TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial. Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music 1 Center. Population. 1961' Census, 1 10.372. Brevard Communi y 8,500, 1 Brevard proper 4,857. Voi. 74 — No. 5 ★ A State And National Prise - Winning A.lhC. Newspaper TKANSA LYAMA— I lie ! out of Watcrfai!.', Mecca for SnviiiiuT Camps. Entrance to Pi-.'.ah National Knfcst and I Ionic of P. v\ ard College and '•Brevard Mi, .< festival.: SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. U. C. LREVARD. N, C.,:TF;UR - NAY, JANUARY 31, 1983 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEK!. = (hitstanding Young re Named liy Brevard <* ’* M a 8. s* SSMsit# BREVARD JAYCEES honored outstanding young men of Transyl v;ini:i county at their annual Distinguished Service Awards banquet la : Wednesday night. At the left Jim Fortune is shown receiving the ldaone designating him “Teen-ager Of The Year’’ from local Jaycee iv. kh'ri Ton J1 rC The cento; Tt n r> shows Klino Crowe, of Item;!!’, linnet1 the cmjotr's “OiitStnn'ln; i ni '{lie N'oOh Carolina .JavOees who also do 4 Hvered the main address of the evening. At die right Heyward Ram sey receives the “Outstanding Young Farmer" plaque from Randal J. l.yday, agriculture, teacher at: Rrevard 'high school. < Tiines Spiff Photos) A $10,000 CHECK from Olin was presented to | the Transylvania Connly Board of' Education this ; lvioiii h for I lie advanced science program. Board I members, from 1 >t‘l to right, are t). S. Winchester, i F. K. Iviimsa y, r..uth» a i IVi•ivyiT':’ ! '■ v ?>Tor‘-\‘t n i\\u\ Chairman :!V? ?ppos-m. &. ... Garrett (rii.v!)t ). 1 a(Ili.'vli i;i 1 y ohtions menace’. presented the cheek to uu\ boa nL Rumors Flying Northwestern, First Citizens Withdraw Bank Applications Both the Northwestern bank at North Wilkesboro and the First Citizens bank at Smiikfield have withdrawn their applications to establish banking facilities in Brevard. This action was learned Monday afternoon in a tele phone call from Banking Com missioner Ben Roberts to The Transylvania Times. He said that no reason was given by officials of the two banks for their action. Local observers feel that there has been such a hot battle between the two organizations and that citizens here are so divided that this is not the prop, cr time for either bank to be granted permission. Others say that polities has entered the issue, and this has caused the banking commission to postpone action on two oc —Turn to Page Six CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. January 31 — WNC Chemical engineers meet at Ber ry's at 0:45 p in. Friday, February 1 — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p in. Saturday, February 2— March of Dimes Dance at Legion build ing at 9:00 p.m. Sunday, February 3 — Attend the church of your choice. Sing ing at court house at 2:00 p.m. Monday. February 4 — Tran sylvania Neighborhood Meeting at Girl Scout Little House at 10:00 a. m. Rotary club meets at —Turn to Pago Three Boost to Economy Local Veterans Receiving Over $30,000 In Insurance Dividends Former service men and women in Transylvania coun ty are reaping a 830,100 finan cial harvest at this time, thanks to an outof-the-ordi nary payment of dividends on their GI insurance. The windfall represents their share of a 8327,000,000 dividend declared by the Gov ernment for holders of such insurance. Part of it they would have received anyway, in the normal course of events, upon the anniversary dates of their policies. This year, however, in line with plans announced at the White House, the entire regu lav dividend of $237,000,000, together with an extra divi dend of 890.000,00, is being turned over to the veterans now. The majority of the checks are going cut this mentli. The rest will be sent in February.' Approximately 471 of the 2,046 veterans who live in Transylvania county will share in the current payment. They are among some 5, 250,000 veterans in the Unit ed States, out of a total of nearly 22,500,000, who arc eligible because they hold Federally - sponsored life in —Turn to So Program Highlights Emphasis Being Placed On ! he News, Weather Over WP.NF Program Director Fred Reiter announced today that three new sponsors have been secured for W’PNF’s hourly news and weath er summaries. The three are Gaither’s res taurant. Boyd’s Tire shop, and Bryson’s “60” service. In addition, a complete listing of sponsors of news and weather casts is carried, along with a schedule of broadcast times, on ! page 4 of the second section in ! this week’s Transylvania Times: IU'iter also slated that re sponse to program changes an nounced last week lias been gra tifying. Station .Manager A1 Martin ex-j pressed appreciation to sponsors t and the genera! public for their: understanding anil cooperation tor the past week during those periods in which the station was —Turn To Page Eight I Representatives of the \\ \(' Tog- -y ! Planning commission . ! e in Brevard Thnr.--f.iy to ,:i an intensive suh’cy of Tips .survey js (he fir.-1 step. 1 v pna nhhno-rs In-tlie develop-i meiit i. i evard’s comprehen sive- planning study which will j lead uit i■ -rate!v to. a plan for the in ' ■ ioj'mert of the town o'er the next ISry.ear- oeriud. The study is being'done for; the town under a federal grant iwp thirds of tiic cost with; li;.' town paying the balance. A further result of this study • will be a thoroughfare plan of, major streets and highways in. the vicinity which will ultimate-j iy be adopted jointly by the board of alderman and the I —Turn to Page Three P]iiiiniini)nuiinniiuniiniiinntiHiiiiiii>iniuii|i) 1 I The Weather \ j (jiiniuiuiminuiiiiniiiiiinimiminuiniiiiiiHiiR ! Although other communities were powdered with light snow I and some glazed with a coat of i ice (luring the past week. Bre wed came through unscatched. Jet over a third of an inch of precipitation was recorded during the nast week with high reading being a 46 on Saturday and law mark coming Thursday morning when the mercury dip ped to 6 below zero. Official statistics .are as fol lows: High l.ow Prcc. Wednesday _ 40 34 .11 Thursday -_23 -6 0 Tri-day _ 43 3 0 Saturday _ 40 19 0 Sunday_ 42 23 .10 Viordav _ 37 4 .13 Tuesday _ 39 8 Trace ssues ^ Bredhurn I Statement On Hendersonville Wayne Brad burn, superiii tendent of schools in Transyl vnniu. said that school offi cials here arc unset over re cent action taken by the Hen dersonville Board of Educa tion, and that they are going to appeal to higher authorities because of the implications. The Times ipiotes Mr. Brad hum: “The Transylvania county school system and the people of Transylvania county were informed this morning by headlines in the Asheville Cit izen that Hendersonville high and Brevard high school had severed athletic relations. “5 would like to state that . Brevard High school has not agreed to sever relations with .'tenders- nvilie high school cirri at (his time has no inten tions of doing so. It is within the jurisdiction of Henderson \ ’He City Board of Education —Turn To Page Three | Reports to People | Leonard Discusses General | Assembly, Opens Feb. 6th j j j i 11 y - William Leonard Transylvania’s Representative The 1963 General As j semhly of North Carolina j will convent next Wednes day at Raleigh, The oath of ! office will be administered ! at 11 a. ni. lor members of j the Senate and at 12 noon j for members of the House | of, Representatives. Following this. each branch will elect its of ficers and will remain in session long enough to complete a few introduc tory matters and to hear messages appropriate to the occasion. The 1963 General As ! semhly is made up of 170 ! members. 50 in the Senate | and 120 in the House. This —Turn to Page I'.igln ki:i\ m:onard Value Of The •Contributions Is Stressed F. U. Carrott, industrial re lations manager of the Olin Mathieson Chemical corpora tion at I’isgah Forest, pre sented a check for 810,000 to t h c Transylvania County Hoard of education at their January meeting for support of Hie advanced science pro gram for local high school students. This is the third successing grant for this purpose made in Olin since the program was inaugurated in 1960. The OHn contribution is made