PRIVILESES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD, N.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY 1 PICKUP % 51.00 MNA1 CJVEN: A HAPPY YOUNG MAN is Lewis Britt, left, of Brevard, as he receives the keys to the 1963 Chevrolet pick up truck that he won from the Bre vard Jaycees on Christmas eve. Jay oee president Tom McCrary is shown presenting the keys to Britt, who was awarded the truck for having the winning ticket in the Jaycees College Scholarship fund raising drive. Pres dent McCrary stated that the cam paign went very well and he wishes to express the gratitude of the entire civic group to the hundreds of peo ple who donated to the fund. (Times Staff Photo) Directories Out Citizens Telephone Company Has Progressive Year In ’63 • The Citizens Telephone v company has just ended one >\ of its most progressive years, Charles W. Pickelsimer, the general manager, announces today. During 1962, their was an overall growth of 10 per cent in the number of telephones in Brevard and Transylvania county. Also, both the Brevard and R osman switchboaids were cutover to the most modern facilities on the market today during the past year. The most phenomenal gain shown by the company was in the number of private tele phones. The gain was 64 per cent, I with the number increasing from 468 to 795. l The new telephone dl l' rectories, which have just come off the press, show a gain of 378 stations. Earlier in the year, the switchboards of the company were moved from their old location on Probart street to the new and modern building on East Main street, and the offices were moved there dur ing the fall. The building is recognized as one of the finest in Bre vard. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, January 3 — Kiwan is club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colon ial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 4 — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, January 6 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, January 7 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 8 — Hos pital Auxiliary meets at hospital at 10:00 a.m. Chamber of Com merce directors meet at Library at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 9 — Jay cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Commerce Body To Choose New Board Tuesday Directors for 1963 of the Bre vard chamber of commerce will be chosen at the regular meet ing next Tuesday night in the library when the ballots will be tabulated. Mrs. John Ford, the executive secretary, reminds all members to return their ballots by meet ing time. She urges that careful consid eration be given in the selection of directors since this year prom ises to be an extremely impor tant one in the history of the commerce group. President Freeman Hayes re quests that all members of the present board attend the meet ing and assist with the tabula tion. Officers of 1963 will be elected at a special call meeting on the following Tuesday night from the newly elected board of di rectors. All telephone subscribers in Brevard and Transylvania coun ty are reminded to discard their old directories and begin using the new and attractive ones which have been mailed out. Charles W. Pickelsimer, the general manager, says that all subscribers should have receiv ed their new directories by this time. The colorful books contain listings for 'both Brevard and Rosman and a classified section. General information and in structions for using the dial telephones here are carried on a — Turn to Page Eight One Wreck Mars New Year s Here The New Year’s observance was quiet in Brevard and Tran sylvania County, the sheriff’s department and the local po ! lice report. However, there was one seri ! ous accident in which two per sons were injured, a couple of cars demolished and much damage was done to Line Run ner Inn, where the wreck oc curred. According to Patrolman Gene Beshears, who investi gated, the drivers of the cars were James Whitmire, 19, and Jimmy Boyce Galloway, also 19, both of Rosman. Mr. Beshears says the two cars were traveling side by side at a high rate of speed and the drivers lost control of them in the curve at Line Run ner Inn, above Rosman. They crashed and then slam med into the cement fish pond in front of the inn and into the building. Damages were estimated at several thousand. Galloway suffered cuts and — Turn to Page Eight 0 .....E 1 The Weather • y H<iiiiuiiittHituiimiintn"uiMiniuiiimMuinm(»| December’s weather ran the gamut as temperatures ranged from a low of minus 9 degrees on the 13th to a high of 67 re corded on the 18th. Precipita tion totaled 3.47 inches with a portion of this coming in the form of snow and sleet on Christ mas day. Official figures for the period since the pre-Christmas columr are as follows: High Low Free Sunday, 23rd —50 19 0 Monday, 24th_40 16 0 Tuesday, 25th --34 27 1.3C Wednesday, 26th 38 29 .21 Thursday, 27th _46 33 Trace Friday, 28th_57 36 0 Saturday, 29th _-39 35 .8.' Sunday, 30th_45 30 0 Monday, 31st_40 15 0 Tuesday, 1st_46 11 Trace Record High Resources Of Federal Savings And Loan Now At $9,500,00.00 The Brevard Federal Savings and Loan association ihas just concluded its “biggest and best” year, President Jerry Jerome announces. Resources have reached a record high of $9,500,000.00, and $320,000.00 in dividends were paid to members during 1962. Chairman Quoted Christmas Lighting Contest Winners Announced By Club Winners in the annual Christ mas Garden Club Lighting con test in Brevard are announced by the chairman, Mrs. Robert N. Hill, the III. She said that she thought that the citizens of the community made special efforts to decorate for Christmas, and that many, many homes were beautifully and most attractively decorated. “We wish we could have made awards to all,” she declared. Winners in the various classi fications were *s follows: Overall appearance: First prise — Misses Virginia and Juanita Ward Second — Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bridges Third — Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ev eringham. Honorable mention went to Mr. and Mrs. William Dechant and Miss Grace Piercy. Doorway: First prize — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunlop Second — Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond F. Bennett Third — Mr. and Mrs. Don Blankinship. Honorable mention was given to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Allison, Jr. and Dr. and Mrs. John Fol ger. Window display or tree (in side): First prize — Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Bennett Second—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Himes Third — Mrs. C. A. Richard son. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy on the Elks club road received honorable mention. Outside tree: First prize — Mrs. Joseph Pic _ Turn to Page Eigb Dividends are paid at the rate of four and one-quarter per cent. It was also announced by Mr. Jerome that money de posited in the savings associa tion between the first and the tenth of any month earns in terest as of the first of the month. The dividends are com pounded semi-annually and savings in the association are free of intangible taxes, the association paying same. Officers of the association, in addition to President Je rome, are: A. F. Mitchell, vice president and attorney; Jer ry Hart Jerome, executive vice president and treasurer; J. I. Ayers, assistant treasurer and secretary; J. H. Tinsley, as —Turn to Page Six Dr. Crawford To Speak At Lions Meeting Dr. George T. Crawford, chiropractic physician, will speak at the meeting of Bre vard Lions club Thursday, Jan uary 3rd. The meeting will toe held at Colonial Inn and will begin at 7:00 o’clock. Dr. Crawford’s subject will be hypnosis. All Lions are urged to at tend. Du Pont Story Ranked Head Of Top 10 In Transylvania In '62 with a resolve to do our part to ^ keep our community striding ahead..T'.. with the wish that you may make great strides to greatef^f success and happiness... and with warm appreciation j for the privilege of knowing and serving you. The Entire Staff of The Transylvania Times Letter Received People Of Brevard Praised By Defense Minister Of India By - Dorothy Wallace Nearly 100 Transylvania cit izens attended an Indian din ner recently given to raise money for the National In dian Defense fund. The sum of $244.00 was raised and sent to Y. B. Chavan, In dia’s Minister of Defense. Last week, a letter from Mr. Chavan was received by Dr. and Mrs. Vasant D. Chapnerkar, In dian natives who reside here, sponsors of the dinner. The letter said in part: “I appreciate the efforts made by you and your wife in arranging ‘Dinner in In dia’ and collecting funds for our National Defense. “The response that you got for *Dinner in India’ and the funds that were so readily of fered by the community in which you live speaks elo —Turn to Page Six Program Highlights WPNF Re-Dedicates Itself To Serving The Community At the beginning of 1963, the staff and management of Radio Station WPNF, reaffirm their de sire to present the best in enter tainment along with up to the minute news reports throughout the coming months. “We hope to improve our pro gramming even more in the new year,” Station Manager A1 Martin stated. “With the complex world sit uation changing almost momen tarily, we shall try to cover all the developments as speedily as possible, still giving adequate at tention to local and state-wide news events.” Continuing, he said: “It is our hope that through our various music programs, we will be able to offer some of each type of music on the hori zon today, making it possible to please all of our many listeners throughout our coverage area.” Comments on programs are al ways greatly appreciated and will toe seriously considered when signed toy the writer. No mention will be made upon the —Turn to Pago Eight The Times Staff Has Difficulty Selecting Group The announcement that the Du Pont company would build a multi-million dollar photo products division at its local plant site was adjudged by the staff of The Transylvania Times as the county’s No. 1 story during 19G2. As the New Year began a year ago, things looked dismal at the silicon plant. Produc tion was being curtailed and employees were being laid off. Then the announcement of the new addition brought a terrific impact to the commu nity. It gave the citizens of the entire community new hope, new enthusiasm and an entirely different outlook. Other expansion stories also ranked in the top 10 in Tran sylvania. Olin Mathieson made vast progress on its super-structure to house paper machine, No. n. Continued progress was made on the erection of the satellite tracking station in up per Transylvania, and Brevard College completed one of the most modern physical educa —Turn To Page Three Brevard Tags Are On Sale At City Hall ^ Brevard city license tags are now on sale at the city hall, ac cording to announcement by town manager, Bill Edens. The tags went on sale Wednesday, January 2nd. The same color as the 1963 North Carolina tags, they cost one dollar each and are requir ed on all vehicles registered within the town of Brevard. They are designed to be mounted over the state license tag, but they may also be mounted on the front of the vehicle. The deadline for purchasing the city tags is Friday, Febru ary 15th, and all local person* owning vehicles not displaying the tags by that date will be fined. In announcing the sale of the city tags, Mr. Edens reminded the citizens of Brevard that the purchase price of the tags is i deductible item as far as in come tax is concerned. Kiwanians To Install Officers Office^ and directors of tbi Brevard Kiwanis club will be in stalled at their meeting Thurs day, January 3rd. The meeting will be held ii Gaither’s Rhododendron *■““ and will begin at 6:45 o’clock. Carl B. Hyatt, Jr., past distric governor, of Asheville, will in stall the following officers: Walter L. Cantrell, pr Duncan C. Hunter, vice dent; C. A. Butterworth, tary; and Mario Perez, Members of the board rectors include Eric P. Thomas R. Mitchell, Jr., R. Btenkinship, Charles S. lop, Dana H. Harris, Dr. Lea and Grover C.

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