'TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES ★ A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. _.i _ __ Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The I.and of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest .and I tome of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. J4 — No. 3 SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGES AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C.t THURSDAY, JANUARY, 17, 1963 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Tlie Closed Prison Camp At Calvert-An Industrial Site? A bandoned Prison Camp Mars The Progress Of Transylvania By The Editor i Want to buy a Prison camp cheap? Transylvania county has one, hut the State of North Carolina hasn’t decided what to do with it. Last fall if was abandoned, and its inmates were sent to other ramps in We .tern North Caro lina. Since that time, the camp has deteriorated even more rapidly than before. But such i*the ease ■ with empty buildings and grounds. That’s why the state says it will sell the prison camp “at a bargain". Factual information as to the rumber of acres in the site, the size and age of the buildings at tlie Calvert Prison camp near Bosnian are not easily accessible. We do know, however, that the state has practically depreciated it “off the books”. This news paper asked George W. Randall, director of the North Carolina Prison camp, if the camp could be purchased for an industrial site. Absolutely, was his reply, jut, as in the case of selling any county and state property, it must be appraised and then Hold to the high bidder. Mr. Randall told The Times that a closed prison camp in Eastern North Carolina w'as re cently sold to a local Devel opment company. It’s a success story for Tran —Turn to Page Si> CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, January 17 — Lea gue of Women Voters meets at Gaither’s at 10:30 a m. Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Temple at 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 18 — Aee of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, January 19 — Tran sylvania Republicans meet at GOP headquarters at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, January 20 — Attend the church of your choice. . Au ditions for “Oklahoma” at Com munity Center at 2:30 p.m. Monday, January 21 — Coun ty court convenes at 9:30 a.m. Bloodmobile at Mitchell-Bissell company 2:30-5:30 p.m. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 22 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Elks meet at 8:00 p.m. Brevard vs. West Henderson in Senior High school gym. Wednesday, January 23 — Jaycees J3SA banquet at Gaith er's at 7:00 p.m. Work Started Old Methodist Church Ts Being Converted To Center Work is underway to convert Iho former Methodist church building ori North Gaston street into the Transylvania Commu nity Center. Current projects include addi tional support of flooring in the renter section, restoration of ex ternal wooden trim, replacing a defective chimney, removal of seats and sloped flooring in the center section, repair of heat ing units and general painting. Future plans include installa tion of a small stage in the audi torium, replacing pews with the atre-type scats, removal of the bell tower, and installation of restroom facilities in the upper level. The pipe organ will be retain ed in its present location, and Douglas Wauehope has volun teered to maintain the organ for use by the center. The 15-member board of Trus tees will hold the first annual meeting Monday, January 21st, at the Center, and officers will be elected. By-laws have been completed and an application for charter has been verbally approved, ac cording to Cecil Hill, legal rep resentative. The congregation of the Church of the Nazarene, who has used the building for the past several years, will continue to use the facilities until their new location on King street is ready for occupancy. Two groups are already using the Center. The Art League is occupying two rooms as a work shop. The Brevard Little Thea tre is holding rehearsals for their next production, and the Transylvania Youth Association is preparing to transfer all its ! activities to the center, I Representatives of the various organizations ane enthusiastic about the potential of the Tran sylvania Community Center as a local point for civic activities. Dancers Are Needed For “Oklahoma" Dancers are needed for “Okla homa”, according to Mrs. Kay lene Schoenberg and Mrs. Billie Sader, directors of choreography for the popular Broadway mus ical which will be presented here April 18, 19 and 20 in the Bre vard Senior High school audi torium. The cast includes 9 dancing ladies and 8 dancing men other than the singers in the chorus. Dances for the group include folk dancing, waltzing and sim ple ballroom type dancing. Spe ciality numbers include ballet, a tap dance for four men, a “fall-down” dance, a routine for three dance hall girls and sev eral comedy numbers, including a cowboy act. Anyone interested in a danc ing part in “Oklahoma” is asked to contact Mrs. Schoenberg at 883-2205. Try-outs will be an — Turn to Page Eigb Officers Named Bradburn Is New President Of Chamber Of Commerce Wayne Bradburn, superintend dent of the Transylvania school system, was elected president of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce at a special call meeting Tuesday night in the library. He succeeds Freeman Hayes, who presided over the meeting. Before relinquishing his of fice, Mr. Hayes thanked the di rectors for the fine cooperation that he had received during the past year. Other officers elected at the meeting were as follows: Don Jenkins — vice president Donald Lee Moore—secretary Mrs. John A. Ford—executive secretary Bill Keith — treasurer The nominating committee also named Bill Edens, who was an alternate, to the board .of, —Turn to Pag* Elgin | WAYNE BKADBUBN msmmmm mammm s m m* wm (TIMES STAFF PHOTO) WALTER CANTRELL is the new president of the Brevard Kiwanis club. He calls alien j tion this week to the history i ot' the club that was given at i the last regular meeting by | William Bell Clark, noted his torian. It is carried in the ! second section of this week’s I Times. Local Citizens Will Launch Financial Drive For College County Court In Session, Also Monday Several cases have been tried this week in the General Coun ty court. Another term is set for next Monday morning. Judge Robert Gash placed sev eral youths on probation this week on various charges. Other verdicts follow. Carl S. Murry was ordered to make payments on a non-sup port charge. Hale Siniard. charged with possession, had to pay $150.00 and costs. Sam O. McCall, on a charge of possession, had to pay S25.00 of the costs. The case of James Marshall Kilpatrick vs. Prudential Insur ance Company, involving an automobile accident, was heard on Tuesday and Wednesday. Rotarians Get National Recognition The Brevard Rolarv club is one of the ton 10 in the United States in attendance, according to an announcement made at Monday night’s meeting in Gai ther’s Rhododendron room. Dr. George Crawford, chiro practic physician, was guest speaker and his subject was •‘Hypnotism”. He was introduc ed by Charles Piekelsimer, pres ident of the club. Program Outlined Farmers Are Now Signing Up For Participation In ACP Transylvania county farmers are now eligible to participate in the 1963 Agricultural Conser vation program, states Glenn A. Whitmire, chairman of the Tran sylvania county ASCS commit tee. To sign up a farmer needs to only contact the local ASCS county office. In signing a re quest under the 1963 ACP to carry out approved soil and wat er conservation practices, the farmer does not obligate himself in any way, but does make him self eligible for cost-sharing in performing conservation prac tices. The conservation practices which ACP cost - sharing is available on are as follows: (1) Establishment of perman ent pasture or hay (2) Establishment of addition al acreage of vegetative cover in crop rotation •si ■B The Weather 1 ,( MIIMIItHM mi ■■■■■>■■ I—>11 1,1 IKMII Temperatures warmed up somewhat last week, but the weekend brought a return of winter weather with the low reading of the period coming on Tuesday morning when the mer cury dipped to 8 degrees. High for the week was reach ed Saturday afternoon when it warmed to a balmy 63 degrees. Official readings for the week are as follows: High Low Free. Wednesday_58 14 0 Thursday - 49 31 .01 Friday -- 57 39 .15 Saturday.63 46 1.00 Sunday.. 61 40 .15 Monday . 35 10 o Tuesday_ 36 8 .01 (3) Applying liming materials on farmland (4) Field stripcropping (5) Planting forest trees (6) Improving permanent pas ture or hay (7) Improving a stand of for est trees (8) Open ditch drainage (9) Tile drainage (10) Seeding summer annual legumes, and (11) Seeding win ter cover crops. Under the 1962 Agricultural Conservation program, approxi mately 875 Transylvania coun ty farmers participated in the program. Many farmers in Tran sylvania county have a conserva tion need and are urged to sign up on the 1963 Agricultural Con st rvation Program. Demo Chairman Appoints Committee State Democratic Party Chair man Bert Bennett has announced the names of Congressional com mittee chairmen and secretaries in each district. According to the party plan of organization, the Congressional committee for each congression al district in the state is com posed of two members from each county in the district, elected at the preliminary meeting of del egates from the districts held on the morning of the State Convention. Appointed from the 11th dis trict were: Chairman:] Leonard Lloyd, Robbinsville; and secre tary; Mrs. Elam Galloway, Bre vard. LITTLE LISA DIANE MATTHEWS, Transyl vania’s first baby of 10(53, passed her first check up with flying- colors Monday afternoon. The lit tle beauty is shown above with her proud parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Matthews, of Pisgah For est, following their trip to the doctor. When she arrived January 1st, she weighed 10 pounds, 13 ounces, now tips the scales at 11 U pounds. (Times Staff Photo) pro$?ram Hisrhlisrhts News And Weather More Popular On Radio WPNF Loeb Renamed To Head The Hospital Board Art J. Loeb, divisional vice president, Ecusta Paper Opera tions, was re-elected chairman of the Board of Trustees of the | Transylvania Community Hos pital at the annual meeting Tues day night. Other officers elected at the meeting are as follows: Don Blankinship, vice chair man W. W. Brittain, treasurer Eugene Morris, secretary The medical staff was re-elect ed as follows: Active — Dr. John R. Folger, Jr., Dr. Charles L. Newland, Dr. J. E. Osborne, Dr. J. C. Paul, Dr. —Turn To Page Eight A new phrase is being used to close the hourly news summaries during the dav on WPNF, “The news and weather come togeth er every hour, on the hour, from WPNF Family Radio.” Station manager A1 Martin calls attention to the fact that throughout the day the local sta tion presents world, state and lo cal news each hour, coupled with a complete weather forecast and local temperatures. Sponsors for the news include Brevard Lumber company. First Union National bank, Brevard Federal Savings and Loan asso ciation, Austin’s Studio, Batson’s Sinclair Service, The Transylvan ia Times, Patterson’s, Martin Jones Company, and Coleman Tire company. Weather summaries are broad cast following the “World and State Report” at 8:00 each morn —Turn to Page Six Aims Of Transylvania County School System For 1963 All schools accredited by the State Depart ment of Public Instruction. A continuation and expansion of self im provement of principals and teachers through in-service training courses. Continued renovations and remodeling of school buildings in the county. Keep the public informed as to progress and needs of entire school system and encourage the public to more active participation in the opera tion of the schools. Extensive improvement of libraries and library sendees. Improve the over all instructional program through the reduction of class size. Continued emphasis on guidance in an effort to reach more individual students. Special emphasis on combating potential drop outs. Continued upgrading of the entire curricu lum, grades 1-12, with special emphasis being placed on English and vocational subjects. Preliminary self-evaluation by each school leading to eventual accreditation of entire sys tem by the Southern Association of Secondary Schools And Colleges. Committee Is Appointed, Purpose Cited i The Brevard Chamber of Commerce through its Educa tion committee is stimulating a local financial drive for the next development phase at Brevard College. An outstanding committee of local citizens is busily en gaged plotting the course to be pursued, and the college is co operating in every way possi ble to make the drive a suc cess. VV. H. Keith is the gen eral chairman, and other mem bers of his committee are Gil Cnan. who is in charge of local solicitation, Don Blankinship, who heads the speaker's bur eau supplying speakers for clubs, churches, etc., and John I. Anderson, in charge of pub licity. Also serving on the general committee are Arthur l.oeh, Paul Owenby, Jr. and Italph Ramsey, Jr. The purpose of the drive is to secure funds to help with the next phase of the devel opment program at the col lege. This phase covers a per iod of 3 years, and those who make pledges will make them to he paid over a period of 3 years. The first 18 months will sup port the building of a new administration building and! the remodeling of the present student ceiiter to become the music building. The present cafeteria will be expanded to servo- 50 percent more stu dents. The cost of these 2 projects will be $200,000.00. The new administration building will cost $140,000.00, and the ren ovation of the student renter | will cost $60,000.00. The second 18 month phase I of development will provide, the college with a new library,-J and the renovation of the old I library to become the student j center. The total amount of f money involved in this sec ond phase is 8315,000.00. Bus!-1 nesses, industries, foundations ] and individuals are being con tacted to assist with the drive. | In Brevard College, Brevar presently has one of the finest? —Turn To Page 8tij Captain Of Rescue Squa< Says Thanks The Brevard Rescue squad | failed to recognize the excel lent work of the Sheriff’s partment and the Bosnian Res-1 rue squad in last week’s! Times. These two groups were tremendous assistance in the safe and sound rescue of Kirks in the Pisgah Natio forest recently. Captain Jimmie Rowe hasl asked The Times to e: his sincere appreciation each member of the SI department and the Ri Rescue squad. The Times also calls M tion to a special editorial this week’s newspaper salutes the fine efforts these two organizations. Republicai Will Meet Saturday The Transylvania county publican executive will have a meeting night, Jan. 19th, 1963, p.m. at Republican he on East Main street. Ralph L. Waldrop invites all fcepublicans 1 this meeting.

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